
作者&投稿:归怀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

香菇蒸滑鸡 Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms
花蛤娃娃菜 Clam with baby vegetables
蒸南瓜 steamed pumpkin
豉油蒸排骨 steamed pork ribs with soy sauce
虾茸蒸豆腐 steamed tofu with shrimp puree.

红烧鲫鱼饭 :Rice stewed carp
椒麻鸡丁煲仔饭:Law Chicken Ding Baozaifan
素什锦煲仔饭:Cocktail Baozaifan
港式腊味煲仔饭:Hong Kong-style Lap-mei Baozaifan
虾米萝卜干煲仔饭:Shrimp radish stem Baozaifan
银鱼煲仔饭 :Whitebait Baozaifan
玉米甘露 :Corn Mannan
红豆沙咖啡:Red Beans coffee sand
冰香蕉拿铁咖啡:Iron coffee with banana ice
红豆香藕奶:Red beans - lotus milk
普耳茶:Cape ears tea

1. 咕咾肉 general tao pork
2. 糖醋里几 sweet and sour sirloin
3. 避风塘炸鸡翅 BiFengTang fried chicken wings
4. 一品杏鲍菇 prime apricot abalone mushroom stew
5. 大拌菜 Chef's salad
6. 琥珀桃仁 amber walnut
7. 水果沙拉 fruit salad
8. 水果拼盘 fruit plate
9. 三色土豆泥 triple color mush-potato
10. 桂花莲藕 edible flower with lotus root
11. 酱牛肉 beef with sauce
12. 豌豆辣牛肉粒 ground beef with spicy green pea
13. 蚝油牛肉 beef with oyster sauce
14. 板栗仔鸡 chicken chestnut stew
15. 三鲜菜心(虾仁,鸡肉,香菇,鹌鹑蛋,油菜) three fresh dish
16. 鱼香藕盒 fish flavoured lotus root chest
17. 蒜香荷叶牛柳 garlic lotus with beef steak
18. 飘香滑豆腐 flavoured TouFu
19. 酱爆三丁 stir fried triple dice
20. 松仁玉米 corn with pine nut
21. 油焖大虾 stewed shrimp
22. 炸烹虾球 deep fried shrimp ball
23. 面包虾球 breaded shrimp ball
24. 豌豆虾仁 green pea shrimp ball
25. 宫爆虾球 Kung Pao shrimp ball
26. 清炒虾仁 light cooked shrimp ball
27. 腰果虾仁 cashew shrimp ball
28. 松鼠鱼 squirrel fish
29. 锅仔红菜汤 beet soup in baby-wok
30. 玉米饼 corn pie
31. 猪肉大葱肉饼 pork green onion taco
32. 黄金大饼 golden pie
33. 南瓜饼 pimpkin pie
34. 扬州炒饭 YangZhou fried rice
35. 炸小馒头 fried bread bun
36. 西红柿炒鸡蛋 stir fried tomato with egg
37. 西红柿鸡蛋面 noodle with tomato egg sauce
38. 宫爆鸡丁 KungBao chicken
39. 铁板蕃茄牛柳 beef with tomato sauce in a iron dish
40. 铁板黑椒牛柳 beef with black pepper sauce in a iron dish
41. 铁板锡纸包鲈鱼 wrapped bass in a iron dish
42. 鸡汁栗子烧白菜 chest nut cabbage with chicken sauce
43. 炒烤鸭丝 stir fried baked duck slice
44. 草菇牛肉芥兰 mushroom beef with rapini
45. 韭菜盒子 leek turnover
46. 大麦茶 barley soup



1. 咕咾肉 . Appropriate meat two cushions
2. 糖醋里几 Sweet and sour Several
3. 避风塘炸鸡翅 chicken shelter bombing
4. 一品杏鲍菇 One piece of Pleurotus eryngii
5. 大拌菜 Big Bancai
6. 琥珀桃仁 Amber Taoren
7. 水果沙拉 Water fruit salad
8. 水果拼盘
9. 三色土豆泥 fruit plates. three-color potato mud
10. 桂花莲藕 Osmanthus Lotus
11. 酱牛肉 Spiced Beef
12. 豌豆辣牛肉粒 Pea spicy beef
13. 蚝油牛肉 oyster sauce beef
14. 板栗仔鸡
15. 三鲜菜心(虾仁,鸡肉,香菇,鹌鹑蛋,油菜) Chestnut broiler. three vegetables heart (Shrimp, chicken, mushrooms, quail eggs. Rape)
16. 鱼香藕盒 Stir Lotus box
17. 蒜香荷叶牛柳 Suanxiang leaves beef has generated a lot of income
18. 飘香滑豆腐 Tofu and fragrant slide
19. 酱爆三丁 Green Crab 3 D
20. 松仁玉米 pine nut -
21. 油焖大虾 meters. You Men prawn
22. 炸烹虾球 Cook Xia Qiu
23. 面包虾球 bombing. Xia Qiu bread
24. 豌豆虾仁 Shrimps Pea
25. 宫爆虾球 House explosion Xia Qiu
26. 清炒虾仁 - Shrimps speculation
27. 腰果虾仁 Cashew Shrimp
28. 松鼠鱼 squirrel fish.
29. 锅仔红菜汤
30. 玉米饼 red soup of vegetables
31. 猪肉大葱肉饼 corn cakes
32. 黄金大饼 leeks taste of pork
33. 南瓜饼 gold piece
34. 扬州炒饭pumpkin pie
35. 炸小馒头 Yangzhou fried rice
36. 西红柿炒鸡蛋 small buns bombing
37. 西红柿鸡蛋面 eggs and tomatoes speculation. Red West Persimmon egg surface
38. 宫爆鸡丁 Gongbaojiding
39. 铁板蕃茄牛柳
40. 铁板黑椒牛柳 monolithic tomato beef has generated a lot of income.
41. 铁板锡纸包鲈鱼 monolithic Heijiao beef has generated a lot of income
42. 鸡汁栗子烧白菜
43. 炒烤鸭丝
44. 草菇牛肉芥兰 silk speculation duck. Add
45. 韭菜盒子 straw mushroom beef. Leek box
46. 大麦茶

1. Appropriate meat two cushions. 2.Sweet and sour Several 3. chicken shelter bombing. 4.One piece of Pleurotus eryngii 5. Big Bancai 6. Amber Taoren 7. Water fruit salad 8. 9 fruit plates. three-color potato mud 10. Osmanthus Lotus 11. Spiced Beef 12. Pea spicy beef 13 . oyster sauce beef 14. 15 Chestnut broiler. three vegetables heart (Shrimp, chicken, mushrooms, quail eggs. Rape) 16. Stir Lotus box 17. 18 Suanxiang leaves beef has generated a lot of income. Tofu and fragrant slide 19. Green Crab 3 D 20. pine nut - 21 meters. You Men prawn 22. Cook Xia Qiu 23 bombing. Xia Qiu bread 24. Shrimps Pea 25. House explosion Xia Qiu 26. - Shrimps speculation 27. Cashew Shrimp 28. 29 squirrel fish. Guozi 30 red soup of vegetables. 31 corn cakes. 3 leeks taste of pork 2. 33 gold piece. 34 pumpkin pie. 35 Yangzhou fried rice. 36 small buns bombing. 37 eggs and tomatoes speculation. Red West Persimmon egg surface 38. Gongbaojiding 39. 40 monolithic tomato beef has generated a lot of income. 41 monolithic Heijiao beef has generated a lot of income. 4 monolithic aluminum foil packet perch 2. Jizhi chestnuts burning cabbage 43. 44 silk speculation duck. Add 45 straw mushroom beef. Leek box 呵呵!不好意思~最后那个好想不会!

1. Appropriate meat two cushions. 2.Sweet and sour Several 3. chicken shelter bombing. 4.One piece of Pleurotus eryngii 5. Big Bancai 6. Amber Taoren 7. Water fruit salad 8. 9 fruit plates. three-color potato mud 10. Osmanthus Lotus 11. Spiced Beef 12. Pea spicy beef 13 . oyster sauce beef 14. 15 Chestnut broiler. three vegetables heart (Shrimp, chicken, mushrooms, quail eggs. Rape) 16. Stir Lotus box 17. 18 Suanxiang leaves beef has generated a lot of income. Tofu and fragrant slide 19. Green Crab 3 D 20. pine nut - 21 meters. You Men prawn 22. Cook Xia Qiu 23 bombing. Xia Qiu bread 24. Shrimps Pea 25. House explosion Xia Qiu 26. - Shrimps speculation 27. Cashew Shrimp 28. 29 squirrel fish. Guozi 30 red soup of vegetables. 31 corn cakes. 3 leeks taste of pork 2. 33 gold piece. 34 pumpkin pie. 35 Yangzhou fried rice. 36 small buns bombing. 37 eggs and tomatoes speculation. Red West Persimmon egg surface 38. Gongbaojiding 39. 40 monolithic tomato beef has generated a lot of income. 41 monolithic Heijiao beef has generated a lot of income. 4 monolithic aluminum foil packet perch 2. Jizhi chestnuts burning cabbage 43. 44 silk speculation duck. Add 45 straw mushroom beef. Leek box 46. barley

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照片中的印章为:世海尘浮 希望能帮到你。

1. 咕咾肉 general tao pork 2. 糖醋里几 sweet and sour sirloin 3. 避风塘炸鸡翅 BiFengTang fried chicken wings 4. 一品杏鲍菇 prime apricot abalone mushroom stew 5. 大拌菜 Chef's salad 6. 琥珀桃仁 amber walnut 7. 水果沙拉 fruit salad 8. 水果拼盘 fruit plate 9. 三色土豆泥 ...

哪位大侠帮我翻译一下这篇文章 紧急 万分感谢

and so on. Gangju idea of precision, compact, but the biggest drawback is able to take the starring actor too little, it is always a few faces, dubbing the same, it is inevitable to the audience size-fits-all feeling.In case of the preparation of the last Gangju Schomburg ...

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玛沁县18241874726: 哪位大侠能帮我翻译一些菜名呀?中译英 -
策嵇康得: 1. 咕咾肉 general tao pork2. 糖醋里几 sweet and sour sirloin3. 避风塘炸鸡翅 BiFengTang fried chicken wings4. 一品杏鲍菇 prime apricot abalone mushroom stew 5. 大拌菜 Chef's salad6. 琥珀桃仁 amber walnut7. 水果沙拉 fruit salad8. 水果拼盘 ...

玛沁县18241874726: 关于一些外国菜名的中文翻译 -
策嵇康得: 1.veal loin and fillet of beef: 小牛腰及牛肉片 summer ratatouille 夏季炖菜 grilled lemon polenta 烘烤柠檬味杂粮粥 artichoke spring rolls 朝鲜蓟春卷(外国人的“春卷”一般都会做的很大)2.roasted tuna and red snapper: 烤金枪鱼和笛鲷 ...

玛沁县18241874726: 请教翻译日本料理菜名请问谁能帮我把中文的菜名准确的翻译一下br
策嵇康得: 中华冷面冷やし中华蛋包饭オムライス辣炒桔梗ごぼうの辛口いため蒜味牛肉にんにく风味牛肉海鲜饼かきあげ龙虾沙拉伊势海老サラダ煎饺焼き饺子

玛沁县18241874726: 哪位能帮我翻译一下以下几个菜名,谢谢了 -
策嵇康得: 1.球型寿司=手球寿司=sushi balls 2.芒果沙拉 =マンゴサラダ=mango salad3. 蟹籽沙拉=蟹子サラダ=crab spawn salad4.三文鱼沙拉=サーモンサラダ=salmon salad5.天妇罗沙拉=天麸罗サラダ=tempura salad

玛沁县18241874726: 中文菜名翻译成英文 -
策嵇康得: 大蒜 garlic 洋葱 onion 茴香 fennel 卷心菜 cabbage 花椰菜 cauliflower 西兰花 broccoli 韭菜 leek 大葱 green onions 芹菜 celery 辣椒 chilli 甘薯 sweet potato 茄子 eggplant 南瓜 pumpkin 青刀豆 green beans 豌豆 peas 菜豆 kidney beans 豆芽 bean ...

玛沁县18241874726: 全部家当求助日语高手,翻译一些日语菜名 -
策嵇康得: 日语菜名不是这样说的,带有解释的,如:大酱汤(みそしる),(もちの辛炒めもの)、泡菜炒饭(キムチとご饭の炒めもの),紫菜包饭(海苔巻き),芝士辛拉面(チーズ辛ラーメン)--- 也只能帮到几个了---

玛沁县18241874726: 中国四大名菜及八大名菜的菜名如何翻译成英语? -
策嵇康得: 一般菜品的翻译分为3种 1.取其意 2.取其名 3.取其烹饪方法 例如: Dragon and pheonix(龙凤呈祥) 取其意 Mapo Bean Curd (麻婆豆腐) 取其名 sweet and sour fish (糖醋鱼)取其烹饪方法

玛沁县18241874726: 一些韩国料理(中文)的韩文翻译 -
策嵇康得: 土豆黑椒鸡块 (닭도리 탕) 手撕狗肉 (개고기 무침) 生拌牛肉 (소고기 육회) 拌香螺 (골뱅이 무침) 烤牛肉 (불고기) 炒菜 (볶음채) 酱油鸡排 (간장 닭갈비) 菜包肉 (보쌈) 扬州炒饭 (양주 볶음밥) 订餐卡 (주문카드)来源: ,青岛市 按照正规的韩国餐厅的翻译格式, 希望能给你点帮助!

玛沁县18241874726: 中国菜英文翻译,急 -
策嵇康得: ≮ ≯ food raw materials Live denticulatus 500 grams of fish, cooked ham, lard the 15 grams, water, fat mushroom slice, slice the cooked bamboo shoots 10 grams, 5 grams of pea seedlings, Shao liquor 25 grams, 7 grams salt, MSG, white pepper ...

玛沁县18241874726: 中国菜名的法语翻译 -
策嵇康得: 鱼香肉丝 Porc déchiqueté avec de la sauce à ail1ère étape : Le porc, la carotte, le poivre vert, le ruban d'auricule d'auricularia la soie. 22eme étape : Porc déchiqueté avec de l'eau le matériel et de sauce à ail fournissant le fluide matériel.Joint alors l'...

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