
作者&投稿:谷叙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一篇: 在公共场所吸烟对吗?

Is it right to smoke in public?
Smoking damages health which is the common knowledge as we all know. In my view, it's not right to smoke in public. Why do I think so?
First of all, public space is shared by all of us, therefore, it's a selfish behavior to smoke in public.
Secondly, smoking in public is an unciviled behavior.In particular,it will exert an negative impact on youngsters.
Thirdly,not only will your own health be damaged by smoking in public, but also the smoke will affect the health of other people on the scene.
All in all, according to the points stated above, I do not regard smoking in public as a right thing. And also I hope smoker had better not smoke in public.
第二篇: 怎样过健康的生活
How to live heathly?

It's everyone's dream to possess a healthy life. But how to live heathly? Personally, I suggest that we should work hard on the following aspects.
In the first place, an accurate goal should be set. Only one sets a right, practical goal, his life could be driven by non-stop motives.
Secondly, broad hobbies should be fostered. Broad hobbies are the regulators for life, which could turn the boring life to a colorful one, as well as enrich the sparetime more.
Lastly, a good life attitude should be kept. Only good life attitude could make you to face everything calmly.

When we achieve the points stated above, we will find that the healthy life has actually already come to us.

I will obtain my undergraduate certificate of accounting major in two years. I have a wide range of hobbies, such as, sketching and photographing. I was engaged in extensive jobs, like, selling, administration,marketing and teaching. As a president of student union, I have a strong sence of responsibility and team work, as well as competences and potentials.
>< 这么长 至少5分悬赏吧

Art,which is the reproduction of the reality--on the art style of the Peredvizhniki
摘 要
Realism aims to paint and canonize the nature,and pay direct attention to and animadvert on the social reality itself,however,the Peredvizhniki is a painting school formed in Russia,which was affected by the realism,and reflected Russia's social problems,lives of people,history and beautiful nature.
The real life is the headspring of art creation,in order to creat a work with great social influence that can be acknowledged by everybody, a painter must pay attention to the life,and to the reality.This paper discusses the oirgin of the Peredvizhniki,its delegate characters,and its influence to the art field afterward
Key words
Realism,Peredvizhniki,art style,influence

Art: reproduction of life
------on the art style of Peredvizhniki

摘 要

Realism is to describe and praise the nature. It directly cares about and critisizes the social reality. And Peredvizhniki is a painter genre formed in Russia under the impact of realism, aiming at reflecting Russian social problems, people's lives, history and beautiful natural landscape. Real life is the origin of art creation. It is probable to create a widely-accepted work of art with a large social influence only by focusing in life and reality. This article discusses the origin, representatives, style and impact to later field of art of Peredvizhniki.

Key words:

Realism; Peredvizhniki; art style; impact


Art is the distillation of life.------Discourse on the Style of Art Itinerant Exhibitions School


Realism is describing and crying up the nature, which is paying attention to and criticizing a society reality oneself directly.But cruise to return to exhibition painting to send then under the realism influence, in 1 of Russian formation with reflection Russia of the social problem, people live, a painter's group of history and beautiful great universe.Reality life is the source of art creations, only paying attention to a life and paying attention to reality just may create is had by what everyone approve huge society influence of work.This text from cruise back to exhibit a painting parties of since, representative person and its art style to afterwards the art field influence etc. carried on a study.

Key words
Realism;Itinerant Exhibitions School;Style of Art;Influence


Art is a reproduction -- On Peredvizhniki artistic style


Realism is to articulate and respected natural, direct attention and critical social reality itself. Peredvizhniki which is in reality under the influence in the formation of a Russian to reflect Russia's social problems. people's lives, history and beautiful nature of a painter factions. Real life is the source of art, only concerned about life, pay close attention to reality can be created for you with great social impact to the work. Based Peredvizhniki origin, and representatives of the artistic style of the later Seeking affected areas were discussed.


Realism; Peredvizhniki; Artistic style; Impact

Realism is to articulate and respected natural, direct attention and critical social reality itself. Peredvizhniki which is in reality under the influence in the formation of a Russian to reflect Russia's social problems. people's lives, history and beautiful nature of a painter factions. Real life is the source of art, only concerned about life, pay close attention to reality can be created for you with great social impact to the work. Based Peredvizhniki origin, and representatives of the artistic style of the later Seeking affected areas were discussed.

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1. Lately they have been going over their lessons in the reading room.2. One cannot avoid making mistakes throughout his lifetime, but he ought to make as few mistakes as possible.3. You did not inform him of where the meeting would take place, did you?4. We are ...

1.周末我们俩去农场好吗?(what about)What about going to the farm at the weekend?2.一个好的记者懂得怎样把自己的文章与读者联系起来。(relate。。。to)A good jounalist knows how to relate its article to the readers.3.老师发现他正在洗手间里抽烟。(find sb,doing sth.)The ...

1.Yesterday an old lady was knocked down by a taxi at our school gate.2.The war lasted for three years.3.They have been going over their lessons in the library recently.4.This school is located in the west of the city.5.It is impolite to make fun of the blind.6.The ...

1.Yesterday he was late for school again.2.This word is so hard that no one here can write it 3.If you must go there, I have nothing to say.4.The novels written by lu xun is well worth reading.5.The more English books you read, the better your English will be.6....

1 The first three months the price of eggs rose very vigorous, and now prices have stabilized now I do not know if you still have needs. Please give this so that I can give you update the price.2 Under 30 before you order?3 As the replacement of a new factory packaging ...

紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子? 3.自从本世纪开始,太多的自然资 ...
3\/Since the beginning of this century,too many natural resources have been used.4\/He is the only student who was late this morning.5\/As far as we know,Africa is world's second largest continent.

1. He has quit smoking and drinking since a year ago.2. That girl would rather look after the baby than do her homework.3. I have so many things to do, so I can't attend the meeting to be held in the hotel the day after tomorrow.4. Our class monitor suggested we ...

1.Only by keep studying,can we keep the pace with the modern science.重点是注意倒装。3。there is no doubt that a dog which has been trained can take up many jobs.4.the question consists in how to tak

Cellphone is a necessity in our daily life, more and more people have cellphones, but is it good for students taking cellphone to school? Different people have different opinions.现今手机已成为大家生活中的必需品,越来越多的人拥有手机,但是学生将手机带去学校是对的吗?不同的人有不同...

雨湖区19197002338: 紧急求助:求英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.我们要利用这次机会来提高英语口语.(take advantage of)2.据我了解,那场车祸是由天气引起的.(as far as)3.... -
金唯立生:[答案] 1 We must take advantage of this opportunity to improve our spoken English. 2 As far as I know, the car accident was caused by the weather. 3 The workers were all very much surprised at what the boss said. 4 The students should take an active part in ...

雨湖区19197002338: 紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.对不起,请问我们学校运动会什么时候举行?(when)2.我们大家都为...紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句... -
金唯立生:[答案] 1. Excuse me, when will our school's sports meeting be held? 2.All of us are proud of China's rapid development. 3. I do not think it necessary to spend so much money on holding this party.

雨湖区19197002338: 紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子? 1.周末我们俩去农场好吗?(what about)2.一个好的记者懂得怎样把自己的文章与读者联系起来.(relate.to)3.... -
金唯立生:[答案] 1.周末我们俩去农场好吗?(what about)What about going to the farm at the weekend?2.一个好的记者懂得怎样把自己的文章与读者联系起来.(relate.to)A good jounalist knows how to relate its article to the r...

雨湖区19197002338: 紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.这个老年人因为他的伟大著作而著名同时他也是一个著名的科学家...紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?... -
金唯立生:[答案] 1.The old man was famous as a scientist and famous for his great books as well.2.Tom believes that he knows everybody's business more than themselves. 3.Ever since the beginning of this century, too m...

雨湖区19197002338: 急急急!求英语高手!
金唯立生: Remember, I'll do everything i have promised to you. thanks for doing so much for me.I'll always love you ad you'll be in my mind forever.I will still love you in the next life

雨湖区19197002338: 紧急求英语高手帮忙翻译句子!回答满意追加悬赏!大概初三~高一生的?
金唯立生: Hello everyone, this is my class report: The January in this year is very important and worth me to expect. The metal band"Nightwish" come from Finland, their first new ...

雨湖区19197002338: 向英语高手求助 -
金唯立生: grudge和begrudge都有嫉妒的意思,但grudge语气更重些,有憎恨的意思.以下是区别:begrudge v. 嫉妒;羡慕,抱怨、吝啬,舍不得给/勉强给 忌恨=begrudge grudge v.吝啬,不满 grudge against sb表示对某人怀恨在心.bear a grudge 怀恨在心

雨湖区19197002338: 求助英语高手,急.……解决加分 -
金唯立生: I will order 3 pieces of equipment from you first.The testing company you provided me hasn't been found yet.Please give me another 2 days.Hope that you can send me an i...

雨湖区19197002338: 求助 英语达人 急求
金唯立生: Relax, baby. Although you have to smile to everyone else, you can tell me all about your problems or worries. I am always listening. 放轻松,亲爱滴.虽然你不得向其他人微笑以对,你可以对我诉尽所有的困难和焦虑.我会一直倾听.

雨湖区19197002338: 英语求助,高手帮忙. 急急急急急急急急急!
金唯立生: stop doing cease doing remember to do memorize to do stop to do stop doing remember to do remember doing

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