翻译短文(翻译成中文) 快快快快快~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 短文如下:

作者&投稿:殷仁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Phrasing: In the sometimes the subject or the main clause relation with polishing a word is not very close in long sentence of English , translates time but the habit that 1, owes a sentence in order to using much according to Chinese , long sentence subordinate clause or phrase is changed becoming a sentence , separates description. Increase terms for making semanteme Lian Guan , need in the sometimes appropriate , be just that order is basically invariable , the front and back keeps Lian Guan adopting the method breaking up the whole into parts translating entire long English sentence into independent several sentences. 2, re-organizes law: When the finger translates Chinese in English who is in progress, shake off original word order and the sentence form , carry out again combination on the sentence completely for the habit making translation fluent and according with Chinese more narrating to reason things out, on basis doing it know English original intention in the structure stroking to clean up the long sentence of English. 3, free translation law: So-called `free translation' is that the meaning showing the original to uses Chinese to express out , unnecessarily completely lean on the original typeface and inferior 4th, parts of speech translates revolution: Be really not a noun when translating translate into noun , verb translate into verb, but be one kind of parts of speech translate into another one kind of parts of speech: Occasion and frequency are also many and high than Chinese if English preposition number is usage more than Chinese , some local English uses a preposition , Chinese uses but a verb then. 5, attributive clause: English has an attributive clause , some very short , some very long , be covering with several subordinate clauses even inside. Short comparison is easy to handle, because of Chinese has li different from structure, however location that responds to relatively , needs to readjust oneself to a certain extent noun at the head polishing in it. Some subordinate clauses possibility is very long , possibility is also not very long , being tied in wedlock not very tightly but with at the head , sometimes is to preceding additional remarks. This condition is to use the predicate standing side by side or the clause standing side by side to come to get down along speaking in general within Chinese , gets one or in addition

都是用机器翻译的 咱可没有那吗高水平~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have some good friends who live in Hilltop Village.I like to go there to play with them.We like to play in the park,which is called Central Park.Ken Road goes along one side of the park,and Green Street goes along anther side of the park.Green Street jions Ken R oad.On the corner of the Ken Road and Green Street is Sally’s house.Helen lives next to Sally.Across the street from Sally and Helen is Jenny’s house.She lives next to Mary.Across the street from Mary’s house is a small hotel called the Golden Dragon.It’s on the corner of Green Street and Ken Road,next to the hospital.
我有些好朋友住在山顶村。 我喜欢去和他们玩耍。 我们喜欢在中心公园里玩。 肯路在公园的一边,另一边是格林街。 格林街和肯路相连。 萨利的家在肯路和格林街的拐角处。海伦的家和萨利相邻。萨利和海伦家的街道对面就是詹妮的家。 她和玛丽相邻。 玛丽家的对面是个名叫金龙的小宾馆,位于格林街和肯路的拐角处,和医院相邻。


我有一些好朋友住在山顶的村庄。我喜欢去那里和他们玩。我们喜欢在公园里玩,即所谓的中央公园。肯恩道路伴随物的一侧,格林街公园伴随物花药一侧的公园。jions肯R oad格林大街。在拐角处的肯路和格林大街是莎莉的家。海伦住在,莎莉。对面的莎莉和海伦是珍妮的家。她住玛丽旁边。街对面的房子是玛丽从一家小旅馆称为金。

1。Today and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day. 今天和朋友一起出外交游,外面的空气很好,人感觉很舒服。我们骑着自行车一...

Clean Your Room! 打扫你的房间!Bob's mom is mad. 鲍勃的妈妈生气了。His room is a mess! 他的房间太乱了!She says,"Clean your room!" 她说:“打扫你的房间!”Bob puts his toys under his bed. 鲍勃吧他的玩具房子他的床下。Bob puts his dirty clothes under his bed. 鲍勃把他...






and you? 译文:我最喜爱的季节 我们国家的气候是很愉快的。春季夏热冬冷的总是温暖。我最喜欢的季节是秋天,因为它是永远温暖在九月和十月。它是经常在 11 月冷了。有意思。另一个原因是白天短和夜是长。太阳升得晚,而落的早。我可以做我最喜欢的东西,在晚上。秋天是收获的季节。在秋天,我可...

Last year, our class with 8 grade 4 classes, has launched an intense football competition, that was one spring beautiful day, nearby the field encircles has filled the audience.随着一声哨响,比赛开始了,四班一开球,快速的绕过我我方几名球员,再一脚高传给四班的前锋,只看那前锋找了...

(正确的翻译是)宝林寺是顺德有名的景点,是一个古老的寺庙。它坐落在大良南部的太平山上。宝林寺里有很多殿阁、佛像,每年都有很多旅客来参观。Baolin Temple, a historic temple, is a famous tourist attraction in Shunde. It is situated on the Taiping Peak, just south of Dalang. There ...

江川县19854904330: 帮忙看短文快快快快快翻译!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
宜炉瑞田: 凯特和苏珊在念中学,凯特住在苏珊家隔壁,她们经常互相借东西. 一个周六早晨,苏珊找不到她的数学书,所以不得不去凯特家借一本.当她到那儿的时候,凯特正在和她的哥哥(或弟弟)打网球. “可不可以把你的数学书借给我?”凯特问苏珊. “不好意思啊,”凯特答道,“我马上也要用.” 苏珊生气地走了. 那天下午,凯特到苏珊家,问“苏珊在家吗?我想借她的的字典用一下.” “她让我告诉你她出去了.”苏珊的祖母说. 凯特知道为什么苏珊不想见她,她为自己做过的事感到很抱歉,她知道她们应该互相帮助.

江川县19854904330: 翻译句子,快快快快快急急急急 -
宜炉瑞田: It's you turn to be on duty today.What's happening out there? The gate is totally crowded.Don't forget to lock the door when you're getting off We went for a movie at afternoon Saturday.She cried out while I was talking to her.

江川县19854904330: 翻译文言文,快快快快快快 -
宜炉瑞田: 卖柑人挑着柑子去卖,有几个柑子掉在了地上.一小孩在后面看见了,急忙捡起柑还给了卖柑的人.卖柑菂人说:“小孩诚实,应该奖励.”拿出两个柑给小孩以示感谢,小孩不收灬

江川县19854904330: 快快快快快快快快快快,翻译⑵息 ①宋将军屏息观之(魏禧《大铁椎传》) ②武气绝,半日复息(班固《汉书》) ③请息交以绝游(陶渊明《归去来兮辞》... -
宜炉瑞田:[答案] 1:呼吸2:气息3:全部4:儿子5:休息6:儿子7:叹息8:

江川县19854904330: 《咏雪》的翻译与注释.快快快! -
宜炉瑞田: 谢太傅(1)寒雪日内集(2),与儿女(3)讲论文义(4).俄而(5)雪骤,(6)公欣然(7)曰:“白雪纷纷何所似(8)?”兄子胡儿(9)曰:“撒盐空中差可拟(11).”兄女曰:“未若(12)柳絮因(13)风起.”公大笑乐.即...

江川县19854904330: 翻译句子(英语,中译英,急急急,快快快快) -
宜炉瑞田: 你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案如下:1. If you don't have the ticket, they won't allow you to go into the cinema.2. I can't go anywhere without the help of the map.3. You must apologize to Mr. Zhang for your being late.4. I was too tired, and ...

江川县19854904330: 短文的汉英翻译,速求!急急!快快!
宜炉瑞田: If you want to prove that you own, you can put the parents gave you that money save. Then live on my own. Wait a while and then give the money back to their parents, let them know you to be independent.

江川县19854904330: 白石庄全文翻译快快快快快快快快快快快快快! -
宜炉瑞田: 白桥北,万驸马庄,说白庄.庄子所用韵都源自于柳,柳树的颜色时变,休闲的人都很吃惊.声音也是时变的,静静的.春天,浅浅的黄色是刚刚发芽的,浅绿色是如眉,深绿则是眼睛.晚春的时候,柳絮是白色.夏,风吹来丝绦迢迢,因为天...

江川县19854904330: 晏子使晋.景公更其宅 的翻译 快快快快快快快快快快快!!!! -
宜炉瑞田: 晏子使晋.景公更其宅译文:晏子出使晋国的时候,齐景公重新修建他的宫殿. 更:改变、更换,引申为修辑、修建因为没有上下文,猜想齐景公这样的国君,为了过奢华的生活,应该是“重新修建”的意思.

江川县19854904330: 20篇英语小短文,带翻译.一定要短!快快快! -
宜炉瑞田: 1.金鱼GoldfishStan: I won 92 goldfish.Fred: Where are you going to keep them?Stan: In the bathroom .Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath?S...

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