
作者&投稿:倚夏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

my hometown
l really love my hometown.My hometown is a small but beautiful place.There are lots of birds,trees and flowers.lt also has fresh air.l really enjoy playing in my hometown.There people are very friendly.welcome to my hometown.Wish you will have a great time there.

My hometown in Hefei, a beautiful place.My hometown there are many attractions, Xiaoyaojin memorial temple, around the city park, but a backward city in the past days. Many people do not work. They are living a hard life.But now living richer than ever before.
The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, theaters have sprung up. People's lives is greatly enhanced.
I love my hometown. I like it more.

我的家乡在合肥,是一个美丽的地方。我的家乡有许多名胜,有逍遥津、包公祠、环城公园 但在过去的日子是一个落后的城市。许多人没有工作。他们过着艰苦的生活。但是现在生活比以前富裕了。

My hongtown is maanshan. Maybe not everyone know that place but to me that is deep in memery. I love it beacouse I lived there for 18 years. As the time gose by my important good memery is about it all. Now I leave it to go on my study but I will never forgot the place my parents and me have the happy time in my life.

My hongtown is maanshan. Maybe not everyone know that place but to me that is deep in memery. I love it beacouse I lived there for 18 years. As the time gose by my important good memery is about it all. Now I leave it to go on my study but I will never forgot the place my parents and me have the happy time in my life.

My hongtown is maanshan. Maybe not everyone know that place but to me that is deep in memery. I love it beacouse I lived there for 18 years. As the time gose by my important good memery is about it all. Now I leave it to go on my study but I will never forgot the place my parents and me have the happy time in my life.

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作文简介: 是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。作文分为小学作文,中学作文,大学作文(论文)。小学作文分为,一般3年级的作文字数大约有200字。4、5年级的作文400左右,6年级的作文600左右,初高中的一般在800字左右,作文体裁包括:记叙文,说明文,应用文,议论文,散文,诗歌。作文是...

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窦亭抒彤:[答案] My hongtown is maanshan. Maybe not everyone know that place but to me that is deep in memery. I love it beacouse I lived there for 18 years. As the time gose by my important good memery is about it all. Now I leave it to go on my study but I will never ...

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窦亭抒彤: My hongtown is maanshan. Maybe not everyone know that place but to me that is deep in memery. I love it beacouse I lived there for 18 years. As the time gose by my important good memery is about it all. Now I leave it to go on my study but I will never forgot the place my parents and me have the happy time in my life.

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