十万火急.请大家帮忙一下,800-1000字的英语作文:my ideal husband 谢谢大家.!!!

作者&投稿:袁净 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急求一篇我的理想老公(my ideal husband )的英语作文..最好可以长一些..!!~

I would like to find a husband whom I really love and who really loves me for life. I will search the whole world for the exact match. To be specific, I want to be loved by a man whose character I admire. More importantly, his attitudes towards life must resonate with mine so that we understand and appreciate each other. We should be temperamentally compatible and the love between us should be based on spiritual understanding.

The so-called “social star” may not suit me, for I basically don’t like people who have an instinct for publicity. I would like my husband to be contemplative. He should not be too introverted, nor should he be talkative. Someone said, “Man should think more, do much and talk less.” I would prefer him to be a man of thoughts. In addition, he must have other good qualities. First of all, I would like him to be a well-educated man with an objective to observe. Thus he will have an insight into things and people and can judge independently and wisely. I will enjoy living and talking with a husband who has his own ideas. A man usually attracts me not by his looks, but by his mind. Also, he must be considerate and sensitive so that he can perceive my real feelings.

I hope my husband will be a moral man. He should reject the vices of life like I do. However, I don’t want him to be rigid. He should be wise enough to cope with things around him. He should also be humorous so we will have a lot of fun together. I don’t want to live with a dull man. Besides, I hope he is kind and affectionate to children. He should also be responsible and reliable. When I am extremely frustrated, he should be the shoulder to cry on. All these constitute the characteristics of my ideal husband.

I’ve known about couples’ lives through books and movies; sometimes I dream about my own life in the future. I think one must live with someone who shares the same dream in life. If a woman wants to lead a stable life without many changes, she may not be happy marrying a man who enjoys seeking after challenges. My husband should have a zest for life. He shouldn’t focus only on his work. Instead, he must be able to find joy in the simpliest things in life. I believe a happy life is not at all decided by the living condition. The way we look at it matters greatly.

Besides striving for a better living, we should both have healthy hobbies and enjoy leisure time with our own friends; as long as we spend enough time together. I would like him to have several good friends with excellent personalities. Our family should be his first priority. I’ll be glad if he is willing to share the household duties. I hope sometimes we can tour during holidays to see the outside world. Furthermore, I also hope he will have some taste in the arts. He doesn’t need to be a virtuoso, but at least he shouldn’t be ignorant in the arts.

The most important thing I ask for is the mutual understanding and admiration between us. I hope we love each other not only physically but also spiritually. We may communicate well with each other with just the expressions in our eyes or several simple words. Our souls must combine to be one and our minds connect.

Maybe my standards are a little higher than most. I would like to receive the deep love from my future husband, just as Elizabeth Browning received from her husband. I love the following verses by her: “If thou must love me/ let it be for naught/ except for love’s sake only.” I hope my future husband will have also read this.

My ideal job is to be a teacher. First, being a teacher is my dream. Both of my parents are teachers. They work hard and their students like them very much. Second, I think it is interesting and challenge to be a teacher. I like to be with the young. Third, being a teacher, I can teach my students knowledge and I can also teach the right from wrong. What's more, to be a teacher means I will have lots of holidays so that I can retrain myself and do whatever I want.

I believe that the ideal husband is one who is caring and honest and treasures his family like no one else. An ideal husband is the one who will actually listen to a conversation that you have started and make intelligent remarks. He is the one who will also do the housework without having been asked to. He is a husband who knows everything about you; the things that make you mad or sad and the things that make you happy.

2. The ideal husband is handsome, responsible, smart, humorous, healthy, considerate, wealthy, careful, faithful, honest etc.

3. We do have our own standards and if you will ask me, I think the ideal husband is someone who is responsible and could love his wife as much as he loves himself.

4. The one who loves you unconditonally, someone whom at times you don’t have to say anything and yet they would understand everything, with whom you would share that oneness, who would always be ready to put you ahead of themselves, who would do anything for you, would help you in all your work, be beside you through your joys and sorrows, share your life with you, in its true essence. Someone who would tell you your flaws, but in a loving way, who would help you change and become better, who would help you raise the kids, help around in the kitchen or help take up a job outside. Someone who would guard, protect, give you ample security at all times.
And simply love you for and as who you are without expecting anything in return, though with such a loving, ideal partner, it would be tough not to give them all the love we have in return too! And I feel blessed as I think I have such a kind of a partner.

5. An ideal wife to me is someone who is responsible for the family and takes good care of her hubby and children with a loving heart. She is someone who is somewhat talented in some field, with a desire to learn new things in life. She is someone who can respect the senior and loves the young. She is someone who is good at cooking as well.

6. For me, an ideal husband/wife is one who loves, cares and have responsibilities of family affairs. They should be much devoted to their children in all aspects and respect family members from both sides.

7. I also always admire men with ambition for the family. Of course it would be better if he is my best friend.

8. an ideal husband is one that is a nice, tender, forgiving, passionate, hard-working, honest, peaceful, generous, understanding, pleasant, warm, intelligent, humorous, attentive, compassionate富于同情心的, 慈悲的and truthful person. Of course, good looks is a bonus but isn’t the ultimate clincher. 定论,不可争辩的议论

9. My ideal husband would have an intense love for his family. One of his top priorities would be taking care of his family.

10. In my wildest dreams, if I could have my ideal husband, this is what he would be like. He would need strong character. He would need to have a great sense of humor. Heartfelt love for his family and friends would also be very important to me.

11. We would be like a team. Whatever needed to be done at the house he would do along side his family.

12. In my ideal world, my husband and I could be perfect for each other. God would put him in my life at just the right time. God would make both of us try to be open-minded. When we get married, I would know that we would spend the rest of our lives together and that this was a great decision. He makes us think of working as a team rather than be self-serving. I believe that nothing would tear us apart.

13. My father has the qualities that I want in my future husband. I really appreciate his good sense of self-control. He puts up with me when I really don’t want to talk to him. Even when I’m not nice to him, he doesn’t get angry at me. He’s a great listener but is not afraid to talk out about certain things. He’s not shy around my friends or other people. I don’t know what it is, but he can make any situation seem funny.

14. My ideal wife is my best friend, best lover, best cook, best training partner, best teacher, best buds. We compliment each other and we push each other. We never argue and we can't get enough of each other. Hope that helps.

15. someone kind, caring, intelligent and most especially, one whom I love and loves me the same.

16. For me, the ideal partner must be a dutiful wife and loving mother. She should be tender and love me deeply. We'll share happiness and unfortune together. No matter how hard the problem we face, she won't give up. Also, she should not be too foolish, or too clever. Besides, she should be a good cook; and delicious food are prepared for the family every day. she should be pretty and lovely, too. Of course, I'll try my best to be an ideal husband for her.

Every girl dreams about true love. When we are little girls, we read fairy tales, thinking that a handsome princess would appear in our life. Then we grow up day by day, we know that tales about prince and princess are not true, but the dream still go on.

Today the title “My ideal husband” calls up memories of little girl's dreams.

As to me , He is not necessarily outstanding and handsome, but deep in his heart. I'm the unique one to be loved in his heart, as he is to me. When I would be sad for something, he will make a wonderful dish for us, tell some funny things in order to make me smile. One day when we all grow older and older, becoming grey-haired, we will walk hands in hands along the lake, watching the sunset.

Of course, there will be some quarrel between us. My ideal husband is not perfect .When having difficulties in job, he will be upset; When faced with something that makes one's hair stand on end , he will complain bitterly. But most of the time , he will give me sincerity, respect, equality, mutual understanding and trust.
As someone I know has said: to love sb. who hasn't any bond of blood is a combination of need, desire, wisdom and the untiring pursue of beauty and immortality. I believe we will have enough determination to get rid of every barrier, enough trials to keep us strong, enough hope to keep us happy. We are man and wife, we also are friends.
Above all, these are some beautiful dreams in the bottom of my heart. I really hope that one day all these dreams will come true.

someone kind, caring, intelligent and most especially, one whom I love and loves me the same.

someone kind, caring, intelligent and most especially, one whom I love and loves me the same.


而且表演起来易懂,比较有哲理的童话,而且故事的主人公,最好不要超过三个,因为不好表演变声。。 请大家多多帮忙啊,,,跪求。。。十万火急。。 展开  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 为什么现在情景喜剧越来越少了?紫倾薇雪 2011-11-13 知道答主 回答量:8 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:3.1万 我也去答题访问...



十万火急.请大家帮忙一下,800-1000字的英语作文:my ideal husband 谢谢...
I believe that the ideal husband is one who is caring and honest and treasures his family like no one else. An ideal husband is the one who will actually listen to a conversation that you have started and make intelligent remarks. He is the one who will also do the housework...

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中文翻译成日文.十万火急! 跪求答案!! !万分感谢.

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勐腊县13074153447: 一道数学题,大家帮一下(十万火急)找规律 四分之三,二分之一,三分之一,( ),二十七分之四,( ) -
宜巧银屑:[答案] 四分之三,二分之一,三分之一,(九分之二 ),二十七分之四,( 八十一分之八) 原因:3/4到1/2 是`3/4*2/3=1/2 1/2*2/3=1/3 ```` 就这样一直下来就得上面的试子了, 这就是这道题的规律: A(代表前一个数)*2/3

勐腊县13074153447: 十万火急的请教大家是怎样面对这样的问题?如今社会的工作实在是不好
宜巧银屑: 我认为留下来干!因为目前对你最重要的不是钱的问题,而是经验!第一份工作对你一生很重要,因为任何的发展都是从今天开始的!记住,今后吃亏的地方还很多,况且目前还不算是吃亏!只有懂得吃亏的人生活才会变的美好起来,斤斤计较只能让你一生痛苦……一个老板的回答!

勐腊县13074153447: 十万火急,大家帮帮忙啊!
宜巧银屑: 来到大海边上,放眼望去,只见平静的海面(波光淋漓),白帆点点;一群海鸥展翅飞来,一会就消失得(无影无踪)了.突然,来了一阵大风,原来平静的海面卷起了巨浪,波涛声(响彻云霄),令人(毛骨悚然).

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