求翻译、中翻英 很急啊,求帮助

作者&投稿:戊阙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙啊 ~~~中翻英~~~急啊~

别忘了向你父母问好(remember,give one’s regards to)
Do remember to give my regards to your parents.

我们要好好利用时间学好英语(make use of)
I will make full use of time to learn English well.

昨天他到半夜才回家(not…until )
He didnt come back until midnight.

中国是发展中国家之一(developing country)
China is one of the developing countries.

他是个说话很少的孩子(few words )
He is a child with few words.

He works as hard as the young.

在课堂上,请用英语回答问题(in English)
Please answer questions in English in class.

这张长桌子是由木头做的(be made of )
This long table is made of wood.

全世界的人民都希望和平(hope for)
All people around the world hope for peace.

It's too noisy in classroom.

在我18岁生日那天,父亲给我买了一辆自行车(buy sb sth)
In my 18th birthday, my father bought me a bicycle.

上海的每一个市民都应为2010年世博会尽力(do one’s best )
Every citizen in Shanghai should do his best for the Expo 2010.

那场大雾直到11点才散去(not ….until)
That fog didnt drop away until 11.

This kind of thing will never happen again.

森林大火终于被扑灭了(put out )
The forest fire was put out at last.

I think you might take your initiative to help me.

Students to listen and life, learning content related to the theme music, to sing the content easy to understand, melodic songs in English, not only mental and physical pleasure, active learning atmosphere, you can also train their listening and speaking skills, stimulate interest in learning, to promote English learning , turns out to be integrating learning in music, blending learning in the song. Singing voice grammar school, singing school vocabulary, enhance the sense of language and hearing songs, songs about the Anglo-American culture to learn English songs, adding to the difficulties of learning English a strong catalyst. Songbin Feng (2010) proposed the use of English in teaching social songs, complex, creative and flexible in practice. Flexible teaching English songs can be applied to a variety of instructional goals. English teaching materials based mainly listen to students, students are not enthusiastic and relatively passive, are boring. English songs in English teaching as a combination of art and music-based teaching methods.


Arrange students to listen to and life, the study contents related to the theme music, singing content easy to understand, melodic English songs, not only can be pleasurable, active learning atmosphere, also train them listening and speaking ability, stimulate interest in learning English, promote learning, it can contain study in music is, to contain study in song. Learn singing voice grammar, vocabulary, listening to music to learn singing language sense and listening, to listen to the ascending know British and American culture.
To listen to learn English, to troubled English study to join the powerful catalysts.
SongBinFeng (2010) proposed in the teaching use English songs have social, compound, creativity and flexibility of the practical significance. English songs can assist teaching in the role of flexible DuoZhong teaching goal.
English classroom teaching is mainly students listen to materials, students' learning is not high and relatively passive, feel boring.
Song in English teaching as an English and music with the combination of art teaching way type.

和龙市18491494116: 大家帮忙帮我翻译一句.中翻英,急!1.我们明天下午3点见面2.能否请贵公司自带一名中文翻译 -
禹雷严迪:[答案] 1.we will meet at 3p.m tommorrow 2.Could you please take a Chinese interpreter yourselves?

和龙市18491494116: 求翻译.中翻英.在线等!急XX和我说刚开始你不愿意用XX来称呼我,其实我周围的好朋友都是用XX来称呼我的.如果你愿意同样也可以.当你来中国拜访XX... -
禹雷严迪:[答案] XX told me that you wouldn`t like to call me XX at first,which the friends of mine exactlly call me.You can call me like that if you like. I think we might have chance for an appointment when you come visit to China. XX`s birthday party must be interesting.(...

和龙市18491494116: 求急!如何快速将中文翻译成英文?
禹雷严迪: 好吧,说实话,文字的翻译其实是文化的翻译,根本没有快速的一说.但是你若是想要达到快速的效果,可未尝不可,至少文字所需要达到的效果还是表达自己的思想,表达的效果达到了,那就好了,所以我的意见就是,你逐字的翻译吧,不用管什么结构,语法,外国人也能看懂,勉强理解是可以的,但是等不了大雅之堂,就是这样的希望你能满意

和龙市18491494116: 中翻英(急需!) -
禹雷严迪: Good morning, My name is XXX. I attended XX sixth grade school, my grades into the plot is not very good in 5, but I am in sixth grade there to better themselves, I have always liked to play on the guitar, but we must stay with Wednesday activity, that ...

和龙市18491494116: 求一个翻译软件,就是英语练习册上的作文,把中文翻译成英文,急啊(我要拍照翻译的,要一拍一大段,然后全翻译成英文) -
禹雷严迪:[答案] 海词词典 文本取词 图片取词 划词翻译 都有 随你选我用的电脑的 手机不知

和龙市18491494116: 帮忙几个翻译句子(中翻英)急急急急!!!!!!! -
禹雷严迪: I was a little girl, I was afraid of dogs. Zhang likes to listen to pop music. He decided not to give tom any suggestions. Dad not only bought me a birthday present, and brought me the good news. He was poor, can not buy a diamond ring for his ...

和龙市18491494116: 有一些文章需要中翻英,有什么软件可以快速处理? -
禹雷严迪: 我个人建议您先可以用qtrans文档快翻工具进行快速翻译,译文格式据我体验的来看保留的还不错,译文质量也还可以,然后您再在译文的基础上进行修改编辑,这样的模式应该是很高效的,希望可以对您以后的学习和工作有帮助~

和龙市18491494116: 急求口语话中翻英,不要机器翻,感谢了! 另一方面,非常抱歉因为近来非常忙碌,我这星期也都不在国内 -
禹雷严迪: on the other hand. since have been quite busy lately. and I am out of china for this week..I didnot manage to find out the mails about cinstruction plan that I have been talking with bob. but I am sure about the places that we are going to visit some ...

和龙市18491494116: 中翻英,很急,很急啊!
禹雷严迪: 1. In the past, a fisherman living by selling fish, a very good day for stealth 2. Many people told him to read his detective novels of the fun 3. Some people even claim that it is indeed a ghost fish, unforgettable 4. Because all the concert tickets are sold ...

和龙市18491494116: 急求中文翻译成英文特急件 -
禹雷严迪: 1.KUSHI International Consumer Union2.The limited coperation of ShenZhen KuShi Maketing engineer3.Mannager of Offer service and stock4.Yishi Business high-rise 1401-2,Xuannishi Road 253-261 Hongkong5.2# third floor,Meisi Yuan high-...

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