
作者&投稿:御宽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Article 39: A resolution to effect the merger, division and decreasing registered capital of a company shall be passed at a meeting of the shareholders. The agreement shall be signed according to requirements of Company Law. The company shall liquidate the assets, prepare balance sheet and inventory of property, notify the creditors and announce, and transact relevant procedures according to laws.
Article 40: In the event of merger, division and decreasing registered capital, the company shall prepare balance sheet and inventory of property. The company’s shareholders’ meeting shall notify its creditors within ten days of the date of the company's resolution to merge and divide and shall publish public notices in a newspaper a within thirty days of the date of the company's resolution. A creditor has the right within thirty days of receiving such notice from the company (or, for creditors who do not receive the notice, within forty-five days of the date of the first public notice) to demand that the company repay its debts to that creditor or provide a corresponding guarantee for such debt. Joint responsibility related to the creditors' rights and indebtedness of the company before division shall be undertaken by the company after division.
Article 41: When a company merges or divides and there is a change in any item in its registration, the company shall change its registration with the company registration authority in accordance with the law. When a company dissolves, the company shall cancel its registration in accordance with the law. When a new company in established, its establishment shall be registered in accordance with the law. When a company increases or decreases its registered capital, the company shall carry out a change of registration with the company registration authority.

Chapter Nine
Bankruptcy, dissolution, termination and liquidation
Article 42: If the company is to be dissolved according to stipulation of Item 1, 2, 4, and 5 of Article 181 in Company Law, a liquidation group shall be set up within fifteen days to begin the liquidation. If a liquidation group to carry out liquidation procedures is not set up within the specified time limit, the creditors may apply to the people's court to have it designate relevant persons to form a liquidation group in order to carry out liquidation procedures.
The liquidation group shall, within ten days of its establishment, send notices to creditors, and within sixty days of its establishment publish public notices in a newspaper at least three times. A creditor shall, within thirty days of receiving notice, report its creditors' rights to the liquidation group, or for creditors who do not receive notice, within forty-five days of the date of the first public notice.
The assets of the company remaining after it respectively pays the liquidation expenses, salary, social insurance premium and legal compensation funds and tax arrears and its debts are distributed in proportion to the shareholders capital contributions if the company is a limited liability company and in proportion to the number of shares held by the shareholders if the company is a company limited by shares.
After liquidation of the company is completed, the company shall apply to the company registration authority for cancellation of the company's registration.

Chapter Ten
Trade union
Article 43 The company shall establish trade union according relevant laws of the state and Trade Union Law of the People’s Republic of China. The trade union develops its work independently. The company shall support work of the trade union. The labor employment system of the company shall carry out strictly according to Labor Law.
Chapter Eleven
Supplementary Provisions
Article 44: The right to interpret the company’s Articles of Association is reserved by the company’s shareholders’ meeting.
Article 45: The company's Articles of Association comes into effect after signing and sealing by all shareholders.
Article 46: With proposal of shareholders’ meeting, the company may amend its Articles of Association. A resolution to amend the company's Articles of Association shall be passed by shareholders representing two-thirds or more of the voting rights, signed by the company’s legal representative, and reported to the company’s registry authority for file.
Article 47: If the company's Articles of Association conflict with state laws, administrative regulations, decision of the State Council, the latter shall be subject to.


Month after month, all plants are having difficulty in improving its data accuracy performance, which is the most essential element of running an ERP system.
月复一月,所有的工厂都有困难提高其数据的精确性(或 准确性,精确度)。而准确的数据却是运行企业资源规划(ERP)系统的最基本(或 重要)元素。
(注:Enterprise Resource Planning,缩写ERP是企业资源计划,又译企业资源规划)

I am asking Jerome and each plant ERP coordinator develop a comprehensive and concrete improvement action plan by plant reflecting the top five most common areas/tasks for having inaccurate and incomplete data integrity
我要求杰罗姆和每个工厂的ERP 协调员根据各自工厂发展一个全面而具体的改善行动计划,以

The deadline and the implementation plan will need to be approved by the plant general manager.

By this message, I am requesting the plant general managers to personally commit and facilitate the ERP KPI improvement development and execution plan with Jerome and their plant management team.
通过此消息,我要求各工厂总经理亲自承诺,与杰罗姆和他们的工厂管理团队一起促进(或 推动)企业资源规划之关键绩效指标(ERP KPI)的改善开发和执行计划。
(注:Key Performance Indicators,简称KPI 是关键绩效指标又称主要绩效指标、重要绩效指标、绩效评核指标)

Please plan to present the overall plan to the business leaders by next Friday,
请安排在下周五呈献(或 提出)你们的全面计划(或 总体方案)给各企业领导们。

Article 14 Obligations of shareholders:
1. pay subscribed capital on time and in full;
2. assume the debts of the Company in the limitation of subscribed capital;
3. can not call back capital after the Company made the industrial and commercial registration;
4. Abide by all kinds of regulations in the Article of Association.
Article 15 Capital Transfer
1. total or part of shares can be transferred among shareholders
2. Shareholder who want to transfer his share to the other people out of the shareholders has to get agreements of more than half the shareholders. the shareholder shall inform the other shareholders about the matter of capital transfer on paper and require their agreements, if any one dose not reply on his request in thirty days since receiving the capital transfer note, it will be regarded that the shareholder agrees on the capital transfer; if there are less than a half of shareholders agree on the capital transfer, these shareholders who do not agree on the capital transfer shall purchase the transferred capital and if these shareholders do not purchase the transferred capital, it will be regarded that these shareholders agree on the capital transfer. Under the same condition, the other shareholders have priority to purchase the transferred capital which got permitted by shareholders. More than two shareholders who stand for the purchase priority shall negotiate with each other and decide the purchase propotion of their own; if the negotiation is failed, the purchase priority shall be divided according to the capital propotion the shareholders pay for the capital transfer .
3. After the capital transfer, the Company shall write the name, domicile and the capital of the transferee on the list of shareholders.
Chapter Four
Qualifications and Obligations of Company Department and Superior Personnel.
Article 16 The Company set up the Board, exicutive official and supervisor for maintaining the production and business development of the Company. The Board, exicutive official and supervisor are taking charge of planing production and operating activities, organizing the management, coordinating, supervising, etc.
Article 17 The Company set up routine departments such as General Manager, Business Department, Finacial Department separately dealing routine duties of the production and business operations of the Company.
Article 18 Exicutive official, supervisor and manager shall abide by the Articles of Association, the China Company Law, and other relevant regulations.
Article 19 The issues about the interests of the staff such as salary, welfare, munafacturing security, labour protection, labour insurance, etc, the Company shall decide on these issues after hearing comments of the labour union and the staff of the Company and invite representatives of the labour union and the staff of the Company to present meetings related.
Article 20 The Company shall listen to comments and advises of the labour union and the staff of the Company when deciding big issuse of production and business operation, making important articles and regulations.
Article 21 personnel who meets the items below may not be exicutive official, supervisor or manager:
1. persons with no capacity or with limited capacity
2. Because of corruption, bribe, seizing property, transfering property or breaking social and economic orders;Being penalized and released for less than five years, or deprived political right because commit a crime and released less than five years;
3. chairman, factory director, or manager who taking charge of a company (enterpraise) which got broken up because of its poor management, and taking personal responsibility for the backruptcy of the company and the bankrupt company has not cleared up its liquidation over three years.
4. The representative of a company whose license got canceled because it broken through the law and taking a personal responsibility for that and the license of the company has not been canceled over three years.
5. Person who has high debt and has not cleared it yet in deadline.
The election, appointment and recruitment are no effect if the Company elects or appoints such person as exicutive official, supervisor or recruits such person as manager.

英语高手翻译一下内容 200悬赏分 谢谢
我的手译版:Month after month, all plants are having difficulty in improving its data accuracy performance, which is the most essential element of running an ERP system.月复一月,所有的工厂都有困难提高其数据的精确性(或 准确性,精确度)。而准确的数据却是运行企业资源规划(ERP)系统...

请高手帮忙翻译下!悬赏100分 谢谢各位高手
Wrong see conduct and actions a kind of widespread sense of vision phenomenon to have certain influence to the shape design, study in the design the work and the creations the art wrong the principle see and it regulation, reasonably make use of wrong see, can make design project...

On the contrary,(恰恰相反)I hated compulsory education with a passion.(我相当愤恨义务教育)I could never quite accept the notion of having to go to school(我从未百分百赞同必须上学的思想) while the fish were biting.(哪怕是有鱼上钩,我有所收获之时)全段翻译:我已经几近绝望的尝试着...

"teachers teach, students learn" to create a good atmosphere. September 10, 1985, is China's resumption of the establishment of the first Teacher's Day, and since then, teachers will have its own festival.OK! 有空求偶那个谷歌翻译自己不会的翻译 什么语言都行!希望对你有帮助 ...

老头捕鱼时,太阳闪闪发光.当他回家时,他得到了一个新桶. 老妇人还是不满意,并要老头向小金鱼要一座新房子.老头再次回去向小鱼请求,这时天气已经变坏了.小鱼安慰了老头,并答应了他的第二个要求.当他回家时,他看到了一座新的小别墅.NND,这么长的翻译,一分都不悬赏. 楼主是扣鬼 ...

高分悬赏 来人翻译咯 专业的来 手工的进.
亲爱的朋友:期待和你再次合作,你提出的这2种靴子,价格是比较贵的,质量呢不太好,我们一般不销售这样的靴子.Dear friends,we hope for a further cooperation with you.The 2 types of boots your mentioned is expensive but not superior enough. We rarely sell such boots.请看下边连接..的商品....

..你的中文版有点太‘诗意’了,直接翻译英文有些不太可能。尽量捕捉了它的精髓。希望差不远。英文吗,多读,多听,多写,多说,会慢慢自然掌握。。还有很好奇,这中文版是写你自己的心声,还是从别的地方搜来的?如果是你的想法,劝你还是乐观一点吧~ 一味的消极,一点帮助也没有~加油啰!~...

高分悬赏 来人翻译咯 专业的来手工的别进.

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好的,经过多番讨论后,我决定回来了 咨询业,并已采取行动后,作为全球汽车 市场推广及业务发展领先,罗兵咸永道。虽然我的角色是一个全球性的,我将基于走出上海 办事处由于有一些重点地区,我将需要把重点放在这里 APAC地区。这是一个两三年以来,我离开咨询业与 我可能有点生疏,也许,脱离相比,...

哪位英语高手请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢啦!!!在线等,麻烦了!! 正文如下~~
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苍溪县13440044117: 找人翻译下古文 古文高手来(悬赏50) -
宇帜复方: 天时地利人和,不只用兵是这样的,凡是都是这样的,特别是农业尤为重要.洪涝和干旱,是天时;肥沃和贫瘠,是地利;修葺治理开垦辟荒,是人和.这三者之中,是以人和最重要,地利次于人和,天时又次于地利.假如下雨天晴,时间顺从人意,这是大家所期望的,然而天气不好不能避免,一旦有不好的时候,土质坚硬贫瘠的劣等土地,先受到天气的影响,只有良田不会这样,这就是天时不如地利.土地虽然是上等的,然而间或田间水道不修葺,种植的不是时候,就算是良田,也没有什么作用,所以谚语有说"买进田地租给人种,这样才会有收益",这就是地利不如人和 .

苍溪县13440044117: 英语高手进来翻译一下 悬赏20分 -
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苍溪县13440044117: 请高手帮忙翻译一下!!急用~~!!!会追加悬赏分 -
宇帜复方: It's been over ten years since I graduated from (from后应该填写你所毕业的大学或者其他的学校的英文/汉语拼音), during which time I have been working...

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宇帜复方: Everybody is good , topic of conversation needed to talk about by me is `a Believe myself' today. Before not knowing do not having that everybody writes down, in competition, we had accepted training in this. Watched at that time is a little "the ...

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宇帜复方: Representations report Dear Cooperation with your company has been self-Division, ... but for your company to make the punishment for our decisions and the content of our ...

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宇帜复方: 3 . College Entrance Examination in English written on the requirements for students In fact, the college entrance examination English written expression is the guidance writing. Its purpose is to detect the language ability of candidates .in examines...

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