英语作文:(1)假期计划。 (2)你感兴趣或有趣的 人或事或某一天 (3)计划如何让学英语

作者&投稿:植勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear my reciever
I am lihua ,I am glad to go to your school to sdudy English and I am expecting.
I writer this letter to you to know something about your scho

Learning English is an very painful experience for me.At the very beginning,it is very harsd for me to express myself in English.Whenever I tried my best to speak English in class, i would be laughed by my classmates. After that I had no cofidence to speak English any more.I suffered a lot in the class because I did not want to lose face in front of my friends.Gradually, I found it had nothing to do with my English study.I had made a fool of myself.I realized that the best way to prove myself is to study harder and caught up with others.So I seized every chance to speak English in class as well as in free talk.What's more,I did morning reading every day.I continued working till now.To my great joy, I can speak beautiful English now.The experience is painful but also helpful.

My winter holiday
Hello,everybody! Today,I will tell you something about my winter holiday.
I often get up at a quarter past seven. Sometimes,I get up at half past seven.Then I brush my teeth and wash my face at eight o’clock.Afterwrads,.I have my breakfast at about half past eight.My breakfast is always very delicious I always eat a bowl of rice ,an egg,a glass of milk and some snacks. .Sometimes I eat dumpings or noodles.After breakfast, I always do my homework and read some interesting books.At twelve o’clock,I have my lunch.In the afternoon,I often do my homework for an hour.And then,I surf the Internet or ride a bike in the garden.At seven o’clock,I have supper,.I watch TV from seven o’clock to half past seven.I go to bed at ten o’clock..That’s all for my winter holiday.

Last Sunday, I finished my homework at home, feel very boring, huh, how to become so clean? Oh, it is my mother clean the play health, sweep the floor clean. I went over and said to her mother:" Mom, our brain teasers!" My mother said to me:" can you!"" Guessing game, now." I said. First of all, I ask, mom answers. I said:" they got 99 points, why my dad also called Jack Bauer?" My mother thought, said:" the nine nine eighty-one, they actually only 81 test points." I said:" the wrong answer, he got 50 points: Chinese, math test 49 points, up 99 points!" My voice just fell, the mother began to laugh.Second wheel, or my mother said to me:" test, Jack Bauer long most like who?" My mother thinks again, said to me:" as the father or mother." I'm laughing at, say:" all right, give the answer: they most like a mirror in the cockroach." My mother and I was laughing.Third, mother I, mother said:" there are a couple, married 10 years, why they do not give birth to a child?" I thought, said:" because they are a pair of children." Hey, I was very clever, mother said I got the right answer, I excitedly dance. Mother looking at me so happy, happy smile.The fourth round, I test my mother, I said:" Xiaoming grandpa why brushing teeth singing?" My mother said without thinking:" because he wore dentures." I said to his mother:" Mom, you clever, right." We all laugh.Guessing game ended, I think: my mother usually works so hard, there is so much trouble, I give my mother to alleviate some of the burden is should, make mother happy. My heart warm.Don't like it there:

今天,妈妈不在家。我看见楼梯上蒙着许多灰尘,就想把楼梯擦一擦。当一回“清洁工”,做一件家务,给妈妈一个惊喜。 说干就干,我准备了一只盛有清水的水桶和一块干净的布。 我先把水桶拎到楼上,把布拧干,弓着腰,顺着楼梯一级一级地往下擦。把楼梯角落和表面上的灰尘一擦而光。渐渐...

假期里的一件事 寒假的一天,妈妈让我去商店买糖。我哼着小曲,半走半跳地来到超市,一掏裤兜,出了一身冷汗,原来只带了一元钱。我不想再回去拿钱,把身上的兜都翻了一遍,可是连一分多余的钱都没找到。我心中一直在骂自己:怎么这么粗心呀?我当时恨不得打自己几个耳光,可是这样也没用呀,...

写一篇关于假期的作文 1.where are you go? 2.who are you going wit...
During this holiday I went to Beijing with my parents. Beijing is the capital of China, it's crowd and kind of dirty. Maybe because now is spring, the dust spread everywhere, but it's really a sunny day. We supposed to visit the Summer Palace, but we didn't. We ...

下午四点左右,我们走马观花地浏览了一下黄龙洞。听导游说,黄龙洞的景观是天然形成的,我真不敢相信这么美的地方居然是天然的!虽然,我们还有著名的天门山、十里画廊等景点没看,有点儿遗憾,但我还是觉得张家界很美,要是有时间,我一定要去看更多大自然的遗产!假期里我最难忘的一件事作文2 ...


假期中最难忘的一件事作文1 今年的暑假,我和家人一起踏上了前往湖南张家界的旅程。那里的风景如画,山峰连绵,树木繁茂。抵达武陵源后,我们被当地的居民邀请尝试了漂流。尽管我们无法逃脱他们的邀请,但最终我们还是享受了这个刺激的活动。漂流开始时,我们缓缓地驶离起点,但很快河水变得湍急,我们的小船...


在日常学习、工作和生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是我精心整理的假期里的一件事作文500字,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 假期里的一件事作文500字1 回想起假期,我有好多好多的开心事,犹如一朵朵烟花一样丰富多彩,又像一片片飘落的雪花轻盈快乐,我仔细地拾起...

战争”可不是争抢什么地盘,而是争抢着每天第一个上宽带网的“优先权”。我的假期生活 时光匆匆的流逝,转眼间已经到了16岁,已经到了承担起家庭中责任的时候了,我决定利用这个暑假做点有意义的活动。俗话说:“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。”经过长时间的深思熟虑,我决定帮着发传单来赚点...


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频欢世明: 1. My holidays are coming soon.I have some plans for the holidays and now I will talk about that with you. I will do some cleaning and do some washing with my mother at home. In my free time ,I plan to go to see the movies or play football with my ...

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