
作者&投稿:仝锦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1 并不是倾斜的,只是它是活动的,以便在更大范围内寻找目标和帮助调整姿态
2 现实中可行,地面人员有激光照射器就行了,飞机投弹就走,就不用飞机引导了
3 一般不可能有这种情况。由于天气之类的原因造成类似的效果,会让精度变低
4 是的。


Autumn and Winter greenhouse strawberry cultivation techniques pollution

Period,Ralph Lauren Greenhouse Malan outside the cultivat, picking fruit promptly after drip irrigation, soil moisture content to field up to the maximum field capacity of 60% to 80%. 4. C02 gas release fertilizer in winter Chung quarters, greenhouse generally remain closed state, the lack of indoor CO levels, reducing the photosynthetic efficiency of strawberry, the production decline, Editor of product: Min E-mail: wangm @ a. ac. cn Tel :010 -51,503,567 Fujin City, Heilongjiang Province, real estate supply of watermelon in the past normally in early August to mid-September, Liaoning and off the watermelon also impact the local market, the economic benefits of Watermelon is often a Selling what you do, proud parent of the melon as long-distance trafficking If the watermelon supply period was extended to October 1, to achieve Kitauri south, both added in Harbin, Shenyang, Dalian, Shanghai,Ralph Lauren, Guangzhou and other cities off-season market supply, increased income Watermelon is the development of melon The Machang You, Wang Guangyu, Heilongjiang Fujin Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, 1561O0 Jilin, Heilongjiang Myer Seed Industry Co., Ltd., 156 100, such as. = Volume Machang You Jilin Wang Guangyu economic good way. The author sums up the last five years late autumn watermelon cultivation techniques, the purpose is to guide the scientific use of regional advantages to develop the local Watermelon watermelon production, improve Watermelon melon enthusiasm, moving from the weak to strong, from early to delayed development, from local sales to extension of other towns. A selection block 1. The election to late autumn cold watermelon cultivation, we must first consider the prevention of waterlogging and control water. Also make full use of geographical advantages, select hillock, deep sandy loam soil and planted the black loam. 2. Selected crop of wheat,Ralph Lauren, corn, beans and other crop after planting watermelon is better, easy to grow vegetable Crops, melon crop is not Huan g an technological innovation; a clamor hug l ÷ |. Fog Caipei technology with species, generally 6 to 8 rings for once. Bean crop planting watermelons to identify the type of herbicide use to avoid injury. Two scientific fertilization late autumn than early watermelon watermelon field longer growing season, 15 ~ 20d, so to ensure adequate supply of plant nutrients and fruit growth and development, to avoid the growing phenomenon of late due to premature aging Tuofei appear. Fujin local experience combined with fertilization to take the following measures: ① rake in the spring before the fall turn, each 667m2 of high quality farm composting facilities 1t3000kg, DAP 15kg, potassium 4 ~ 5kg, 50kg cake as a base fertilizer. ② applied before planting each Nei'an quality farm IElOOg, DAP 60g, fermentation cake 50g, 20g of potassium sulfate as a germplasm becomes poor, need to release CO: gas fertilizer. In the strawberry into the reproductive stage, one cast of solid CO: gas fertilizer, the soil per square meter greenhouse facilities within 2 points per hole to put 10g of solid CO: gas fertilizer, and wet soil mixing, 30d in the application, then cast the first 2 solid CO: gas fertilizer, the same number of 1st. Second, the chemical reaction method, put a greenhouse in every 50rn plastic bucket placed on top of strawberry growing point,Ralph Lauren, 30min after sunrise every morning, put the container industry from the 96% sulfuric acid after sulfuric acid diluted 5-fold 340mL, ammonium bicarbonate 105g, produced CO: photosynthesis to meet the need of ventilation before the strawberries. 5. Artificial pollination of artificial pollination, with increased production 22% to 28%, reducing the role of the number of abnormal results. 10 am to 3 pm, with a brush gently brushed from strawberries to spend every 1 ~ 2d operation 1. 6. Artificial fill, the depths of winter warming spring insufficient light in the greenhouse every 20m, 1.5 ~ 2m above the ground to install a 100W incandescent, rainy days and evening to make up light. Hanging in the greenhouse Iiii reflective screen, increase the temperature. 7. Plant Adjustment regular removal of old leaves, diseased leaves,Ralph Lauren, dead leaves and concentrated fire, to reduce the incidence of disease, increasing light. Before flowering, bud separation phase Thinning 1,5 ~ 1 / 4 section-bit high-bud, young fruit green phase in deformed fruit thinning and pest to fruit, to ensure focus on the supply of nutrients to improve yield and marketability. 8. The main pest control strawberry gray mold disease is, to improve efficiency and reduce greenhouse anti-humidity, 10% off selected gram of dust and other agents the best in the evening when the powder control, the amount of time each 6671TI 1kg, every 7 ~ 10d dusting 1, 3 to 4 times continuous control. Or use chlorothalonil, procymidone aerosols in the evening light control. Fourth, the harvest harvest time in the morning dew has dried to a temperature not reached before noon or evening, when the harvest with the thumb and forefinger and snap off the stalk, together with part of the stalk off. According to distance sales, in the fruit surface color 80% and 90% harvested, graded and packed and sold. Group

Chrysanthemum flexible water dish

However, green for the evaluation, total score of 1O0 points, scoring five individual evaluation, the arithmetic average of the results in Table 1: wrapped in a different color protection agents and food products with the color of chrysanthemum ■ the impact of color protection agent is (%) combined effect of (sub) zinc acetate + 0.03% zinc acetate, sodium bicarbonate 6% 72 0.02% zinc acetate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate 6%, 0.03% magnesium chloride + magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate 6% magnesium chloride 0.02% sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate 6% magnesium chloride zinc acetate zinc acetate + O. 03%, 0.03% magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate sodium bicarbonate 6% zinc acetate + O. 88 02%, magnesium chloride O. 02%,MBT outlet, 6% sodium bicarbonate 78 can be seen from Table 1, both in the pickling process by adding zinc acetate O. 03%, 0.03% magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate 6% combination of the best color protection agent, from the basic finished dishes to maintain the original tender green chrysanthemum natural color, and a single zinc acetate, magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate added protection color can not maintain its original natural green. This is because the chlorophyll in the leaves of chrysanthemum dishes in salt and alkaline conditions, and zinc ions, magnesium ions that produce more stable chlorophyll and chlorophyll magnesium zinc sodium sodium, which can maintain a relatively solid green,MBT outlet, even after 100 ~ C 10rain boiling water sterilization, but also to maintain most of the green. 23 pickled vegetables after desalination as chrysanthemum high salt content, taste salty, is not conducive to human health, pickled vegetables, salt does not conform to the current direction of development. So we dish of pickled chrysanthemum after the desalination process to reduce its salt content. Is in stainless steel tanks in accordance with the amount of vegetable water ratio of 1:4 by adding water, desalination of about 6h until the dish is detected in the salt content ≤ 2%, stop desalination. In order to prevent decomposition of chlorophyll, pH, pool water must be kept I> 7, and desalination in the dark dark. 2.4 rinse water desalination and control of chrysanthemum dish after rinsing with water to the surface of the salt residue and color protection agents, and to the surface with the centrifuge control free water. 2.5 Weighing and bagging the rinse, water control after the chrysanthemum dish quantitative in plastic bags and add seasoning sauce, keep the broth pHI> 7. Note that bags of food must be dedicated and can withstand 1oo ℃ boiling water sterilization of cooking bag. 2.6 after the vacuum sealing bag sealing machine sealing. Vacuum sealing machine work 1> 0. O9MPa. 2.7 sterilization and cooling the packaged food product by daisy 100 ~ C boiling water sterilization, heat 10min. In clean, cold water pool to cool to 35-40 ~ C, they can dry out the surface water control,Ralph Lauren shop Shanghai pumpkin resources and t, final inspection, packing storage. 3 Results and discussion 3.1 daisy-fresh vegetables by pickling, can achieve the purpose of storage and preservation of pickled vegetables to maintain good chrysanthemum good appearance and color, aromatic and rich chrysanthemum,MBT outlet, 14d in the future can be pickled as a semi-finished raw materials needed to provide water packaging Chrysanthemum food production, preservation can be a long time to solve the water in processing food packaging materials daisy seasonal problem. 3.2 This test obtained by a daisy for pickled vegetables of the new technology of the new technology is characterized by a pickled and pickled while adding color protection agents, the technology lies in the choice of color protection agents. The testing to determine water use food packaging chrysanthemum 0.03% zinc acetate, magnesium chloride 0.03%, 6% sodium bicarbonate combination of better color protection agent, it can maintain the natural chrysanthemum green vegetables, and did not change the chrysanthemum dish The original taste. 3.3 new process technology than the traditional pickled vegetables reduces the production processes, shorten production time, thus saving the cost of new technology products were better than the traditional process sensory processing products, and other physical and chemical health indicators are relatively similar. According to Wencheng CDC inspection reports, the appearance of flexible packaging products chrysanthemum dish of water was light green, short segments, leaves, tender texture, with rich fragrance of chrysanthemum dish, coliforms ≤ 3O, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus , Salmonella, hemolytic streptococcus was not detected, pickled vegetable products meet health standards. 3.4 chrysanthemum dish of water to meet modern vegetable processing flexible packaging product development Fang Xiangju cauliflower flexible packaging uses desalination water or broth,MBT outlet, add water, then cooking the food bags, vacuum sealing, the finished product after sterilization and other processes, its beautiful appearance, Chrysanthemum intuitively natural color and shape of food, atmosphere with modern products, and convenience food, open bags of salad or cooking can meet city's fast-paced modern life, good market prospects. 3.5 The significance of the success of product development, packaging water food product development success of chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum dish for storage and transportation, and sale of great significance, to promote the development of local farmers, specialty vegetables, significantly improve the social and economic benefits. 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激光制导炸弹投射时,它是利用载机上的激光照射器,先向目标照射激光束,经目标反射后,由装在炸弹头部的激光导引头接收,再经光电变换形成电信号,输入炸弹控制舱,控制炸弹舵面偏转,导引炸弹飞向目标。激光制导炸弹在普通气象条件下捕获目标率高,遇有雨、雾、灰尘、水时命中精度降低。1 并不是倾斜的...







宝石路系列激光制导炸弹基本数据 :



昌江黎族自治县17212607269: 关于激光制导炸弹的问题 -
仲孙桂重酒: 当然不会,激光制导是要有一定条件的,炸弹飞行方向和激光照射目标的方向是有一定角度限制的,以致目标反射的激光能被制导炸弹锁定.如果条件不足,可以采用红外或其他方式

昌江黎族自治县17212607269: 想问问激光制导炸弹的制导原理! -
仲孙桂重酒: 先要说明一个问题:反射有两种,一种是镜面反射,另一种是漫反射. 楼主说的就是镜面反射,而激光制导导弹主要是运用漫反射.射手向目标发射激光束后,激光照射到目标上,并被目标反射向四面八方,只要这些被反射的激光束达到一定强...

昌江黎族自治县17212607269: 激光制导炸弹是什么? -
仲孙桂重酒: 2001年10月,美军对阿富汗全境展开了军事打击,并首次使用了GBU-28巨型激光制导炸弹,以打击塔利班政权领导人的地下指挥和控制中心以及其他坚固的地下掩体. GBU-28激光制导炸弹是由“宝石路”GBU-24激光制导炸弹改进研制的,...

昌江黎族自治县17212607269: 请问激光制导炸弹的引导问题!!!请问激光制导炸弹的引导是载机发射
仲孙桂重酒: 有三种, 一.载机自己照射, 二.友机照射, 三.己方特种兵在地面照射

昌江黎族自治县17212607269: 激光制导导弹为什么要有两架飞机才能发射? -
仲孙桂重酒: 不是啊,一架就可以啊. 激光制导炸弹: 激光制导炸弹装有激光制导装置、能自动导向目标的炸弹.具有射程远、命中精度高、威力大和较强的抗电子干扰能力.投射时,它是利用载机上的激光照射器,先向目标照射激光束,经目标反射后,由装在炸弹头部的激光导引头接收,再经光电变换形成电信号,输入炸弹控制舱,控制炸弹舵面偏转,导引炸弹飞向目标.激光制导炸弹在普通气象条件下捕获目标率高,遇有雨、雾、灰尘、水时命中精度降低.

昌江黎族自治县17212607269: 激光制导炸弹有推进能力吗?
仲孙桂重酒: 激光制导炸弹装有激光制导装置、能自动导向目标的炸弹.具有射程远、命中精度高、威力大和较强的抗电子干扰能力.投射时,它是利用载机上的激光照射器,先向目标照射激光束,经目标反射后,由装在炸弹头部的激光导引头接收,再经光电变换形成电信号,输入炸弹控制舱,控制炸弹舵面偏转,导引炸弹飞向目标.激光制导炸弹在普通气象条件下捕获目标率高,遇有雨、雾、灰尘、水时命中精度降低.

昌江黎族自治县17212607269: 中国有无激光制导炸弹?
仲孙桂重酒: 激光制导炸弹是先进的激光光束制导的半主动空对地攻击武器.在制导炸弹中,该型炸弹技术简单、出现最早、命中精度高、造价较低.中国军工部门从上世纪80年代后期...

昌江黎族自治县17212607269: 激光制导导弹用于哪些方面?主要攻击目标是什么?
仲孙桂重酒: 人们常能从报道现代战争的电视新闻中看到这样的画面:当飞机显示屏的“ 十字星”对准地面目标时,目标就会立即被摧毁,这就是激光制导炸弹的“功劳 ”.“十字星...

昌江黎族自治县17212607269: 什么是巡航导弹什么是激光制导炸弹?
仲孙桂重酒: 巡航导弹: 一般来说,巡航导弹是指主要以巡航状态飞行的有翼导弹.所谓巡航就是... 而同期投下的8万余吨非制导炸弹的命中率却只有25%. 激光制导炸弹也有自身的弱...

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