
作者&投稿:车维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1: 大学四年结束后,我会很难过,因为我从很小开始就开始上学的,大学毕业对我来说,意味着我的学习生涯结束了。
I would be very sad after concluding four years’ university life because have been in school since I was a kid. What’s more, graduation from university just means my study career has finally come to an end.
I just need a computer, which won’t take up too much space, to carry out study on line where I can access much study materials. And wherever I am and whenever it is, I would be able to carry out study as long as I have a computer with me.
3:distance education 有很多好处,比如说,学生不需要前往固定的教室,即使在家也能学,没有年龄限制,只要会用电脑就可以
Distance education is advantageous in many ways. For example, students don’t have to study in certain fixed classrooms and carry out study at home without the limitation of age as long as they can use computers.
Because social clubs and groups in colleges not only enrich their daily life but enable them to have their interpersonal skills trained as well.
In my view, study, work and recreational activities are of the same importance.
The author’s experience in Britain enabled him to truly appreciate the essence of the British culture.
I deem the best approach is turning to my family or friends for help whenever I am in trouble.
The author has called xx for help
The author took great pride in striving to be a Olympic volunteer since the event is the grandest sport gala of its kind worldwide.

我自己翻的 希望对你有帮助

(Norman Borlaug )博士创立了“世界粮食奖”。这是一个一年一次的国际奖项,以表彰世界上通过提高粮食的质量、产量或可用性,促进人类发展的个人。
2013年6月19日,州秘书John Kerry在(颁奖典礼)开幕式上宣布了2013年世界粮食奖的获奖者。与会在听的有,从左:世界粮食奖基金会主席John Ruan II 和 Janice Ruan
6月19日,在美国国务院的宣布仪式上,世界粮食奖基金宣布比利时的Marc Van Montagu和美国的Mary-Dell Chilton与Robert Fraley三人共同为2013年世界粮食奖的获得者。这个奖项会在10月份在爱荷华州首府得梅因举行的“诺曼·布劳格

Along with the process of economic globalization, financial fraud of listed companies has been growing drastically in our country and even all over the world which has become the cancer that hinders development of the global economy. It not only causes serious losses to the investors and creditors, but also greatly impacts the capital markets, damages the the principles of "fairness, impartiality and openness" on which the capital markets depend for existence and development, and undermines the investors' confidence. Therefore, it could brook no delay to take strict precautions and control against financial fraud.

In this paper, at first, there is a multi-dimensional analysis on the theoretical basis of finacial fraud, and then its sings, tricks and damages, based on the cases of Chinese and overseas public companies. The corresponding control countermeasures are proposed as well.


With economic globalization, our country and even in the world scope listed company financial frauds increasingly active, and financial fraud has become a world economy that the cancer of the development of, it not only to investors and creditors bring serious loss; Also the biggest impact of the capital market, capital market can destroy the existence and development of "fairness, justice and openness" principle, be moved and dampened investor confidence. So to prevent and control financial frauds already is urgently needed. This paper, from the Angle of different cases at home and abroad and analyzes the listed company financial fraud theory, harm, means, such as signs, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.

1.梦 我在年青时候也曾经做过许多梦,后来大半忘却了,但自己也并不以为可惜。所谓回忆者,虽说可以使人欢欣,有时也不免使人寂寞,使精神的丝缕还牵着己逝的寂寞的时光,又有什么意味呢,而我偏苦于不能全忘却,这不能全忘的一部分,到现在便成了《呐喊》的来由。——《<呐喊>自序》2.题目...

include <stdio.h> int stds(int n){ int gewei,shiwei,baiwei,qianwei,result;gewei=n%10;shiwei=(n\/10)%10;baiwei=(n\/100)%10;qianwei=(n\/1000);result=gewei+shiwei+baiwei+qianwei;if(result==10)return n;else return 0;} void main(){ int stds(int n);int i,z;for(i=0;...

c语言高手进。 帮我编程下 。 小弟感激不尽~
{ int yearB=0, monthB=0, dayB=0;int yearE=0, monthE=0, dayE=0;int difYear, difMonth;\/\/ 输入日期1 printf("Input the beginning date(yyyy.mm.dd)\\n");scanf("%d.%d.%d", &yearB, &monthB, &dayB);\/\/ printf( "%d.%d.%d\\n", yearB, monthB, dayB); 这行是我...

你计算机系的吧,不用急,到时候总会有个把高人把成果在班上传播 或者有个把会搞关系的牛人从师兄那弄些往年的成果来的 不过,这都编不出,如果是计算机系的,那就没的话说了

dux 英文的"duke (公爵)”就是从拉丁文的"dux (领导者)"演化来的。

Aires 西班牙Spain,西班牙人\/西班牙语Spanish,马德里Madrid 巴西Brazil,巴西人Brazilian,巴西利亚Brasilia 越南Vietnam,越南人Vietnamese,河内Hanoi 葡萄牙Portugal,葡萄牙人\/葡萄牙语Portuguese,里斯本Lisbon 澳大利亚Australia,澳大利亚人Australian,堪培拉Canberra 南韩Korea,韩国人\/韩语Korean,首尔Seoul ...

...帮个忙!!! 答对一道题就能得两分!!!高手们帮帮我啊!!!
4、Which is the best way to Wangcheng Park?(把a改成了thebest了)5、不会。。。6、Which is the way to Wangcheng Park?(in改成on)7、Is this a work at the school?(in改成at,因为学校是一个比较小的地点,所以用at,凭的是直觉。。。)8、Who are you waiting for here?(wa...

What is a true friendship (什么是真正的友谊)In the dictionary, friendship is defined as the state of being friends. What are friends? What makes a good friend? To me a friend is someone who cherishes the special moments and memories of life with another person. A friend is a...

\/*:①输入职工的姓名和职工号;②按职工号由小到大排序,姓名顺序也随之调整;③输入一个职工号,设计算法找出该职工的姓名,从主函数输入要查找的职工号,输出该职工姓名。\/ include<stdio.h> struct zg \/*职工结构体*\/ { char name[20]; \/*名字*\/ int num; \/*职工号*\/ };void main...

题1:include<stdio.h> int fun(int *a,int n,int *odd,int *even){ int i,Sodd=0,Seven=0;for(i=0;i<n;i++){ if(a[i]%2==0) Sodd=Sodd+a[i];else Seven=Seven+a[i];} odd=Sodd;even=Seven;return 0;} int main(){ int i,n,a[100];int odd=0,even=0;puts...

宿州市15871181524: 英文高手帮下忙...帮我翻译下几个句子...
雀琛二陈: 1.Take care!A bus is coming towards here. 2.He's content with the progress of the students

宿州市15871181524: 来个英语高手帮我翻译下面的几句话.~我不想和你见面,因为我怕我会喜欢上你.我觉得我这样很对不起他,!我不希望这些事发生.!我选择逃避.~也许他比... -
雀琛二陈:[答案] 刚刚该过了,应该可以用了. 我不想和你见面,因为我怕我会喜欢上你. I can't see you again,or I will fall in love with you. 我觉得我这样很对不起他,!我不希望这些事发生.!我选择逃避.~ He doesn't deserve this.It's best if I walk away because I don't ...

宿州市15871181524: 英语好的请进来帮小弟一个忙!请问谁能帮我翻译下面几句话,第一句,"要面带微笑,尊重客户.当他们有问题的时候,尽自己最大的努力帮助他们解决问题... -
雀琛二陈:[答案] "To smile and respect to your customers.Do your best to help them to solve problems once they met." "With amicable and accommodating attitude, I regard helping customers to solve problems as my honor." "Work as part of a team, we should ...

宿州市15871181524: 请英文高手帮我翻译一下下面几句话.感激不尽.Thanks!!
雀琛二陈: 1.May I help you carry something? 2.Is it the first time that you come to Nanning? 3.There are many interesting places in Nanning, and hope you could enjoy yourselves here. 4.Could you please speak a little bit slower? My English is not so good. 5.I ...

宿州市15871181524: 求英语高手帮我翻译下面几句话....
雀琛二陈: Going abroad to study can add my experiences, learn more different cultures of different countries.It is very helpful to find a job if we learn a foreign language. But sometimes students can not get use to the outside world,because it's lonely without parents.

宿州市15871181524: 英语高手帮我翻译下这几句话
雀琛二陈: 1.I have a classmate called Kate that her mother is a former English teacher I am. 2 is an easy Kate live in person who all like her. In the spoken word Kate 3 in a contest for the first, which makes her a very happy mom 希望能帮着你.

宿州市15871181524: 英语高手帮我翻译一下这几句话 -
雀琛二陈: How excited and happy am I on hearing that you are coming to Shanghai! My college is just in Shanghai (I'm now a postgraduate student), it seems that we can have a meeting. Ha-ha! I'm looking forward to a meet.

宿州市15871181524: 跪求英语高手,帮忙翻译下面几句话.
雀琛二陈: Although I'm just what i am but i also have many dreams When i was young I hope that I can be a doctor like my idol XXX I wanted to see him one day He is the star always twinkled in the stage .But I know that clearly only when i have gone into the ...

宿州市15871181524: 英语高手帮下忙,帮我翻译并随意写几句话what pressures do you have now?how do you deal with them?英语要期末考试,口语的.英语高手帮下忙,问题... -
雀琛二陈:[答案] 1.Now for me ,the pressure is that i am a freshman.Many learning methods can not be accept very well.But i will try my best to adjust it and adapt to the envrionment. 2.Of course there are some difficulties.For example sometimes i had to finish the work of ...

宿州市15871181524: 麻烦哪位英文高手帮我翻译下面几句话,紧急,在线等! -
雀琛二陈: Oh, ladies, please forgive me straightforward, you are really so beautiful, I can not help expressing my love for you, I suppose you allow me to ask you to have afternoon tea together, right? Tea! Lady, don't be afraid, to be with me! I will protect you. ...

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