
作者&投稿:壤哀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Breathing training on patients with gastroscope inspection intraoperatie cooperate effect 【 abstract 】 objective to observe training and guidance on preoperative breaths intraoperatie cooperate with gastroscope inspection effect. Methods select gastroscope inspection 800 cases and control and patients with each 400 cases observation group. By gastroscope inspection group, the observation group and conventional care for patients on strengthening into before the mirror deep breathing training and guidance, compares two groups of gastroscope inspection process cooperate effect. Results the observation group intraoperative cooperate situation better than control group, two sets of data is statistically significant difference (P < 0..05). Conclusion gastroscope inspection preoperative deep breaths training and guidance improve the patient with intraoperative breathing the adaptability and reduce the adverse reaction of patients, and improve the patient to check tolerated, won the patients with better and shorten the examination time, worth recommending.

Abstract: the financial crisis originated in the subprime mortgage crisis and the subprime mortgage crisis. It is to point to an occurrence in the United States, because of the subprime mortgage lenders bankruptcy, investment funds being closed down, the stock market caused by violent shake the financial storm. The global financial market liquidity shortage mainly crisis. The United States "the subprime crisis" is from the spring 2006 start gradually appear. Start in August 2007 swept across the United States, the European Union and Japan and other major world financial market. Because of the subprime crisis caused a series of bad loans, and make the commercial Banks and investment Banks and the system of fund assets face a write-downs, stock bonds and derivatives market prices, and because the fair value accounting and influence its shareholders and investors, produce a chain reaction, a financial crisis.
Key words: the financial crisis; Fair value; Historical cost

On the Improvement of China's Banking Supervisory and Regulatory System

Abstract: Developed countries such as the United States, Japan and the UK have mature banking regulatory regimes. In China, the system for bank supervision and regulation started from scratch in the mid-1980's and has been moving steadily towards maturity. Nonetheless, there are still many inadequacies, such as the separated supervisory and regulatory system's inability to adapt to the new pattern of management and lack of risk monitoring and management. Among other measures, it is imperative to further strengthen the supervisory and regulatory functions of the Banking Regulatory Commission and improve the risk early-warning mechanism so as to perfect China's banking supervisory regulatory system.

Key words:
Banking supervisory and regulatory system; industry-specific supervision and regulation (or: industry-based supervision and regulation); risk early warning

Talk about the our country banking supervision system

【 abstract 】 us-japan British and other developed countries have mature banking system, our country since the 1980s so far, from banking system, gradually mature, but there are still separate supervision cannot adapt to the new management pattern, lack of risk regulation has some shortcomings, must take further strengthening regulatory functions, improve the CBRC risk early warning mechanism, perfecting measures such as banking system.

【 keywords 】 bank supervision system; Supervised; Risk early warning

By Our country banking supervision system's consummation [abstract]The US-Japan UK and so on developed country has the mature banking supervision system, our country from the mid-1980s until now, the banking supervision system grows out of nothing, is mature gradually, but still had the separation formula supervision not to be able to adapt the new management pattern, the risk supervision insufficiency and so on many insufficiencies, must adopt further strengthens Banking Regulatory Commission's supervision function, measures and so on consummation risk early warning mechanism, consummates Our country banking supervision system. [key word]Banking supervision system; Minute industry supervision; Risk early warning

Focus the relationship between morality and law is the ancient western legal investigation, around the relationship between the two, the western law was born in many schools, of which the most important is the natural method and analysis method, and the evolution of law in the ...

Improve the statutory compensation system to adapt to the current copyright protection in China as well as economic and scientific and technological needs of the development of cultural undertakings of great significance. In view of the statutory compensation system exists to determine the ...

The urbanization and the ecological balance is a pair of contradictory. The urbanization is a kind of trend, while the city is steadily for environmental protection, urban development in the past often ignored the consideration of environmental protection, urban development in the process ...

For the provisions of the basic connotation of the fraud in defferent countries, Fraud refers to the destruction of the principle of autonomy and violates the principle of honesty and credibility, and its constitutive requirements include two essential conditions:The first step is the ...

Practical works of art is the protection of intellectual property law in China need to improve the area, is not yet clear protection measures, for the definition of the concept of practical works of art, the protection of domestic legislation with relevant international treaties such as...

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the article combines all the factors for the position of the project,make series of marketing methods on the basis of request and implement them strictly at various stages.通过调查分析,作者认为:市场营销中,首先需捕捉目标客户的需求,明确战略问题,才能制定出相应的营销战术策略。如果寄希望...

Abstract lung pressure - volume curve reflects the characteristics of lung mechanics in acute respiratory distress syndrome lung scanning in mind the pressure - volume curve can not only monitor the damage to the lung mechanics, and can guide the mechanical ventilation parameter settings, ...

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看在<江苏美女>份上, 我帮你译...不需要给分! o(N_N)o "As the social, economic and cultural development evolves, the human ideas and concepts also follow suit. In our monogamous system, we observe that more and more "third persons" appear to discrupt others' valid marriages...

记得给我财富值,不然,哼!For medical injury problems, in China 's judicial practice, it has been a more difficult issue, the main reason is that the laws and regulations of chaos, led to the existence of several" two yuan" problem"," before the implementation of the tort ...

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宠钩参七: Abstract: the financial crisis originated in the subprime mortgage crisis and the subprime mortgage crisis. It is to point to an occurrence in the United States, because of the subprime mortgage lenders bankruptcy, investment funds being closed ...

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宠钩参七: Family violence is happened in between family members violent behavior. The family is the social cell, family stability is social harmony. But the influence of the feudal ideas, the public not tolerance, the status of women is low, the lack of legal system ...

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宠钩参七: "Difficult to Enforce" The problem is to haunt the Court's work has been a major issue,The "Difficult to Enforce criminal with civil attached" is more concerned about social issues. Currently this issue has the attention of domestic and foreign ...

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宠钩参七: Forcing employees to work is a serious infringement of personal rights and freedoms of workers,which is the ancient barbaric of re-appearance of slavery.It is out of tune with the modern civilized society. In order to combat such acts, almost all ...

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宠钩参七: Crime units abroad as corporate crime, units countries in the world against the harm to society are the characteristics of the crime independent of the natural system of legislation, Punishment and prevention of crime units to take most of the "...

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宠钩参七: 1.There are more students who have some idol in their minds than who do not.Among the students' idols, entertainment figures and litterateurs occupy the main part. 2. 你的第二句有语法问题.3.There is a conspicuous correlationship between ...

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宠钩参七: Abstract:Real estate loan has become one of the important bank assets, whose loan quality will make an deep impact on the earnings and risk conditions of banking industry. Centered on the indirect banking finance, our domestic real estate ...

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