
作者&投稿:巩裴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.中国菜做法简单2.有多种口味,不容易吃腻3.中国菜有时候可以弄得特漂亮4.中国菜非常强调色、香、味俱佳。这既是一道菜的标准,也是一席菜的标准。5.有些中国菜很有营养,药补不如食补,食能养人就是这个道理了,讲究的就是充分体现食物的营养,要荤素合理搭配一类的啦。6.中国菜的菜名很有特点7.从烹饪文化角度与其他国家相比,中国菜更具有多彩多姿、精细美好、和谐适中的特征。8.口感很好9.烹饪是很讲究火候10.可以按个人爱好来制作不同的菜系 译文:
1. Chinese food would be a simple 2. There are a variety of flavors, it is not easy to eat greasy 3. Chinese food can sometimes make very beautiful 4. Chinese food is very emphasis on color, aroma and taste are good.
This is a dish of standard and a dish I standard.
5. Some Chinese food is very nutritious, is better than a medicine to eat, can eat or it is for this reason, cultured is fully embodies the food's nutrition, to la hun vegetable reasonable collocation.
6. The names of Chinese dishes is characteristic 7. From cooking culture Angle compared with other countries, Chinese food is more colorful, fine good, harmony moderate characteristics.
8. Taste very good 9. Cooking is very exquisite temperature 10. Can make different cuisines according to personal preference

Trois mondial cuisine majeure (chinois, français, turc alimentaire), l'une des profondes répercussions de l'Asie de l'Est. Recettes provenant de diverses régions de Chine et des plats ethniques. [Editer ce paragraphe] a résumé les caractéristiques des produits alimentaires chinois: couleur, odeur, goût, l'italien, de la forme. Connu comme le plat national de cinq éléments. Cuisine chinoise dispose d'un grand nombre de

Chicken NoodlesEverybody both know how to cook chicken noodles in China. Now, let me show you the ways. First, check you have all the ingredients. You need chicken, noodles, vegetables and salt. Next, turn on the gars and put the chicken, noodles and vegetables into the pan. Then, pour the salt into the pan and you have to wait for five minutes. Finally, you can get a bowl of chicken noodles and eat it.

. Cut the meat into shreds 6 cm (2.4 inches) long and 0.3 cm (0.12 inch) thick and wide. Put in a bowl. Add 1 g ( 1/6 tsp) of salt and stir until mixture becomes sticky. Add the egg white and dry cornstarch and mix well. Cut the green peppers into shreds of similar size to the meat.
2. Heat the oil to 110-135ºC (230-275ºF) and stir-fry the pork shreds until they are done. Take out and drain off the oil.
3. Put 25 g (1 2/3 tbsp) of oil in the wok and stir-fry the shredded green peppers for one minute. Add the shredded pork, cooking wine, salt, MSG and water, and bring to boiling point. Put in the mixture of cornstarch and water to thicken the sauce. Take out and serve.
Features: The meat is white with a light pink tinge. While the peppers are invitingly green.
Taste: The shredded pork is tender and the green peppers crispy. The dish is salty to the right taste

China takes great pride in its varied cuisines, and food is an important element of the Chinese culture. There are eight principal cuisines, including the spicy Sichuan dishes and the light Cantonese cooking. Chinese restaurants are very popular in all parts of the world.However, ...


鱼香茄子 【作料】茄子4只约450克,油2汤匙,麻油2茶匙,生粉1茶匙十水1汤匙,芫荽2棵切碎 【鱼香料】蒜茸2茶匙姜茸1茶匙葱1棵切粒 【调味料】镇江醋、黄砂糖各2汤匙,四川辣豆瓣酱茶匙(满),鸡粉1/2茶匙(随意)酱油1汤匙 【准备】1、茄子洗净去蒂,从上到下,相间地削去一部分外皮,切5...

一段话 中译英
How's everything going?I'm really glad to hear that you are coming to China. China has a long history of thousands of years, which is worthwhile for a visit. What's more, Chinese people are so enthusiastic and hospitable that I believe you can make many friends here. There...


担担面是四川成都和自贡著名的地方传统面食小吃,据说源于挑夫们在街头挑着担担卖面,因而得名。由于制作这道菜的成本低廉,制作方法简单,它在中国和海外的每个家庭都很常见。这道菜的热辣程度令人难以置信,但它与肉、菠菜、芝麻、面条和其他食材搭配得非常好。7. 红烧狮子头 红烧狮子头,也叫四喜丸子...


中英翻译 (关于中国的饮食的四句,关于兵马俑的一句)谢谢各位:)_百度知...
[你打算用今天买的食材,做什么样的菜?怎么做?]2. What do you think what are the characteristics of Chinese food by comparing it with American food?[你觉得和地道的美国菜相比中国菜的特点是什么?]3. Let's see who has the best delicious cooking today, and why?If I may, I'd ...

A: Oh, I’m starving. I’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. What would you recommend, waiter?啊,我快饿死啦。我想吃点真正的中国菜。您给我推荐什么呢,服务生?B: Well, it depends. You see, there are eight famous Chinese cuisines:for instance, the Sichuan cuisine, and...

中式快餐 美剧
播 出:BBC 类 型:纪录 地区:英国 制作公司:BBC 语言:英语 首播日期:2008-07-07 周一 英文:Chinese Food Made Easy 黄瀞亿是英国厨艺节目中最炙手可热的中国厨师之一。在《中餐速成》系列中,她使用新鲜易得的食材,配合实用的技巧和窍门,将传统的中国菜进行了改良。在顶尖名厨、亲朋...

越秀区15889685451: 求一篇制作中国菜的英语作文100单词左右随便什么菜都行 -
韩皇诺特: Chicken NoodlesEverybody both know how to cook chicken noodles in China. Now, let me show you the ways. First, check you have all the ingredients. You need chicken, noodles, vegetables and salt. Next, turn on the gars and put the chicken, ...

越秀区15889685451: 英语作文 关于做一道菜的具体过程 -
韩皇诺特: 1.Pork and Vegetable Dumplings Mix some pork,leafy vegetables and salt.Then make small circles of dough. Put the meat,leafy vegetable and salt on the dough.Close the dough around the meat. Put the dumpling into a wok with hot water. Now,it's ...

越秀区15889685451: [急求]一篇写中国菜的300字英语议论文如题.哪位朋友提供的文好的话会追加分的!最好是中英对照的. -
韩皇诺特:[答案] 中国菜的选材非常丰富,有一句俗语称:“山中走兽云中燕,陆地牛羊海底鲜.”几乎所有能吃的东西,都可以做为中国菜的食材.但食材的选择关系到菜品的质量. 中国菜中名菜常选择名贵的食材,如燕窝、鱼翅、熊掌、鹿尾、虎骨、猴脑等.其中部分...

越秀区15889685451: 关于用英语介绍制做中国菜的方法? -
韩皇诺特: 糖醋里脊的做法 Needed materials: Pig fillet meat 300 grams, green pepper, carrot each 30 grams, onion 2, garlic 2 grains, egg-yolk 1, soy sauce 1 big spoon, starch 1 small spoon, ketchup 2 big spoons, white vinegar, sugar each 1 big spoon, ...

越秀区15889685451: 谁能帮我写一篇关于烹饪的英语作文??
韩皇诺特: How to make Chinese dumplings? To make Chinese dumplings, first of all, chop the meat into pieces and mash them, then add salt, sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, scallions, Chinese cabbage and MSG if you like. Mix thoroughly the ingredients; add...

越秀区15889685451: 有关中国美食制作的英语作文,60词以上 -
韩皇诺特: First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to ...

越秀区15889685451: 怎么做家乡一道特色菜的英语作文 -
韩皇诺特:[答案] One person a dishes,it is good to have distinguishing feature,snacks. Popularize the great river north and south of China's food,a food small common sense

越秀区15889685451: 怎么做家乡一道特色菜的英语作文 -
韩皇诺特: one person a dishes, it is good to have distinguishing feature, snacks.popularize the great river north and south of china's food, a food small common sense ~ ~

越秀区15889685451: 求一篇关于做菜的英语作文 -
韩皇诺特: learning cookingI like cooking from i was very young, i am always passion about making delicious dishes for my family which also can help my parents to reduce their stress from the work. Also when i watching the cooking program on television i ...

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