
作者&投稿:居怨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


music 音乐
months 月份 (复数)

连词成句:Do you have a soccer game at your school? 你们学校有足球比赛吗?




分析:固定搭配sb. have a lot of trouble (in可省) doing sth.【某人在做某事方面有许多困难】

分析:此句考察两个知识点:a.difficulty是不可数名词,用much修饰:b.have difficulty doing与have trouble doing是同义词组,difficulty后接in sth.(名词)

分析:have trouble doing

1. B
解释:there is表明后面的名词必须是可数名词单数或不可数名词,而a few vegetables为可数名词复数,其必须用there are.

2. C
解释:第一句中的if引导宾语从句,意思是“是否”,根据时间状语in thirty minutes,从句必须使用一般将来时,排除BD;

3. D
第一句为宾语从句,而宾语从句的句序必须是“引导词when + 陈述句序”,排除疑问/倒装句序will the train的A;
could并非过去式,而只是表示一种委婉的语气,这点还可以从答语的in half an hour得到印证,排除使用了过去将来时的B和一般过去时的C。
如果一个动作是固定安排好的不会变化的时候,则可以直接使用一般现在时代替一般将来时,所以答案D正确,再如:The train to Beijing leaves at 8:00 am tomorrow.

1,你到18岁才能学开车. you can't learn how to drive until you are 18.2,教室里面很脏乱,请清理一下 The classroom is in a mess. Please clean it up.3,我不能够选择要买那一副眼镜,两个我都戴的很好看 I can not decide which glasses I should buy ,for both of them look ...

1、They went the back door into the garden。A。over B、through C、 in D、out 答案详细解析:以上是考查 go through 用法,意思,穿过,通过,整个句子意思:他们穿过后门进入了花园:所以答案为B 2、I was surprised ___him here .A、at see B、 at seeing C、in see D...

At school our teachers do all they can___us with our lessons.A.help B.helping C.to help D.helped 答:C 译:在学校我们的老师尽其所能帮助我们的功课。析:这是一道典型的陷阱题。等我解释完之后,你将它作为一个句型背下来。句子分析简化。at school是地点状语,不要也罢,老师...

初中英语选择题, 求解释
buy是一个短暂的动作。它可以用于完成性(结束性)用法:I have bought a motorbike(我已经买了一辆摩托车)。 汉语中可以说:我买了有半个月了,而英语中不能说:I have bought it for half a month. 因为买这个动作,从交钱到提车,只需要几分种,最多十几分钟时间就完成了,不可能延续半个...

dinner ?6 Do not leave the dirty dishes on the table .7 We have to wear the school uniform at school .8 I want to see the koalas because they are really cute.祝天天开心,学习进步!本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

16. Mary is the ___ of three sisters. (old)17. The little girl plays piano ___. (wonder)18. Who was the ___ of the high jump? (win)19. When he was only 3 years old, he started hard ___ with his father. (train)20. Now more and more ___ are coming to vis...

如果选C,则一个句子倒装了两次,用了两个助动词,就不对了!疑问句主要有四类:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句,反意疑问句和选择疑问句。而本题句是复杂特殊疑问句,它是由特殊疑问句变化而来。也可以看作是由特殊疑问+一般疑问句变化面来。Do you think where he bought the computer? 是一个一般疑问...

1.in the world表示“世界上”或者“到底,究竟;其实(加强语气用)”,而of the world则表示“世俗的”。例句:You're the best girl in the world. 你这世界上最好的女孩 A man of the world. 饱经世故的人 2.in China是“在中国”,of China没有什么含义,通过句子你可以明白。例句:I'...

初中英语选择题5道 求解释及解答
1.--Hello , Mr Huang!--I`m sorry , ___ I don`t think I know you .A.and B.or C.but 答:C 译:你好,黄先生。对不起。(不过)我想我不认识你。析:I am sorry, but ...是一个常见的对话。这个but表示转折。意为“不过”,一般不需要译出。3.Not ___ woman can d...

一道初中英语选择题 ___the monkeys carefully A.look B.see C.wa...
正确答案应该是A。因为enjoy意思是享受,这道题不可能说让我们仔细地享受猴子吧。look,see,watch他们都有看的意思,但是look指集中注意力地看,是有意的,强调“看”的动作。单独使用时,用来引起对方的注意;如果跟宾语,要和at连用。例如: Look! Tom is over there.看!汤姆在那儿。 Look at the...

尖草坪区15833039698: 三道初中英语单项选择1.It's a cecret between us.Don't tell anybody.Sure,_________.A.I do B.I don't C.I will D.I won't2.I prefer to_____at home rather than_____... -
索芳丹参:[答案] 1 选D 回答暗示了我以后不会说,所以用won't 2选C prefer to do sth rather than do sth 3选B drop in 顺便拜访

尖草坪区15833039698: 3道初中英语填空(超简单的)1.Don't do it again ,or you will be s____.2.Both the reasons for using mobile phones less and the reasons a____it are intersting... -
索芳丹参:[答案] scolded斥责 against according to whose cover

尖草坪区15833039698: 三道初中英语题(学霸不妨试试) -
索芳丹参: 71. Could you clean the kichen?72. You can't watch TV73. Certainly. here you are!74. Can I use your mobile phone75. I'm afraid I can't go to yhe film with you tomorrow

尖草坪区15833039698: 三道初中英语题
索芳丹参: along in to have

尖草坪区15833039698: 初中英语题3道 -
索芳丹参: 1.wait2.broken3.allow

尖草坪区15833039698: 三道初中英语---单选题1、These cats are different - ___ - size.A:from B:of C:to D:in5、John plays football - ____,if not better than,David.A:as well B:as well as ... -
索芳丹参:[答案] 1 D 在某方面 用in 5 B if not better than是插入语,可以把它删掉再看整个句子 B的意思是 和……一样好 搭配正确而且符合题意 10 B made of 由……制成 made in 在……制成,产自……

尖草坪区15833039698: 三道初中英语题目
索芳丹参: How soon.visitors take with.have finished,last. 如还有问题.请追问.

尖草坪区15833039698: 三道初中英语问题 -
索芳丹参: (1)The faster the sooner(2)further/farther(3)The harder the more (1)(3)句类似 the加比较级……,the加比较级.表示越…越…比如第一个:The faster you walk,the sooner you will reach there.意思是:你走的越快,你越早到那儿.而第二题,你要先了解句意,再填.further/farther是far的比较级意为:让我们更深入的学习

尖草坪区15833039698: 三道初中英文题I wasn't - with the knife ,I cut myself.1)A careful enough B carefully enough2)When are you going to see your uncle? - next weekA some time B ... -
索芳丹参:[答案] 1.A.be careful with 对.不小心. 2.B. sometime某个时候.some time是一些时间;sometimes有时.some times 几次. 3.liked,more.

尖草坪区15833039698: 3道初中英语选择题 -
索芳丹参: 1,B there be 句型,已经有be动词了所以A不对.to do 应该是原型,所以C不对2,A interesting(sth/sb)有趣interested(人对...)感兴趣,固定用法3,A 我的爱好是收集旧硬币 所以收集...是一个宾语,只有to do 和doing满足 这里没有doing,所以只能选A

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