
作者&投稿:林畅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Abstract: The introduction, is an excitement classroom teaching, classroom teaching in the language can arouse interest in students, and Chang-Ran into the state, it is an artistic success. A class have a good start, just like singing at the beginning of the gongs and drums, not the opening to the latter in order to seize the hearts of children to attract the attention of students, to create a good atmosphere in the classroom so that students with learning, emotional or quickly reach the most good state, so as to achieve the purpose of optimizing the teaching process and improve the efficiency of the classroom.
This article discusses four parts: what is meant by "import", "into the arts"; the meaning of the arts into the classroom; several common classes into the arts; the principles of art into the classroom.

This paper discusses the landscape design of pedestrian street design on the relationship between functional and beautiful. Which relates to the modern landscape design and landscape design in early differences in social, cultural spiritual change, urban development and other training issues. The development of urban construction, the continuous improvement of social productivity, people enjoy the spiritual life as well as changes in consumer attitudes were a simple analysis; through reference lists and the current status of pedestrian landscape design study, from the street and even the city itself needs , raise the level of the angle of people's mental and philosophical theories of reference, etc. obtained in the design of the development of increasingly innovative and improve living standards today to enjoy the spirit level to practical design concept based at least in the design of pedestrian street lights to be out, refined and beautiful shape up as the primary consideration in the design of street lights, and presents the appearance of the development trend of the main practical supplement.

Chapter III of independent innovation of the industrial evolution -- in the United States and Japan as an example, is the focus of this paper sections. This paper the United States and Japan as the world's two upgrading of the industrial structure model representation, respectively of their respective technological advances driven by industrial evolution course summed up in the process of independent innovation and upgrading of the industrial structure of the important influence and role of independent innovation mechanism of the system itself Features, hopes to draw some inspiration for China's current independent innovation strategy proposed and implemented for reference. Chapter IV upgrade the capability of independent innovation, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure in China. inspected the course of the evolution of China's industrial structure and problems, clearly independent innovation which restricted the upgrading of the industrial structure in China the status, the final combination of the previous chapter the Enlightenment, Build raised with Chinese characteristics independent innovation system, and promote the upgrading of the industrial structure of the policy recommendations. Chapter V summarizes the full text of this paper focuses on the creative work and the achievements in the academic status the role and significance of this paper also raised the deficiencies and the need for further discussion and recommendations. In the course of the study, the paper flexibility in the use of economics analysis, interpretation of the theory and experience analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of the combination of static analysis and dynamic analysis, empirical research and countermeasure research. The articles, a typical national independent innovation promoting industrial upgrading experience as a key path, in-depth analysis of the study, reveals its inherent law. In this process, the use of more factual arguments and data to enhance the article rigor and persuasiveness.

繁译如下:Competition in the marketing success requires a good business plan competition strategy, the ability to know ourselves, in the action sub-surface to have a viable competitive strategy. In the fierce market competition, we must first find out who their competitors, and then ...

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1 他必须马上把那三本书还给图书馆,因为他借了太久了。He must return those three books to the library at once , because he has kept them too long.或者 He must give those three books back to the library immediately, because he has kept them for a long time.2 春天是游玩中国...

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you " to her.but, there was love in them forever.(it tells us :the true love is only about action not words. it is useless to say "i love you" for thousand times. it is important to love by our hearts and actions.)(很美的故事,有些我都意译了。希望对你有帮助。)...

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敖朋阿米:[答案] Main task is to assist the sales inquiry to suppliers, to be guests in the ERP system to determine unit prices to complete the entry ITEM and EN, the next version of a single supplier making, then carry out follow-up templates, delivery board to guests ...

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敖朋阿米: 1、The microphone input jack2、Music input socket3、3.5 stereo headphone jack, can make the line output4、3.5 stereo headphone jack, can make the line output5、power light 6、power switch7、DC power supply DC 12V input socket8、The effect of the volume knob9、The microphone volume knob10、The music volume knob 已经帮你翻译好了.

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