
作者&投稿:乐正若 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

※ Needed materials(糖醋里脊): Pig fillet meat 300 grams, green pepper, carrot each 30 grams, onion 2, garlic 2 grains, egg-yolk 1, soy sauce 1 big spoon, starch 1 small spoon, ketchup 2 big spoons, white vinegar, sugar each 1 big spoon, rice wine, salt, linseed oil each 1 small spoon. Manufacture method: 1st, the pig fillet meat cleaning, cuts the scrap, puts in the bowl to join the soy sauce 1 big spoon and the egg-yolk salt mixes 10 minutes; After the green pepper goes to the peduncle and the seed cleans, cuts the scrap; The carrot goes to the skin, the cleaning, the slice; The onion cleaning, the garlic goes to the skin, even stage equipment. 2nd, in the pot pours into 3 big spoons oils to burn the heat, puts in the fillet to fry to 7 minute is ripely abundant; In the pot -odd oil continues to burn the heat, explodes the fragrant onion and the garlic, puts in the green pepper, the carrot fries ripely, joins the ketchup 2 big spoons and has fried the fillet meat to fry to gets interested then. Characteristic: Color light yellow,The shape smooth is fullOutside the pine crisp crisp is fragrant,In soft tender is tasty.
Mexican wafers of egg rolls are introduced in detail, and efficacy: Mexican cuisine
Mexico's pancake egg rolls materials: the main ingredient: light cream... 2 TBSP Onions... &diced 1 egg... Red pepper 8 grain scattered... Dice 1/2 cup mushrooms... Dice 1/2 cup customize cheese... Dig silk 1/2 cup of Mexico thin pancakes... 4-8

Teach you how to make pancakes egg rolls, Mexico, how to do only delicious Mexican wafers egg rolls in medium heat, add some cream frying pan, add onion in pan fry until translucent

2. Add peppers and mushrooms and saute until softened

3 egg pulp, and stir until cooked, from the fire, cold standby

4 oven preheated to 180 degrees 35 degrees Fahrenheit (/ stove / 4 degrees baking tray rubbed some oil

5 the platform, clean and wafers put scrambled eggs in about two inches wide, middle, sprinkle with cheese

6 all the eggs and pancakes, in complete omelet baking sheet, fold under the surface

7 surface sprinkle the remaining cheese, cover with a layer of foil

8. Bake 10 ~ 15 minutes or cheese melts

9 but according to be fond of match on sour cream or smoked salmon platter
Obama surface materials, not only focal fresh and pure taste, in addition to "three" characteristics of hot, hot, when the water is warm water, boiling water over water, Hot soup noodle soup, good, use on an hearth simmer until, maintain its temperature, Iron bowl, wash bowl, in boiling water, not only, still warm disinfectant sanitation. So the kitchen "even in the coldest days, the food can also sweat. Obama's surface from the kitchen stove, is located in the way, since the kiosk nearly 100 years of history. Its predecessor is kunshan "the museum," because of bad management, the shopkeeper rejected hall and walk. Zhao three old creditors will it to embroider ChenXiuYing niang, renamed "yan Renaissance". ChenXiuYing handyman originally good cooking, her fine snack for advice modestly, elaborate manufacture, cooking dynamite. Only three half of the small table, four customers noodle reputation. After liberation, according to the "secret" mean in the kitchen with homophonic, formally named "focal hall". About "kitchen" 2 words, always twittering. Legend under the emperor qianlong, via tiny south jade peak mountain tour in kunshan, and after the belly hunger to the small shop to eat a bowl of noodles, feel GongYou blasting fish taste delicious, busy let clinking eunuch about cooking methods. However, due to the language, but I saw you eunuch who face to face the emperor: "GongYou taste good, is mainly on the face." focal Qianlong to ha say with smile: "noodles, focal Obama of secret from the kitchen" small village inn had "Fried" laudatory name. Can say, yan Renaissance noodle small and old, dark LongDong goo, After ChenXiuYing older and slow, the eye is not careful, therefore is old ChiKe nicknamed "face" Ao worse. Ao worse is not, kunshan dialects of clean. Behold this strange names but make it walk. Obama by customers, focal surface features is firstly noodles. It inherits tradition, with fish scales, the herring, fish, fish, so the mucus decocting taste delicious. Secondly, there is the dumpling blasting fish head with a herring, brine with "duck" LaoShang in kunshan marijuana duck cooked, fat but not greasy. Another is the pure white flour processing, the noodles into a pot, when under tight dragon beard noodles, fast remove hard moderate. "The most attention focal Obama, small five hot soup" material flush. The so-called "five hot soup bowl" is hot, hot, hot, hot, oil, head of the dumpling "A blunt soup" means no pot soup, but according to the guest spelling use now, maintain authentic.

特色菜的英文:special dish
adj. 特别的;重要的;特设的;专用的
n. 特价(品);特供菜;特派员
n. (Special) (印、美、俄)史派西娅乐(人名)
例:My special guest will be Jerry Seinfeld.
例:So you didn't notice anything special about him?
n. 盘;餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人
vt. 盛于碟盘中;分发;使某人的希望破灭
vi. 成碟状;闲谈
例:There are plenty of vegetarian dishes to choose from.
例:He'd cooked dinner and washed the dishes.

2、special也可表示“专门的,特设的”,指需要特别对待或处理。special还可表示“额外的; 格外的”,作此解时只用作定语。
1、special effect 特效 ; 特技
2、Special report 专题报道 ; 特别报道 ; 特别策划 ; 特别企划
3、Special Edition 特别版 ; 爱的华尔兹 ; 电光幻影 ; 特别版本
4、Special offer 特价 ; 特别优惠 ; 特卖 ; 优惠
5、special library [图情] 专业图书馆 ; 专用图书馆 ; 特殊图书馆

剁椒鱼头(Chop bell pepper fish head),宫保鸡丁(Kung Pao Chicken),鱼香肉丝(Yuxiang shredded pork(sauteed in spicy garlic sauce),水煮肉片(Poached spicy slices of pork),广州文昌鸡(Sliced Chicken with Chicken Livers and Ham)。


剁椒鱼头(英文名:Chop bell pepper fish head)是湖南省的传统名菜,属于湘菜系。据传,起源和清代文人黄宗宪有关。




宫保鸡丁(Kung Pao Chicken),是一道闻名中外的特色传统名菜。鲁菜、川菜、贵州菜中都有收录,原料、做法有差别。


宫保鸡丁选用鸡肉为主料,佐以花生米、黄瓜、辣椒等辅料烹制而成。 红而不辣、辣而不猛、香辣味浓、肉质滑脆。由于其入口鲜辣,鸡肉的鲜嫩配合花生的香脆。



鱼香肉丝(Yuxiang shredded pork(sauteed in spicy garlic sauce),是一道汉族特色传统名菜,以鱼香味调味而得名,属于川菜。相传灵感来自泡椒肉丝,民国年间则是由四川籍厨师创制而成。



水煮肉片(Poached spicy slices of pork),是一道地方新创名菜,起源于自贡,发扬于西南,属于川菜中著名的家常菜。因肉片未经划油,以水煮熟故名水煮肉片。

水煮肉片肉味香辣,软嫩,易嚼。吃时肉嫩菜鲜 ,汤红油亮,麻辣味浓,最宜下饭,为家常美食之一。特色是“麻、辣、鲜、香”。

其起源于上世纪30年代, 自贡名厨范吉安(1887 -1982年),创新出风味突出的水煮肉片。


广东文昌鸡,是广东省传统的汉族名菜,属于粤菜系。以海南岛文昌鸡为主料,配以火腿 、鸡肝、郊菜,经煮、蒸、炒而成。







1、白菜心拌蜇头Marinated Jellyfish and Chinese Cabbage in Vinaigrette
2、白灵菇扣鸭掌 Mushrooms with Duck Feet
3、拌豆腐丝 Shredded Tofu with Sauce
4、白切鸡 Boiled Chicken with Sauce
5、拌双耳 Tossed Black and White Fungus
6、冰梅凉瓜 Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce
7、冰镇芥兰 Chinese Broccoli with Wasabi
8、朝鲜辣白菜 Korean Cabbage in Chili Sauce
9、朝鲜泡菜 Kimchi
10、陈皮兔肉 Rabbit Meat with Tangerine Flavor
11、川北凉粉 Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce
12、刺身凉瓜 Bitter Melon with Wasabi
13、豆豉多春鱼 Shisamo in Black Bean Sauce
14、夫妻肺片 Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce
15、干拌牛舌 Ox Tongue in Chili Sauce
16、干拌顺风 Pig Ear in Chili Sauce
17、怪味牛腱 Spiced Beef Shank
18、红心鸭卷 Sliced Duck Rolls with Egg Yolk
19、姜汁皮蛋 Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce
20、酱香猪蹄 Pig Feet Seasoned with Soy Sauce
21、酱肘花 Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce
22、金豆芥兰 Chinese Broccoli with Soy Beans
23、韭黄螺片 Sliced Sea Whelks with Hotbed Chives
24、老北京豆酱 Traditional Beijing Bean Paste
25、老醋泡花生 Peanuts Pickled in Aged Vinegar
26、凉拌金针菇 Golden Mushrooms and Mixed Vegetables
27、凉拌西芹云耳 Celery with White Fungus
28、卤水大肠 Marinated Pork Intestines
29、卤水豆腐 Marinated Tofu
30、卤水鹅头 Marinated Goose Heads
31、卤水鹅翼 Marinated Goose Wings
32、卤水鹅掌 Marinated Goose Feet
33、卤水鹅胗 Marinated Goose Gizzard
34、卤水鸡蛋 Marinated Eggs
35、卤水金钱肚 Marinated Pork Tripe
36、卤水牛腱 Marinated Beef Shank
37、卤水牛舌 Marinated Ox Tongue
38、卤水拼盘 Marinated Meat Combination
39、卤水鸭肉 Marinated Duck Meat
40、萝卜干毛豆 Dried Radish with Green Soybean
41、麻辣肚丝 Shredded Pig Tripe in Chili Sauce
42、美味牛筋 Beef Tendon
43、蜜汁叉烧 Honey-Stewed BBQ Pork
44、明炉烧鸭 Roast Duck
45、泡菜什锦 Assorted Pickles
46、泡椒凤爪 Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers
47、皮蛋豆腐 Tofu with Preserved Eggs
48、乳猪拼盘 Roast Suckling Pig
49、珊瑚笋尖 Sweet and Sour Bamboo Shoots
50、爽口西芹 Crispy Celery
51、四宝烤麸 Marinated Bran Dough with Peanuts and Black Fungus
52、松仁香菇 Black Mushrooms with Pine Nuts
53、蒜茸海带丝 Sliced Kelp in Garlic Sauce
54、跳水木耳 Black Fungus with Pickled Capsicum
55、拌海螺 Whelks and Cucumber
56、五彩酱鹅肝 Goose Liver with White Gourd
57、五香牛肉 Spicy Roast Beef
58、五香熏干 Spicy Smoked Dried Tofu
59、五香熏鱼 Spicy Smoked Fish
60、五香云豆 Spicy Kidney Beans
61、腌三文鱼 Marinated Salmon
62、盐焗鸡 Baked Chicken in Salt
63、盐水虾肉 Poached Salted Shrimps Without Shell
64、糟香鹅掌 Braised Goose Feet in Rice Wine Sauce
65、酿黄瓜条 Pickled Cucumber Strips
66、米醋海蜇 Jellyfish in Vinegar
67、卤猪舌 Marinated Pig Tongue
68、三色中卷 Squid Rolls Stuffed with Bean, Ham and Egg Yolk
69、蛋衣河鳗 Egg Rolls Stuffed with Eel
70、盐水鹅肉 Goose Slices in Salted Spicy Sauce
71、冰心苦瓜 Bitter Melon Salad
72、五味九孔 Fresh Abalone in Spicy Sauce
73、明虾荔枝沙拉 Shrimps and Litchi Salad
74、五味牛腱 Spicy Beef Shank
75、拌八爪鱼 Spicy Cuttlefish
76、鸡脚冻 Chicken Feet Galantine
77、香葱酥鱼 Crispy Crucian Carp in Scallion Oil
78、蒜汁鹅胗 Goose Gizzard in Garlic Sauce
79、黄花素鸡 Vegetarian Chicken with Day Lily
80、姜汁鲜鱿 Fresh Squid in Ginger Sauce 81、桂花糯米藕 Steamed Lotus Root Stuffed with Sweet Sticky Rice
82、卤鸭冷切 Spicy Marinated Duck
83、松田青豆 Songtian Green Beans
84、色拉九孔 Abalone Salad
85、凉拌花螺 Cold Sea Whelks with Dressing
86、素鸭 Vegetarian Duck
87、酱鸭 Duck Seasoned with Soy Sauce
88、麻辣牛筋 Spicy Beef Tendon
89、醉鸡 Liquor-Soaked Chicken
90、可乐芸豆 French Beans in Coca-Cola
91、桂花山药 Chinese Yam with Osmanthus Sauce
92、豆豉鲫鱼 Crucian Carp with Black Bean Sauce
93、水晶鱼冻 Fish Aspic
94、酱板鸭 Spicy Salted Duck
95、烧椒皮蛋 Preserved Eggs with Chili
96、酸辣瓜条 Cucumber with Hot and Sour Sauce
97、五香大排 Spicy Pork Ribs
98、三丝木耳 Black Fungus with Cucumber and Vermicelle
99、酸辣蕨根粉 Hot and Sour Fern Root Noodles
100、小黄瓜蘸酱 Small Cucumber with Soybean Paste
101、拌苦菜 Mixed Bitter Vegetables
102、蕨根粉拌蛰头 Fern Root Noodles with Jellyfish
103、老醋黑木耳 Black Fungus in Vinegar
104、清香苦菊 Chrysanthemum with Sauce
105、琥珀核桃 Honeyed Walnuts
106、杭州凤鹅 Pickled Goose, Hangzhou Style
107、香吃茶树菇 Spicy Tea Tree Mushrooms
108、琥珀花生 Honeyed Peanuts
109、葱油鹅肝 Goose Liver with Scallion and Chili Oil
110、拌爽口海苔 Sea Moss with Sauce
111、巧拌海茸 Mixed Seaweed
112、蛋黄凉瓜 Bitter Melon with Egg Yolk
113、龙眼风味肠 Sausage Stuffed with Salty Egg
114、水晶萝卜 Sliced Turnip with Sauce
115、腊八蒜茼蒿 Crown Daisy with Sweet Garlic
116、香辣手撕茄子 Eggplant with Chili Oil
117、酥鲫鱼 Crispy Crucian Carp
118、水晶鸭舌 Duck Tongue Aspic
119、卤水鸭舌 Marinated Duck Tongue
120、香椿鸭胗 Duck Gizzard with Chinese Toon
121、卤水鸭膀 Marinated Duck Wings
122、香糟鸭卷 Duck Rolls Marinated in Rice Wine
123、盐水鸭肝 Duck Liver in Salted Spicy Sauce
124、水晶鹅肝 Goose Liver Aspic
125、豉油乳鸽皇 Braised Pigeon with Black Bean Sauce
126、酥海带 Crispy Seaweed
127、脆虾白菜心 Chinese Cabbage with Fried Shrimps
128、香椿豆腐 Tofu with Chinese Toon
129、拌香椿苗 Chinese Toon with Sauce
130、糖醋白菜墩 Sweet and Sour Chinese Cabbage
131、姜汁蛰皮 Jellyfish in Ginger Sauce
132、韭菜鲜桃仁 Fresh Walnuts with Leek
133、花生太湖银鱼 Taihu Silver Fish with Peanuts
134、生腌百合南瓜 Marinated Lily Bulbs and Pumpkin
135、酱鸭翅 Duck Wings Seasoned with Soy Sauce
136、萝卜苗 Turnip Sprouts
137、八宝菠菜 Spinach with Eight Delicacies
138、竹笋青豆 Bamboo Shoots and Green Beans
139、凉拌苦瓜 Bitter Melon in Sauce
140、芥末木耳 Black Fungus with Mustard Sauce
141、炸花生米 Fried Peanuts
142、小鱼花生 Fried Silver Fish with Peanuts
143、德州扒鸡 Braised Chicken, Dezhou Style
144、清蒸火腿鸡片 Steamed Sliced Chicken with Ham
145、熏马哈鱼 Smoked Salmon
146、家常皮冻 Pork Skin Aspic
147、大拉皮 Tossed Mung Clear Noodles in Sauce
148、蒜泥白肉 Pork with Garlic Sauce
149、鱼露白肉 Boiled Pork in Anchovy Sauce
150、酱猪肘 Pork Hock Seasoned with Soy Sauce
151、酱牛肉 Beef Seasoned with Soy Sauce
152、红油牛筋 Beef Tendon in Chili Sauce
153、卤牛腩 Marinated Beef Brisket in Spiced Sauce
154、泡椒鸭丝 Shredded Duck with Pickled Peppers
155、拌茄泥 Mashed Eggplant with Garlic
156、糖拌西红柿 Tomato Slices with Sugar
157、糖蒜 Sweet Garlic
158、腌雪里蕻 Pickled Potherb Mustard
159、凉拌黄瓜 Cucumber in Sauce

1、白菜心拌蜇头Marinated Jellyfish and Chinese Cabbage in Vinaigrette 2、白灵菇扣鸭掌 Mushrooms with Duck Feet 3、拌豆腐丝 Shredded Tofu with Sauce 4、白切鸡 Boiled Chicken with Sauce 5、拌双耳 Tossed Black and White Fungus 6、冰梅凉瓜 Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce 7、冰镇芥兰 Chinese Brooli w...

Menu 菜单 Bill 结账\/买单 Chopsticks 筷子 Fork 叉子 Spoon shaozi 勺子 Knife daozi 刀子 Glass beizi 杯子 Bottle ping 瓶 Napkin canjin 餐巾 Paper napkin canjinzhi 餐巾纸 Toothpick ya qian 牙签 Table zhuozi 桌子 Chair yizi 椅子 Please, don’t put MSG in the food qing, ...

rolling donkey(翻滚的毛驴)夫妻肺片 Husband and wife's lung slice(丈夫和妻子的肺切片)童子鸡 Chicken Without Sexual Life(还没有性生活的鸡)回锅肉 Twice-cooked Pork(烹了两次的肉)麻婆豆腐 beancurd made by a pock-marked woman(满脸雀斑的女人制作的豆腐)红烧狮子头 Red Burned Lion Head (...

1. Spring roll - Chunjuan 2. Sliced cold cucumber with garlic and vinegar - Liangban huanggua 3. Preserved eggs (warning: these are an acquired taste) - Songhuadan 4. Boiled peanuts - Zhuhuashengmi 5. Doufu with scallions - Liangban doufu 6. Stir-fried spinach with egg and ...

(麻婆豆腐,是四川省传统名菜之一,属于川菜。)The main raw materials for the ingredients and tofu, the main materials are tofu, ground beef, pepper and pepper and so on.(主要原料为配料和豆腐,材料主要有豆腐、牛肉末、辣椒和花椒等。)The numbness comes from the sichuan peppercorns,...

问题三:几个徽菜的代表菜,要中英文都有,谢谢啦 Wuwei Smoked Duck 无为熏鸭 Mao Fengxun reeves shad 毛峰熏鲥鱼 Ham stewed rhizome shoots 火腿炖鞭笋 问题四:英文徽菜菜谱 ・配 料:〖主料〗:鲜活鳜鱼1条(重750克左右)〖辅料〗:熟虾仁30克,熟笋丁、水发香菇丁各20克,青...

Stir fry the water out of the tomatoes.before the pot, put in the eggs, stir fry evenly, add some salt, onion can be.锅里留一些油,放进西红柿,大火翻炒,放一点白糖,可以中和西红柿的酸味。炒出西红柿里面的水分。起锅前,放进鸡蛋,翻炒均匀,加一些盐,葱花即可。


一起飞翔引出:中国菜名怎么翻成英文?鸪唠肉、油扒鸡,雅片鱼头、清蒸蟹,炒螺丝、伴豆腐,红烧划水、蛤蜊汤,葱爆蒜、呛湖虾,鱼香肉丝、麻辣烫,烩三鲜、糟毛豆,上汤米西、茶叶蛋,...谢谢.打死我也不说 :鱼香肉丝 fried shredded pork with Sweet and sour sauce 蛤蜊汤 Clam Soup 清蒸蟹 St...

我知道哈:西湖醋鱼West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy 麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu 宫保鸡丁Kungbao chicken 参考资料:西湖醋鱼http:\/\/\/view\/9265.htm 麻婆豆腐http:\/\/\/view\/5170.htm 宫保鸡丁http:\/\/\/view\/4958.htm ...

寿宁县19340403249: 中国10个特色食品的英文翻译 -
太以吡拉: 有挺多的 你看看蛤 .. bear's paw 熊掌 breast of deer 鹿脯 beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参 sea sturgeon 海鳝 salted jelly fish 海蜇皮 kelp, seaweed 海带 abalone 鲍鱼 shark fin 鱼翅 scallops 干贝 lobster 龙虾 bird's nest 燕窝 roast suckling pig 考...

寿宁县19340403249: 中国的美食有哪些英文 -
太以吡拉: 1,炒河粉e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333431353962,Sautéed Rice Noodles 炒河粉是广东省广州市著名的传统风味小吃,属于广州小吃,后来传至广东各地.制作原料有河粉、猪肉 、鸡蛋、各种青菜 等. 2,宫保鸡丁,Kung Pao ...

寿宁县19340403249: 请问中国有名的菜的菜名用英语翻译怎么说? -
太以吡拉: 历史上最最正确的翻译在这里! 糟香法国鹅肝 French Brised Goose Liver 秘制深海冰鲍 Braised Abalone 冰镇素鲍鱼 Vegetarian Abalone 凉拌苦苣菜 Tossed lettuce in Sauce 五香酱乳鸽 Spicied Braised Pigeon 醋椒浸海蜇 Vinegar Pepper Jelly...

寿宁县19340403249: 一些中餐菜式用英语怎末说
太以吡拉: 家庭特色菜(鸡、鸭、乳鸽) 香妃鸡(Steamed chicken with saltedsauce) 糖醋鸡块(Chicken in sweet and sour sauce) 三杯鸡翼(Chicken wings in three cups sauce...

寿宁县19340403249: 中国菜名的英文翻译 -
太以吡拉: 麻辣豆腐 基本翻译 spicy hot bean curd 网络释义 麻辣豆腐:Spicy hot bean curd|Bohnenkäse gepfeffert 麻辣豆腐〔中菜名:cayenne peppered bancurd 铁板牛肉 基本翻译 sizzling beef steak 网络释义 铁板牛肉:Sizzling beef|Sizzling Beef ...

寿宁县19340403249: 各种食品的英文名称 -
太以吡拉: 常见食品英语名称 中国特色菜:Aubergine(茄子)、DwarfBean(刀豆)、Chillies(辣椒)、Eddoes(小芋头)、Spinach(菠菜)、Beansprots(绿豆芽)、Springonions(葱)、Leeks(大葱)、Garlic(大蒜)、Ginger(生姜)、...

寿宁县19340403249: 请问中国有名的菜的菜名用英语翻译怎么说?
太以吡拉: SweetLily Tremella almond soup and sour carp(糖醋鲤鱼).Celery speculation Lily(西芹炒白合).Hong Shaorou(红烧肉).Lily Tremella almond soup(银耳杏仁百合汤).

寿宁县19340403249: 中国四大名菜及八大名菜的菜名如何翻译成英语? -
太以吡拉: 一般菜品的翻译分为3种 1.取其意 2.取其名 3.取其烹饪方法 例如: Dragon and pheonix(龙凤呈祥) 取其意 Mapo Bean Curd (麻婆豆腐) 取其名 sweet and sour fish (糖醋鱼)取其烹饪方法

寿宁县19340403249: 特色菜的英文 -
太以吡拉:[答案] 名词时 spciality 不过菜单上一般直接用special 唐人街的中餐馆常见 house-made special 特色菜 chef's special 大厨秘制

寿宁县19340403249: 家乡特色菜用英语怎么说 -
太以吡拉: native specialties 家乡特色菜

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