
作者&投稿:郟依 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

JI ):Think how dead, I help you.

The show is just:Slow, kill I can, however have to explain first, do I die exactly in the whose hand?

JI:Useless talk, I ah.

The show is just:My …… is the …… who ……

JI :I how can anyone know you is who?

The show is just:( smile)The problem came.

JI ( A head of fog water):What mean?

The show is just:This get from the person and cosmos of relation started speak to have, in your body always there will be a problem to tie up to round you.

JI :What mean?

The show is just:I, is who?

JI :This, I have already known.

The show is just:Not, you do not know.Do you know, who you are?Does the JI have no life?Not, this is just a name, a code.You can call the JI have no life, I can also call the JI have no life, they can.After taking the code away, who are you again?

JI :I do not know, I also need not know.

The show is just:Good, good, that you answer again my nother problem:Who am I?

JI :This problem has already asked.

The show is just:Not, I just now what to ask is an ego, what to ask is the ego now.

JI :This have what differentiation?

The show is just:Raise an example, be I carry on the dialogue with my this code at the same time, your code also is I, this mean what?Whether this means that you are I or not, and I am also your ……

JI :This problem nothing important meaning.

The show is just:That ask a few meaningful.I living from come, die go toward where?I why to appear here in the world?What does my emergence mean to this world?Is a world to choose me, still did I choose the world?

JI :Enough …… !

The show is just:Do I have the inevitable contact with of the cosmos?Does the cosmos have the end?Does time have the length?Where is past time disappearance?Is future time again where stop?I does the problem put forward in this a moment is still the problem that you speak of just now?

JI :( The heads are all big)I killed you!

Show just high shout:Is who kill me, but who did I kill again?

JI :Is it I that kill me?

The show is just:Answer the exactitude!Begin!
, The Guo side gred smiles the finger … the …Guo that the side sprinkled to infuse to cut to shine on to see the potted plant … … concern Guo immodesty lane pain to wipe perspiration the …… for affability, two people move the flower pot but want together run in opposite directions contend for rob, fighting each other the …… to wish to go in to jump to yell to stop the Guo suddenly and violently hence with wish to entwine to take advantage of an opportunity to move out the flower pot Guo and wish to see the form part on bad terms the ……

21:08 【 10 back yards soon afterward 】MO ,Lu, Bai, Li

After kick of Mo return to house three people are tricky to be arrive at by the big hall before whetting the dish
Lu Qinghou:Does the shopkeeper cordage get ready ?
Bai, Li:Get ready
Lu Qinghou:( Bite the two people's ear) did the …… hear understand?
LI DA ZUI:Clear … white is understand she want to be not to connect to do where?
White exhibition hall:That arrives for the langlang langlang she connects the …… beginning langlang -
Lu Qinghou:( Imitate 《 Hamlet 》 part) the …… To be, or not to be that is the question. Whether' the tis nobler in the mind, the to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, the or to take arms, the against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them. To die,to sleep,no more...And by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to!'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. The To die, the to sleep … To sleep, perchance to dream. Ah! There's the rub! For in that sleep of death! What dreams may come...!
White exhibition hall:Beat!Say what trick?
LI3 DA4 ZUI3:Your … you not are to scold us?
Lu Qinghou:( Low)The Shakespeare's classic soliloquy!
LI3 DA4 ZUI3:Who … who … who is a Shakespeare?
White exhibition hall:( Blunt lens)1 follow a your little bit whole son of great drama of our coetaneous England, we can hear understand of words!
LI3 DA4 ZUI3:Is you also have to let small shell hear understand
Lu Qinghou:Have to hear understand …… on the hoof and still don't live this is a problem ……
White exhibition hall:( Finger woman the badroom's window side) top there the langlang go to
Lu Qinghou of:( Walk to the window side) is the …… a brutal poisonous arrow of silently tolerate destiny?Or stand the body to resist the limitless distress of human life conflict, sweep them a clean?These two which more noble

A: you don't look very happy,what's up?
B: I failed in English
A: never mind, the next effort test good is good!
B: but I am not interested at all, the examination is very nervous, feel great pressure,I fear I do not know how to do?
A: don't worry, I used to hate English, but I like to watch American movies, listen to English songs, is interested in English, like English, achievement also has the promotion.
B: watching movies, listening to music to develop interest in English study, this is a good idea. I try this method, thank you very much, listen to your experience, I regained confidence.
A: interest is the best teacher. I hope I can help you improve performance, refueling, I wish you success.



Tom:Celine Dion.你知道" My Heart Will Go On(歌曲名《泰坦尼克号主题曲》) "?
Jack:哇. 那是她的歌?.
Jack:哇,真棒! 演唱会什么时候开始?
Tom:在下午 7:30 .为什么不和我一起去呢?.
Jack:我很愿意, 但是这个星期天晚上我要去看我的祖父祖母.




汤姆:7:30 afternoon.Why不\u200b\u200b和我一起去.


1、I turned away and looked out of the window. 我转过脸望向窗外。2、don't turn your anger on the children. 不要对小孩子发火。3、he turns 20 in june. 到六月他就满20岁了。4、she turned against her old friend. 她敌对了她的老朋友。5、why did he turn down your invitation...

You can have it all 请一并带去

Hi. I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking.嗨,我挺好的。谢谢你的问候。I'm sorry that you haven't found most people here to be very friendly. Keep trying and you'll find more who will be patient with you while your English improves.听你说你没找到很多特别友好的人,我觉得挺遗憾...

1我会学着放弃你是因为我太爱你;I'm learning to give you up because I love you too much.2如果我所做的一切不能使你快乐,那么我情愿跟你一起悲伤.If what I have done makes you unhappy, I'm willing to taste the sadness together with you.3前世多少次回眸想望,才换来今生一个擦肩...

请英语高手帮忙翻译一下英语! 英译汉。。谢谢了。急!急。。急。。_百 ...
10.nowdays ,许多家长都非常担心,大量的广告对儿童的影响。广告针对儿童很powerful.the儿童会想尝试出产品,他们看到,但其母公司可能不会有足够的钱去买。阿拉伯文到英语 测试版朝鲜语到英语 测试版德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语 测试版法语到德语法语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语 测试版西班牙语到...

But in my heart I feel the same old afterglow 但是在我的心里我感觉如同那渐逝的夕阳 A love so beautiful in every way 爱无论在何时何地都是如此美好 A love so beautiful we let it slip away 如此美好的爱情却被我们放手远离 We were all too young to understand to ever know 我们...

1、Experience showed that success is due more to enthusiasm than to ability 经验表明成功更多的取决与热情而不是能力 2.、A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is 没有爱的家就不是家,就像一个人没有了灵魂 not a man 3、Drunken driving is no less ...

In those days,i read whatever i can find as long as written in English.5.我敢肯定那座楼在空袭中一定被完全炸毁了。i can confirm that building had been blown down in air attack.6.她被这突如其来的打击吓得好几分钟讲不出一句话来。She was scared and speechless for several ...

mission attempts 任务尝试(次数)playing time 游戏时间 day passed in game 游戏中以过天数 safehouse visits 进安全房(次数)rampages passed hidden packages found 已找到的隐藏包 people you have wasted 你废掉的人 people wasted by others 被别人废掉的人 road vehicies destroyed ...

management of security 3、清洁工管理;management of cleanliness 4、协助主管完成公司制度的建立和实施;assist manager to build and implement the rules of company.5、负责公司场内、场外人员招聘及初面试;in charge of the application and interview both in and out of the company 6、员工考勤...

龙海市14743514103: 急求高手翻译一段英语对话,...
薄侦迪尔: W: hair... Responsibility...T: this hair let us this meal is unpleasant, it stirred our fun!W: so serious! It was very sorry. Originally thought for our service will make you very satisfied. Ah! A root hateful hair, is you let us unhappy, and you make us lose the ...

龙海市14743514103: 请高手翻译一段英文对话 翻译成中文 -
薄侦迪尔: Asks master translator a section of English dialog to translate Chinese 翻译完成

龙海市14743514103: 请英语高手帮我译一段对话
薄侦迪尔: Please come in 请进 To: respect of Mr. Mike can you to really my biggest honored 才:尊敬的迈克先生 您能来真是我最大的荣幸 Wallace: where could I should be honored by promising young to 迈:哪里 才董年少有为 我应该荣幸才对 To: I'm ...

龙海市14743514103: 高手帮忙翻译英语对话 -
薄侦迪尔: 我用了比较口语化的方式翻译,并且假设A和B均为男生,如果有错请指正:A:昨晚的NBA比赛很精彩,你有看吗?我很喜欢篮球.Last night's NBA was splendid. Have you seen it? I really love basketball B:有看,有看,很精彩!但是篮球的比...

龙海市14743514103: 请英语高手将这段对话译成英文!谢十分感谢汤姆:吉姆,你刚刚干吗去了?你都湿透了.吉姆:我刚刚和9踢足球去了.汤姆:不错,足球是一项很好的运动,... -
薄侦迪尔:[答案] T:Jim where were you just now?You get wet around .J:I played football with 9 just now.T:Well,football is a good sport,you must be good at running.J:No,I'm a goalkeeper ,so I don't run very often.T:Goo...

龙海市14743514103: 请高手帮我翻译以下英语对话,赠100分请问以下的对话,用英语这么说?您好,请看一下我们公司的宣传资料.我们公司是做CBA技术的.它是一种来自于法... -
薄侦迪尔:[答案] Plwase have a look at the proaganda materials of our company.We are devoting ourselves to the CBA techniques.It is the one originated from France.Sorry, my English is poor.I cannot explian it for you....

龙海市14743514103: 请高手帮忙翻译英语对话 -
薄侦迪尔: B you look worried,what happened?A I said something rudely to my mother last week. I am very regretful but I don't know what to do .B I think you'd better apologize to your mother as soon as possible,because I have done something like this before. ...

龙海市14743514103: 求英语高手帮我翻译一段对话~!
薄侦迪尔: 打扰了,sonia,这是你的铅笔吗?是的,谢谢.那是我的橡皮擦,jane,这是你的尺子吗?不,这不是.这是她的尺子.好的,还有这是我的书,这是你的铅笔盒,jane

龙海市14743514103: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这两句对话,希望用地道美语口语.是口语课翻译的作业.不要翻译器的谢谢 -
薄侦迪尔: A:Were you happy yesterday when we talked on the phone,what happened?B:Nothing,just encountered someone this morning.A:Who would it be that dared to piss off our Peter?B:Little Tom,our neighbor.

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