百度汉译英我妹的儿子叫Fei Kong 在剑桥大学读博士,托他带礼品给你,你不在家,他电话 A,请同他联系。

作者&投稿:栾洋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is raining.



My sister's son Kong Fei at Cambridge university study Dr. He brought gifts for you, you are not home, he calls A, please contact him.

Pls contact Fei Kong,my sister's son,his telephone No. is A.
He is studing in Cambradge University for a Doctor's Degree .He has visited you to bring you gift but you are not in.

Her dad is not in Beijing. He works in a steel factory in Shanghai.Is this your room? No, it's Wang Qing's.Are the students of Class Three in the classroom? No, they are on the campus.Is your little sister sent to the nursery every day? Yes, she is sent three in ...

1,Does he have a tennis racket?No,he doesn't 。2,Do you have some pingpong ?Yes ,we have。3,This girl has no a yellow jacket。4,Does your mother have a computer?5,There is no food for these cats。6,I have no other brothers and sisters。7,There is no food...

请相信我,这个绝对对 My sister wants to be a singer when she grow up

Handan , the Hebei project learn 605 rooms of people gardens second family of me enthusiastically , promote. Have left happy family of three people mild and fragrant , have left father mother , have arrived in university, let me know the import to this "family" character once ...

汉译英 谁来帮忙
1.他迫不及待地要见你。He can not wait to see you.2.照片上的第五位女孩是海伦的堂妹。The fifth girl in the photo is Helen's cousin.3.我认为从伦敦到北京长时间的飞机旅行后你会很累。I think you will be very tired after a long flight from London to Beijing.4.我儿子的生日...

1.How's your life in Beijing?2.How's your work?\/How's your work going?3.Where are you going to for (your) honeymoon trip?4.Lily just gave birth to a baby,but I didn't know whether it is a boy or a girl yet.(注意:在不知道是男还是女的情况下,要用 it)5....

英语句子翻译 汉译英
1:be\/come from 2:speak japanese 3:go to watch movie 4:write to her 5:tell me about u 6:excuse me 7:across from the library 8:in front of a restaurant 9:opposite (to) the bank 10: between the public telephone and supermarket 11:nearby 12:take a taxi 13:on the right...

11你能参加我的生日聚会吗?当然,我愿意去 12 and you can not play football, I have to do their homework at home 12我不能和你踢足球了,我必须在家做作业 13 he is outgoing than his sister 13他比他妹妹外向一点 14 of your brother than your hair short 14你弟弟的头发比你的短 ...

1. Small fasten, big pool of relaxation, fishing, in taihu lake set free.2. I see his little sister, a heart in her and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and like sad forgot ancestor. The play, this play!!!3. Try again, at most, a while busy few days passed, als...

1. Tonight ,I will stil bring my sister.2. This evening ,I stayed at his house, because tomorrow morning we need to catch the early train together, live together is more convenient .

永红区17580981594: 汉语翻译韩语在线翻译 -
运潘曲安: 1.百度翻译:使用方便.2.热典翻译:支持名字、单词、例句等翻译.3.Naver辞典:权威的韩语辞典,支持中韩互译,内容全且可信度高.4.韩语在线翻译:支持中韩互译、拼音、罗马音的转换,并且还支持其它语言的翻译,还有韩语知识和韩国语能力考试相关信息.

永红区17580981594: 怎么使用百度翻译的跨软件翻译功能? -
运潘曲安: 1:打开,百度翻译安卓版.”设置“--”跨软件翻译“2:看到里面的说明、框框内打勾,确定开启功能.3:记住不要关点百度翻译,让它在后台运转.点击翻译就行了.4:再打开百度翻译,你刚才选择的文字就会显示在这里.

永红区17580981594: 百度翻译在线翻译ben人的名字 -
运潘曲安: 百度翻译是百度发布的在线翻译服务,依托海量的互联网数据资源和领先的自然语言处理技术优势,致力于帮助用户跨越语言鸿沟,更加方便快捷地获取信息和服务. 百度翻译支持全球27种热门语言互译,包括中文、英语、日语、韩语、西班...

永红区17580981594: 汉译英,请大家帮忙哦~~谢谢! -
运潘曲安: We appreciate your congratulations at first. The bidding evaluation has not finished by the owner at present. We will contact with you following the notification of the award of bid.

永红区17580981594: 汉译英 谢谢 -
运潘曲安: First of all,it is a new company and I'm sure it must be a well developed comany in the future.I think I can learn many things there,and I'll try my best to be the best,and to do mo...

永红区17580981594: 百度翻译可以叫我读英语吗.怎么使用 -
运潘曲安: 可以由于百度翻译是一种机器翻译,所以翻译出来的内容有些是不对的.例如,你本来的意愿是打这样一句话“杰克!杰克!我是艾伦.”,但是,打出来英文后,很有可能被翻译成“杰克!千斤顶!我是艾伦.”再举个例子,你本来是想打“你们有网球拍吗?”,用英文翻译后,翻译出来的结果,很有可能就变成“你有网球拍吗?”之类的.所以说,百度翻译是种机器翻译,某些翻译出来的地方可能会不符合你的意愿,但是,如果说一个英语句子的基本意思,百度翻译还是能翻译出来的.若想得到最精确的答案,那么还得找人翻译.

永红区17580981594: 急求几道汉译英!! -
运潘曲安: 1.She often avoids making you feel stupid.2.If she doesn't agree, we don't dare to say a word.3.She explained the English grammar so clear that even I could understand it.4.I

永红区17580981594: 汉译英在线翻译句子一 这个新风筝是红色的 -
运潘曲安: 这个新风筝是红色的The new kite is red.这个新风筝是红色的The new kite is red.

永红区17580981594: 百度翻译可以在线翻译泰文吗 -
运潘曲安: Baidu แปลสามารถแปลออนไลน์ภาษาไทย ? 你说呢/呵呵,,当然可以. 只不过,这种自动翻译,一般只能参考个大概.语法约简单的句子越准确.

永红区17580981594: 我的儿媳妇,用韩语翻译 -
运潘曲安: 我的儿媳 내 며느리 满意请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮,或在客户端右上角评价点【满意】 【谢谢】

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