
作者&投稿:象李 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
汉译英 我们有一个同样的梦想就是成为一名歌手,我们也会为这个梦想而努力的,争取有一天能够实现这个梦~


Both of my elder brothers want to be artists.
Both of my younger sisters want to be artists.

My sister wants to be a singer when she grow up

My little sister wants to be a singer when she grows up

我的妹妹 英文翻译
我有一个小妹妹,她今年四岁了。她又矮又瘦,短短的头发有些发黄,是一个很可爱的小姑娘。I have a little sister, her 4-year-old a year. She also has short thin, short hair, some yellow, is a very lovely girl.

last term my sister usually helps me do my homework at school .

求 生徒会长は妹が好き翻译!
你想说的是什么意思?是: 学生会会长的妹妹我很喜欢 生徒会长の妹が好きです。せいとかいちょうのいもとがすきです。还是: 小妹妹我很喜欢学生会会长 私は生徒会长が好きです。わたしはせいとかいちょうがすきです。

My sister reads half hour English everyday morning .

我的妹妹12岁两种英文翻译 - 百度
My sister is 12 years old my sister is 12

my young sister does not like going away for a long time

"我妹妹和我长得很像" 英文
my sister and I are look the same 的意思是我妹妹和我一样期待;而我妹妹和我长得很像因该是My sister and I looked so much alike。有什么疑问可以上http:\/\/www.iciba.com\/金山词霸在线翻译

My younger sister doesn't have a long hair.

This short skirt suit to my sister.

我妹妹学习英语已经五年了 My sister has been studying English for five years.My sister has been learning English for five years

朗县19767386219: 汉译英 - --我妹妹长大后想做一名歌手 -
曲枝复方: 请相信我,这个绝对对 My sister wants to be a singer when she grow up

朗县19767386219: 汉译英:1.她长大后想当一名歌手.2.我妈妈经常叫我花些时间练习游泳.3.汤姆被选为我们的班长.4.我们的城市正变得越来越美丽.Where's the pay phone?(改... -
曲枝复方:[答案] 1.她长大后想当一名歌手. She wants to be a singer when she grows up 2.我妈妈经常叫我花些时间练习游泳. My mother often asks me to pay more time on praticing swimming 3.汤姆被选为我们的班长. Tom was chosen to be the monitor of my class 4....

朗县19767386219: 她长大后想当一名歌手.翻译 -
曲枝复方: She wants to be a singer when he grows up.

朗县19767386219: 英语:汉译英1.你长大之后,想做什么? -
曲枝复方: 1.你长大之后,想做什么?(grow up) What do you want to do when you grow up? 2.众所周知,太阳是从东方升起的.(It is known that ...) It is known that the sun rises up from east. 3.我不知道她是否胜任这份工作.(fit for) I don't know if she fits for...

朗县19767386219: She would like to be our monitor英语作文 -
曲枝复方: grow up ;when use music like tomake them forget unhappiness . 当我长大的时候我想做一名歌手;to would ,我想为那些出在困难中的人们唱歌.It also can make our life full of happiness ;word ;think music can bring us too much pleasure ,我想为...

朗县19767386219: 我长大了想成为歌手 英语作文带翻译 -
曲枝复方: If I Die YoungWhen I opened the TV last night, I heard a beautiful song, it is called “If I die young”, the song sounds so comfortable, it is so hard for me to imagine the title, the song tells people the author's opinion about if she had died young, ...

朗县19767386219: 一个女孩长大后想当舞者的英语作文 -
曲枝复方: There is a girl.She wants to be a dancer in the future because it's very interesting and nice.She thinks that she will be able to(能够) make a lot of money after she becomes a dancer.So she joins(加入,参加) a lot of dance classes and ...

朗县19767386219: 以我长大想干什么,现在要怎么做,写一篇60字带翻译的英语作文 -
曲枝复方: 我想成为一名音乐家.因为我觉得我们生活在一个音乐的世界里,走在路上树叶沙沙地响,小狗汪汪地叫,这些都是美妙的音乐,所以我想当一个音乐家,用自己美妙的歌声给人们送去欢乐,让我们的世界变得更加美好.

朗县19767386219: 一篇小学5年级的作文(我有一个梦想)的中译英,急!!!! -
曲枝复方: I have a dream I have a dream, after was vainly hoping for the coarsening can become a pianist, stands in the stage which glistens, is playing a first interesting to listen to song, lets the audience enjoy this wonderful tweedle, welcomes an ...

朗县19767386219: my future 英语作文 我想当一名歌手 初二水平 8 0字左右 带翻译 -
曲枝复方: ①Time runs as swift as an arrow. Now, i start t o dream about my future. In ten or fifteen years, i will be working as a singer. i will sing my favor ite songs, and i will share my feeling and uniqu e voice to everyone who likes me. i will start to create my ...

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