
作者&投稿:宇凡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.珠穆朗玛Mountain Everest ;8844.43m
2.马里亚纳海沟Mariana Treach ; in the west of Pacific;11034m
3.尼罗河The Nile river;6695km
4.384401; 56 million km; Sun(96 million miles)
6.外核Outer Core: 4000℃-5000℃ 内核Inner Core:5000℃-6000℃
7.赤道The equator ; 40075km
8.over 20 miles/h ; over 800 miles/h ; 17600 miles/h



The largest countries - Russia
The most populous countries - China
Per capita area of the country at least - India
Favorite fat countries - Tonga
The narrowest country - Chile
The most affluent countries - Luxembourg
Influence of the biggest countries - the United States
Most sweet countries - Cuba
Most young country - East Timor
The most fortunate countries - Iceland
The smallest country, the population of the country at least - Vatican
Countries with the highest average temperature - Ethiopia
The countries with the lowest average temperature - Norway
The countries with the lowest average elevation - Netherlands
Countries with the highest average elevation - Lesotho

赏分太少,30我就告诉你,Guinness World Records那本书就在我家的书房,一番就万事搞定~


3,这里表示具体的时间 4,放学后 5,空格在哪儿 6,固定词组 7,具体时间前用on 8,固定的 9,food不可数 10,用or 11,用形容词 12,表目的 13,不是,帮助辅导他的语文 14.

5 traveling 动词意思是滑动 移动 形容词意思是旅行的 没有名词意思 ,所以不存在可数不可数的问题 如果你问的是travel 这是不可数的 6 Nobody but Tom and Jane ( ) it 这个句子是插入语 可以转换成Nobody ( ) it ,but Tom and Jane. 这样就 明了了。谓语动词修饰的是nobody 。...

问题描述:1、 The shop-assistant was straightforward with his customers. If an article was of ___ quality he’d tell them so.a、miserable b、minor c、subordinate d、inferior 2、It is well known that retired workers in China are ___ free medical care.a、entitled to b、associat...

答案是:The students are busy answering the questions during the test\/ exam,☞♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧☜

benefit or incentive, these benefits to employees or bring what kind of benefits.3 ad what types, different media advertising cost, target group, have what advantage or disadvantage effect.4 what advantages and disadvantages of different management patterns.5 sixth unit occupation moral.

我有几个英语问题想请教一下! 请快点给我答复!!谢谢咯!!
表示的意思是:我想要一个大房子,还要两个浴室,用了with 表示的意思是:我想要一个带两个浴室的大房子.4、could是什么意思,有could提问一般是什么问句?could是can的过去式,意思是:可以...么,语气比can 更客气.它引导的句子是一般疑问句.如:Could you help me,please?一般回答:Certainly....

2.句子“难以回答这个问题”是什么意思 3.这个“他们自己的语言”是什么意思 4.“study by themselves”用汉语怎么说 回答:1.work hard 2.People learn English for many different reasons 3. It means Chinese 4.自学 这么长你也叫它短文。拜托,别开玩笑了,手都抽筋了。早点睡觉吧,不用这么...

will have )(have)an English party next Sunday 下周日他们要举办个英语派对 9.he( will be off)(be off)in three weeks 他3周内将不会回来上班。10.There( will be )(be)a meeting this eveing 今晚将要召开一次会议。给分吧小弟弟!:D哥哥真不容易!以后又问题直接问我就好了!呵呵~...

4. eight hundred and sixty nine 5. one hundred and four 6.one million and two hundred and thirty thousand and six hundred and eighteen 7. six billion and six hundred and sixty six thousand and six hundred and sixty six 8. four fifth 9. a half\/one second 10.three quaters\/...

Is the world really going mad? The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant having a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends, when it suddenly struck me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasn’t long BEFORE the whole room was filled with ...

淳安县13762678523: 世界之最 (英语回答和问题)
韶苑高劲: 1.尼罗河 2.长江 3.马尔马拉海. 4.红海 5.新几内亚岛 6.阿尔山 7.梵蒂冈,1000人左右

淳安县13762678523: 英语提问和回答世界之最 -
韶苑高劲: △世界最大高原———巴西高原 △世界最狭长山脉——安第斯山脉 △世界流量最大河——亚马孙河 世界最长河——尼罗河 △世界最大淡水湖———苏必利尔湖 △世界最高峰————珠穆朗玛峰 △世界最小国家——梵蒂冈 世界密度最大国家—...

淳安县13762678523: 世界之最(英语题) -
韶苑高劲: 最大的国家--俄罗斯 人口最多的国家-中国 人均占地最少的国家--印度 最爱胖的国家--汤加 最狭长的国家-智利 最富裕的国家--卢森堡 影响力最大的国家--美国 最甜的国家--古巴 最年轻的国家--东帝汶 最幸福的国家--冰岛 最小的国家、人口最少的国...

淳安县13762678523: 谁知道这些世界之最(请用英语回答) -
韶苑高劲: 1.珠穆朗玛Mountain Everest ;8844.43m 2.马里亚纳海沟Mariana Treach ; in the west of Pacific;11034m 3.尼罗河The Nile river;6695km 4.384401; 56 million km; Sun(96 million miles) 5.6371(地球平均半径) 6.外核Outer Core: 4000℃-5000℃ 内...

淳安县13762678523: 用英语单词表示八个世界之最 -
韶苑高劲: Brazil plateau is the biggest plateau in the world 巴西高原是世界上最大的高原.. Andes Mountains is the longest and narrowest sierra in the world 安第斯山脉是世界上最狭长山脉.. Amazon River is the current capacity most river in the world 亚马孙...

淳安县13762678523: 英文版世界或城市之最,要五个!谢谢! -
韶苑高劲: -the largest country in the worldRussia-the smallest country in the worldThe Vatican City State-the world's largest urban area Tokyo, Japan-The most northern ci...

淳安县13762678523: 世界之最 (英语回答和问题) -
韶苑高劲: What is the longest river in the world? The longest river in the world is the River Nile. What is the longest river in China?The longest river in china is the River Yangtze. What is the smallest sea in the world? The smallest sea in the world is the Sea of ...

淳安县13762678523: 关于中国的世界之最 谁可以用英文说 -
韶苑高劲: China has the longest combined land border in the world, measuring 22,117 km (13,743 mi) from the mouth of the Yalu River to the Gulf of Tonkin.China currently has the largest number of active cellphones of any country in the world.

淳安县13762678523: 帮忙回答几个英语问题
韶苑高劲: 1.yes,I were. No,I weren't 2.on 3.Was it Fool's Day yesterday? No,it wasn't 4.to

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