
作者&投稿:诺柯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

1、 The shop-assistant was straightforward with his customers. If an article was of _____ quality he’d tell them so.

a、miserable b、minor c、subordinate d、inferior

2、It is well known that retired workers in China are _____ free medical care.

a、entitled to b、associated with c、involved in d、devoted to

3、As you can see, this is a highly _____ puter system.

a、intelligent b、harmonized c、absorbing d、sophisticated

4、It is more difficult to _____ money now because the rate of inflations so high.

a、lay about b、lay across c、lay off d、lay aside

5、Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most ____ populated regions of Western Europe.

a、densely b、vastly c、enormously d、largely

6、She is a very ____ secretary; she never fets anything or makes a mistake.

a、anxious b、effective c、adequate d、efficient

7、You can ____ different kinds of people, dictionaries or maps, to find out what you wish to know.

a、contact b、consult c、refer d、request

8、This university __________only a *** all library five years ago.

a、gained b、obtained c、accepted d、possessed

9、They have developed techniques which are _________to those used in most factories.

a、simpler b、better c、superior d、greater

10、The couple had so _________in mon that they soon departed.

a、little b、 much c、few d、 many

11、If you had told me earlier, I _________like that.

a、would not have done b、would not do c、would do d、will not do

12、I don’t care whether he is __________the plan or not.

a、in favor of b、on behalf of c、in his favor

d、in the interest of

13、Mr. Brown has a strong __________of duty.

a、sense b、emotion c、feeling d、thought

14、What subject are you study?________________________.

a、Yes, I am studying physics. b、I’m studying now.

c、I’m studying history. d、I’m writing my paper

15、In my opinion, you’d better have a good rest.____________________________________.

a、I’ll take your advice. b、Let me see. c、I’m afraid so. d、Never mind

16、Hello, David. How is everything?___________________________.

a、Good for you. b、Oh, I will. c、That’s right. d、Just so-so.

17、What kind of TV program do you like best?__________________.

a、I like it very much. b、I don’t like them.

c、It’s hard to say, actually. d、I’m too excited

18、Can I take your order?___________________________________.

a、By no means. b、Sorry, it’s not my order.

c、Thank you for your asking. d、Wait a minute. Two friends are ing

19、Would you please turn down the radio?______________________.

a、I’ll go there. b、It sounds funny. c、Never mind.

d、Sorry, I haven’t realized you’re sleep

20、I wonder if Henry will e to the party.___________________.

a、The party will start soon.

b、Thank you for ing to the party.

c、Don’ t worry. He always keeps his word.

d、I also wonder


1、 The shop-assistant was straightforward with his customers. If an article was of ____d_ quality he’d tell them so.

a、miserable b、minor c、subordinate d、inferior

2、It is well known that retired workers in China are ___a__ free medical care.

a、entitled to b、associated with c、involved in d、devoted to

3、As you can see, this is a highly _d____ puter system.

a、intelligent b、harmonized c、absorbing d、sophisticated

4、It is more difficult to __a___ money now because the rate of inflations so high.

a、lay about b、lay across c、lay off d、lay aside

5、Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most _a___ populated regions of Western Europe.

a、densely b、vastly c、enormously d、largely

6、She is a very ___d_ secretary; she never fets anything or makes a mistake.

a、anxious b、effective c、adequate d、efficient

7、You can _b___ different kinds of people, dictionaries or maps, to find out what you wish to know.

a、contact b、consult c、refer d、request

8、This university ____d______only a *** all library five years ago.

a、gained b、obtained c、accepted d、possessed

9、They have developed techniques which are _____c____to those used in most factories.

a、simpler b、better c、superior d、greater

10、The couple had so _____a____in mon that they soon departed.

a、little b、 much c、few d、 many

11、If you had told me earlier, I ___a______like that.

a、would not have done b、would not do c、would do d、will not do

12、I don’t care whether he is ____a______the plan or not.

a、in favor of b、on behalf of c、in his favor

d、in the interest of

13、Mr. Brown has a strong ______a____of duty.

a、sense b、emotion c、feeling d、thought

14、What subject are you study?______c__________________.

a、Yes, I am studying physics. b、I’m studying now.

c、I’m studying history. d、I’m writing my paper

15、In my opinion, you’d better have a good rest.____________a________________________.

a、I’ll take your advice. b、Let me see. c、I’m afraid so. d、Never mind

16、Hello, David. How is everything?___________d_______________.

a、Good for you. b、Oh, I will. c、That’s right. d、Just so-so.

17、What kind of TV program do you like best?________c__________.

a、I like it very much. b、I don’t like them.

c、It’s hard to say, actually. d、I’m too excited

18、Can I take your order?_____________________d______________.

a、By no means. b、Sorry, it’s not my order.

c、Thank you for your asking. d、Wait a minute. Two friends are ing

19、Would you please turn down the radio?_______d_______________.

a、I’ll go there. b、It sounds funny. c、Never mind.

d、Sorry, I haven’t realized you’re sleep

20、I wonder if Henry will e to the party.________c___________.

a、The party will start soon.

b、Thank you for ing to the party.

c、Don’ t worry. He always keeps his word.

d、I also wonder

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