
作者&投稿:兆宜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、You’re drop-dead gorgeous.你简直美成仙了。

合成副词“drop-dead”的字面意思是“惊人地”,它通常用于形容词前,表示“非常地、极其地”。这里,“drop-dead gorgeous”强调被称赞的那个人美得让人神魂颠倒。

2、You look ravishing.你看起来光彩照人。


3、I love the way you look.我特别喜欢你的样子。

搭配“the way you look”你的样子——这里指一个人的长相、举止、服饰等外貌特征。
4、You’ve got looks to die for.你太漂亮了。

名词“look”的复数形式“looks”指“人的相貌”。表达“to die for”用在口语中,以夸张的手法来突出一个人或事物是令人梦寐以求的,它的实际意思是“非常好的,特别棒”。
5、You take my breath away.你美得令人窒息。

在形容一个人的外貌时,表达“take someone’s breath away”可以用来称赞某人“美得惊艳”,“美得令人屏息赞叹”。

She is not tall or short. She is of medium height. The girl has long straight black hair. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She likes wearing blue jeans and sports shoes.

She has long hair and big eyes.


Sometimes, late at night, my brother sits in his darkened room watching television without any sound and laughing hysterically. His giggling is punctuated by one-sided, incoherent conversations that he holds with the voices he hears in his head.Doug is 30 years old, and for the ...

各位帮忙造个句子。。。用一个复杂句描述一个人,句子要包括介词短语,从 ...
Anna , my best friend,(同位语) is a student who was born in(介词) Beijing(定从). She is good at English and studies very hard. She can deal with all kinds of problems and is together harmoniously with others. I like her very much.



用英语描诉 一个人或一个地方或一个建筑物等等
给你举两个例子:(一)He led the Chinese Communist movement in the 1930s and 1940s, and became ruler of China in 1949.He strayed from the Soviet Marxist model, attempting to build a socialist society based on peasant farming rather than a centralized, bureaucratic, industrialized ...

Have\/has一般是主动介绍,重点介绍,比如jimmy has blue eyes 一般都是身上的零件或者性格(如果描述附属物容易转移重点)wear- 和Have\/has相似,重点介绍衣服,不常用因为说起来容易把重点放在衣服上...in- 也是介绍穿着,不会转移重点Here comes Jimmy in black suit.留学狗用得很好,但说不出个所以...

知道怎样用英语来描述一个人的身材嘛?人们又胖有瘦,有高有矮,看着这里给大家准备的一些描述人们身材的英语。1. She is thin. 她瘦瘦的。2. He's big \/ small. 他个头满大的。\/他个头小小的。3. She's slim. 她很苗条。4. She's really skinny. 她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。 5. She is ...

a person that looks like me 和我相似的一个人 we look kind of alike 同样的, 相似的 same kind of 同样的

描述这种环境时,我们可以说:“森林非常安静(The forest is very quiet)”。2.描述人的性格Quiet这个词汇还可以用于描述人的性格。如果一个人经常保持安静,不爱说话并且不容易表达自己的情感,那么我们可以用Quiet来形容他。类似地,如果一个人的性格特点是安详和平静,那么这个人也可以被描述为Quiet。

她有一张小嘴巴用英语可以这样说:"she has a small mouth"“她有一张小嘴”这句话可以用来形容一个嘴很小的人。这个短语通常用来描述一个人的外表,并不意味着贬损或评判。这只是对某人嘴巴大小的观察。然而,重要的是要注意,根据一个人的外表来描述一个人可以被认为是对他们的客观化,而以消极...

华莹市17575989380: 用英语描述一个人的外貌100个单词左右 -
蓬肿山香:[答案] She is medium hight,very slim,her shape is cute,and her skin is as white as snow.She has got long,curly,black hair,her lips red as wine.She has big,bright eyes,when she is smilling,her eyes are shinning. Her voice is soft,but powerful,that's because she is ...

华莹市17575989380: 英语:描述某人外貌特征的句型有几种 -
蓬肿山香: 你可以说: 1. He is tall 【主语加be动词,直接加形容词】他高.后边可以用short,thin啊什么的 2. He has long hair 【主语加have或has加修饰语】 3. She was very thin, with 【with 表示有什么】big eyes 这里有个作文你看看 My name is Wang

华莹市17575989380: 英语中描写人的相貌的三个句型 -
蓬肿山香: 1、定语从句——(内填人物性别man或women)who is/ has(has后跟人物的特征)is my(内填你要描述的人是谁). 2、普通描述——动词:wear/has/is/get......名词:glasses/(什么颜色+什么衣服)/(什么样的)hairs/面目表情比如:largh/smile/cry/sad/happy...... 3、主+be+adj主+be+of+adj+n

华莹市17575989380: 英文人物外貌描写(要句子,有翻译) -
蓬肿山香: 脸型(face): round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的. A. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了.头发(hair): (1) 发型(hair style): straight 直的; curly 卷发的; ...

华莹市17575989380: 用英文描述一个人的外貌不少于40词提示词 big small short tall long cute face hand eye ear mouth nose -
蓬肿山香: 用以上单词写一篇小短文描述你或你的朋友的外貌,不要太长,但是要全用上,is a big man with a small nose.He is tall and he has long hair.

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蓬肿山香:[答案] 1.He is very tall——almost 1.75 metres.He is the tallest boy in my class.However,he has poor eyesight because of working on ... 4.He is a fine young man,ahout 25 years old,tall and well-built,with a kind face and a nice smile.他是一个可爱的年轻人,大约...

华莹市17575989380: 用英语描述一个人的外貌 -
蓬肿山香: She is medium hight,very slim,her shape is cute,and her skin is as white as snow.She has got long,curly,black hair,her lips red as wine.She has big,bright eyes,when she is smilling,her eyes are shinning. Her voice is soft,but powerful,that's because ...

华莹市17575989380: 形容人外貌特征的英文词汇 -
蓬肿山香: nose: big大的/high高的/pointed尖鼻子/high-bridged高鼻梁/straight挺直的 face:well-featured五官端正的/handsome英俊的/bony 瘦的/rosy 红润的/long 长的/broad 宽的/beautiful 美丽的 eyes: sexy 性感的/sharp 锐利的/slitty细长的/watery水汪汪的/...

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蓬肿山香: is to stimulate the spirit of power source

华莹市17575989380: 怎样用英语描写一个人的外貌?(不用太长、小学英语) -
蓬肿山香:[答案] 外貌 Physical Appearance 对人物外表描写.同时,肖像的描写并不是一次性的,注意人物经过时间的推移、环境的变迁,或与人接触后,其外貌可能发生的转变. 例文1 Robert is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . His face is long and ...

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