
作者&投稿:长兴义 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 问题一:“请假条”用英语怎么说? 事实上,我自己在国外的时候从没见过单独的“请假条”这种说法。一般请假、或事后向老师说明缺席原因,都是写一张称为“note”的小条来说明情况的。真需要说明这张NOTE是为了请假,那大概可以用短语note to ask for permission to be absent。

问题二:用英文怎么写请假条? Dear Mr. 。。。
i have an interview next monday , and the journey is too far ,so i need one afternoon off .
hope you give permission
yours .......

问题三:请假条用英文怎么说? 可以地道地说成Ask for leave
Note fo浮 absence也很地道

问题四:请假条用英语怎么说啊? 请假条
an excuse
note for leave
leave application
written request for leave
I wrote an excuse for my absence from school.
请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假(note for sick l梗ave)和请事假(leave of absence)。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。
1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。
假如你是王立。昨天你和同学们去农场帮助农民们摘苹果,不幸(unluckily)从梯子上摔下来伤了腿,但伤得不重。医生让你在家里好好休息。因此,你向高老师请假两天(ask for leave for two days)。
Dear Miss Gao,
I'm sorry I can't go to school today. I helped the farmers pick apples with my clas *** ates on the farm yesterday. Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasn't badly hurt. The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. So I ask for leave for two days.
Wang Li

问题五:请假条用英语怎么翻译 leave permit;application for leave

问题六:英文请假条怎么写 May.31th.2012
Dear Rolando ,
I am sorry that I should take a day off tomorrow,in order to test the driving license.
I'll e back the day after tomorrow,Would you mind?Can you give me this presumptuous request it?
yours respectfully,

问题七:英语请假条范文,帮写下 Dear Mr/Ms Jiang (你自己选性别吧)
I was unable to e to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible.
I am sincerely sorry about the inconvenience. However, I would like to have your permission. Also, afterwards I would phone you and there's the certificate by the doctor.
Li Tie
October 21st 2008

问题八:请假条的英文怎么说 请假条
Note for absence

问题九:英语请假条怎么写 Dear Teacher:
I'm Li Hua . Yesterday afternoon I went outing with my friends and we enjoyed ourselves . However, when we came back , I was knocked off my bike by a car and my left foot was badly injured . I had it examined in a hospital and the doctor said I need to have a rest in bed for at least a week . Therefore , I want to ask for a week's leave . I promise I will do my lessons at home by myself . Thank you !
Best Regards !
Li Hua

问题十:英语生病请假条怎么写英文 中文 Dear XXX,
I'm writing to notify you that I won't be able to make it to work/school today due to illness. I am awefully sorry for the short notice and any inconveniences that my absence may bring to you. According to the doctor, I should make a full recovery within 2 days. So, I should be back to work/school the day after tomorrow.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,

英语请假条范文带翻译简单的范文如下。一、英语请假条范文 1、Dear Miss Zhang。2、I am sorry that I cannot go to school tomorrow,because I got a bad cold the day before yesterday。3、This morning,I had high fever and I went to see the doctor。4、He told me to stay at home...

但这里不是一个动词短语。因为这里ask作为名词,而介词for则表示动作的目的,而leave也作为名词,这样就好理解了吧~Note fo浮 absence也很地道 问题二:“请假条”用英语怎么说? 事实上,我自己在国外的时候从没见过单独的“请假条”这种说法。一般请假、或事后向老师说明缺席原因,都是写一张称为“...

请假条的英文:Written request for leave request 读法 英 [rɪ'kwest]     美 [rɪ'kwest]n. 请求;要求 vt. 请求;要求 例句 1、Your request will be dealt with in due course.你的要求将在适当时机予以处理。2、I bought it at your request.我应你的要求买下来。短语 1...

英语请假条怎么写?急啊 ···
英文请假条写作需注意三点:1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。2.一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是书信的大大简化。3.请假条的特点是要求开门见山、内容简短、用...

英语请假条的格式如下:Dear Miss Gao,I'm sorry I can't go to school today. I helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday. Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg,but I wasn't badly hurt.The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have ...


(老师,我今天身体略有不适。上午去看医生,医生嘱咐我要休息两天。并需按时服药,放松,因此我希望请2天假修养身子,对于功课我会尽快赶上的.)Teacher, I physically slight discomfort. Morning to see a doctor, the doctor asked me to rest for two days. And take medication on time, relax...

病假条 note for sick leave 事假条 leave of absence 请假条 Permission For Leave;Ask for a casual leave;Asking for leave 准假证明 Leave Certificate

Excuse letter 3\/7\/2006 To Whom it may concern,I would like to have a day off on sunday, i will be back at 1700. Thank you for your understanding.Your Sincerely 黄磊

如何用英语写请假条 首先,假条的上方还是应该按照半正式的格式写上如下信息:To:假条是递给谁的 From:请假人 Date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期)Subject:写上请假字样 假条抬头范例如下:To: Peter Stone, Manager From: Lynn Chen, Financial Department Date: April 2nd, 2004 Subject: ...

迪庆藏族自治州17063964847: 请假条用英语怎么说 -
检胜华佗: 请假条 sick leave

迪庆藏族自治州17063964847: 英语请假条怎么写 -
检胜华佗:[答案] 文头:Ask for Sick/Business leave (请病假/事假条) 批准机构或人:(比如)To XXt office (XX办公室) 称呼:Dear Sir / ... leave of absence from (某日) to (某日) instant,in order to (办某事). To support my application,I herewith submit a (某...

迪庆藏族自治州17063964847: 请假条用英语的表达 -
检胜华佗: Mr/Ms...I have a bad cold now and can't go to school today .So I need to ask for a leave for one day.Thanks teacher!Xiao Li2006/05/06

迪庆藏族自治州17063964847: 英文的请假条格式 -
检胜华佗: 英文请假条范文: Dear sir or madam 尊敬的先生或女士 I beg to apply for two days' leave form the 7th to 8th this week.Because I was ill,I want to return to see the doctor. 我请求在这周第七到第八天申请两天假.因为我病了,我想回去看医生. To ...

迪庆藏族自治州17063964847: 英语中请假条的格式~ -
检胜华佗: 一、假条的上方应该按照正式的格式写上如下信息:To:假条是递给谁的From:请假人Date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期)Subject:写上请假字样例如:To: Peter Stone,From: Lynn Chen, Financial DepartmentDate: April 2nd...

迪庆藏族自治州17063964847: 用英语写请假条 -
检胜华佗: (老师,我今天身体略有不适.上午去看医生,医生嘱咐我要休息两天.并需按时服药,放松,因此我希望请2天假修养身子,对于功课我会尽快赶上的.)Teacher, I physically slight discomfort. Morning to see a doctor, the doctor asked me to rest ...

迪庆藏族自治州17063964847: 英语请假条应该怎么写? -
检胜华佗:[答案] 假条的上方应该按照正式的格式写上如下信息: To:假条是递给谁的 From:请假人 Date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期) Subject:写上请假字样 例如: To:Peter Stone, From:Lynn Chen,Financial Department Date:April 2nd,2006 Subject:...

迪庆藏族自治州17063964847: 怎样用英语写请假条
检胜华佗: Asking For Leave(请假条) To: Teacher From: XX(your name) Date: April 15th, 2008 I am sorry! I'm sick today. I can't go to school!But I will study by myself!I hope I will be fine soon and go to school! 希望帮到你!

迪庆藏族自治州17063964847: 用英文写一张请假条 原因由于生病不能上学,须请假两天 -
检胜华佗:[答案] Dear Teacher:You know I do not want to.I am sick,two days off.ok?that,you do not see me with apples..

迪庆藏族自治州17063964847: 怎样写英语请假条? -
检胜华佗: 文头: Ask for Sick/Business leave (请病假/事假条) 批准机构或人:(比如)To XXt office (XX办公室) 称呼: Dear Sir / Dear XX 正文: (见下例) 落款: Yours faithfully XX 日期: Sep,X, 2009 例一、病假条 I am awfuully sorry that I can not ...

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