
作者&投稿:那云 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


您好,以“家人正在做什么(what are they doing)”为题的作文要用现在进行时态。例如,My mother is cooking and my brother is doing his homework…

It's more and more popular and nessesory to use computers in our daily life. For example, I use computer all the time in the office, and also use it for entertainment at home. Here I have some experiences and tips on how to make use of a computer in your daily life.
First, you should know what you need or want to do by using a computer. For example, I need search some information on internet, then I have to learn how to use IE (or firefox, etc.) to find out what I need . Second, Ineed to learn how to use some softwares so as to make things done easily (like using Microsoft Office), or to have fun (like play games or listen to the music). Finally, you must realize that computer is not everything, you are the boss to choose wheather you need to use it or not, and then you can arrange your time and your own way to use a computer properly.
Whether using a computer is useful or not, that depends on how you use it. Remember that the computer is just a tool to help you. That is all my advice on how to use computer in your daily life.

2. 如何恰当的运用作文素材 首先,你要明确自己所写文章的主旨,明确之后可以自己想想有什么可以用得上的事例。 然后,在自己的脑海中列出一个提纲,将这些素材按自己所想的顺序组合起来。 最后,按自己的构思开始写,注意素材要衔接精密,素材与素材之间最好可以有过渡句来连接,这样可以是行文读起来流畅;也可以引用名言警...


1. 在作文中该怎样使用网络语言 网络语言有优势:专家教你理性看待 就网络语言出现在中学生作文中的利弊,以及网络语言对现代汉语的影响问题,记者采访了青海师范大学人文学院教授、青海省语言学会会长王培基老师。 王教授告诉我们,网络语言从本质上来讲是现代汉语的一个重要组成部分,它所使用的基本词汇、语法都来源于现代...


8 I did not give you credit for such skill. 我没想到你有这个本事.9.Let's give three cheers for our football team! 咱们来给咱们的足球队喝采叫好吧!10.Did he give you money for the field trip.他给你钱参加实地考察旅行了吗?没看清题目,算了 这些算是补充材料吧 囧了。

我们为何要在作文中运用名言佳句 陆机在《文赋》中说过:“立片言而居要,乃一篇之警策。”意即在文章关键的地方用上一句重要言论,即可成为全篇的警策。所谓“警策”,就是精练扼要而含义深刻的句子,又称警句。它可以是作者自己的语言,也可以是引用的他人的言论;既可以是一两句话,散见于文章之中,...

多用一些恰当的修辞手法,展开合理的想象。赋予它情感,就会使物品活生生地跃然纸上。 (三)动静结合 先写静态的外形特点,再写它的动态。这样会增添一些情趣,写出的文超过普通的作文,要好很多的的!另外要自己认真结合 参考资料: 如何上好语文课作文 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ting...

小学语文中常用的修改符号一共有下列5种,下面举例说明。1. 删除符号:把不符合要求的部分圈起来删去,再画个小尾巴。如下例。2. 对调符号:用于相邻的两个词语颠倒一下位置,注意必须是紧邻的两个词才可以,中间不能隔一个字。如下图。3. 置换符号:两个不相邻的部份需要互换一下位置,就不能用...

当然是语法很牛叉才能运用自如,否则班门弄斧,漏洞百出,贻笑大方。平时要模拟考试,多写写,还要及时改正,这样才有提高 但作文不一定非要用长难句,还有其他方法取胜的 对于作文,我说的最多的就是:不走寻常路!你不要以为在网上下载那些所谓的优秀作文,拿来背背,你就成为高手了,其实大错特错...

中考语文作文妙文解析备考攻略 刻画人物,五种描写方法如何使用
资料概述与简介 中考语文作文妙文解析备考攻略 刻画人物,五种描写如何使用【写作导引】人物是文章的灵魂,是构成文章吸引人的重要因素。而要成功地塑造人物形象离不开对人物的刻画,它是展现人物性格的重要方法,人物的性格在作者的笔下惟妙惟肖地刻画出来,是需要作者精心刻画加以渲染的,并力求使人物更加...

莱芜市13117776120: 英语作文教你如何使用电脑 -
侯兔过氧: How to use a computer?It's more and more popular and nessesory to use computers in our daily life. For example, I use computer all the time in the office, and also use it for entertainment at home. Here I have some experiences and tips on how to ...

莱芜市13117776120: 英语作文:你如何使用电脑?你喜欢在电脑上做什么?写下一篇关于它的小文章.50词 -
侯兔过氧: It's more and more popular and nessesory to use computers in our daily life. For example, I use computer all the time in the office, and also use it for entertainment at home. Here I have some experiences and tips on how to make use of a computer in...

莱芜市13117776120: 英语作文教你如何使用电脑 -
侯兔过氧:[答案] How to use a computer? It's more and more popular and nessesory to use computers in our daily life. For example, I use computer all the time in the office, and also use it for entertainment at home. Here I have some experiences and tips on how to make ...

莱芜市13117776120: 关于我是怎样用电脑的英语作文,最多70词 -
侯兔过氧:[答案] As we know,computer has been used very widely.Today,I'll tell you how to use the computer.The most important ,You should ... 中文意思 众所周知,电脑的使用已经非常广泛了.今天,我会告诉你如何去使用电脑.最重要的,你需要连接宽带.然后你就可以...

莱芜市13117776120: 关于如何正确使用电脑 写一篇关80字左右的英语作文 -
侯兔过氧: 自己写的.As known to all ,computers play an important role in our daily life now .But teenagers are always addicted to computer games, which makes them sink to a lower position. It dawns on me that we should use computer correctly. We can ...

莱芜市13117776120: 如何使用电脑的英语作文20词 -
侯兔过氧: Computer bring more convenience, online access to information, published an article, watch movies, online remote virtual learning and other functions, to bring a lot of benefits. It also can keep abreast of the day's latest weather information. News ...

莱芜市13117776120: 怎样正确使用电脑英语作文 -
侯兔过氧: How to Use Computer Properly Computer becomes much popular this century. In schools, factories and office buildings, computers help people to do many works and bring more advantages, they also provide people some communication tools, ...

莱芜市13117776120: 以 如何使用电脑 为题的英语作文【100词左右】 有木有
侯兔过氧: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Chat With the development of society, we can use more often the Internet. Through the Internet we can find information and also have a chat with other Internet users. We can talk to someone without ...

莱芜市13117776120: 如何正确使用电脑英语作文 -
侯兔过氧: As can be seen from the chart, in 1990, the use of computers was not popular yet, with the university student spending merely an average of one hour on the computer per week. However, in 1995, the number of hours was quadrupled, climbing up to ...

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