
作者&投稿:徵睿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I apologize to her for my ruddness.
When he is upset, he’ d like to sit quietly for hours.
You should take your upcoming final exam seriously.
Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal.
The manager is quite satisfied with the new comer’s performance.
It started to rain at the moment we got home.
No matter you go with me or stay at home, I’ll go.
You just try, but you won’t make it.
He fell asleep while reading.

1. The camel is approximately 5,000 years ago in the beasts become load.
2. She was an assistant to the general manager in the company.
3. His words can be divided into the following points.
4. People began to here about air pollution.
5. Everyone should our contributions to the development of an own strength.
6. She was the most happy to help others.
7. This summer is the best selling fruit.
8. He looks much younger than practical.
9. I feel the medication, more seems worse.
10.Between two men,he is taller

According the survey, some dreams of the children can not come true, but they are still holding on.

The cost of taking taxis to travel around Paris is expensive, but it is very conveniet to take subway.

It's best to take an interpreter with you unless you can speak French.

The house needs to have a kitchen which can contain three persons.

I must work hard in order to provide my family with a better life.

According the survey, some dreams of the children can not come true, but they are still holding on.

The cost of taking taxis to travel around Paris is expensive, but it is very conveniet to take subway.

It's best to take an interpreter with you unless you can speak French.

The house needs to have a kitchen which can contain three persons.

I must work hard in order to provide my family with a better life.已赞同5| 评论

According to the survey results indicate that the children of the dream is not reality, but they insisted. (hold on)

According to the research,some dreams of the children are not so realistic,but they hold on them.

It cost a lot to travel by taxi in Paris,but it's very convenient to subway.

Unless you can speak Franch,or it's best to take a interpretor with you.

The room need a kitchen which can hold 3 people.

I have to work hard so that I can provide my familities with a better life.

According to the survey,some of children's dreams are unreal , but they are hold them on.
The costsof trave ln Paris are very high, but it is very convenient by the subway ,
Unless you can speak French, otherwise, you'd better take a translator
The room needs a kitchen which can accommodate up to three people. I
I must work hard, so as to provide better life for my family .


according to survey, some children dreams are not realistic ,but they still hold on

It costs a lot to travel by taxi in Paris,but it's very convenient
to travel by subway.

it's best to take an interpreter wiht you unless you can speak French

the room needs a kitchen which can contain 3 people

i must work hard to provide my family with better life

3. Though I can't sing very well, at least I sing perfectly in tune.4. I hope I can get a better understanding of the forein traditional culture by studying abroad, as well as improve my English level.5. I love the feeling to be blowed by the breeze when running.纯手工...

1I met many people yesterday in the park.Some of them are crying, some are laughing and some are jumping.2 Look!There are so many people runing on the street.3 My father practices running everday.4Mom often wakes me up early in the morning.5My father decided to go to ...

1.Why not put all of these words on a piece of paper?2.Have you ever had the experience of dreams come true?3. It's hard to understand how he made so many mistakes in this exam?4. With the help of Project Hope, two and half million poor students returned to school.5...

2. The market is convenient for me to by everything.3. In my opinion, Tim can't possibly finish the work before the 21th this month.4. I want to cut my hair short because I'm busy and short hair is easy to be looked after.5.You are generous to give me so many ...

2.Mark Twain was fascinated by the awesome scenery of sunset of Mississippi River.3.The appearance of Huzhou City still need more improvement.4.The actress was concerned about her role in the next film whether will become the heroine.5.The United States of America was dissapointed ...

1. we cannot find the bike Tom lost last week.2. He helped the boy you met in the park this morning.3. The man that went to London last week will teach me English next year.4. The book you gave me yesterday is an English book.5. This is the bike I want to sell...

pollution, and the heavy traffic.4\\In my point of view, Chaozhou City should develop itself economy in a much more scientific way and try the best to protect the environment.5\\Expecting you to have a visit, welcome to Chaozhou City.纯手工翻译的哦。。累死了呢。。给点分吧~~...

from Cario into the Nile Valley, I entered a landscape that owed little to the present era.驱车从开罗一路向南进入尼罗河山谷,我犹如进入了一片世外桃源。5.Despite the great gains in industry, agriculture remained the nation's basic occupation 工业固然重要,但是农业依然是国家的基本!

所以你必须有一分高工资的职业,否则你支付不起.Considering the cost of living in city is higher than that in country, you have to obtain a high salary job or you will not be able to pay for your cost.5. 城市不仅吵闹,而且拥挤.City is no only noisy but also congested....

my last weekend英语作文50单词加翻译
my last weekend英语作文及翻译5个句子 I really had a busy weekend.On saturday morning I did my homework and cleaned the room.In the afternoon,I visted my friends and did sports with them.At night,I went to the movies with my parents.On Sunday morning,I went shopping and ...

万全县13558807883: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子1.小王子,你是我的希望.2.一切都是因为你的肯定,天空才如此美丽.3.我会一直爱这你,实现你的希望,疲倦的时候想着你,就擦亮... -
寸史百奥:[答案] 1.The Little Prince,you are my hope.2.All because you are certain that the sky was so beautiful.3.I will always love you this,you hope to achieve,tired when you think,polished my dream.4.Please do not...

万全县13558807883: 帮忙用英语翻译五个短句.1:在这条河里游泳很危险.2:放学打篮球,很有意思.3:现在已经不可能抓住小偷了.4:每个人都喜欢偶尔玩一下是很自然的.5:... -
寸史百奥:[答案] 1:在这条河里游泳很危险.It's dangerous to swim in this river.2:放学打篮球,很有意思.It's interesting to play basketball after school.3:现在已经不可能抓住小偷了.It's impossible to catch the thief now.4:...

万全县13558807883: 帮忙翻译5个句子~~中译英,翻译机的别来 -
寸史百奥: 1.他由一个学生扶着走进了大厅 (support 作伴随状语) He has entered to the hall under the support by a student.2.看完电影他回家了. (分词一般完成时) He went home after watching the movie.3.过马路时,你必须朝四周望望 (分词作状语)...

万全县13558807883: 汉译英5个英语句子 -
寸史百奥: 1 I know that you will go to Beijing next week.2 Let's ask the policeman the way to the hotel.3 You'd better take a taxi to go there.4 Go straight along Renmin Road and then turn right.5 I hope you will have a good journey.

万全县13558807883: 英语翻译请大家帮忙把下列五个句子翻译成中文.1、 In fact,at times I have spent as long as three weeks alone at home,going out only to get mail and buy ... -
寸史百奥:[答案] 1. 事实上, 我曾试过三星期都宅在家里,只偶尔出去收信,买买报纸和零食. 2. 我渐渐有了一种我已经与机器(电脑)合为一体的感觉,接收数据,再吐出数据,我已经成为了网络中又一个链接. 3. 起初看似奢侈的生活方式——从床上爬起来打开电...

万全县13558807883: 帮忙翻译几个句子(不要翻译器翻译的哦) -
寸史百奥: 1.you are the ``` in my heart.2.i take great pity in witnessing the story end, so does every one else as i believe.3.when i am confronted with drawbacks, having y...

万全县13558807883: 帮我翻译5句英语句子,不要使用翻译软件翻译 那会有很多错误!
寸史百奥: 1.Any one want to cheat in the exam will be severely punished2.The gamblers risked damage their risk of family3.His father put all his valuable stamps are kept locked up4.Finally he admitted he again in the service mistakes5.I think that in ten minutes to answer all the questions in English is not possible

万全县13558807883: 翻译5个句子(中译英)
寸史百奥: 1.这是学习英语的最好方法. This is the best way to learn English. 2.要学好英语要花很长时间. It cost a very long time to learn English well. 3.咱们谈论这部电影吧. Let's talk about this film. 4.我们为什么不听地道的英语歌曲呢? Why don't we ...

万全县13558807883: 英语翻译帮忙翻译以下5个句子:1 他准备给我工作,这使我大吃一惊2 因为雨太大,参观博物得推迟到明天了 3 请全校师生于周三下午二时在会议室集中,... -
寸史百奥:[答案] 1 他准备给我工作,这使我大吃一惊 I was surprised by him because he is going to arrange a job for me. 2 因为雨太大,参观博物得推迟到明天了 The action of visiting museum was postponed to tomorrow because of the heavy rain. 3 请全校师生于周三...

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