
作者&投稿:弓哪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
空巢老人 求一篇英语段文(100词左右)~

With the steady development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, making aging more serious situation. The problems of the elderly society has gradually become a hot issue. At the same time, China's empty nest is also a growing number of elderly people.Empty nest elderly in the elderly population of more special and vulnerable groups, they are non-empty-nest elderly have more specific needs. Empty nest elderly, therefore the whole society need to care for and support.This article will focus on the quality of life for empty-nest status of the elderly, to explore and analyze the impact of empty nest elderly quality of life factors, and find solutions to improve the quality of life of elderly empty-nest response. Empty nest for the elderly to enjoy a better life and the efforts of his later years.

随着社会发展速度的加快,人们的生活节奏也越来越快了。许多人没有太多的时间来陪伴老人,老人们也只能自己生活。这样的老人就是 “空巢老人”。





With the steady development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, making aging more serious situation. The problems of the elderly society has gradually become a hot issue. At the same time, China's empty nest is also a growing number of elderly people.Empty nest elderly in the elderly population of more special and vulnerable groups, they are non-empty-nest elderly have more specific needs. Empty nest elderly, therefore the whole society need to care for and support.This article will focus on the quality of life for empty-nest status of the elderly, to explore and analyze the impact of empty nest elderly quality of life factors, and find solutions to improve the quality of life of elderly empty-nest response. Empty nest for the elderly to enjoy a better life and the efforts of his later years.

空巢老人 求一篇英语作文
With the deepening of the aging of society, there are a growing number of empty-nesters, which has become a social problem can not be ignored. When the children leave home due to reasons such as work, study, marriage, leaving their middle-aged parents at home, empty-nesters wi...


making aging more serious situation. The problems of the elderly society has gradually become a hot issue. At the same time, China's empty nest is also a growing number of elderly people.Empty nest elderly in the elderly population of more special and vulnerable groups, ...



No matter how busy young men are, they should pay more attention to parents’ feeling and life. Actuarlly, parents understand their children so much and don’t have so many requirments for them. They just want to have a chat with their children to share the sorrow and happines...



空巢老人问题已经成为全社会共同关心越发严重的社会问题,如何解决打工子女外出挣钱与陪在父母身边成了一个深思之待解决的问题。一、调查对象与方法 1. 调查对象:本次调查分别选取以大化瑶族自治县都阳镇都阳村留守老人作为本次调查的个案。2. 调查方法:本次调查主要是采取走访及入户典型调查的方法,...

关爱空巢老人,已经成为刻不容缓的大事。古人云:“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待。”说的就是孩子想孝敬亲人,可亲人早已不在。 有些事情是你想做也做不了的,而有些你现在能做的事情不去做的话,等你想去做了有可能就没机会做了。试想,很多的年轻人,远离父母,外出打拼挣钱,也许他们...

商丘市18327706177: 急求一篇英语作文:空巢老人现象 -
政林罗迈: Nowadays, in every corner stands a nuclear family, which embraces a father, a mother, one or two children. However, a large majority of children leave their parents for their jobs,and only parents stay at home isolatedly. And young men are so ...

商丘市18327706177: 以空巢老人为题写一篇字100左右的英语短文 -
政林罗迈: With the modernization of the society and one-child policy,it is popular for the younger generation of the family to work outside, leaving their parents alone at home, which becomes a social problem.

商丘市18327706177: 求一篇关于“空巢老人”的英语短文100词
政林罗迈: With the steady development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of ... This article will focus on the quality of life for empty-nest status of the elderly, to explore ...

商丘市18327706177: 某英文报社就“关爱空巢老人”这一话题进行征文.请你根据所给提示写一篇英语短文投稿.内容主要包括: 空巢老人越来越多的原因.2.他们面临的问题... -
政林罗迈:[答案] Old people that live alone with no family member to take care of them are now called the empty-nest elderly. Social and ...to be entertained and communicate. 分 析: 这是一篇关于“关爱空巢老人”话题文章写作.文章的内容主要包括分析空巢老人越...

商丘市18327706177: 空巢老人的英语作文 -
政林罗迈: Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents or guardians may feel when one or more of their children leave home; it is more common in women. The marriage of a child can lead to similar feelings, with the role and influence ...

商丘市18327706177: 关于“空巢老人”英语作文 -
政林罗迈: Caring for the elderly is no longer the cold this winter China Network TV News: Not long ago, "a million empty nesters care voluntary action" launching ceremony in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, Lanzhou City, Gansu ...

商丘市18327706177: 空巢老人 求一篇英语作文 -
政林罗迈: With the deepening of the aging of society, there are a growing number of empty-nesters, which has become a social problem can not be ignored. When the children leave home due to reasons such as work, study, marriage, leaving their ...

商丘市18327706177: 关于空巢老人的话题英语作文
政林罗迈: In the high pace of morden life ,Many old people was very lonely .Everyday them children get working maybe only the aged in the home 哎,,写不出啦..好偏呀,,是多少年级的呀,给你借鉴下开头吧,,不好意思实在是不行了..

商丘市18327706177: 求关于空巢老人的英语作文
政林罗迈: you were enshrined with our househoid deity in his worship l wor shipped you lknow it has stars that taik to him and asky that stoops down to his face to amuse him with its silly clcuds and rainbows lwish l could travel by the road that crosses baby s ...

商丘市18327706177: 英语作文 某英文报社就"关爱空巢老人"这一话题进行征文,请你根据提示写一篇英语短文投稿,内容主要 -
政林罗迈: 暑假期间,我们村庄里发起了一项“关爱空巢老人”的公益活动,为了丰富我的课余生活,我也积极地加入了这次活动. 我的关爱对象是王爷爷.听别人说,他是一位退伍的老兵.他将自己最美好的青春年华都献给了祖国,但是祖国母亲却没有给这个“儿子”像平常老人一样的晚年幸福.他的老伴儿早早的便离他而去,他的子女都嫌弃他是个累赘,纷纷弃他不顾.可是祸不单行.因参军而体魄强壮的他却意外患上了老年痴呆症,时而糊涂,时而清醒.听邻居说,他一个人的时候,总会坐在书桌前,呆呆地盯着那张仅有的全家福,嘴里还不停地念叨着:“他们会来接我的,一定会的.”这不禁更加坚定了我要好好照顾王爷爷的决心.

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