
作者&投稿:邓梁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



橡皮__eraser______锁上的__locked_____,紫色 __Purple____四十___Forty_____钱包 __wallet_____

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Dear teacher and student不好,我还没见过有人这样写的,改成Good morning everyone(时间不对就改一下)On September应改为in September we all became student应为……students We are going to study of three years in this school. 我觉的应这样写We will study in this school for three ...

卷笔刀_sharpener___灰色 ___grey___特别喜爱的 ___favourite___一双袜子 _a pair of socks___百___hundred__一条牛仔裤___a pair of blue jeans__(女式)衬衫__blouse___警察__policeman___照相机__camera___电影院__cinema___手表___watch__动物 ___animal__...

有“越美”的意思 比如 the more open the more the United States 说花越开越美 不知道适不适合你的上下文语境 也说明美国人也挺自恋的。。。觉得就他们家美。。。

英语大虾请进be going to 和 will 有什么关系
Be going to在表示“将要”的意味时,很容易和will混淆不清,但它们是稍有不同的。试看下面的对话:A:The detergent has been used up.洗洁精已用光了。B:I'm going to get some today.C:I'll get some today.乍然看来,乙和丙的答话的意思是一样的,都是:“今天我要去买些”,...

1 tired 疲劳的,累的。2 Wednesday 星期三

earth with you just like this ,hand in hand and greeted by the wind.the roses flying apart in the dreamland hide my pink cares in each one of them breeze brings musical notes and your breath sweetness of love flows in the field of sunflowers 以上翻译仅供参考 请不要列入投票 ...

So-called scenic area grave card means scenery tour zone has instructions and sign sexual permanent building, it is not temporary scutcheon. Chinese scenic spot many, but no matter where you go, visitors see are basically waking monuments, CARDS, generally speaking, one of these ...

1.一个有丰富的软件开发经验的团队.a team with rich experience in software development 2.高质量,,high quality,专业性specialization, 客户至上clients first 3.为您带来效益的系统 a system that will bring you profit.或a lucrative system ...

请给我别的东西吧!There are no others.没有别的了。4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形式。如:Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home.两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。the others=...

【摘要】人才流失在国有企业已十分突出,成为制约国有企业发展的一个不可忽视的重大问题。Abstract:Brain drain, a common phenomenon in State-Owned Enterprises of China, has become a bottleneck for their development.国有企业的人才流失呈现数量大、学历和职称高、中青年为主的特点。造成国有企业...

花山区18053347546: 根据汉语意思补全句子(很急很急,是英语大虾的进来吧) -
郴姚胎宝: have a good time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,有疑问可追问,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

花山区18053347546: when Little Red Riding Hood 十万火急呀!小虾别来,大虾请进. -
郴姚胎宝:[答案] 在小红帽到达的时候, Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

花山区18053347546: 英语大虾请进在英语句子里什么时候用to -
郴姚胎宝: 1 动词不定式:to do 如:I want you to help me. 2 不及物动词后加to在加宾语,如:listen to the music 3 表示到…的范围或程度: loved him to death 4 固定搭配,如:To begin with 5 用于指明动词和它的补语之间的关系: refer to a dictionary; ...

花山区18053347546: 英语大虾请进来看看~~~~ -
郴姚胎宝: 从整个句子看 and 前后 时态应该是一致的 这里一般不用 BE GOING TO 最好用WILL 如果没有BE GOING TO 和WILL的要求那算你对

花山区18053347546: 英语大虾来啊 急急急 -
郴姚胎宝: 1.He'll be pleased to do that job.他很乐意去干那件工作.2.I get up early in order to do morning exercises in time.我起得很早,以便于及时做早操.

花山区18053347546: 【英语大虾进】哪里有错误 急 -
郴姚胎宝: 只有时态错了.转诉内容的时态一般情况下与说的时间的时态保持一致.应是:I told Jim I had to study at home on Sunday.My father asked me who would teach us English.

花山区18053347546: 将英语翻译成西班牙语!!急!!!! 大虾请进~~~ -
郴姚胎宝: 呵呵,我跟西班牙做家具外贸的.整天写这些东西.不会错 REFERENCIA: OD 14294DESCRIPCION DE PRODUCTO: PLEGABLE COLCHONETA DE DUÑA (FOLDABLE这个英语词西语并不是直接用的,而是PLEGABLE.如果你想说折叠...

花山区18053347546: 写个短文!大虾请进!急对"What can people do on the Internet?"写个口语方面的短文,只要一分半钟就行. -
郴姚胎宝:[答案] People can get every aspect informations such as life,emotion,scenist from the internet instead from the books.In fact ,it is really convenient only to type a word or a phrase on the computer and get ...

花山区18053347546: 英语大虾的进来.
郴姚胎宝: 逮到你.Get you.

花山区18053347546: 英语问题,大虾请进!!
郴姚胎宝: 可数名词与不可数名词 英语的名词有可数名词与不可数名词之分.我们判断一个名词是可数与不可数是一个很重要的问题,因为它牵扯到在它的前面加不加冠词以及加哪种冠词,还有该词在句子当中适当的形式等问题. 那么,可数名词与不可...

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