
作者&投稿:艾泊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
大虾帮忙用英语翻译一下!汉译英,坐等,急需! 高分求助!~


The biggest issue confronting a fresh graduate looking for employment is the choice of career;
in the face of various job options, it becomes a problem to decide on an interesting job or a
higher pay job.
Many people feel that interest is the key; there will be passion for work and motivation when
you are interested in your job, and the room for advancement is relatively greater; the
most important aspect is to train for self development, salary will gradually increase with the
growth of capability.
However, there are also quite a lot of people who attach more emphasis on remuneration. In
view of the ever increasing pressure of modern life, many people hope to quickly acquire a
handsome income to enhance their quality of life. As a fresh graduate who has just join the
society, salary is even more badly needed to support his living and assume his personal
responsibility, so the size of the pay package is particularly important.
As far as I am concerned,I will pursue a job that I am interested in, a specific job relevant to
my situation which has a relatively great development potential and in which I can train and
improve myself; the pay is not the most important, I believe what benefits most to my future life
and career is to lay a solid foundation for myself and advance my every step steadily.


Function relationships in all aspects of life , however, among many functions of complex variables change , based on known data for function expression is very difficult.

So-called scenic area grave card means scenery tour zone has instructions and sign sexual permanent building, it is not temporary scutcheon. Chinese scenic spot many, but no matter where you go, visitors see are basically waking monuments, CARDS, generally speaking, one of these categories are mainly category is stone engraving, another kind is writing on arch, these basically constitutes the China import and export department and scenic spots of markers, besides, no longer it is difficult to see a rich individual character originality. Singleness of technique of expression, theme refining height and depth insufficiently is commonly existing problems, it reflects the countrymen on how the natural objects and artificial things make combined knowledge needs to improve.

In order to change our scenic areas existing in design of this problem, the dabie mountain peak (white) scenic spot for this made pointed beneficial attempt, the whole scenery design responsibility is very clear, this is: the dabie mountains so famous mainly because 1947 liu DengDaJun into the dabie mountains, this historical feat is the landmark, it has changed the Chinese modern history, so the dabie mountain peak scenic design must also is the landmark, whether the function design of scenic spots, or scenic spot of supporting facilities design should be our scenic area design history landmark, it should not only in China have a place in the history of the industry, still should become a human part of the cultural heritage.


The so-called monument in scenic spots refers to the permanent buildings with indication and symbolic functions in scenic spots. It is not a temporary sign. There are many scenic spots in China, but no matter where you go, visitors basically see the same steles. Generally speaking, there are mainly two types, one is lettering on stones and the other is writing on memorial archways. These basically constitute the symbols of scenic spots and scenic spots in China. In addition, it is difficult to see personalized creativity. It is a common problem that the means of expression is single and the height and depth of theme extraction are not enough. It reflects that people's understanding of how to combine natural and artificial objects needs to be improved.


纽约的地位新兴技术公司中心是在媒体、时尚、等行业的合同。作为共享这个月早些时候,纽约 的技术场景正在对风险资本的洪水网络交易,甚至旧金山。它 ' s验证了这座已经建立了一个强大的基础和公司现在成了初创企业的温床,特别是网络和software-driven公司。我坐下来跟弗雷德·威尔逊,他曾和联合广场风险投资家企业,讨论了纽约,文艺复兴时期,是怎么回事,,,而它 的方向。威尔逊说纽约 的技术气息,如出现在mid-90s,是等效的teens刚才晚些时候本身就逐渐成为重要人物。他说他不喝酒希望看到任何经济放缓,就像硅谷摘下过去20年来,在20世纪70年代末。“纽约不仅是可持续,但它将会从这里一个数量级,”他说。威尔逊显然有利害关系纽约的技术中心的地位。超过一半的公司在他的总部设在纽约的资金来自纽约,虽然他写了最近 ' s他 ' s开放的分支。当地的增长是真实的,然而,包括为初创企业投资的公司的网路,方方正正,和Tumblr,以及令人公司GroupE镀金,梯子。增长的纽约的戏中建立了因特网,这在很大程度上,因为它已经发展,成为越来越成熟,越来越水龙头技能的纽约,威尔逊说。作为互联网创业将更多的数据和业务逻辑和工作来提炼的用户体验通过设计,他说,他们 '你能吸引人才的从地方财政、媒体、时尚、设计等行业。公司,如Banksimple方式和我的城市建立员工,而前华尔街Groupe镀金形成三重唱,包括亚历山德拉Wilkis威尔逊,一名前管理人员,宝格丽路易威登。几个纽约企业家说一些类似的我,说这个城市之间提供了一个有趣的十字路口技术和不同行业的专业,收益影响它。

所谓风景旅游区的碑牌是指风景旅游区内具有指示和标志性功能的永久性建筑,它不是临时性的标牌。中国风景名胜区很多,但是无论走到哪里,游人看到的基本上都是千篇一律的碑牌,概括地说主要有二类,其中一类是石头上刻字,另一类是牌坊上写字,这些基本上就构成了我国景区进出口处和景点的标志物,除此以外,再也很难看到富有个性的创意了。表现手法单一、主题提炼的高度和深度不够是普遍存在的问题,它反映了国人对如何将自然物和人工物进行结合的认识还有待提高。 为了改变我国风景旅游区设计中存在这一问题,大别山主峰(白马尖)景区为此作了有益的尝试,整个景区的设计责任十分明确,这就是:大别山所以成名主要是因为1947年刘邓大军挺进大别山,这一历史壮举是里程碑式的,它改变了中国现代历史,因此,大别山主峰景区的设计也必须是里程碑式的,无论是景区的功能设计,还是景区的配套设施设计都应该是我国风景旅游区设计发展史上具有里程碑意义的,它不仅要在中国的行业发展史上有一席之地,还应该成为人类文化遗产的一部分。
The so-called tablet in the scenic tourist area refers to the permanent building with instruction and landmark functions in the scenic tourist area. It is not a temporary sign. There are many scenic spots in China, but no matter where they go, visitors will basically see the same tablet. In a nutshell, there are two main types. One type is lettering on a stone, and the other type is writing on a memorial arch. The above constitutes the landmarks of the entrance and exit of scenic spots in our country, and besides this, it is difficult to see the creativity with individuality anymore. The single expression method and the insufficient height and depth of the theme are common problems. It reflects that the Chinese people's understanding of how to combine natural and artificial objects needs to be improved. In order to change this problem in the design of scenic tourist areas in our country, Dabie Mountain’s main peak (Baimajian) scenic area has made a useful attempt for this. The design responsibility of the entire scenic area is very clear. This is: Dabie Mountain became famous mainly because of Liu Deng's army in 1947. Advancing into Dabie Mountain is a milestone. It has changed Chinese modern history. Therefore, the design of Dabie Mountain’s main peak scenic area must also be a landmark. Whether it is the functional design of the scenic area or the design of the supporting facilities of the scenic area, it should be our country. A landmark in the history of the design and development of scenic tourist areas, not only should it have a place in the history of China’s industry development, it should also become a part of the cultural heritage of mankind.

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掌冠威麦: 你的翻译是对的,也可以:how crazy the idea iswhat a god damn crazy idea

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掌冠威麦:今天发生了一件触动了我的心的事,这件事让我决定从今天开始要好好学习了.努力奋斗.加油! From today onwards, i have decided to study hard as something happened today that touch my heart. I will do my best and come on! 满意请采纳,谢谢

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掌冠威麦: severity [si5veriti] n.严肃, 严格, 严重, 激烈 prevent [pri5vent] vi...

友谊县13748915182: 急 急 急 翻译句子 汉翻英 -
掌冠威麦: he plans to devote the rest of his life to earthquake researchhe plans to take earthquake research as his career for the rest of his life.after being a laid-off (worker), mum started a job of cleaning.having been lost her job, mum started to do a cleaning ...

友谊县13748915182: 英语翻译,急急急!!!!! -
掌冠威麦: 1.Mike went out to play without finishing his homework.2.I got up so late this morning, that I had no time to eat breakfast before school.

友谊县13748915182: 急急急!!!实用英语翻译,汉译英,英语大虾请进 -
掌冠威麦: So-called scenic area grave card means scenery tour zone has instructions and sign sexual permanent building, it is not temporary scutcheon. Chinese scenic spot many, but no matter where you go, visitors see are basically waking monuments, ...

友谊县13748915182: 汉译英,翻译句子,急急急!!!
掌冠威麦: We call the boy Tom. Guo Jingjing won a gold medal in diving. If you get the first place ,you will win a gold medal. He won the men's 100-meter-race with a time of ten seconds. When the class is over,everyone stands up. It seems that there is a bird in...

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