
作者&投稿:虫堵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 五年级下册英语第一单元作文

I am usually get up at six o'clock .I wash face at 6;10am.And i make bed at 6;30am .I often eat breakfast at 7;00am.Then ,i go to school at 7;25am.In the afternoon ,i go home at 5;05pm .I do my homework at 5;30pm ,And i eat dinner at7;30pm.I watch TV at 7;40pm.Next,i go to bed at 9;00.。

2. 5年级下册英语第一单元作文my day怎么写要求不少于五句话

My Day

Today is Monday.I get up at 6:00.I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room,wash my face and brush my teeth.I have noodles for breakfast.I go to school at 7:00.I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning.At 11:30,I'm very hungry.I have lunch at school.I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon.We have three classes in the afternoon.I have puter class and art classes.I like them very much.I go home at 5:30.I do homework after school.My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening.Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.I go to bed at 10:00.

I'm happy today!

3. 五年级下册英语一到十单元作文怎么写

Last Chinese New Year. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to changbaishan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,my shoes broke. Dad said to me,“tingting, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept these shoes。

i was very happydear mike, haven't seen you for a long time. how have you been? i am missing you all the time. as the weather is splendid now, i have made a plan to go out to the countryside by bike. each of us may take food for the picnic, which we will have at the hillside. the countryside must be very lovely, with grass and trees growing flourishingly, flowers full bloom and bright sunshine. we can enjoy the scenery to our hearts content, at the same time and take some pictures as a memory. it is possible for us to meet at the bus stop 8 a. m. i am sure we will have a good time. do e and join us. yours always,Beijing, the capital of People's Republic of China, the central municipality, National Center City China, Chinese politics, culture, education and international exchange center, while the decision-making centers and management centers in China's economy and finance. Beijing is located in the northern end of the North China Plain, southeast connected with Tianjin, the rest is surrounded by Hebei Province. Beijing has built more than 3000 years of history of the capital city and the history of 850 years, is one of "China's four ancient capitals", with some international influence, which first appeared in the literature of the name "thistle." Beijing since the Yuan, Ming blend of Chinese culture, has many historical sites and cultural landscapes, is the world's largest city has the world's c。

4. 小学五年级下册英语1到6单元各一篇作文不可少于8句话

Here is a happy family.They are mother father grandmother grandfather and three little chirdren in this family.Mother ia a very beautiful model.Sometimes you may can see her photos on the magazines.And the father as a host is famous in the world.The grandfather and his wife are boths retiree.In the past,they woeked in a school as teachers.What about that three cute chirdren?Oh, they are still studens.they are studing in school.And they are work hard.So they usually get great transcript to their patriarch.. Certainly their patriarch are very happy.On weekends,they often go out and have a travel.They fly kites,go swimming,have a picnic and the like.I thin this is a fortable family。

5. 五年级下册英语一到十单元作文怎么写

在家中,有一个令我敬佩不已的人,她就是妈妈。我的妈妈今年三十八岁, 是个英语教师。一米六的身高,苗条的身材,长满青春痘的脸上戴着一副眼镜,还蛮有点儿教师风度!



6. 五年级下册英语第一课译林版改写作文(英)

When early man invented clothes, he probably wanted to keep warm. I am sure he never intended that it should bee as elaborate as it has bee today. For many a year,traditional clothes and modern clothes have been in petition as to which of them make the wearer more beautiful. But it does seem that a lot of modern clothes are simpler and more practical. Perhaps we are moving back to the age of cavemen who wore clothes for practical purposes.

Modern clothes are definitely more practical as against traditional clothes. Almost all people now wear modern clothes. Nowadays even more and more people wear casual clothes. Jeans are everywhere except at formal parties.T-shirts are mon, too. They look fortable and fashionable. However, there are also a lot of people who take the trouble to dress well in formal clothes like shirts, trousers and suits. I find them *** art, too.

But then, it is important to hold on to our topic. In my opinion, each type of dress has its place. Modern clothes are ideal for most situations, while casual clothes are worn more freely. As to traditional clothes, they must be worn for special occasions.

1高中语文怎样写好作文 一、作文开头应该精简 如果说想要写好篇 文章 的话,首先开头就应该精练,并且做到简洁,有特点,这样才能为一篇文章写好开头,这样才能够吸引阅卷老师继续读下去的兴趣。如果开头第一段的话,能够将整篇文章概括出来,并且还能够留有一丝悬念的话,这就会非常吸引读者来读...

就凭着这红、黄、蓝、绿等各种颜色,绘出五光十色的画卷来.同学们写作文,就是运用生活里无数的语言,各种名词、动词、形容词,巧妙地把它们组织穿插成一个整体,形成一篇篇有声有色的好文章.在写作文时容易在语言文字上犯两个毛病: 一是轻视语言文字的锤炼.以为写好作文,全凭一种“写作的灵感”,文字的好坏...

你用一束束康乃馨,温柔的告诉我要感恩父母,也教会我写下情真意切的亲情作文。你又化身为司马迁,说“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛”,让我不轻言放弃,勇敢地驶向人生的终点。你告诉我要听情歌,写情书,教我写充满真情实感的文章,做一个有真情实感的人。 你,语文,是我成长道路中最美的风景,最亮的灯塔...

生活中的语文优秀作文15 “小草在做梦,请不要惊醒他”,像这类的警示语,在我们生活中都很常见,有很好的警示作用,又令人印象深刻;广告也是如此。他们到底让我们学到了怎样的语文呢?请听我细细道来。 那是二年级暑假中的一个上午,我和妈妈一起去逛街。街边的商店总是摆着琳琅满目的商品,有照相机、钢笔、太阳伞...

2. 四年级作文怎么写 一、作文要学会积累 “读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,“巧妇难为无米之炊”古人这些总结,从正反两方面说明了“积累”在写作中的重要性。 “平时靠积累,考场凭发挥”,这是考场学子的共同体会。 (一)语言方面要建立“语汇库”。 语汇是文章的细胞。广义的语汇,不仅指词、短语的总汇,还包括句...


一、写作思路 减少压力的方法很多,我们一般可以介绍几个减少压力的方法即可,采取总-分结构来写作。方法有很多,采取自己擅长的几点来写,比如倾诉、换个环境等方式都是常见的减压方法。开头告诉大家有几个方法,中间列举详细的方法和过程,因为是方法介绍,所以结尾可以一句话总结即可,减少赘述的缺点。二...

写作文时,我绞尽脑汁也想不出来,急得不得了,又没办法,不会写啊!只好乱写。老师评语:本文,语句不通,构思不好。内容简单、记流水账。让我苦恼不已,不知该如何是好。 老师看到了,把我叫到了办公室。到了办公室,老师语重心长地对我说:“你呀!最近是怎么回事?心不在焉的,作文怎么写的那么不好?”我听了,...

1. 英语日记和作文该怎么写 英语日记,日期栏的月份与星期,因为经常重覆的关系,常以缩与代替,如January 1st, Sunday 就可写成Jan. 1 , Sun. 或Sun., Jan. 1 。 后面加上气候奖况,如Cloudy(阴)、rainy(雨) 、windy(风)、cool(凉爽)等等。 英文日记有接写及一页篇两种主要形式,如果正式一点的,则会在...

1. 通过一句谚语写一篇作文 不宝金玉,而忠信以为宝。 诚信伴我行 诚信是中华民族的传统美德,也是建设和谐社会的基石。两千多年前,著名的思想家孔子反复地告诫他的弟子, “与朋友交,言而有信”。鲁迅也说过:“诚信为人之本”。我们也经常说“一言既出,四马难追”。因此我们当代中学生生应该发扬诚信这一传统美德,...

遂川县13560864230: 英语作文(用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章) - 搜狗百科
仉盛鸦胆: 英语作文(书面表达)是英语综合能力的集中体现,是词汇语法阅读遣词造句篇章结构逻辑思维等的综合考查.一般有经验的老师只要看一下一个人写几句英语,就能大致判断其英语水平.要想 真正提高英语书面表达能力,非在词汇惯用法搭配和...

遂川县13560864230: 英语作文该怎么写? -
仉盛鸦胆:[答案] 1最基本的好作文就是文章简单通俗易懂,并且没有语法错误,这样的作文一般能拿B.不过这样的文章也不是很好写,这些文章一般都由一些简单的短句构成,加入适当的正确的长句,如定语从句什么的.在写作中尽量少用那些你用文曲星查出来的自...

遂川县13560864230: 怎麽样写英语作文 -
仉盛鸦胆:[答案] 1 先想好你要写的事情 2 围绕中心来写 3 写完之后自己读一遍,找出语法的错误 4 不会的词可以问问同学 就这样了,这应该是大纲了,其实我写作文是不用想的,因为只要你掌握了所学的内容,那么就没问题了! 加油吧!

遂川县13560864230: 如何写好一篇英语作文 -
仉盛鸦胆: 尽量用简单常见的句型,这样可以避免语法性错误,当然同一句型不能在句子中重复使用,要尽量让句子富于变化,而且开头结尾很重要,一定要写好.最重要第一点就是字要写干净,纸面要整洁,不要有涂改痕迹.其实英语作文没有语文作文要求那莫高,一般只要做到以上要求都能拿相对较高的分数.如果想为作文增加一些亮点那也不是不可以,如果是这样平时就要多背一些英语的名言名句.这是我的经验,希望对你会有帮助.

遂川县13560864230: 如何快速写英语作文 -
仉盛鸦胆:[答案] 一,列提纲,一般英文作文写总分总的形式.提纲越细越好,把自己的观点,论点,例子都想好 二,引用固定的句式和作文结构. 三,列举你提出的论点的相关具体事例,有例子,字数就不是问题了, 要写好,写快,关键还是得舍得动手写,动大脑记...

遂川县13560864230: 英语作文怎样写好?(给些范文)给些范文 -
仉盛鸦胆:[答案] 初中英语作文范文 一、A Photo of My Family Look at this photograph of my family.There are five people in it.The tallest one is my father.He is forty-eight years old.My mother is standing beside him.She is not so old as my father.She is three years younger...

遂川县13560864230: 怎么写英语作文 -
仉盛鸦胆: 写作在英语学习中是培养和提高语言能力的有效手段,它有助于巩固和掌握所学词汇、语法等语言知识,有助于训练直接用所学语言进行思维,有利于提高驾驭语言的能力.中学生该如何写好英语作文呢?经过多年的教学实践,在英语写作方面...

遂川县13560864230: 如何写英语作文
仉盛鸦胆: 写英语作文主要是靠你平时的多练习和多阅读.阅读和写作是有紧密联系的,可以把在阅读时看到些好词组,好句子,好段落记下来.对不懂的单词,查一下,自己跟着造些句子,在提高英语写作的过程中造句是很好的练习哦.关于英语写作的具体方法你还可以到李晓鹏新浪博客去看看,博主曾是中高考双科状元,对英语写作方面更是很有心得,博客里有详细的英语写作方法还有学习经验与技巧,都很独特实用,有需要你不妨去借鉴一下,希望对你能够有所帮助.

遂川县13560864230: 英语作文怎么写啊? -
仉盛鸦胆: 思路:审好题仔细审查所给的内容提示(包括文字和图表等),明确要求写的内容,确定文章的体裁、人称、时态等,理顺思路,确定主旨.看要点,写片段对于易于表达的内容,一次成句;对于一时难于表达的内容,写出词组.此时,既...

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