
作者&投稿:慎淑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




3:我能找到许多关于这个试验的方案。(意译:various sample of subjects 多样的主题样本——就是许多方案)

解释——(which was a great loss for the local people是整个句子的定语,而翻译成汉语时记得提前;were assessed at one million dollars可以意译成"....损失近....",因为既然是评估、估计那就是将近的意思;另外,翻译大忌便是重复,所以,a great loss 因为句中已经有损失一词,可以灵活翻译成很大的灾难。)


36 今天天气如何?今天是雨天,请随身带一把伞。
what about the weather today? it is rainy, please take a umbrella
37 昨天天气怎样?昨天是刮风天,天气较冷。
what about the weather yesterday? it was windy, bad weather
38 今天是阴天,明天是雨天,后天有场台风。
today is cloudy. tomorrow is rainy, the day after tomorrow will be typhoon
39 下周一将是阴天,下周二将有大雨。
next mondy will be rainy, next tuesday will be stormy
40 这儿是深圳天气预报,请认真听。
This is predict of shenzhen weather, please listen clearly
41 今天天气比昨天热,白天温度是28度。
it is heater than yesterday, it is 28celsius degree in day
42 你明天要做什么?我要参观深圳科技馆。
what will you do tomorrow? I am going to visit shenzhen technology museum.
43 你们村庄十年前是什么样子?没有学校和医院。
what about the impression of your village ten years ago? no school and hospital
44 他们后天打网球吗?是的,他们接着还要打篮球。
will they play tenis the day after tomorrow?yes they will, and then they will go to to play basketball

45 下学期我们要努力学好英语,我们要尽力得到优秀等级。
we need to learn english well next semester. and we need to get excellent degree
46 天要下大雨了,他们将呆在家里写作业。
it is going to rain, they will stay at home to do housework
47 LUCY将要谈一谈她班级的事情,我也要告诉她我们学校的事情
luch will talk about sth. of his class. I also am going to tell her sth. about our school
48 下周你们将怎样去北京?我们将乘飞机去那。
how will you go to beijing next week? we will be there by flight
49 他们将不乘火车去桂林,他们将不参观那里了
they won't go to guilin by train, so they won't visit there also
50 春节快到了,他们的孩子将会得到很多的 压岁钱。
lunar new year is geting close. their children will get some more money

48: How will you go to Beijing next week?
We will go there by plane.
46: It is going to rain heavily, and they will finish their homework at home .
42: What are you going to do tomorrow?
I am going to visit the Shenzhen Museum of Science and Technology.

36Today weather how? Today is the rainy day, please along with brings anumbrella

So what is the concept of a home? If you can have a blanced, peaceful, fulfilled inner feeling, then maybe it is a good home.The one to be most afraid of, is a home that seems to be lack of nothing. In some homes that nothing is lacking, but the woman or man of ...

Room Cleaner's Job Duty:Willing to be arraged to work after signing in;Getting the common-used key and make a supplement of appliances in Linen Trolley for working;Cleanning up the room and toilet all around;Be required to fill out "Daily Working Report" after cleanning up a ...

啊。。。好不容易翻译完了。 这个故事我读过,不过中间是不是缺了一部分??希望你能够满意:)有一个宁静的半晚,一群子孙围着一个老奶奶,缠着老奶奶讲故事,老奶奶说,好吧,就讲一个项链的故事。One quiet evening, a couple of children gathered around an old grandmother and begged her ...

请帮忙翻译一下 中译英
of our most recent household survey conducted on district under our supervision:8,特此证明 这是中式的表达,英语就要把它放在最前面,这样表达 This is to certify ... (下面接证明的内容)9,家庭关系 Relationship 10,户主 household owner 11,户类型:家庭户 Type of household: family ...

明天晚上顺便来看看我们,一起聊聊天吧?I will drop in on my English teacher on his now house on Sunday.星期天我要去拜访我英语老师的新家。I often spend my holidays traveling.我常在假期去旅行 I spent thirteen yuan in buying a notebook.我花了13块钱买了本笔记薄。The library needs...

Do you like music?Do you like music lessons?你喜欢音乐吗?你喜欢音乐课吗?If you do,there is a piece of good news for you.如果你喜欢,这里有一条好消息给你。Music lessons can help you have a better memory.音乐课能帮助你改善记忆。The canadian scientists say so.加拿大科学家这么...

Do you know which city is it? Yes, this is Hong Kong. Today, I introduce the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars, it is very beautiful, modern and across the river is a lot of famous buildings. There are many stars that left Shoumo, like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Andy Lau, also, ...

大家帮忙翻译一下 图纸的英语啊...
原始图 original image 改建图 rebuild image 平面图 plane graph 地面图 surface map 顶面图 superface map 立面图 elevational drawing 详图 detail drawing 大样图 enlarged detail map 加工图 operation drawing 参照图例 reference graphical symbols 水电施工图 construction plan of water and electricity...

The following is a news Metropolitan Police Department is currently holding a press release search Kaitou Kidd special session No. 1412 known as kaito kaito Kidd A total of 134 offenders 15 of them abroad Such as USA, France and Germany Footprint across 12 countries To steal a ...

高老师教我们中国人从这学期开始,她是一个好老师,她经常在课后和我们一起会谈。Many of us like talking with her .我们许多人都喜欢和她谈话。now,she talkswith Lily.现在,她talkswith莉莉。listen, who read English ?听,谁读英语吗?Han Meimei is .韩梅梅。she often read in the evening.她...

中市区17823109049: 大家帮忙翻译句子,谢谢.1.这幅画和那幅画一样漂亮. 2.圣诞老人有一种特殊的交通工具和进入你家的特殊方法.帮忙翻译成英语,不要网上翻译的,谢谢 -
富胃卡波:[答案] This paiting is as beautiful as that one The Santa clause has a special way to come to your house by a special tool

中市区17823109049: 英语高手们,帮助我翻译一个句子啊,英语翻译成汉语,我翻译的不准确,大家帮助我啊,谢谢,英语句子是这样的:children's Day is approaching!in order ... -
富胃卡波:[答案] 儿童节临近了,为了表示我们对偏远贫困地区儿童的关怀,我们这些学生应该送上一份持久而且有意义的礼物-对希望工程深表敬意的捐款.

中市区17823109049: 请帮忙翻译下面的句子(中译英),急用,谢谢
富胃卡波: I have filled in the form and sent it back by email, but didnt receive any feedback so far, could you please let me know if there is anything missing or to be changed? I plan to land in America on June 12th and will pay accommadation fees and other ...

中市区17823109049: 急求翻译一中文句子为英文,请大家帮忙,谢谢我想,我的存在只会给你带来更多的伤害 -
富胃卡波:[答案] I think my existence will just bring you more pain.

中市区17823109049: 大家帮忙翻译个英文句子~~谢 -
富胃卡波: As my soul heals the shame 可以译为"当我的灵魂治愈羞愧"Rest assured my angels 可以译为"你放心好了我的天使"

中市区17823109049: 请大家帮忙翻译一句话,翻译成中文,谢谢 -
富胃卡波: I've been on the run 我一直在跑路 slept under the sun 在阳光下进入梦乡 feeding off the clouds and eating them like ice cream 从云中汲取营养,就像吃着冰淇淋一样 I've been all around 我会一直在你身边 never left this town 永远不会离开这里 ...

中市区17823109049: 请大家帮忙翻译几个英语句子 -
富胃卡波: 1.芙蓉镇是一个依山傍水的小镇 Furong/lotus town is a small town, whose location is close to mountain and beside river.2.解放以来,人们的生活发生了很大变化 Since the liberation, there have been great changes in people's life.

中市区17823109049: 英语翻译请大家帮忙把下列五个句子翻译成中文.1、 In fact,at times I have spent as long as three weeks alone at home,going out only to get mail and buy ... -
富胃卡波:[答案] 1. 事实上, 我曾试过三星期都宅在家里,只偶尔出去收信,买买报纸和零食. 2. 我渐渐有了一种我已经与机器(电脑)合为一体的感觉,接收数据,再吐出数据,我已经成为了网络中又一个链接. 3. 起初看似奢侈的生活方式——从床上爬起来打开电...

中市区17823109049: 大家帮忙翻译一个英语句子呗,谢谢啦! -
富胃卡波: Human wisdom is the source of happiness.

中市区17823109049: 请大家帮忙翻译个英语句子~!谢谢!Today the figure is 80 percent, and these countries account for 95% of poopulation growth. -
富胃卡波:[答案] 现在这个数字是80%.这些国家的人口增长占到了95%.

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