
作者&投稿:雀品 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I am a graduate. In school period, serious study of the relevant basic knowledge
, and expand themselves, learn from other professional knowledge, and achieved excellent
Results. In the promotion of knowledge at the same time, also to a certain extent, honed my sex
Lattice, made me calm down. At the same time, I also actively take part in all kinds of science and technology
Activities, such as speech, recitation contest and debate, and several times for the school newspaper
The submission, and different degrees of won the recognition of teachers and students.
I believe that "gold is where will shine". From entering the school
I joined the student union and student organizations, and actively carefully completed to me
Task. Serious and responsible work, and accumulated a certain comprehensive abilities. I often
To participate in various social practice activities. Have organized and joined the youth volunteer
Activities and community volunteer service. Every thing regardless of size, is my exercise, learn
Xi, opportunities for growth and advancement, and each time I will cherish and grasp.
On holidays and the rest to do some part-time jobs. In the image of etiquette,
Sometimes feel tired, but very substantial, always enjoy it. These not only increase my
Social experience broaden my horizons and enrich my experience in social work.
Whatever I do, honest enthusiasm at work or in life, I think honesty is
The foundation of this, so I have to do is to ask yourself. As others
A warm and sincere, helpful, unite classmates, respect teachers, and students have been
And teachers get along very well, establish a deep friendship with many students.
In this post I'm not the best, but I believe I am the most suitable. Because of
I can endure hardship is not afraid of tired, and have the ability to do a good job, I will to the company's success
And the ongoing efforts! Please give me a stage show, I will win more applause for the company
! I will use results prove your choice is correct.

I have many plans for my summer vacation. first of all i want to relax myself and travel to Yunnan with my parents for a week, the landscape is said very beautiful. After that, i will spend two hours reading and four hours doing my homework. And at the same time, i will do more exercise to build up my body. I heard that a orphanage is taking in valunteers, and i want to try that, and take care of those poor children in my spare time.
功课是homework,housework是家务的意思。play sports这个短语没有听说过,做运动一般都用的是do exercise。

This article describes the hero in the home run into the two armed robbers, the hero is the calm, the key thrown into the house next to the jungle, you want to prevent the robbers entered the house robbery.Light robbers raid of his money and all her valuables, and you want a gun to kill him, first serve time in extremely heavy, turned out to be the hero come back to buy the fried chicken he saved, and later the robbers left, Alarm is also a hero, but is still looking for the robbers in the.
In the face of danger we should remain calm, do not panic. This makes us lose a lot of opportunities, including the opportunity to continue to live.
Now, with social development, economic development, more and more unbalanced. Can lead to a lot of people took to the road of crime, and many are young people, which has caused us enough to make social and attention.
After you finish reading this article I began to realize that America is not as I imagined it would be. While the U.S. economy is developed, is the world's first. But behind its highly developed economy, but it is a variety of urban problems and rising crime rate, which has threatened people's security.
In the U.S., citizens to carry firearms is legal, because their lives and property under threat at any time, every day they live in a startling Dan Chan the environment, only with the weapons themselves can they feel a little peace of mind. I think if done for me, I would choose to do that.
Of course, if we really live in that environment, I think we need people around to the side and more trust and warmth, and perhaps would make a bad situation better.

第一段:This article describes the hero in the home run nto the two armed robbers.iHero very calm.The house next to the key thrown into the jungle to prevent the robbers entered the house you want to rob.Light robbers raid of his money and all her valuables, and you want a gun to kill him, first serve time in extremely heavy, turned out to be the hero come back to buy the fried chicken he saved, and later the robbers left, Alarm is also a hero, but is still looking for the robbers in the.
In the face of danger we should remain calm, do not panic.This makes us lose a lot of opportunities, including the opportunity to continue to live.
Now, with social development, economic development, more and more unbalanced.Can lead to a lot of people took to the road of crime, and many are young people, which has enough of the community and our attention.
第二段:After you finish reading this article I began to realize that America is not as I imagined it would be.后边的不会了,应该是,但我是初一的学生耶!!

he first paragraph

This article tells the protagonist in the home when he met two armed robbers, the hero very calm, and the houses of the keys to flank of the jungle, prevent the robbers want house robbery. The robber mopping-up light of his riches and belongings, and want to use a shot dead he, at the moment, unexpectedly flemingia sniper is bought as a hero back Fried chicken saved him, then robbers went away, also called the hero, and now still looking for the robber.

In the face of danger, we should keep calm, don't panic. It will make us lose many opportunities, including carry on living opportunity.

Now with the development of society, the economic development is more and more imbalance. Cause many people took to the roads, and can be crime many were young people, this was enough for the society and our attention.

The second paragraph

After reading this article after I began to realize that the United States is not like what I imagination of so good. Although America's economy is developed, is the world's first. But in its highly developed economy behind, but all urban problems and the rising crime rate, which has threatened people's safety.

In the United States, the citizens to carry guns is legitimate, because their life and property at any time will be threatened, they daily in surprised XinDan fibrillation environment, have yourself with weapons can they feel more secure. I think, if changed is of me, I would choose to do so.

Of course, if really in that environment next life, I think we need to side and the people around more trust and warm, may let the bad situation better.

“帮我一个忙”这个短语在英语中的翻译可以是“do me a favor”,它是一个常用的口语表达。在英语中,“do me a favor”通常用于请求别人帮助自己完成某件事情,或者请求别人做出某种行为,这种行为可能会带来某种好处或者改善某种情况。举个例子,如果你需要朋友帮忙照看你的宠物狗一段时间,你可以说...

帮下忙,帮我把这些句子翻译成英语。 1我以前没有学过英语2前面在修路3...
3前面拥堵 --- It is vey crowded ahead \/ there is a traffic jam ahead.4你在刚才下车的地方等我吧 --- Wait for me where you got of the bus.

Dear(Respected) Sir\/Madam,Hello!Please forgive my bothering you!Thank you for your attention to me in spite that you're so busy.I hope to join your association, and am eager to show my talent for accountancy in a larger area. I'm not satisfied with the current knowledge leve...

一不小心,项子豪爱上了陈浩宇\/ 엉겁결에 항자호가 진호우를 사랑하게 되었다 .

amount of chemical products used to prevent further damage to the soil. Government also prehibitted speaking in loud voices in public areas as to lower the noise level.Hopefully, with everyone's efforts, these various pollutions will be reduced till zero level.希望对你有帮助~天上~...

For I have something to do,so I'll leave Beijing making a trip to Hangzhou tomorrow, about a week to go around ... And these days I would like to be busy for applying for the University ... I'm really busy these days, no access to the Internet,,and can not chat ...

汉译英 谁能帮个忙 帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文
the limitation being that the student is unitary unique source of knowledge channel during the past a century with the book overcome thousand, has been that the classroom takes that the teacher instils into as main form coming changing a long range , the tradition teaching pattern tak...

A:Hi, Hu Liuyan(也可以把名和姓颠倒过来,无所谓了)B:hi, Gu songqing A:nice to see you B:nice to see you too, where are you going?A:To the English classes B:What are you up to?A:Exams are around the corner, I'm making preparations for it.B:Is your college life ...

3、当我们正在学习的时候,我们必须把所有心思都放在课本上,否则就会无法理解 4、我们需要经常问问为什么,如果没有理解好,就可以写下来并且问问老师或者家长或者朋友。以任何一种可能的方式,我们必须完全了解。我们所学的一切都能够使用的更好,并且使之更好。5、虽然有很多学习方法,但是如果我们能把...

1. yesterday, I was doing one's assignment, the day started to rain. 2. yesterday evening my daddy was watching the television, my mother was reading. 3. yesterday evening I was listening to music time some people knocked on a door. 4. yesterday evening I was taking a ...

大同区18698482189: 英语翻译求翻译:请帮我将下面的文字翻译成英语,(从前,我的家乡只有破旧的房屋,道路既狭窄又不平坦,通讯也不方便,人们只能通过信件的方式来通... -
琴净维普:[答案] There used to be shabby houses,narrow and rugged roads and a conventional method of letters for coomunication in my hometown.But right now,there are a lt of high-rise blocks everywhere and the roads are becoming wider and flatter.In asddtion,...

大同区18698482189: 请帮我把下面的文字翻译成英文 不要用翻译工具 最好是英语专业的人帮忙翻译下 谢谢了 多用点专业词语环境信息的科学可视化能提供给环境管理人员和研... -
琴净维普:[答案] Scientific visualization of environmental information provides a means to present data for environment managers in a more intuitive way consistent with human cognition. It helps to explain the essenti...

大同区18698482189: 请帮忙翻译一下下面这段文字 -
琴净维普: 世上有透光镜,镜背面有铭文,共二十字,字体极其深奥,没人能读懂.用这个镜子承受日光,背面的花纹和二十个字就会透射在房壁上,清清楚楚.有人推究它的原理,认为是由于铸造时薄处先冷,唯独有花纹和字的地方比较厚,冷得慢,以致铜收缩得多.铭文和花纹虽然在背面,但是镜面上隐隐约约有痕迹,所以在光中显现出来.我观察了这面镜子,认为道理确实如此.可是我家有三面镜子,又见到了别人家所收藏的镜子,都是一个式样,图案铭文没有丝毫差异,形制很古老.只有这种镜子可以透光,其他的镜子虽然也有很薄的,却都不能透光.想来古人自有特殊的制作方法.这是古代的科技文,呵呵

大同区18698482189: 请中英翻译高手帮我一下,将下面的文字翻译成英文,谢谢了. -
琴净维普: I am a kelly, very happy meet with you at the bead sea on July 14!The following is the offer that our company reads the 咭 machine series product, pleasing the reference!Among them:QC - D01;QC - D02;QC - D07;The QC - D16 this several style, you...

大同区18698482189: 英语翻译帮忙将下面一段文字翻译成英文.许多人都向往城市的繁华,希望生活在城市中.然而,比起城市,我却更加向往乡村的生活.有得必有失.城市固然繁... -
琴净维普:[答案] Many people long for the city's downtown,want to live in cities.However,compared with the city,I yearn for a more rural life. Will ... in the city's heavy vehicle exhaust,where air more healthy and more people feel comfortable.I like this way of life. 雅虎在线翻译...

大同区18698482189: 英语翻译帮忙把下面中文翻译成英语:"正当我要放弃的时候,我的朋友以粗鲁的方式把我带到海边并给我提些建议,这些建议使我对自己自信起来" -
琴净维普:[答案] While I was going to give up,my friend took me to the seaside in a rude way,and has given me some pieces of advice which made me confident of myself.

大同区18698482189: 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文吧..宇宙中如此渺小的我因为遇见你而变的强大但发现到头来我什么也做不了 办不到 -
琴净维普:[答案] I am so tiny in huge universe But I become strong since I met you But at last I found I can do nothing about it

大同区18698482189: 请懂英文的帮忙翻译一下请帮忙把下面文字翻译成英文!急用!谢谢!塞万提斯在《唐吉诃德》这部作品中模仿骑士小说的写法,广泛运用幽默、夸张、讽刺... -
琴净维普:[答案] Fill ten thousand lift mimicry a knight novelistic in 《 Tang the 吉诃 virtuously 》 this work of write a method, extensive usage humor, exaggeration, irony, funny writing skill, emphasize extreme tu...

大同区18698482189: 【汉译英】请帮忙把下面的话翻译成汉语 -
琴净维普: I want to take a few days off during May Day because I am going to take my child to our hometown for celebrating his 100 days of born.

大同区18698482189: 求帮忙翻译一下下面一段文字片名:星之声导演:新海诚编剧:新海诚片长:约25分钟翻译成英文 -
琴净维普:[答案] 제목: 별의 소리 감독:신해성 각본:신해성 러닝타임: 약25분

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