
作者&投稿:不杰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用英语翻译下列句子,然后改为否定句,一般疑问句并回答。 1昨天我在农场骑了马?~

1.There are 49 students in our class.
There are not 49 students in our class.
–Are there 49 students in our class?–Yes,there are./No,there aren't.
2.There is a football under the bed.
There isn't a football under the bed.
–Is there a football under the bed?–Yes,there is./No,there isn't.
3.There is some money in his wallet.
There isn't any money in his wallet.
–Is there any money in his wallet?–Yes,there is./No,there isn't.

He is a teacher.----Is he a teacher?
He teaches English.---- Does he teach English?
He can speak English.---Can he speak English?
含有be动词的陈述句,在句子之后,加否定的be动词 和 表示主语的代词He is a teacher,isn`t he?
含有情态动词的He can speak English,can he?
含有实意动词的He teaches English,doesn`t he?
如前面是否定句,则后半部分用肯定,如He doesn`t teach English,does he?

1.A:What is that on the table? B:It is a Christmas gift for Tom.

2.A:What time do you always get up?B:I get up at 6 o'clock.

3.A:What day is it today? B:It is Tuesday today.

4.A:What colour did you paint your romm?B:Light blue.

5.A:What grade are you in? B:I am in Junior Grade 3.

6.A:What is the weather like today?B:It will rain today.

7.A:What did you say just now? B:Nothing,I said nothing.

8.A:What shall we do with these books?B:Just pass onto the next grade.

9.A:What about rebuilding the house?B:It will cost too much.

10.A:How is the weather today? B:It is fine today.

11.A:How is your English? B:It's OK.

12.A:How can you do that to your classmate?B:It is not my fault.

13.A:How did you get here? B:I got here by bike.

14.A:How many people are there? B:About thirty.

15.A:How much money did you pay him?B:Around thirty dollars.

16.A:How much does it cost you ? B:It cost me 29 dollars.

17.A:How long will you stay there? B:I am going to stay there for one week.

18.A:How often do you go back home? B:Twice a week.

19.A:How soon will the dish be ready?B:Half an hour.

20.A:How long may I keep the book? B:Just one week.

21.A:How long did it take you to get here?B:Around two hours.

22.A:How far is it from your house to your school?B:It is about 20 kilometers.

23.A:How far did you walk? B:I walked 2000 meters.

24.A:How about your holiday? B:It's really wonderful.

25.A:When were you born? B:I was born in January,1980.

26.A:Why didn't you call me? B:Well,I was too busy.

27.A:Which do you prefer? B:I prefer football.

28.A:Whose father works in the library?B:Mike's father.

29.A:Whom did you talk with? B:A friend of mine.

30.A:Who told you that? B:My classmates told me.1.He is at home,isn't he?

2.They are hard-working at their lessons,aren't they?

3.She goes to school on foot every day,doesn't she?

4.Tom and Mary have much homework,haven't they?

5.My brother has many good friends,hasn't he?

6.Students will take the mid-term exam,won't they?

7.They went to see a movie last Sunday,didn't they?

8.You can speak a little English,can't you?

9.They had learned 2000 English words by the end of last term,hadn't they?

10.He has known that girl for two years,hasn't he?

1.She is not a good girl,is she?

2.Tom and Mary are not writing their homework,are they?

3.They will not have any classes on Saturday,will they?

4.You have not been to the United States,have you?

5.The students cannot take care of themselves,can they?

6.They did not enjoy themselves last night,did they?

7.My brother doesn't get up early every day,does he?

8.You do not like English,do you?

9.They aren't able to finish their work on time,are they?

10.We have not enough time and money for this project,have we?

1. The little boy hurt his foot,_______ _______?
2. You were late yesterday,________ ________ ?
3. The little girl could hardly speak at the age of 3,________ ________ ?
4. There is little water left,________ ________ ?
5. There are few people in the cinema,________ ________ ?
6. He never comes to school late,________ ________ ?
7. Nobody knows him here,________ ________ ?
8. Few people knew this word,________ ________ ?
9. The king was unhappy,________ ________ ?
10. That book is useless to us ,________ ________ ?
11. He dislikes dancing,________ ________ ?
12. Everyone is having a good time on the farm, ________ ________ ?
13. Nobody likes that brown dog, ________ ________ ?
14. Nothing has happened here, ________ ________ ?
15, Don’t make any noise, ________ ________ ?
16. Let’s go to the cinema together, ________ ________ ?
17. Let us pay a visit to shenzhen, ________ ________ ?
18. David says you will come in time, ________ _________ ?
19. I’m sure you’ll help us, ________ ________ ?
20. We don’t believe he will come,________ _________ ?
21. There were only six people now, ________ ________ ?
22. There will be a football match tomorrow, ________ ________ ?
23. There must be some mice in that house, ________ ________ ?
24. You must be from America , ________ ________ ?
25. He can’t be at home, ________ ________ ?
26. He may be Mr. Li , ________ _________ ?
27. Linda can’t be a doctor, ________ ________ ?
28. You’d better not stand in the row, ________ ________ ?
29. You’d like to go there, ________ _________ ?
30. The twins had to walk home, _________ _________ ?
1. didn't he
2. weren't you
3. could she
4. isn't there
5. are there
6. does he
7. does he?
8. did they
9. was he
10. is it
11. does he
12. isn't he
13.does he
14. has it
15. do they
16.shouldn't we
17.shouldn't we
18. doesn't he
19. aren't I
20. do we
21.weren't there
22. won't there
23. mustn't there
24. mustn't you
25. can he
26. doesn't he
27. can she
28. had you?
29. wouldn't you
30. didn't they
个人认为英语口语主要从两个方面来练习: 语音+语言运用。但最开始还是要确定自己的发音取向,是要学习英音还是美音。这样以后听材料或是学习单词发音都比较明确。

5你在几年级?或你读几年级了? 我读初三。
8我怎样处理这些书? 给下一年级的就是了。


1.A:What is that on the table? B:It is a Christmas gift for Tom.2.A:What time do you always get up?B:I get up at 6 o'clock.3.A:What day is it today? B:It is Tuesday today.4.A:What colour did you paint your romm?B:Light blue.5.A:What grade are you...

what什么 when什么时候 where哪里 how怎么 why为什么 what time什么时间 how often多久 how long多长 how far多远 how soon多久

We have some apples some 的用法 some 一些,某些,某个。可代替名词和形容词。常用于肯定句。在句子中用作主语、宾语、定语。作定语时,它可以修饰单数可数名词和复数可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。1. 用于肯定句 Ask some boys to help you.(修饰复数可数名词)叫些男孩来帮助你。Please bring...

The pen is good for you.这只笔对你有好处。不说The pen is good for writing.因为如果笔的主要用途不是写字,或许你的这种句子可以成立。我们学习语言,就是要学英语的习惯表达,要多查字典。这里write是不及物动词。老师说的sell也一样 给你举个例子:He runs well.他跑得快。Running is goo...

英语 的一些常用疑问句 翻译
4.Your mother every morning to go to work by bus?5.Forget to lock the door when you out, right?6.Photography is an expensive hobby?7.Are you confident about the exam tomorrow?8.The students because the game lost and depressed?9.When will the school sports meeting be held?1...

有 what、why、where、how、who、whose、which、when 这八个疑问词 八个疑问词造句如下 What are you doing?What's this in English?Why were you late for school today?Why are you going there?Where is the post office?Where have you been?How are you?How can I get to the hotel?Wh...

最后那个 are you? 是问你 你来吗 摇头就是不来也就是说NO 点头就是说来也就是说yes 我们中国人点头一般都是代表同意对方说的话 比如you are not coming to uni tomorrow 这是说 你明天不来吧。 我们点头就是说没错 但是我们一般都忽略后面的are you?所以 如果点头就是说 yes i am 摇头...

15个疑问词是以下这些:1、where:哪里(状语)2、What:什么 3、what colour:问颜色(表语)4、what time:问时间点 5、what language:什么语言 6、what subject:什么学科 7、when:问时间(回答用At、On等)8、which:哪一个,哪个 9、who:谁(回答用Heis.. She is.They are)10、whom:谁(...

Do they have some notebooks?

我对这个问题还有一些疑问,的英文翻译_百度翻译 我对这个问题还有一些疑问,I have some questions about this question,全部释义和例句试试人工翻译

峨山彝族自治县15541797294: 英语翻译我希望大家帮帮过忙,帮我翻译几个问句1.三棵树能抵上多少空调?2.树有什么功能?3.为什么说树是抗击污染的战士?4.树对我们有多少重要?5我... -
殳刻康斯:[答案] 1 How many air-conditions can be fuctioned as worthy as three trees? (这里比较的是净化空气的功能,所以不能直接说价值,会有歧义) 2 What're the functions of trees? 3 Why trees are called "warriors againest pollution"? 4 How much ...

峨山彝族自治县15541797294: 一道翻译疑问句的初二英语题
殳刻康斯: 是B,因为seldom是否定,所以第一个空是肯定,然后看第2个空,英文的前否后肯的回答跟中文有区别,yes,表示不,他是, No表示是的,他不是,这里应该是No, he doesn't. ===No, he doesn't do housework. 遇上这些题,你可以把句子补充完整,你就知道怎么选了

峨山彝族自治县15541797294: 英语翻译疑问句问题!
殳刻康斯: 这是否定的反意疑问句啊,回答时前面的YES或NO要翻译成相反的意思. -The sun isn't bigger than the earth,is it?(太阳不比地球大,是吗?) -Yes,it is.(不是,太阳比地球要大.) -No,it isn't.(是的,太阳不比地球大.)

峨山彝族自治县15541797294: 英语翻译疑问句练习
殳刻康斯: 1.aren't you 2.isn't he 3.wasn't it 4.didn't you 5.won't she 6.aren't 7.doesn't it 8.doesn't he 9.don't you 10.didn't you 11.won't you 12.haven't you13.isn't she 14.aren't they 15.isn't there 17.weren'y there 18.won't there 19.will you 20.will you 21.shall we 22.will you 23.will you是反义疑问句

峨山彝族自治县15541797294: 有关翻译疑问句的英语题
殳刻康斯: will ,

峨山彝族自治县15541797294: 英语翻译翻译并改为否定句和一般疑问句:1.TOM每天6点起床;2.Lily经常做家务;3.Sandy有时洗衣服;4.他们每天喝一些牛奶;5.Lucy今天在家. -
殳刻康斯:[答案] 1.TOM get up at 6:00 every day, 2.Lily often do housework, 3.Sandy sometimes wash clothes, 4 they drink some milk every day, 5.Lucy at home today.

峨山彝族自治县15541797294: 有英语IQ题的速发给我要有答案的...最好要有中文的翻译~~
殳刻康斯: 题目: 1.What do tiger have that no other animals have? 2.How do we know the ocean is friendly? 3.Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other? 4.Can you name the capital of every state in the U.S. in the seconds? 5.A police...

峨山彝族自治县15541797294: 英语,(翻译,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句) -
殳刻康斯: General Questions(一般疑问句)一般疑问:用be或助动词置于句首,并以“Yes,…”,或“No,…”回答的问句称为一般疑问(也称Yes-no questions). 例如:are you a student? yes. i am. no, i'm not. is he a teacher? yes, he is. no, he isn't ...

峨山彝族自治县15541797294: 英语选择题,简单的翻译疑问句 -
殳刻康斯: B.no,he didn′t,是的,他没有 所以他考试不及格. 反义的回答,no翻译成是的,他确实没有.

峨山彝族自治县15541797294: 翻译几句超简单的英文问句 中文翻英文 急!! -
殳刻康斯: 你叫什么名字 what's your name?你有几岁 how old are you? 你是什么国籍 what's your nationality?你来自哪里? where are you from?/ where do you come from? 你住那里?where do you live? 你有什么工作? what's your job? original是origina的正确写法,加这个词的话就是where are you from originally?

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