
作者&投稿:枕吕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 给大家分享一则实用的内容。



1 的 (de / 95.9) – particle used after an attribute

2 一 (yī / 94.3) – noun one

3 是 (shì / 93.0) – verb to be; adjective correct, right

4 不 (bù / 91.8) – adverb no

5 了 (le / 90.7) – particle used after an action that has taken place or changed

6 在 (zài / 89.7) – preposition in, on, at; adverb indicating an ongoing action

7 人 (rén / 88.7) – noun human, people, person soul

8 有(yǒu / 87.8) – verb have, possess, get, there is

9 我 (wǒ / 86.9) – pronoun I; 我的 wǒde my; 我们 wǒmen we, us

10 他 (tā / 86.1) – pronoun he, him; 他的 tāde his

11 这 (zhè / 85.3) – pronoun this, these

12 个 (gè / 84.7) – general measure word for nouns without specific measure words; adjectiveindividual

13 们 (men / 84.1) – pronoun used to form a plural pronoun

14 中 (zhōng / 83.5) – noun center, middle, in the midst of; abbrev. China

15 来 (82.9 / lái) – verb arrive, come; indicate an intended action; particle indicate time period from past to present

16 上 (shàng / 82.4) – preposition on, above, upper; verb go up, go to, leave for; adjective last, most recent

17 大 (dà / 81.8) – adjective great, large, big; age; eldest

18 为 (wèi / 81.3) – preposition for, in the sake of

19 和 (hé / 80.8) – conjunction and; preposition in connection to, with; adjective gentle; noun total, sum

20 国 (guó / 80.3) – noun country, state; adjective national

21 地 (dì / 79.8) – noun the ground; land, soil; place, area

22 到 (dào / 79.3) – verb arrive, reach, go to; preposition up until, to

23 以 (yǐ / 78.8) – preposition by, for; conjunction and, as well as

24 说 (shuō / 78.4) – verb to say, speak, talk; to explain; to scold

25 时 (shí / 77.9) – noun period of time; time of day, hour

26 要 (yào / 77.5) – verb to want, ask for, wish; must, should; shall, will; take, need; adjectiveimportant, essential

27 就 (jiù / 77.1) – adverb at once, right away; already; precisely

28 出 (chū / 76.7) – verb to go out, go beyond; exceed; to issue, produce; to happen

29 会 (huì / 76.3) – verb can, be able to; would, might; to assemble; to meet; noun meeting, party; association

30 可 (kě / 76.0) – verb can, may; conjunction but, yet, however

31 也 (yě / 75.6) – adverb too, as well, also; used for emphasis

32 你 (nǐ / 75.2) – pronoun you, yourself; your (used with 的 de)

33 对 (duì / 74.9) – adjective right, correct; opposite; verb to answer, reply; preposition with regard to

34 生 (shēng / 74.5) – verb to bear, to give birth to; noun student; adjective alive, living; unripe, raw

35 能 (néng / 74.2) – verb can, could, be able to; noun ability, skill; energy; adjective capable, able

36 而 (ér / 73.8) – conjunction and, as well as, to

37 子 (zǐ / 73.5) – noun son, child; person; copper; adjective young, tender, small; affiliated

38 那 (nà / 73.2) – pronoun that, then

39 得 (dé / 72.8) – verb to get, obtain; be satisfied; be suitable; (of calculation) result in, equal

40 于 (yú / 72.5) – preposition in, on, at; from; by

41 着 (zhe / 72.2) – particle added to a verb or an adjective to indicate a continued action

42 下 (xià / 71.9) – preposition below, under; verb to go down; to come; adverb down; noun next (in order)

43 自 (zì / 71.6) – pronoun self; preposition from, since; adverb of course, certainly

44 之 (zhī / 71.2) – particle used between an attribute and the word it modifies

45 年 (nián / 70.9) – noun year; age; adjective annually, yearly

46 过 (guò / 70.6) – verb to cross, pass; to exceed; to spend (time); adverb too

47 发 (fā / 70.3) – verb to give, issue, emit; to start; to feel; to shoot; measure word for bullets and shells

48 后 (hòu / 70.0) – noun behind, back, rear; after; later; last

49 作 (zuò / 69.8) – verb to write, compose; regard as; noun writings; work

50 里 (lǐ / 69.5) – preposition in, inside; noun inner; hometown; neighborhood; measure word unit of length

51 用 (yòng / 69.2) – verb to use, apply; to consume, drink, eat; noun expenses; adjective utility, use

52 道 (dào / 68.9) – noun road, way; method; Taoism; verb to say, speak; measure word for long, narrow objects; doors, walls; questions, orders; courses in a meal

53 行 (xíng / 68.7) – verb to go; to travel; to cover; to do; to perform; to publish; noun conduct

54 所 (suǒ 68.4) – noun place; office; measure word for houses, schools, hospitals

55 然 (rán / 68.1) – adjective right, correct; adverb so, like that

56 家 (jiā / 67.9) – noun family; house; household, home; an expert

57 种 (zhòng / 67.6) – verb to grow, plant; to cultivate; to sow

58 事 (shì / 67.3) – noun matter, affair, business; work, job; trouble, accident; involvement, responsibility

59 成 (chéng / 67.1) – verb to accomplish, succeed; to turn into, become; noun result, achievement

60 方 (fāng / 66.8) – noun square; direction; place, locality; side; party

61 多 (duō / 66.6) – adjective a lot of, many, more; verb to have more; adverb to what extent

62 经 (jīng / 66.3) – verb to manage, deal with; to pass through, undergo, experience; bear; adjectiveregular, constant; preposition after

63 么 (me / 66.1) – suffix for certain characters (pronoun 什么shenme / what; 那么nàme / then, like that)

64 去 (qù / 65.8) – verb to go; to go to a place; to remove;

65 法 (fǎ / 65.5) – noun law; method; way; standard; model

66 学 (xué / 65.4) – verb to study, to learn; to imitate, mimic; noun school, college

67 如 (rú / 65.1) – verb like, as, if; for instance; conjunction if

68 都 (dōu / 64.9) – adverb all, both; even; already

69 同 (tóng / 64.7) – verb be the same as; adverb together, in common; preposition used for comparison

70 现 (xiàn / 64.4) – verb to show, to appear, to become visible; adjective present, current; nouncash, money

71 当 (dāng / 64.2) – verb should; act as; accept; deserve; preposition just at

72 没 (méi / 64.0) – verb to be without; not have; adverb not

73 动 (dòng / 63.8) – verb to move; to use; to touch; to arouse

74 面 (miàn / 63.6) – noun noodle; face; surface; measure word for flat things

75 起 (qǐ / 63.3) – verb to rise, to get up; to grow, to begin; adjective upward, up

76 看 (kàn / 63.1) – verb to see, to look at, to watch over; to look after, tend

77 定 (dìng / 62.9) – verb to decide, fix, set; to subscribe; adjective calm, stable; adverb surely, definitely

78 天 (tiān / 62.7) – noun sky, heaven; weather; time of day

79 分 (fēn / 62.5) – verb to divide, part, separate; to allot, distribute, assign; measure word for minute, cent, fraction, point, mark

80 还 (hái / 62.3) – adverb still, yet; even more; also, too; even

81 进 (jìn / 62.0) – verb to advance, move forward; to enter, get into

82 好 (hǎo / 61.8) – adjective good, fine, well; done

83 小 (xiǎo / 61.6) – adjective small, little, minor; young, youngest; a bit

84 部 (bù / 61.4) – noun part, section; headquarters, department; measure word for machines, vehicles; films

85 其 (qí / 61.2) – pronoun his, her, its, their; he, she, it, they; that, such

86 些 (xiē / 61.0) – measure word some, few; a little more

87 主 (zhǔ / 60.8) – noun host; master; owner; adjective main; verb to manage, to take charge

88 样 (yàng / 60.6) – noun appearance, shape; sample, pattern; type

89 理 (lǐ / 60.4) – noun reason, logic, truth; verb to manage, run; to put in order

90 心 (xīn / 60.2) – noun heart; core, center; feeling; mind; intention

91 她 (tā / 60.0) – pronoun she, her, hers

92 本 (běn / 59.8) – noun book, script; adjective current; adverb at first, originally measure word for books

93 前 (qián /59.6) – noun front; forward; ahead; ago; before

94 开 (kāi / 59.4) – verb to open, open up; to begin, start; to operate; to hold (a meeting)

95 但 (dàn / 59.2) – conjunction but, still, yet; adverb only

96 因 (yīn / 59.0) – preposition because of noun cause, reason

97 只 (zhǐ / 58.8) – adverb only, merely, just, but

98 从 (cóng / 58.6) – preposition from, through, past; verb to follow; to comply, obey

99 想 (xiǎng / 58.4) – verb to think, to ponder; to miss; to want (doing something)

100 实 (shí / 58.2) – adjective solid; real, true; factual; noun reality, fact; fruit; seed


学习对外汉语有没有好的课外读物 请学长学姐们推荐一下
33、 《十三经说略》北京燕山出版社,2002年10月.34、 《二十四史说略》北京燕山出版社,2002年10月.35、 《中国文献学新编》洪湛侯(这个第一阶段看);《中国古文字学》高明(这个第一阶段看);《诗词格律概要》王力(这个第一阶段看);《文言津逮》张中行(这个第一阶段看)36、 ...


65 法 (fǎ \/ 65.5) – noun law; method; way; standard; model 66 学 (xué \/ 65.4) – verb to study, to learn; to imitate, mimic; noun school, college 67 如 (rú \/ 65.1) – verb like, as, if; for instance; conjunction if 68 都 (dōu \/ 64.9) – adverb all, both; even;...

6.《马氏文通》马建忠著,商务印书馆,1983年版 7.《汉语音韵》王力著,中华书局,1980年版 8.《训诂简论》陆宗达著,北京出版社,1980年版 9.《中国语言学史》王力著,山西人民出版社,1981年版 10.《中国文字学》唐兰著,上海古籍出版社,1979年版 11.《中国历代语言学论文选注》吴文祺、张世...

暑假有在看语言学相关的知识,所以专业课上也还是比较有信心。关于准备时间这一点,其实我觉得我除了法语可以更早准备外(法语三我是完全放弃没有时间看了的),其他的科目我觉得时间都是刚刚好的,完全可以掌握下来。 考研形势其实是一年比一年严峻的,同济大学就一直在缩招,所以学弟学妹们一定要了解后再下定决心。我...

1、汉诗,因为这是他们怎么也学会不会的东西;2、性,因为这是他们天生的专长;3、南京大屠杀,因为深刻到骨头里面的罪恶,无法回避!语法汉语不难,基本语法很快可以掌握。所以重点是发音,每次除了课文上意外学习10个常用句子。比喻,这个多少钱?之类的。 日本人很喜欢中国,所以也很感兴趣 ...


1、我校培养的老师数量(10年,培养了超过2万名&持国际汉语教师资格证书的老师);2、培训和服务外籍中文学习者学生数量(10年,接近60000人);3、教学书类型及数量:合计近百本教材、电子学习课件&动画&互动Flash练习题达5万分钟 1) 日常汉语 2) 商务汉语 3) 中国国家HSK标准通用汉语 4) 汉字...

《教育心理学》这本书太厚,看书的话很浪费时间,而且非常难懂,因此我没有看书,而是到网络上找了笔记来背诵。 专业二还会考40分的案例分析,这部分的内容与海外对外汉语教学有关,因此我找了十几个案例,发现主要的考点集中在如何处理跨文化和汉语教学上,汉语教学这部分我看了一些教案,因为有过对外汉语教学经验,因此准...

1 白居易诗选 顾学颉、周汝昌 2 长生殿 洪升 3 楚辞选 马茂元注 4 春秋左传读本 王伯祥 5 东周列国志 冯梦龙 蔡元放 6 杜甫诗选 山东大学中文系古典文学教研室 7 杜牧诗选 缪钺 8 二十年目睹之怪现状 吴沃尧著 张友鹤校注 9 范大成诗选 周汝昌 10 古神话选释 ...

德惠市17317934710: 外国人学汉字的难点有哪些 -
常宣新福: 1、首先拼音就难了,声母、韵母、还有整体认读音节,还有4个声调,还要轻声 2、然后字就跟难写了,上下结构、上中下结构,左右结构,左中右结构,半包围结构,全包围机构,这些基础好了,再写

德惠市17317934710: 外国人学汉语从什么学起? -
常宣新福: 我教过的外国留学生都有一定的基础,他们都会使用汉语拼音,我主要教他们语法,因为他们学习汉语的目的也只是为了通过HSK考试 HSK考试主要包括听力、语法、阅读、综合填空四个部分,我认为最重要的是语法.曾经我也尝试过使用先扩大他们的词汇量这个办法,可是效果并不好.但是当我通讲完一遍语法后,再逐步扩大词汇量,效果就非常好了.我教过的学生,很多都是只用了半年的时间就通过了HSK七级

德惠市17317934710: 外国人是怎么学中文的? -
常宣新福: 嗯,是先学拼音的,就如同我们学英语音标一样,外国人先要会读汉字;之后就是语法,汉语语法和英语是反的;最后才是学写汉字.所以我们见到能写一手好汉字的老外时候,证明他(她)汉语已经狠厉害啦~

德惠市17317934710: 请问有人有给外国人学中文用的常用汉语一百句么?日常生活用语.谢谢 -
常宣新福: http://www.kimyear.com/mulu/09/0901/090104/2007/03/13/kimyear_293513.html http://86888688.com/689337.html

德惠市17317934710: 老外学汉字的笑话! -
常宣新福: 老外第一天认识了“己”,第二天看到了“已”,第三天看到了“巳”! 哇!老外非常惊奇:中国真是个神奇的国度,字都会长的!

德惠市17317934710: 很想知道外国人觉得中文是有多难学 -
常宣新福: 外国人惊叹中文难学的七大原因 原因一:书写方法简直是天方夜谭汉字的美丽,无可争议.不过这种表意文字在日常生活中并不是很实用.汉语之所以难学,就是因为要学的汉字实在太多,这也是绝对的事实.还有,汉字的拼写方式也不是很规...

德惠市17317934710: 现在有外国人喜欢学中文吗 学是为了什么 -
常宣新福: 外国人喜欢中文的也不少,他们学中文主要有以下三大原因: 1、发自内心地喜欢中国文化和中文,这叫千金难买愿意. 2、通过学习中文陶冶情操,提高自己的社会地位:韩国人如果会写汉字,在韩国那是一件很有面子的事情,绝对另别人刮目相看,而且我接触的很多韩国人写汉字比国人普遍水平高. 3、为了自己需求的需要:这里面有为了找工作,找女朋友的等等,不排除可能还有特务.

德惠市17317934710: 大家觉得是我们中国人学英语比较难,还是老外学中文比较难啊? -
常宣新福: 当然是老外学中文难了... 中文是世界上比较难学的语言之一,还分普通话和粤语.按听说读写四个方面来比较的话: 听: 中文:我本人是在国外念书,看见过身边的老外朋友如何学中文.他们的听力练习都是用最最标准的普通话来练的,一般...

德惠市17317934710: 教老外学中文课程有什么,外国人学汉语 -
常宣新福: 零基础的学生:语音课 注重听说的课:口语课; 练习汉字的课:汉字课 提高阅读能力的课:阅读写作课; 参加HSK考试:综合课 在商务沟通领域:商务汉语课

德惠市17317934710: 怎样教外国人学汉字 -
常宣新福: 我参考别人的的问题.. 还有给你推荐一个文件.http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q829526378.htm 肯定要从笔画开始 洋鬼子的话 洋鬼子没学过象形文字 没有图形思维 不能像日本人那样教 你先教壁画 再教一二三四比较好 这样的话洋鬼子会把横竖...

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