国际芭蕾巨星英国终身首席芭蕾舞者Margot Fonteyn玛戈·芳婷生平

作者&投稿:无晏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ May 18, 1919


Margot Fonteyn was born in Reigate, England as Margaret Hookham. She began dancing at age 4 at a local dance school in Ealing.

Period: May 18, 1919 to Feb 21, 1991

Margot Fonteyn's Life


"Dame Margot Fonteyn." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004. Encyclopedia.com. 2 Nov. 2014http://www.encyclopedia.com.





Mar 12, 1927

Moved to China

At 8 years old, Fonteyn's father accepted a job in Shanghai, China and she took ballet lessons from the Russian George Goncharov.

Nov 12, 1933

Moved back to England

At the age of 14 she returned to England to develop a dancing career. Fonteyn took lessons with the Russian teacher Serafina Astafieva, and a little later she auditioned for the Vic-Wells ballet. In England, she got her stage name, Margot Fonteyn, which indirectly evolved from her mother's family nam, Fontes.

Nov 28, 1934

Debut: The Nutcracker

In 1934, she had her debut in The Nutcracker as a snowflake. Fonteyn later devoted her entire career to the Royal Ballet. Her first solo role was the Young Treginnis in de Valois's The Haunted Ballroom.

Sep 12, 1935

Dance Roles

In 1935, she had roles in standard classics, such as The Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, and Swan Lake.

Dec 12, 1935

Major Role and Other Accomplishments

Major Role and Other Accomplishments

She had her first major role in Frederick Ashton's new ballet Le Baiser de la Fee in 1935. She also performed in Ashton ballets like Apparitions, Noctume, Les Patineurs, A Wedding Bouquet, Horoscope, The Wise Virgins, Dante Sonata, The Quest, The Wanderer, Daphnis, and Chloeë and Ondine.

Jun 15, 1949

International Star

At age 30, she goes on tour to the US. In New York she performed as Princess Aurora in the Sleeping Beauty at the Metropolitan Opera House. Fonteyn went from being a national treasure to an international star from her success on opening night.

Jul 1, 1951


Fonteyn was decorated a Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Nov 13, 1954


Fonteyn became president of the Royal Academy of Dancing.

May 20, 1955


She married Roberto de Arias, also known as "Tito", a diplomat from Panama, and she then had to balance her commtiments as both a ballerina and ambassador's wife.

Aug 16, 1956


Fonteyn became Dame of the Order of the British Empire, after which whe was known as Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias.

Nov 20, 1961

Rebirth of Career

She began dancing with Rudolf Nureyev, and some of their well-known dances include Giselle, Swan Lake, and Romeo and Juliet. This was a revelation for their famous partnership in the history of ballet. He was 20 years younger than her, and they both had diverse backgrounds. This allowed them to flourish, and Fonteyn's technique improved to the point where her career was extended by at least 15 years.

Mar 31, 1979

Last Performance

Fonteyn had her farewell performance, at age 60, in London's Royal Opera House. Overall, she had a extraordinary long, and successful career. She retires to Panama with Tito to run a 500-acre cattle farm.

Dec 18, 1979

Top Award: Prima Ballerina

Fonteyn received from the Royal Ballet in England the title "prima ballerina assoluta". Keep in mind that only three ballerinas were given this title in the 20th century.

Feb 21, 1991



Fonteyn died at the age of 72 from cancer, and it was two years after her husband died. She is buried in the Arias family plot next to Tito.

国际芭蕾巨星英国终身首席芭蕾舞者Margot Fonteyn玛戈·芳婷生平_百 ...
May 18, 1919 Birth Margot Fonteyn was born in Reigate, England as Margaret Hookham. She began dancing at age 4 at a local dance school in Ealing.Period: May 18, 1919 to Feb 21, 1991 Margot Fonteyn's Life Sources:"Dame Margot Fonteyn." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004....


1960年8月14日出生于英国伦敦,为六个孩子中的长女。 三岁始学跳舞,曾就读Elmhurst芭蕾学校及伦敦艺术教育学院。 十三岁便在伦敦的皮卡迪利(Picadilly)剧院,参加了戏剧“Iand Albert”的演出。 十六岁时曾经在电视节目《Pan's people》中担任舞群之一。 十八岁是加入Aroene Phillops的舞团Hot Gossip,并以由她担任...

英国的著名国际芭蕾巨星玛戈·芳廷观看后,决定把该剧片断收在她的自传影片中。1989年编导应香港芭蕾学会邀请赴港、澳,为当地排练演出。 评论撷萃 评论撷萃感人至深的舞剧 《安徒生童话》中译者、著名翻译家叶君健以这个同名故事改编的芭蕾舞,在表达了安徒生对穷苦人的深切同情和他希望通过这篇童话反映出当时社会的残...

“芭蕾女皇”——安娜�6�1巴甫洛娃 巴甫洛娃是20世纪初芭蕾舞坛的一颗巨星,她为芭蕾作出了无法估价的贡献。安娜.巴甫洛娃 1881年1月31日生于圣彼得堡一个贫民家庭。父亲是农民出身的士兵,母亲给别人洗衣服,生活十分贫苦。巴甫洛娃10岁时考进圣彼得堡舞蹈学校,经过九年的艰苦训练...

在璀璨的艺术舞台上,他如王子般翩翩起舞,被林志玲赞誉为芭蕾界的璀璨新星。他是朱利安·麦凯,一位非凡的年轻天才,俄罗斯最年轻的芭蕾独舞演员,他的名字在《La Parsonne》杂志的镜头下熠熠生辉。天赋与勤奋的交融<\/ 11岁的朱利安被莫斯科国立芭蕾舞学院的璀璨光芒所吸引,那时的他,已经在一群精英学生...

1、尼金斯基 国际舞坛奇才尼金斯基,有20世纪的芭蕾史上“最伟大的男演员”之誉,被西方称为“舞蹈之神”。1919年,不到30岁的尼金斯基接演了人生的最后一个“角色”——疯子,被送入精神病院,直至1950年逝世。2、安娜·巴甫洛娃 安娜·巴甫洛娃是20世纪初芭蕾舞坛的一颗巨星,她为芭蕾作出了无法...

佩内洛普·克鲁兹(Penelope Cruz,1974年4月28日-),西班牙好莱坞著名演员,国际巨星。她毕业于西班牙国家音乐学院古典芭蕾系。2007年,她凭电影《回归》入围奥斯卡、金球奖及英国电影学院奖最佳女主角。2009年,她凭电影《午夜巴塞罗那》Vicky Cristina Barcelona夺得奥斯卡金像奖以及英国电影学院奖最佳女配角...


1948年,奥黛丽·赫本进入英国伦敦的玛莉·蓝伯特(Marie Rambert's)芭蕾舞学校学习,由于年龄和身高原因,她被告知,她无法成为一流的芭蕾舞者。之后,她做了一些模特工作,拍摄了一些广告,也参加了一些舞台剧的演出,一个偶然的机会她参加了《罗马假日》剧组的演员试镜,从这以后奥黛丽·赫本走上了演艺道路。演艺生涯:1948...

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毓咐复方: “芭蕾女皇”——安娜•巴甫洛娃 巴甫洛娃是20世纪初芭蕾舞坛的一颗巨星,她为芭蕾作出了无法估价的贡献.安娜.巴甫洛娃 1881年1月31日生于圣彼得堡一个贫民家庭.父亲是农民出身的士兵,母亲给别人洗衣服,生活十分贫苦.巴甫洛娃...

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毓咐复方: 我知道的有ABT有Gillian Murphy(吉莉安 莫菲)很棒,德国芭蕾舞团的Polina Semionova很棒. 其实还有很多,世界上好几个很大的芭蕾舞团,各团的首席演员都是世界级的演员,都算得上是明星, 各大团的独舞演员也是十分优秀的.

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毓咐复方: 艾琳娜·黛米特洛夫,玛丽娅·埃莲娜·洛伦特,娜杰日达·格拉乔娃,鲁道夫·努里耶夫,等等很多

越西县17360408151: 世界上最美的芭蕾的背景音乐是??? -
毓咐复方: 小天鹅

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毓咐复方: 法国舞蹈理论家、演员和编导.1727年4月29日生于巴黎,1810年10月19 日卒于圣日耳曼昂莱. 自幼随L.迪普雷学舞,1742年8月首次登台表演.次年参加 巴黎喜歌剧院,1749年起担任该院芭蕾编导,1753年 至 1754年,诺维尔在出任巴黎喜...

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