
作者&投稿:严砌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My birthday is coming.In order to celebrate it,I make a plan.
First,I'll hold a birthday party and invite my best friends.
Second,I will make a birthday cake with the help of my mother.
Then I will prepare some delicious food for my friends.
After dinner,we will sing and dance and play games at the party.
I am looking forward to it now.

Today is my father’s birthday, but he doesn’t celebrate it. It’s

because he must work today. I say happy birthday to him in the morning.
And I prepare a birthday card for him, which I draw it by myself. I
wrote “Happy birthday to you, my dear daddy. Best wishes from your dear
daughter. I love you.” When I gave it to him, he was so happy and smiled
to me. At night, we have a delicious dinner which is my father’s
favorite dishes cooked by my mother. She says it’s her birthday gift to
my father. I think it’s enough because we all enjoy the dinner. My
father says that my mother and I give him a happy and beloved birthday.

Lily's birthday
Lily's birthday is on November 12th,she invites her friends to her house,her mother cooks many delicious food and buy many fruits for them.Lily likes reading,music and flowers,so her friends give her books,CD and beautiful flowers as gifts.They have a good time at the party.

Lily's birthday is on November 12th,she invites her friends to her house,her mother cooks many delicious food and buy many fruits for them.Lily likes reading,music and flowers,so her friends give her books,CD and beautiful flowers as gifts.They have a good time at the party....


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您好,以“my birthday party”为题的作文,把开办party的过程叙述完整即可。简单写几句。It was my birthday last sunday.We had a big party at home.My friend, Tom and Jenny came to my party and boughtme some pretty presents…

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真雄美爱: 首先和父母商量一下准备举办一次小小的聚会 用自己平时省下来的零花钱购买自己心爱的蛋糕 派发邀请函邀请同学参加 我将协助父母布置场地购买所需物品 聚会结束主动打扫现场,减轻妈妈的负担,过一个有意义的生日.1.You should talk with...

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真雄美爱: What a happy thing that my friend Li Lei will have his birthday party at his home on 15th of October! I am waiting for that happy day, and I have prepared a presend for him, I think he will like it, Li Lei is my best friend, and we often help each other. His ...

青白江区18268163309: 初中英语作文 题目《生日计划》 -
真雄美爱: Birthday candle, then beat the flames, reflecting the excitement we face. Remember, yes, remember! Remember this bright birthday candle light, remember this memorable birthday party. I took part in the friends and classmates of the birthday party, ...

青白江区18268163309: 一个生日计划的的英语作文,80词左右一篇作文,关于生日计划,在生日这一题是你要做什么,买蛋糕或者生日聚会,顺序清楚地写出来, -
真雄美爱:[答案]It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were two interesting ones.My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thoug...

青白江区18268163309: 一篇关于生日聚会的英语作文,主人是lily她的生日在11月12日,她喜欢阅读,音乐和鲜花,因此朋 -
真雄美爱: Lily's birthday Lily's birthday is on November 12th,she invites her friends to her house,her mother cooks many delicious food and buy many fruits for them.Lily likes reading,music and flowers,so her friends give her books,CD and beautiful flowers as ...

青白江区18268163309: 为你的同学计划一次生日派对英语作文带翻译 -
真雄美爱: Find a bunch of friends and classmates to the KTV to open a birthday party,you can sing and dance to drink none can sit down to play area.Benefit is not expensive,and fun,and do not break romantic,the biggest advantage is cleaning.找一群朋友和同学KTV开一个生日晚会,唱歌跳舞喝酒都可以坐下来玩.好处是不昂贵的,有趣,而又不失浪漫,最大的优点是清洁.

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真雄美爱: 我想明天是我朋友丽丽的生日,我应该买一份礼物给她.我发现了一对很漂亮的发夹.它们非常的配丽丽最喜欢的衬衫.同时,我也想为丽丽买一张光盘,因为丽丽喜欢听音乐.到最后我决定买那对发夹和一张光盘.我认为丽丽会喜欢的. ...

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真雄美爱: Today is my friend's birthday.I will play with him today.In the morning we will go to the park.We will take pictures and watching flowers.We will go to the supermarket this afternoon.We will buy some food and drink.In the evening,we will have birthday ...

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真雄美爱: Dear Kate:I'm very sorry that I cannot go to your birthday party. I feel very bad too.But I really can't.I got a bad point on my math test. And I have to go to math lessons from tomorrow.I now I'll have a bad time. except the math lesson , I need to do ...

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真雄美爱: My birthday is on xxxx.I invited my friends to my birthday party.My parents bought lots of food and drinks for me.My friends bought many presents for me,I liked them very much.There was a big bithday cake with 你的岁数 candles on it.My friends all sat...

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