
作者&投稿:边性 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文以what is love为题。120词左右~

Love is no ordinary thing. It is not voluntary, but when it begins, you will know.
There are three types of love. Infatuation, love of family, and love of your spouse.
Infatuation, most commonly known as “Puppy Love”, is basically love at first sight.
Infatuation can be the beginning of a future spouse love. Though most often infatuation doesn’t amount to much.
Love of family is loving your mother and father, and any siblings you may have. You want to protect them, watch over them, and fill their lives with an unbounding joy. The parents have an innermost feeling for their children, which in my case, they express everyday.
Love of your spouse means loving someone you are married to. Whether husband or wife, you support your spouse with a deep modesty, and you treat them with great respect.
Being possibly the most trivial question of all time, this is one hard question to ask.
Love means to care, to protect, to watch over, to pray for, to make sure the loved person is happy. But to tell you the truth, those are all parts of love. Not love itself.
So, I will tell you what I think of love. Love has a meaning, but we will never know. Many philosophers have tried, but all their attempts have failed. Every single one of them!
Love is not a bond, or a relationship, but more of a heart to heart conversation. When the conversation grows, the bond and relationship forms. Therefore, love creates the bond and relationship.
Still, that leaves us with the main question, what is love?
Okay, so I told you the three types of love. But I still haven’t told you what love is. I told you a definition, a heart to heart conversation, but does that tell you much? No. So, I will put it straight.

Dear Me,
I am writing this letter to you to tell you that how you will look like in 2 years time.
I expect you to graduate from high school and enter a goo university. You will get a girl friend and have fun and study together to a college degree. You will also have more pubic hair and a stronger body. Keeping regular excercise is a good way to have a healthy body and mind. I hope you can be consistent and keep up your good work not to mention all the bullshit you had produced

Yours sincerely self
the present ME

“The University Plan I have just become a new college student so I must make a good plan for my university life during the four years. Firstly, as a college student ,what I need to do at present is study hard and make good progress in study.Secndly,take an active extracurricular activities, especially social practice activities in order to get to know the society further. So after graduation, I may adapt to the developmenet and requires of society .At last,I must get along well with the teachers and classmates,be good at dealing with all kinds of the problems and relation beween the people and keep on training my comprehensive quality and abilities,so that I can lay a good foundation for going into the society later after graduation,and should be a mordern undergraduate with morality,civilization,ideals and disciplines.” 谢谢采纳! 译文: “ 大学规划 我刚刚成为一个新的大学学生,所以在四年的大学生活中我必须要有一个好的规划为。首先,作为一个大学生,目前我要做的就是好好学习,不断取得学习方面的更大进步。其次,要积极参加课外活动,尤其是社会实践活动,从而进一步了解社会,为毕业后,能适应社会的发展和需要做准备。最后,我必须很好的与老师和同学相处,善于处理各种各样的问题和关系,不断培养自身的综合素质和能力,以便为毕业后步入社会奠定良好的基础,做一名一个现代文化、有道德,有理想、有纪律的现代大学生。” 谢谢!

写作思路及要点:以高中规划为题,围绕这一主题展开描写,接着表达自己的想法以及观点。正文:1、预习 预习最重要的是能发展我们学生的自学能力,减少对老师的依赖,增强独立性;预习可以加强记课堂笔记的针对性,改变学习的被动局面。要在测览教材的总体内容后再细读,充分发挥自己的自学能力,理清哪些内容...


“The University Plan I have just become a new college student so I must make a good plan for my university life during the four years. Firstly, as a college student ,what I need to do at present is study hard and make good progress in study.Secndly,take an active extracu...

大一:打牢地基。观念上将“要我学”变为“我要学”,脚踏实地学好基础课程,特别是英语和计算机。在大规划下要做小计划,坚持每天记英语单词、练习口语,并从大一开始就坚定不移地学下去。根据自己的实际情况考虑是否修读双学位或辅修第二专业,并尽早做好资料准备。大一的学习任务相对轻松,可适当 参...


三、职业规划方案 1、短期计划:英语考过六级,日语过二级,努力学习专业课知识,并通过实践来不断地锻炼和提升自己的能力。如果成绩比较优异就打算考研。 2、长期计划:在工作过程中,还要继续努力的学习,在公司争取得到进修学习的机会,或进一步深造。这个社会是发展的社会,所以我们也要不断的学习,如果不学习我没就会被...


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