
作者&投稿:窦霍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places. A snake has no legs or feet, but it can move very fast on its stomach. Snakes usually have green, yellow or black skins, which make them difficult for their enemies to find them. Some kinds of snakes live in water. They can swim as freely as fish.

翻译: 蛇,

hen We eat its eggs.It have two wings but it can not fly.cow We drink its milk.Its skin is black and write.pig We can eat it and use it for doing so many things.It is fat.goose It is white and it have two big feet.Its hue is e e e.只能这样了,有些词你可以先注出来.

仅供参考 Often we hear that a dog is a man's best friend. Indeed, pets, not only dogs have become increasingly common residents of our modern day households. Pets bring to the people a sense of liveliness. That after a day of hard work, people can now relax with a sight of their pets jumping happily around them. Then there is also the sense of responsibility. For those who find raising a child a hassel, raising a pet is no easier, however, knowing that you have provided for another living being is a great feeling. It also teaches the next generation the importance of looking after animals and cherishing all living things here on earth.Clearly, pets not only bring excitement into the world but they also help people develop the important sense of responsibility. 这是一篇

hen: it's rooster's wife. it can lay eggscow: it's very big and can produce milk for us.pig: it's very fat. its meat is called pork.goose: we can eat this animal. we can also eat its eggs. its eggs are much bigger than chicken eggs.

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祗苗调经:[答案] Cat is a small animal.Cat is cute.Cat eats fish.Cat likes sleep.Cat plays at night. Cat walks cat walk.

汉川市17232842752: 用英语形容动物 -
祗苗调经: 兔子(rabbit):it is very small and cute,it has long ears, a short tail, and red eyes. 大象(elephant):it is very big,its ears are like two big fans. 长颈鹿(giraffe):it has a long neck. 猫(cat):it is a lovely animal.it likes to eat mice. 老鼠(mouse):it is small.it is afraid with cats.

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汉川市17232842752: 用英语介绍一种动物.(不超过五句)并翻译成汉语 -
祗苗调经:[答案] I like dogs best in all animals.Dogs are very smart and it helps the people a lot . it has two big ears and a very useful nose .it can run very fast .it also our best friends.

汉川市17232842752: 描述动物的英语 -
祗苗调经: 蛇: They only move by creeping. And many kinds of them are poison. 熊猫:There are only black and white these two colors on their bodies. 兔子:They can run very fast. And their tails are vey short. 狗:They bark when strangers come close. ...

汉川市17232842752: 怎样用英语形容一种动物,5句话,最好简单一些 -
祗苗调经: Cat is a small animal. Cat is cute. Cat eats fish. Cat likes sleep. Cat plays at night. Cat walks cat walk.

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