
作者&投稿:路凤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
写作.请位the Animals 为题,用英语介绍一下你在动物园里看到的动物,不少于5句话~

Last weekend, my parents and I went to Shanghai Wild Animal Park. There were many kinds of animals in the zoo, such as monkeys, bears, tigers, deers, etc. In the afternoon, we watch the performances of seals. They are very clever. We had a good time in the zoo.



Keeping The Sun Inside Anyone who has endured a long, dark winter can attest to the power the sun has to both\finvigorate and relax body, mind, and soul. It can be daunting to begin the months of fall and winter, knowing that we may not see as much of the beautiful sun for quite some time. But it is important to remember that even during the darker days of fall and winter, the sun



There are so many animals in the zoo. When I went inside, I saw many parrots, red, blue and white. They were very beautiful. Then I saw a white kangaroo, I thought it was a rabbit, because its head is very small. I also saw a tiger like a zebra.


Look at the crocodile with its huge mouth and sharp teeth. How terrible! The parrots in the parrot show are cyclists and talkers.


There are several camels grazing on the grass. There are two small peaks on their backs. Giraffes stretch their long necks and nibble at leaves. Elephants eat grass with their long noses. Pandas are sleeping. There are so many animals in the zoo. There are also bears, tigers and so on. Why can't animals go back to their own homes and nature?


Walking and walking came to the monkey mountain. Monkey mountain is really lively! A group of little monkeys on the rockery, have a good time! You see, the top monkey eats peaches and looks at the beautiful scenery in the distance. A monkey holds a corner of the rockery in one hand and a peach in the other to taste it with relish. The other monkey hung one foot on the vine, and its tail swayed along with the rope. It was naughty to swing!




There are so many animals in the zoo. When I went inside, I saw many parrots, red, blue and white. They were very beautiful. Then I saw a white kangaroo, I thought it was a rabbit, because its head is very small. I also saw a tiger like a zebra.


Look at the crocodile with its huge mouth and sharp teeth. How terrible! The parrots in the parrot show are cyclists and talkers.


There are several camels grazing on the grass. There are two small peaks on their backs. Giraffes stretch their long necks and nibble at leaves. 

Elephants eat grass with their long noses. Pandas are sleeping. There are so many animals in the zoo. There are also bears, tigers and so on. Why can't animals go back to their own homes and nature?


Walking and walking came to the monkey mountain. Monkey mountain is really lively! A group of little monkeys on the rockery, have a good time! You see, the top monkey eats peaches and looks at the beautiful scenery in the distance. 

A monkey holds a corner of the rockery in one hand and a peach in the other to taste it with relish. The other monkey hung one foot on the vine, and its tail swayed along with the rope. It was naughty to swing!


Today I came to the zoo.I see the monkey eating bananas.Pandas are eating bamboo.The lion is sleeping.The birds are singing.

Today is sunny day. I'm going to zoo with my father. And i'm seeing a lot of annimal.I'm playing withthem. We are playing very happy

In the zoo
I'm in the zoo.I'm looking two monkeys.They are climbing.The rabbits are eating.Look at the panda.It is sleeping.A flock of butterflies are dancing. Do you like the zoo?

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万安县17381398639: 用英语写一篇文章介绍一下你去过的野生动物园 -
堵庾生长: 上个星期天我去了动物园 I went to (visit)the zoo last Sunday. 我看到了许多小动物像猴子等 I saw many little animals like monkeys and so on. 我随身带了一些食物 I took some food with/along me. 我还在动物园里买了食物,有冰淇淋等 I still bought ...

万安县17381398639: 英语写作,假如你们班在周五下午去动物园游玩,在动物园里,你们见到了许多动物,请你根据提示写一篇短文 -
堵庾生长: Presumably our class went on a trip to the zoo on Friday afternoon (which was highly unlikely to happen). We saw many animals. The monkeys were asleep, the pandas were asleep, the tigers were asleep and the elephants were asleep. So boring! ...

万安县17381398639: 请根据以下提示,用英语写篇短文介绍你市动物园的情况1.中国最大的动物园之一,有数百种动物.2.有几十种鸟,黄色的,绿色的,橘红色的,棕色的,歌声... -
堵庾生长:[答案] Welcome to the zoo in our city!This is one of the most largest zoo in our country,and there are hundred kinds of animals here.There are ten kinds of birds in the zoo and they are in different colors,s...

万安县17381398639: 一篇关于动物园的英语作文假如今天是星期六,你和你的外教老师Mark一起去了动物园.请你根据以下要点提示写一篇50词左右的短文,简要讲述你在动物... -
堵庾生长:[答案] Today is Saturday.I go to the zoo with my teacher Mark.The zoo and many animals.I most like elephants,think it is very strong.First of all,I see some panda,they come from China.I see the lion,they com...

万安县17381398639: 求一篇70字以内的英语小短文,内容是参观动物园 -
堵庾生长: A Visit to Beijing ZooLast Sunday morning, my friend and I went to visit the Beijing Zoo. We went by bike. It took us about half an hour to get there. When we got there, it was already crowded with people. There were a lot of foreign visitors, too. It is ...

万安县17381398639: 用英语写一篇动物园的作文 -
堵庾生长: I have got two baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. ...

万安县17381398639: 书面表达 上个周末你去了动物园参观.请根据你的所观所感,用英语写一篇短文. 要点: 1. 动物园里有很多游客,他们有的在给猴子喂食,有的在和老虎玩... -
堵庾生长:[答案]Last weekend I went to a zoo. There were all kinds of wild animals there. Many visitors enjoyed themselves. Some of them gave food to monkeys and some of them played with tigers. Animals are our friends. We should be friendly to them. It is also ...

万安县17381398639: 求一篇英语作文假设你家有一个动物园,请根据所给提示词写一篇短文.介绍一下你在那看到了那些动物,他们有哪些特点.要求用上所有提示词汇;60词左右... -
堵庾生长:[答案] If my home have a zoo,I hope there are a lot of animals,I hope there are pandas,because it is very lovely.I also like dolphins,it is very clever,and monkeys,I like them,I hope I can play with them. 如果我家有一个动物园,我希望里面有好多的动物,我希望里...

万安县17381398639: 急求一篇关于动物园的英语的作文(小学6年级水平就可以了) -
堵庾生长: The zoo is definitely a very interesting place for both children and adults. For chidren, they would be able to witness the animals right before their life, instead of just looking at the plain old story books. Moreover, the zoo keepers would train the ...

万安县17381398639: 根据下面提供的信息及要求用英语写一篇介绍济南动物园的短文.初一英语作文(1) 济南野生都物园位于济南的东部.(2)动物园里有虎、熊、狼以及各种鸟.... -
堵庾生长:[答案] Ji'nan wild all park is located in the east of Ji'nan.There are tigers,bears,wolves and all kinds of birds in the zoo.Animal in the park free activities,visitors in the long bridge is watching the animal.

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