
作者&投稿:隆连 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2008 Olympic Games, will be the product which the traditional Chinese culture and the traditional Olympics culture unifies. But two traditions breed are already not disorderly piece together the thing, is also not another tradition, but is one kind of novel richer vigor harmonious culture. It looks like the water to be the same, seeps the social life each slit; It looked like the fire to be ordinary, has ignited all the people's enthusiasm; Looks like the trees to be equally full of vitality; Looks like the earth to contain equally; Also has the iron general rules and regulations. It enabled China the ancient civilization to contain the new significance, also caused the Olympics spirit to integrate East's element. After develops unceasingly, the Olympics had already sent out the unprecedented artistic ray in China.



The places of historic interest having opened to the outside world can give way to people and know Chinese culture well knowledge, reinforces the protection mental consciousness that people improves to the places of historic interest cognition, to it! Places of historic interest is common property of human being , ought to open to the outside world to the visitor.

  Hello,boys and girls,I'm honored to give a speach here today.I want to say something about the great statues,The Terracotta Warriors.
  The Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)lies in the Mt.Li(骊山,读作mount Li)Xi'an City,Shannxi(陕西) Province.It's one of the "Seven Great Wonders of the World".Every year,millions of visitors come to visit it,from China and other contries.
  Who dig these big holes and who put so many statues into the holes?Let me tell you.The first emporor of China,Zheng Ying(嬴政)want to build a special tomb to show he is the greatest emporor in Chinese history.So he made o dot two million(20万) workers to dig four holes and put many statues of soidiers,horses and war-coaches(战车) into the holes.Then in the middle,they put the corpse of Zheng Ying into the casket.The anciant Chinese people thought the "Army" can protect the Qin emporor.They fill the holes with worth.At last they build a big tomb like a pyramid over the holes.And this is the tomb of the first Qin emporor(秦始皇陵).
  In 1974,a farmer found the head of a statue sodier.Then Chinese goverment explored and found the whole tomb.In 1987,The Terracotta Warriors was included to the World Heritage List(世界遗产名录) by UN(联合国) according to level C.Today The Terracotta Warriors is a torist scenery of history.
  That's all I want to tell you.Thank you for listening.Good-bye!


故宫 The Palace Museum 天坛 The Temple of Heaven 颐和园 The Summer Palace 长城 The Great Wall (八达岭长城 The Great Wall at Badaling 居庸关长城 The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass 慕田峪长城 The Great Wall at Mutianyu 司马台长城 The Great Wall at Simatai)明十三陵 The Ming Tombs 北...

Hello,boys and girls,I'm honored to give a speach here today.I want to say something about the great statues,The Terracotta Warriors.The Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)lies in the Mt.Li(骊山,读作mount Li)Xi'an City,Shannxi(陕西) Province.It's one of the "Seven Great Wonders ...

武侯祠1.Wuhou ShrineWuhou might be translated as "minister or war".That was the title given to ZhugeLiang, a famous military strategist of the tree Kingdoms period (AD220-280) immortalised in one of the classics of Chinese literature, the tale of the Three Kingdoms.the shrine sit...

旅游景点介绍的演讲稿 介绍旅游景点的演讲稿200字

seeps the social life each slit; It looked like the fire to be ordinary, has ignited all the people's enthusiasm; Looks like the trees to be equally full of vitality; Looks like the earth to contain equally; Also has the iron general rules and regulations. It enabled China th...

1、大雁塔 大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊的大慈恩寺内,又名“慈恩寺塔”。唐永徽三年,玄奘为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像主持修建了大雁塔,最初五层,后加盖至九层,再后层数和高度又有数次变更,最后固定为今天所看到的七层塔身,通高64.517米,底层边长25.5米。The Big Wild Goose ...


景区内山势雄险、古树参天、珍禽比翼、奇花争艳、瀑布飞悬、云岚缭绕,因此黑竹沟有中国“百慕大”之称,1999年被评为国家森林公园。黑竹沟景区为彝族聚居区,历史悠久,文化灿烂,民族风情古朴多彩,人文景观与自然景观融为一体,旅游资源特性强、类型多、品位高,具有较高的开发利用价值。The Ebian Black ...

4、北京著名景点,,一定要英文的啊 1、Summer Palace 颐和园 2、The Great Wall 长城 3、The Temple of Heaven 天坛 4、Forbiden City/The  Palace Museum 故宫 5、Tian`anmen Squre 天安门广场 6、Beihai Park 北海 7、Xiangshan Park 香山公园 8、The nest 鸟巢 9、北海公园 Beihai Park...

历代宫殿都“象天立宫”以表示君权“受命于天”。由于君为天子,天子的宫殿如同天帝居住的“紫宫”禁地,故名紫禁城。5.Suzhou botanical garden苏州有园林200余处,现在保存尚好的有数万处,并因此使苏州素有"人间天堂"的美誉之称.以其意境过清、构筑精致、艺术高雅、文化内涵丰富而成为苏州众多古典园林的...

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错黄复方: 武侯祠 1.Wuhou ShrineWuhou might be translated as "minister or war".That was the title given to ZhugeLiang, a famous military strategist of the tree Kingdoms period (AD220-280) immortalised in one of the classics of Chinese literature, the tale...

新城区18433408205: 求名胜古迹的英文演讲稿,大概读1分半钟最好是兵马俑的你给我那么多干吗 -
错黄复方:[答案] Hello,boys and girls,I'm honored to give a speach here today.I want to say something about the great statues,The Terracotta Warriors.The Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)lies in the Mt.Li(骊山,读作mount Li)...

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错黄复方:[答案] As is know to anybody,China has a long history of 5000 years,which turns out rich culture and special style.It's said that ... people here by giving them a lot of feelings,experiences,images and ideas about life.But China also had a troubled past since ...

新城区18433408205: 介绍名胜古迹的英语作文丶3句话即可. -
错黄复方: The Great Wall as we see today was mostly built during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). It starts from Hushan Great Wall in the east to Jiayuguan Pass in the west traversing provinces of Liaoning, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, ...

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错黄复方: 黑竹沟位于峨边彝族自治县境内,核心景区约180平方公里,距峨眉山100公里、乐山大佛150公里.景区内山势雄险、古树参天、珍禽比翼、奇花争艳、瀑布飞悬、云岚缭绕,因此黑竹沟有中国“百慕大”之称,1999年被评为国家森林公园....

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错黄复方: This year, I may go to mount tai can be glad, start early in the morning. On the way there, I will hear people say, taishan is one of the four famous mountains, altitude is 1545 meters. Frighten my whole body cold sweat, so high, that year can climb over....

新城区18433408205: 某中学生英语报正在征集关于国内文化古迹的学生习作,请根据以下提示写一篇120 词左右的英语短文介绍云冈石窟.位置:山西省大同市. 历史:建于北... -
错黄复方:[答案] The Yungang Caves in Datong Shanxi Prov?ince which were built during the Northern Wei Dynasty are one of the most ... They can remind us of China's long history and make us greatly amazed at the splendid culture in ancient China. In addition by ...

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错黄复方: 中国的长城被视为惟一能从月球上看到的人造工程.人们曾认为长城全部修建于公元前22l到208年的秦朝,但现在人们相信长城的修建要开始得更早. 长城有着悠久的文化和宏伟的外观,因此直到今天还在吸引着旅游者、科学家和史学家前来参...

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