
作者&投稿:冶肺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

interfaca\addone\roguestunlfelper\流氓 暾 helper.lua.169:尝试演出算术全球combopoint旧硫醇(无值)


汉译法 请高手帮忙翻一下,谢谢。
1. Si je dispose de suffisamment de temps, je vais je pour rendre visite aux enseignants du cycle secondaire.2.我建议你到农村去度假;我想,今年夏天海边会有不少人。2. Je vous conseille de passer votre vacances à la campagne; Je pense que cet été il y aurait beaucoup de...

Creasy: Well, onto the next life for you my friend. I promise you won't be lonely.噢,你去到你的下一个生命吧,我的朋友。我保证,你不会寂寞的。Creasy: What I do best. I'm gonna kill 'em. Anyone that was involved. Anybody who profited from it. Anybody who opens their...

Before he started to wash,he turned the radio to"Morning News"as usual.2.队员们抽签决定谁先上场。By drawing lots,the team members decided who would enter the stage first.3.在该市,因吸毒和赌博而引发的罪行在发展,当地政府似乎找不出对付这一问题的办法。With the development of crim...

percentage completed 百分之..已完成 mission attempts 任务尝试(次数)playing time 游戏时间 day passed in game 游戏中以过天数 safehouse visits 进安全房(次数)rampages passed hidden packages found 已找到的隐藏包 people you have wasted 你废掉的人 people wasted by others 被别...

go back to my hometown to develop my personal career and I make a plan to go deep into one industry and one company and hope to grow together with the enterprise and develop myself and make myself promoted in all aspects.纯人工翻译,答题不容易啊,满意,请立即采纳,谢谢!

Speak out of turn多嘴 You'll get your chance. Just wait and don't speak out of turn.你会有机会的。等一等,不要抢先发言(多嘴)。


与其说海洋是把世界分割开,还不如说是把世界连接在一起。5 The purposes of his journey were both military and political.他这次旅行有军事上和政治上的双重目的。6 I hope that the meeting will not be too long ,for it will only waste time.我希望这次会议不要开太长时间,那样会浪费时间...

This is my home\/house.My home\/house is in a big courtyard and very beautiful.There are storied building in font of and behind my home\/house.My home\/house is on the first floor with a living room,a dining room,two bedrooms,a reading room\/sanctum,a kitchen and a washroom.I...

1.No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a number of the old generations back 36 years ago.毫无疑问,眼前的情景把大部分老一代人的记忆带回到了36年前 (此句参考了网上翻译。)2.He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless student; with a great...

襄城县13473548467: 请高手用英语翻译一下 -
桐畅右倍: In the University, I have learned many useful things, animation thinking to my imagination, I engaged in artistic creation in all aspects with more inspiration.不明白可以追问,忘五星级采纳!!谢谢

襄城县13473548467: 请高手翻译一句话?要准确 -
桐畅右倍: 请遵守当地现行的职业安全以及事故预防法规. 明显的,略写成最简单的句子就是:Please observe the regulations. 请遵守法规. 把其他的句子成分一点一点地加进去就行了. 你以后翻译的时侯可以试着用一下这种化繁为简的方法.

襄城县13473548467: 请高手翻译一下什么意思呢
桐畅右倍: 我一向来的工作,我的思想正在不断吸收工作.我一直思考的工作,白天和黑夜有时向提请设计学校.

襄城县13473548467: 请英语高手翻译一下
桐畅右倍: Let's sign the agreement give me an unbreakable body

襄城县13473548467: 请高手翻译几句英语.
桐畅右倍: 估计是餐馆英语来的,呵呵...有些看过了,但记不太清,仅供参考 第一句是;帮您收掉这个杯子可以吗? Excuse me,may i help you to take this cup out? 第二句是;这锅很烫,请小心. This pot is hot,pls be careful. 第三句是;帮你们整理一...

襄城县13473548467: 请高手帮忙翻译英语一句 -
桐畅右倍: 请您尽快帮我把东西寄出来!我很着急用!谢谢!Please help me to send the things out as soon as possible! I am very urgently needed! Thanks!

襄城县13473548467: 请高手帮忙翻译一下句子我得英语很差,现在有9个句子不是很会翻译,
桐畅右倍: 1.除了去公园以外,这个夏天我就没有出过公寓.(apart from) I just stayed in the ... make sense) When you complete the writing please check it carefully to see whether ...

襄城县13473548467: 请高手翻译 -
桐畅右倍: 1, in the voltage of the same circumstances, the greater the resistance wire, the smaller the current flowing through. 2, a series of boiler equipment, composition, these devices can be divi...

襄城县13473548467: 请高手翻译成日语 -
桐畅右倍: 1 初3 3班 中学校(ちゅうがっこう)3年(ねん)3组(ぐみ) 2 冒昧的问一下 以后我可以和老师交流日本语吗?我很喜欢日本语 这样很冒昧 请老师谅解 おいそがしいところ、すみませんですが、もしできたら、今度(こんど)日本语(にほんご)のご指导をいがだけますか.わたしが日本语(にほんご)が大好き(だいすき)です.无理(むり)やりで、どうもすみません.许(ゆる)してください.

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