
作者&投稿:城厘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The 2 April is the day of Andersen's 202th birthday .Right now I would like to give you a brief introduction about Mr.Andersen.Born under extremely poor conditions in the Danish town Odense (the Island of Funen), Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a master of the fairy tales in the 19th century.As a child he was highly dissociable,self-contemptuous, and emotional.All these characters and his unattractive appearance made him very unpopular.The Ugly Duckling was considered his autobiographical work.His early years were full of misadventures.His father was a shoemaker and his mother worked as a washerwoman. Andersen received little early education because of poor family circumstances.But it was his devotion and dedication to literature that finally contributed to his great success.

Andersen was not only a fairy tale writer but a poet, a playwright and a traveler.And he was also good at paper cutting.Poor family background in his childhood and no opportunities to learn made him keenly feel that there was nobody who was in want of reading more than poor children .In order to strive for the next generation Andersen made up his mind to write fairy tales for kids,and published his book named The Story Told to The Children .In the following years the same type of fairy tales were published at each christmas.He had continued producing his new works until he was cancered.There were total 168 fairy tales written by Andersen in his nearly 40 years.His works were characterized by their unique style: the poetic beauty and the bouffe humor.The former was predominant style that embodied itself in the chantable stories while the latter in the sarcastic ones.

After the publication of Andersen's first fairy tales, "Romantic" movement initiated by poet (厄楞士雷革)(1779~1850)was on the march in Denmark.Different from the style of those romanticists,his style,filled with strong and rustic features, was imaginative ,vivid and not specious at all.Andersen's representative works contained "Thumbelina","The Emperor's New Clothes","The Little Mermaid","The Wild Swans", "The Little Match-seller",and "The Ugly Duckling" etc.His works influenced the children so stong that his literary figure,the Mermaid's statue,still stands by the sea at Copenhagen port as the symbol of Denmark.

安徒生的英语介绍:Born in a poor shoemaker family in Odense, Andersen was baptized in St. kunud church and lived a poor childhood. Father is a shoemaker and mother is a servant. In his early years, he studied in charity school and worked as an apprentice. Influenced by his father and folk oral literature, he loved literature since childhood.
At the age of 11, his father died of illness and his mother remarried. In pursuit of art, he came to the capital Copenhagen alone at the age of 14. At the age of 17, he published the poetic drama alfsol, showing his talent. Therefore, he was sent by the Royal Theatre of art to slagelse grammar school and helsinko school for free. It lasted five years.


Anderson (1,805 - 1,875) Danish writer. On April 2, 1805 had been born in the Danish Fyn Odense's slum area. The father is a poor shoemaker, once volunteered the service, resists Napoleon's aggression, after retired from the armed services dies from illness in 1816. When washes the clothing maker the mother namely to remarry soon. Anderson for impoverished suffers since childhood, is the apprentice successively in several shops, has not received the regular education. The youth time namely has the interest to the stage, fantasized works as a singer, the actor or the playwright. In 1819 in the Copenhagen imperial family theater has worked as a young supporting role. Latter because the throat loses Run to dismiss. From this time on starts to study writing, but writes the script completely ill is suitable for the performance, has not used for the theater. In 1822 obtained theater director approximately natrium Si Corrin's subsidization, went study in the Slye distress you a Chinese zither grammar school. These year he has written "Youth's Attempt" a book, by William Chrystie peaceful Walter's pen name publication. This pen name has included Sha Shibiya, Anderson and Si Gete name. In 1827 published the first poem "Dying Child", in 1829, he entered the University of Copenhagen to study. His first important work "1,828 And in 1829 to Arab League Stepped East Distress Island from Hall Gate Canal Angle Walk To record" is published in 1829. This is rich in the sense of humor the travel notes, quite has the German writer Hoffman's literary style. This travel notes publication enable Anderson to obtain society's preliminary acknowledgement. Hereafter he continues to be engaged in the play to create. In 1831 he went to Germany to travel, in the homeward journey has written the traveling note. In 1833 went to Italy, has created a poem play "In Egger Especially with Mermaid" and take Italy as the background novel "Extemporaneously Poet" (1,835). After the novel publication soon, is translated the German and English, symbolized the author starts to have the international prestige.


高分求西方的著名画家和他的经典作品的英文介绍...不要太难的 不要太难,中等长度,高中英语课前讲话用...今天之内解决啊...谢谢了...答好可追分..现有改变..要米开朗基罗的个人简介和经典作品简介(英文的)... 不要太难,中等长度,高中英语课前讲话用...今天之内解决啊...谢谢了...答好可追分..现有...

“徒生白发亦堪怜” (4字医学用语)



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赞皇县13164274656: 安徒生英语 - 搜狗百科
鄂郎奕丰:[答案] Hans Christian Andersen ,from Denmark, was born in 1805 and died in 1875.He did not go to school but to study sewing technique for his poor family. He experienced early life in the society. In his 14 years old, he worked at a theatre. With the help of ...

赞皇县13164274656: 安徒生的英语介绍
鄂郎奕丰: 安徒生是丹麦作家,男,17岁时开始发表作品,24岁时作品开始受到社会重视,总共创作童话168篇.题材大都从他经历过或目睹过的社会生活中提取,真实地描写了穷苦人民的不幸遭遇,揭露和讽刺了反动阶级的凶残和愚蠢.他的许多作品已...

赞皇县13164274656: 安徒生英文个人简介(短) -
鄂郎奕丰: 安徒生(1805~1875) Andersen was born in 1805 and he was died in 1875. He was a clever man. And he was very happy man. People liked him,and he liked people.

赞皇县13164274656: 请根据下列内容,用英语写一篇介绍世界著名童话作家安徒生( Hans Christian Anderson )的短文.词数: 100~120 . 他生于 1805 年.十一岁丧父.由... -
鄂郎奕丰:[答案] 答案: 提示: Anderson was born in 1805. His father died when he was only eleven years old. As his family was very poor his parents couldn't send him to school. He had to go and learn sewing in order to make a living. At the age of fourteen he went ...

赞皇县13164274656: 书面表达:根据下列内容,用英语写一篇介绍世界著名童话作家安徒生短文:他生于1805年,十一岁丧父,由于家庭贫穷,童年时期没能上学,他跟人学习... -
鄂郎奕丰:[答案] He was born in 1805. His father died when he was only 11. He couldn't afford to go to school, owing to poverty, and he learned tailoring as an apprentice. He worked in a theater, and later, with the help of some benevolent patrons, he went to school and ...

赞皇县13164274656: 用英语写一篇世界著名作家《安徒生》的短文 .字数100左右 -
鄂郎奕丰:[答案] Hans Christian Andersen was born in the town of Odense,Denmark,on Tuesday,April 2,1805.He was an only child."Hans" and "Christian" are traditional Danish names.字数限制

赞皇县13164274656: 安徒生简介(英文) 初中生用 -
鄂郎奕丰: Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), Denmark in nineteenth Century, the famous fairy tale writer, poet, is one of the representatives of the world literary fairy tale characters. He was born in Odense city of a poor shoemaker family, childhood living ...

赞皇县13164274656: 安徒生的简介(英语) -
鄂郎奕丰: Anderson (1,805 - 1,875) Danish writer. On April 2, 1805 had been born in the Danish Fyn Odense's slum area. The father is a poor shoemaker, once volunteered the service, resists Napoleon's aggression, after retired from the armed services dies...

赞皇县13164274656: 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生简介 -
鄂郎奕丰: 安徒生(Heinz Christian Andersen 1805—1875) 丹麦作家.1805年4月2日生于丹麦菲英岛欧登塞的贫民区.父亲是个穷鞋匠,曾志愿服役,抗击拿破仑·波拿巴的侵略,退伍后于1816年病故.当洗衣工的母亲不久即改嫁.安徒生从小就为贫...

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