我需要哈利波特神态描写段落 很急谢谢大家

作者&投稿:智骨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
哈利波特中国王十字路口是什么?? 我是哈利迷,谢谢大家了!!~


1.It’s always hard to start at a new school. Now imagine that a wand and a Cauldron(坩埚) are on your school supply list, and everyone knows everything about you before you arrive. In fact, you’re not only the most famous person in the school, you’re the most famous person in that world …AND it’s a world full of wizards. That’s just how Harry Potter started his first year at Hogwarts—that’s just his first DAY! Can you imagine what will happen next? Join the thrills, laughs, and adventure—read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone(《哈利波特与魔法石》).
Did you know? Professor Snape(斯内普) teaches Potions(魔药课) and does not like Harry./ The Mirror of Erised (尤里斯魔镜)shows you your heart's deepest desire./ Harry's best friend, Ron Weasley(罗恩韦斯莱),is a whiz at Wizard's Chess(巫师棋)./ Harry meets the kindly giant Hagrid(海格) on his eleventh birthday, July 31./Harry,Ron(罗恩),and Hermione(赫敏) become friends by battling a twelve-foot troll in the girls' bathroom(盥洗室)./ The train to Hogwarts leaves from Platform 9 ¾(九又四分之三站台)at Kings Cross station(王国十字车站./ Both of know-it-all Hermione Granger's(赫敏格兰杰) parents are Muggles(麻瓜)and dentists./ Harry is Gryffindor's(格兰芬多)youngest Seeker(找球手) in a century./ This is Harry's first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry(霍格沃茨魔法学校)./ First years are sorted into one of four different Houses: Hufflepuff(赫奇帕奇),Gryffindor, Slytherin(斯莱特林),or Ravenclaw(拉文克劳)./ Professor Quirrell(奇洛) teaches the Defense Against the Dark Arts (黑魔法防御术)class.
2.It’s your second year at this school full of wizards, and things just keep getting weirder. First this strange elf(家养小精灵) with big ears told you not to come back to Hogwarts. Then you traveled to school in a flying car, which you crash-landed in a very violent tree. And now there’s something loose in the castle—something that terrifies everyone and petrifies all who look upon it—something only you understand for only you can speak its language…but how? Thus begins Harry Potter’s second year at Hogwarts, full of wizard duels, secret diaries, disgusting potions, and a deadly mystery. Don’t miss a minute of the intrigue—read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(《哈利波特和密室》).
Did you know? When Hagrid was a student at Hogwarts, he raised a giant spider, or 'acromantula', named Aragog (阿拉戈克),who now lives in the Forbidden Forest(禁林)./The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is named Gilderoy Lockhart(吉德罗 洛哈特)./ Ron is afraid of spiders./Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington(尼古拉斯 德 梅西-波平顿爵士)-better known as the ghost “Nearly Headless Nick” (差点没头的尼克)-celebrates his 500th Deathday in this book./Ginny Weasley(金妮 韦斯莱),Ron's little sister, starts at Hogwarts this year./The Chamber of Secrets (密室)is purported to be a hidden chamber in the castle created by one of the founders of the school-cunning Salazar Slytherin(萨拉查 斯莱特林)./This is Harry's second year at Hogwarts; he is twelve.
3. Have you ever inflated your nasty aunt?Run away from home on a magical bus? Been chased by an escaped convict?And then suddenly met the most important political figure in your whole world,who treats you like his long-lost son?That’s just one very weird night in Harry Potter’s very tumultuous life……and things are about to get even more topsy-turvy.For the ominous Dementors(摄魂怪) have come to Hogwarts to protect Harry from the escaped prisoner Sirius Black(小天狼星布莱克)— a convicted murderer who also happens to be Harry’s godfather.Who is a friend and who is a foe? Find out in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒).
Did you know? Dementors are evil creatures who feed on happiness and make you feel cold and hopeless.They serve as guards at Azkaban(阿兹卡班)./The Shrieking Shack(尖叫棚屋) is reputed to be the most haunted place in all of Britain./The Patronus Charm will repel a Dementor; the incantation is ''Expecto Patronum''(呼神护卫(咒语))/You can defeat a Boggart by shouting ''Riddikulus!''(滑稽滑稽(咒语)) and laughing at it./The Weasleys(韦斯莱家) went to Egypt on a summer holiday trip./The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is named Remus Lupin(斯莱姆 卢平)./An Animagus is a wizard who can change into an animal at will./A hippogriff(鹰头马身有翼兽) is a creature that is half horse,half bird.Chocolate helps cure the effects of the Dementors./A Boggart takes on the shape of whatever you fear the most./Hagrid begins teaching the Care of Magical Creatures (保护神奇生物课)class./This is Harry's third year at Hogwarts; he is thirteen./To open The Monster Book of Monsters(《妖怪们的妖怪书》) - a living,scuttling,biting book - you must stroke its spine.
4. Just when you were getting the hang of your school,they shake things up.First you and your fellow students are sharing the castle with kids from two other schools of magic(魔法学校).Then someone frames you to compete in a dangerous interschool wizarding competition — which really means someone wants you dead. And just when you thought being 14 couldn’t get any worse — you have to attend a dance,and invite a date(舞伴)!Such are the challenges Harry Potter faces in his fourth year at Hogwarts — not to mention the Quidditch World Cup(魁地奇世界杯) a terrible fight with Ron,a nasty reporter named Rita Skeeter(丽塔 斯基特),and the possible return of Lord Voldemort(伏地魔). It’s a big book,full of even bigger surprises.Better get started reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(哈利波特与火焰杯).
Did you know? Lord Voldemort's signal, known as the Dark Mark(黑魔标记), is a skull with a snake protruding from its mouth./A Portkey(门钥匙) looks like a regular object,but if you touch it,it will magically whisk you from one place to another./The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is named Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody(疯眼汉穆迪).He is a former Auror,or Dark wizard(黑魔法) catcher,for the Ministry of Magic(魔法部)./Rita Skeeter is a reporter for the Daily Prophet(《预言家日报》)./The Triwizard Tournament(三强争霸赛) is a competition between one student from each of the three European schools of magic./The three European schools of magic are Hogwarts,Beauxbatons Academy of Magic(布斯巴顿魔法学校),and Durmstrang Institute(德姆斯特朗魔法学校)./Ron has a new pet, an owl named Pigwidgeon(朱薇琼).(He let Ginny name it,to his regret.)/This is Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts; he is fourteen./There are three Unforgivable Curses: the Imperius Curse; the Cruciatus Curse; and Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse/The Goblet of Fire(火焰杯) chooses which students will compete in the Triwizard Tournament(三强争霸赛).
5. Your lifelong enemy is back and your world has been turned upside down. All you want to do is fight, but everyone else is trying to keep you safe and quiet. You try to concentrate on your classes (particularly the big tests coming up at the end of the year), but it’s hard with that pretty older girl who seems to like you, and a horrible new professor who seems to hate you. And then there are the dreams — entrancing, disturbing — of a mysterious door .Welcome to Harry Potter’s fifth year at Hogwarts, where danger lurks at every turn. But Harry wants nothing more than to face it — and soon it’s time to take matters into his own hands. Be there for the action and adventure — read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Did you know? The Order of the Phoenix is a group out to stop Lord Voldemort./Lord Voldemort's followers are called Death Eaters./Fifth-year students take O.W.L.s – Oridinary Wizarding Levels – to determine their magical proficiencies and their classes for the next year./Arthur Weasley works on the seventh floor of the Ministry of Magic./Harry, Hermione and friends form a special Defense Against the Dark Arts study group they call ''D.A.,'' for ''Dumbledore's Army.''/This is Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts; he is fifteen./Ron Weasley joins the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a Keeper; Ginny Weasley comes on as a Seeker./St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries is the wizard hospital.
6. The war against Voldemort has started, and everyone in the wizarding world has chosen sides. (They have to, or else a side will choose them.) Even in the midst of a war, your daily life goes on — captaining the Quidditch team, studying Transfiguration and Potions, dreaming of that beautiful redhead in the fifth year. And yet everything is about to change . . .After five years of thrills and adventure, Harry Potter’s life is taking a new path — straight to a fight against Lord Voldemort. But first he and Professor Dumbledore must try to find out as much as they can about a boy once named Tom Riddle — the boy who became Lord Voldemort. Discover the history that will determine the future — read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Did you know? Bill Weasley, Ron's older brother, is engaged./A bezoar - a stone taken from a goat's stomach - will serve as the antidote to most poisons./Horace Slughorn is a new professor at Hogwarts./Sixth-years take their Apparition Test this year./This is Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts; he is sixteen./Fred and George Weasley open a joke shop in Diagon Alley./Sixth-year students also learn to do nonverbal charms - charms where the incantations are not spoken aloud.

也许和哈利长年住在黑洞洞的碗柜里有些关系,他显得比他的同龄人瘦小。他看上去甚至比他实际的身材还要瘦小,因为他只能穿达力的旧衣服,而达力要比他高大三四倍。哈利有一张消瘦的面孔、膝盖骨突出的膝盖、乌黑的头发和一对翠绿的眼睛。他戴着一副用许多 透明胶带粘在一起的圆框眼镜,因为达力总用拳头揍他的鼻子。哈利对自己的外表最喜欢的 就是额头上那道像闪电似的淡淡的疤痕。

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我需要哈利波特神态描写段落 很急谢谢大家
哈利波特:也许和哈利长年住在黑洞洞的碗柜里有些关系,他显得比他的同龄人瘦小。他看上去甚至比他实际的身材还要瘦小,因为他只能穿达力的旧衣服,而达力要比他高大三四倍。哈利有一张消瘦的面孔、膝盖骨突出的膝盖、乌黑的头发和一对翠绿的眼睛。他戴着一副用许多 透明胶带粘在一起的圆框眼镜,因为...

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在魔法世界的奇妙角落,有一股表情包的热潮正在悄然兴起,尤其是哈利波特系列中的斯内普教授,以其独特的魅力和丰富的表情,引发了无数网友的欢笑。让我们一起探索这些令人捧腹的斯内普教授表情包吧!正常与不正常的碰撞 首先,我们看到的是那些略显正经却又不失幽默感的“比较正常系列”。斯内普教授的严肃...



《哈利·波特与魔法石》读后感1 当我读完了《哈利波特与魔法石》时,这本书仿佛把我带到一个神奇的魔法世界,在结束这一段魔幻的旅途后,许多新的思想一涌而上,使我受益匪浅。 前些天,我看了第一部《哈利波特与魔法石》。这部书主要叙述了哈利波特从麻瓜世界到了魔法世界,开始了他的魔法旅程。他在霍格沃茨读书,...



如何分析一部电影的艺术价值 应该从哪几个方面 例如《哈利波特...

海宁市13713032225: 哈利波特的神态描写? -
国忠马来: 哈利波特: 也许和哈利长年住在黑洞洞的碗柜里有些关系,他显得比他的同龄人瘦小.他看上去甚至比他实际的身材还要瘦小,因为他只能穿达力的旧衣服,而达力要比他高大三四倍.哈利有一张消瘦的面孔、膝盖骨突出的膝盖、乌黑的头发和一对翠绿的眼睛.他戴着一副用许多 透明胶带粘在一起的圆框眼镜,因为达力总用拳头揍他的鼻子.哈利对自己的外表最喜欢的 就是额头上那道像闪电似的淡淡的疤痕.

海宁市13713032225: <哈利波特与魔法石>片段读书笔记..好词好句,描写外貌神态的都可以,可加以点评,还有读后感悟..急啊!· -
国忠马来: 女贞路上从来没有见过这个男人.他个子瘦高,银发和银须长到都能够塞到腰带里了,凭这一点就可以断定他...

海宁市13713032225: 哈利波特与魔法石中的优美句子 动作描写 -
国忠马来: 达力用鼻子紧贴着玻璃盯着这盘亮闪闪的棕色巨蟒.“让它动呀.”达力哼哼唧唧地央求他父亲.弗农姨父敲了敲玻璃,巨蟒却纹丝不动.“再敲一遍.”达力命令说.弗农姨父用指节狠狠地敲玻璃,可大蟒继续打盹o“真烦人.”达力抱怨了...

海宁市13713032225: 我要一段哈里波特中人物的外貌描写~~~~~~~急
国忠马来: 阿不思·邓布利多:又高又瘦,巫师气质突出,有飘逸的银白色(年轻时是赤褐色)长发和胡子(有几英尺长,可以束进腰带),长长的鹰钩鼻,好像折断过几次,半月形眼镜,明亮湛蓝的眼睛,极具穿透性(像X光),手指修长,说话时经常把指尖对在一起,左膝盖上有疤痕,是一副完整的伦敦地铁图,写得一手细长的,圈圈套圈圈的字.

海宁市13713032225: 《哈利波特与魔法石》中外貌描写的句子 -
国忠马来: P1:他高大魁梧,胖得几乎连脖子都没有了,却蓄着一脸大胡子.德思礼太太是一个削瘦的金发女人.她的脖子几乎比正常人长一倍. P5:他个子瘦高,银发和银须长到都能够塞到腰带里了,凭这一点就可以断定他年纪已经很大了.他穿一件...

海宁市13713032225: 描写哈利波特的句子 -
国忠马来: 翻开书,几乎隔两行就有. 比如波特心里想: 波特觉得: 波特感觉: 这样的基本都是心理描写. 再者所有有关情绪的也都是心理描写.

海宁市13713032225: 哈利·波特里写人的精彩片段 -
国忠马来: 邓布利多:高大削瘦,和蔼慈祥,巫师气质突出有飘逸的银白色(年轻时是赤褐色)长发和胡子(有几英尺长,可以束进腰带)长长的有弯折的鹰钩鼻,好像折断过几次半月形的眼镜明亮湛蓝的眼睛,极具穿透性,目光常常是顺着鼻梁往下手指修长,说话时经常把指尖对在一起左膝盖上有疤痕,是一副完整的伦敦地图写得一手细长的、歪向一边的、圈圈套圈圈的花体字

海宁市13713032225: 哈利波特的外在形象,一句话描绘.急!!! -
国忠马来: 戴着眼镜的,额头上有着伤疤的魔法界小名人

海宁市13713032225: 哈利波特精彩片段摘抄50字 -
国忠马来: “哈利,你是第七个魂器,是他无意间制造的.他把自己的灵魂弄得极不稳定,当他犯下那些可怕的罪行——谋杀你的父母、并试图杀害一个孩子时,他的灵魂就分裂了.但是,从那屋里逃脱的比他自己知道的还少.他不仅留下了那孩子的身体,他自己的一部分还附着在你——那个大难不死的孩子身上. “可悲啊,他始终一知半解,哈利!伏地魔对于他不看重的东西,从不花功夫去理解.关于家养小精灵和童话传说,关于爱、忠诚和单纯,伏地魔一无所知.一无所知.其实它们都具有一种比他更加强大的力量,一种超越任何魔法的力量,但他始终没有领会这个事实.这段是最让我有触动的一段,所以很长.

海宁市13713032225: 哈利波特与凤凰社描写人物的精彩片段 -
国忠马来: 卢娜部分:坐在窗边的那个姑娘抬起了头.她长着一头乱蓬蓬、脏兮兮、长达腰际的金黄色头发,眉毛的颜色非常浅,两只眼睛向外凸出,这使她老有一种吃惊的表情.哈利立刻明白为什么纳威情愿放过这间包厢了.这姑娘身上明显地透着一种...

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