
作者&投稿:应莲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Secret garden.很简单,就是这样,原著上也是如此。亲,希望采纳。

Young Mary Lennox is a bad-tempered little girl that no one likes. Mary is orphaned by an earthquake in India and sent to England to live with her uncle in a cold ancestral manor in Yorkshire. Mary's uncle is still mourning for his wife who died ten years ago. A resourceful and inquisitive girl, Mary soon makes two exciting discoveries. First she finds an overgrown secret garden, the favorite of her aunt. The garden has been locked up since her death. Second, Mary discovers that she has a cousin, Colin, a sickly boy who has been told he must remain in bed out of the daylight at all times. Mary and another new friend, Dickon, bring the garden back to life. They decide to bring Colin to see the garden. That fateful decision miraculously change all the people's lives.

电子书名称 Secret Garden-txt
电子书格式 txt格式/



秘密花园》(The Secret Garden)是一百年来畅销不衰的经典儿童小说,它被一代代孩子们不断重复阅读,是很多人童年时代记忆最深刻的书。




Secret Garden n.神秘园;秘密花园;一个音乐组合 例句:1、I love here though I don't want it to be a secret garden for myself forever.虽然我不再想把这里当做我个人的秘密花园了,但是我还是很爱这里。2、Everyone has a secret garden in a heart.在每个人的心里都有自己的秘密花园。...

秘密花园 [词典] [电影] Himitsu no hanazono;[例句]我们喜欢来这里是因为这就你是个秘密花园。We love coming here because it's like a secret garden.

秘密花园的英文简介如下:The Secret Garden is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It was first published in its entirety in 1911. It is now one of Burnett's most popular novels, and is considered to be a classic of English children's literature. Several stage and film adaptations...

秘密花园的英文名字是Secret Garden,位于塞班岛,此酒店是4星级酒店。2019年开业,共有6间房。SecretGarden坐落于塞班岛的南部,拥有无敌海景。别墅面朝大海,所有房间都是无敌海景房。早上可以枕着海浪的声音让鸟儿愉悦的声音把您唤醒。来一杯咖啡,看着日出,开启美好的一天!下午4点左右,阳台上基本没...

《秘密花园》(The Secret Garden)是美国女作家弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特创作的儿童文学作品。弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特(1849~1924)英语世界家喻户晓的儿童文学作家,生于英国曼彻斯特市,在英国度过童年,1865年随全家移民美国田纳西州。代表作品有小说《小爵士》、《秘密花园》和《小公主》,三部小说都曾...

《秘密花园》这部英文小说的作者是Frances Hodgson Burnett ,主人公玛丽是一个任性而又孤傲的富家小公主,不幸的是一场瘟疫让她变成了一个可怜的孤儿。随后她被在古老庄园生活的亲戚收养,她和表兄在秘密花园里恢复了孩子纯真善良的天性。震撼人心的英文小说Frankenstein《弗兰肯斯坦》这部英文小说作者是Mary...


中文名称:秘密花园 英文名称:The Secret Garden 资源类型:DVDRip 发行时间:1993年 电影导演:Agnieszka Holland 电影演员:艾琳·雅各布 Irène Jacob 约翰·林奇 John Lynch 玛吉·史密斯 Maggie Smith 地区:美国,英国 语言:英语 剧情简介:在印度遭逢巨变而失去双亲的玛莉被安排到英国投靠唯一的亲人舅舅...

Secret Garden A girl born in rich family in India was brought back to England by her uncle after the death of her parents. In her uncle's big house, the girl got to know someone else, including two boys, one of whom was the younger brother of a maid and the other of ...

电子书名称 Secret Garden-txt 电子书格式 txt格式\/ http:\/\/www.99121.com\/Soft\/1\/112\/2006\/200604281672.html http:\/\/www.jxlx.cn\/Soft\/rtzy\/rtyy\/200606\/508.asp 秘密花园 秘密花园》(The Secret Garden)是一百年来畅销不衰的经典儿童小说,它被一代代孩子们不断重复阅读,是很多人童年...

谷城县15780944160: 英语翻译《秘密花园》是美国女作家弗朗西丝.伯内特的作品.故事以一座颇富神秘和传奇色的古老庄园为背景,透过一位在一天中丧失了双亲的小玛莉远渡重... -
望享金归:[答案] "Secret Garden" is the American writer Frances. Burnett's work. The story of a mysterious and legendary input on the old manor house as the background color through a day lost parents in the small Mar...

谷城县15780944160: 求文档: 秘密花园 英语
望享金归: 1.The opening chapter in the The Secret Garden finds Mary Lennox an ugly and disagreeable girl.She has a little thin face and a little thin body,thin light hair and a sour expression.Her hair is yellow,and her face is yellow because she has been born ...

谷城县15780944160: 秘密花园英文怎么写 -
望享金归: secret garden

谷城县15780944160: 秘密花园黑布林英语阅读翻译 -
望享金归: 翻译成英文是Secret Garden black brin 下图是翻译截图

谷城县15780944160: 《秘密花园》的主要内容,要英文的 -
望享金归: Mary Lennox lives with her rich parents in India. No one has ever really cared for her; hardly anyone knows she is even there. One day a cholera epidemic breaks out and nearly everyone dies. Mary hides in the nursery and when she wakes up the ...

谷城县15780944160: 秘密花园英文简介50个单词左右 -
望享金归: 综述:A girl born in rich family in India was brought back to England by her uncle after the death of her parents. In her uncle's big house, the girl got to know someone else, including two boys. one of whom was the younger brother of a maid and the ...

谷城县15780944160: !!请问哪个英文网站有(美国)弗朗西斯·霍奇森·伯内特的《秘密花园》?要英文的喔~ -
望享金归: 你看有没有用..http://www.readprint.com/work-130/Francis-Hodgson-Burnetthttp://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Frances_Hodgson_Burnett/The_Secret_Garden/http://www.online-literature.com/burnett/secretgarden/

谷城县15780944160: 求三五句英语《秘密花园》的介绍 -
望享金归: Secret Garden A girl born in rich family in India was brought back to England by her uncle after the death of her parents. In her uncle's big house, the girl got to know someone else, including two boys, one of whom was the younger brother of a maid ...

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