
作者&投稿:狂丽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙翻译一段话! 谢谢 翻译成英文~

Translation is the process of expressing the meaning of words from one language to another. In short, translation is an art in which the original meaning of the author is expressed accurately in different languages. From the above definition, we know that the information in the original text should be maintained as much as possible, without any additions or deletions. The role of the translator is to switch the language without changing the meaning. Therefore, there are two key elements in translation, namely accuracy and expressiveness. Accuracy is the first and basic requirement for any translation. Translators must follow the author's thought cautiously, thus the words and sentence structures of choice have to faithfully express the content of the original text. Expressiveness is needed for easier understanding of the translated text. In other words, the translator has to rely on his or her own skills in the effort to express the meaning of the original text clearly and strongly. Accuracy ensures the correctness of the translated information, while expressiveness leads to a more vivid and attractive read.

The flower language of lavender is to wait for love,
The my hand holds one stub lavender,
Stare at that sadness quietly of purple,
I want to wait for my happiness,
Happiness that belongs to my a person,
No matter how long it is, I will wait for,
Have been waiting for ……

Assuming that ROS is the reason for causing sperm fragmentation during the course of incubation, Muratori had discovered that under the laboratory environment without any intervention, the DNA fragmentation of spermatozoa was not caused by endogenous ROS; the conclusion presented by our data coincides with his conclusion. Our data shows that by applying 6-8 hours of “gradient centrifugation” method, the speed of DNA fragmentation is slower than that by the “swim up” method.

When we compare these two methods, the angle sizes of these two lines explain the speed of their DNA fragmentations. Both of these two methods can be used to select spermatozoa of good motility and to remove the inactive and necrotic spermatozoa; but the immature spermatozoa can only be removed by the “swim up” method. On the other hand, electron microscopic observation has shown that there are persistent cytoplasmic residues in immature spermatozoa; this is the important factor for the generation of ROS.



Hypothesis is explained in ROS sperm incubation process, the reasons of fragments Muratori found: laboratory environment without any intervention measures, sperm fragmentation is not produced by endogenous ROS, our data shows that we conclusion and his conclusion the same. Our data shows "gradient method" 6 to 8 hours DNA fragmentation speeds slower than "upstream method". When we compare the two kinds of method, the two lines from the point of view of the size indicates their fragmentation speed. The two methods can be decreased activity were good sperm, remove the sperm and necrosis no vitality, but only sperm gradient method to remove not mature sperm. On the other hand, electron microscopy showed not mature sperm exist, this is the residual cytoplasm ROS produced important reasons

Hypothesis is explained in ROS sperm incubation process, the reasons of fragments Muratori found: laboratory environment without any intervention measures, sperm fragmentation is not produced by endogenous ROS, our data shows that we conclusion and his conclusion the same. Our data shows "gradient method" 6 to 8 hours DNA fragmentation speeds slower than "upstream method". When we compare the two kinds of method, the two lines from the point of view of the size indicates their fragmentation speed. The two methods can be decreased activity were good sperm, remove the sperm and necrosis no vitality, but only sperm gradient method to remove not mature sperm. On the other hand, electron microscopy showed not mature sperm exist, this is the residual cytoplasm ROS produced important reasons.

Fragmentation: DNA fragmentation gradient method: "gradients centrifugation" upstream law: "swim up"

Residual cytoplasm persistent cytoplasmic: residues

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英文高手 请给我帮翻译中文成英文
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求英语高手帮我把中文译成英文 (手工翻译,拒绝机器软件翻译)
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英语高手进来 ,帮我翻译一段话~~急急急
Dear leaders of the unit:Hello!I am a 07 session Xi'an Translation College of Business English graduates, at school I seriously learn the knowledge, passed the CET examination, examination 2 through the computer. In college, I joined the glorious Communist Party of China, and has ...

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and can use the daily office software, also understood to the network application. university period adopted the university English application ability to take a test a level test. in university period, I obtain each scholarship many times. Also holds the post has organized committee me...

烈山区17146407260: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
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逮辰清眩:[答案] After reading your message,i felt so sorry~i should've made such a huge mistake that i thought i was not that important in your ... 木有主语额,应该用分词~后面love you ,love you 木有这么写的,重复,总给人感觉是翻译软件翻译的

烈山区17146407260: 请英语高手帮我翻译一句话,谢谢 -
逮辰清眩: Hello, my dear friend: Thank you for watching this program. If you order 10, you need to add 70 dollars post fee per set.

烈山区17146407260: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢谢~~~~~~~~~~ -
逮辰清眩: Dear valuable customer Regarding the product ***,PO ***, sorry to tell you that please change your order to 37 barrels (7030 KG) because of the following reasons:●2 barrels are deformation and shortage of paint from our vendor, this will affect ...

烈山区17146407260: 求英文高手帮我翻译一下这段话.翻译成中文(在线等).谢谢!hey bebe`i am at school right now!Miss you sooooooooo much!love you as always! -
逮辰清眩:[答案] 嘿bebe `我在学校里,现在! 想念你sooooooooo得多! 爱你一如既往

烈山区17146407260: 请各位英语达人帮我翻译一段话 谢谢!! -
逮辰清眩: To see whether a woman self-confident, after looking at her up remover. To see whether a man self-confident, to see him after falling out of love. Look at a man's taste, depends on his socks. To see whether a woman pampered, to look at her hand. ...

烈山区17146407260: 英语高手请进来```帮我翻译一段话 谢谢了``` -
逮辰清眩: I cann't let you go, because I feel like I've fallen in love with you. I will have a try even if it is impossible.I know you love me too, so please don't hide your feeling any longer.

烈山区17146407260: 请英文高手帮我英译一段话~谢谢 -
逮辰清眩: The network contact has become the university student daily life now an important aspect.The author has in light of this conducted the interview research and the questionnaire survey to the Yangzhou area 298 university students.The interview object ...

烈山区17146407260: 请各位英语高手帮我翻译一下这个句子谢谢 -
逮辰清眩: 第一句的意思是 我已经把转过身来,背向黑暗(是后背面对黑暗,也就是要远离黑暗的意思) 第二句是说:我将永远都不会在回头(never侧重永远的强调语气,应该翻译出来),我现在唯一的路(或者翻译成我现在唯一要做的),就是走向光明.theat是theater电影院的缩写, 但是很少这样用的.而且放在这也完全说不通的.一定应该是that你打错了,换成that就很通顺了.希望能对你有帮助.

烈山区17146407260: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
逮辰清眩: I'm very sorry to tell you that a customer has come to our factory and signed a contract of 5000 kilograms products purchase order, so we can not supply you the products you need. But we hope sincerely that you could place your first order to us after ...

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