
作者&投稿:謇诚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

what's this in English?

Once is there common life to lead
one keeps striving for feed
Once fed satiety in deed
he wants attire in need
Once sufficient has he been ,
a bride would be a new gleam
Once got family he used to yearn,
a lack of estate would be seen
Once landed with great deals,
he hence aches for new steeds
Once fulfilled as he feels,
he complains about dearth of seals
Once never was he gratified the least,
further lusts for the king's seat.
Once made the world under heel,
he hunts for theurgy beyond real
Once content with his greed?
Only if he got sober out of daydream.

I have a simple dream. In the future, I wish I can have a nice job, my parents will be happy and healthy every day. My family will live together happily.

This is my dream. A dream which seems so easy, but takes so much to be full filled. Don't you think so?


I have a simple dream. In the future, I will get a good job, my fater and mother lead a happy life, both of them are healthy. The whole family are living in peace.
This is my dream, it seems simple and easy, but hard to reach. How do you think about it?

I have a simple dream. In the future, I will get a good job and my parents will be happy and healthy. We will have a happy life.
This is my dream, a dream which seems to be simple, meanwhile hard to be fulfilled. How do you think? (Don't you think so?)

i have a simple dream.I get a good job, my parents will be happy and healthy. We will spend our time happily.
It is my dream which is simply but hard to fulfill.Do you agree?

英语高手来帮我翻译成英语呀 谢谢!!!
booth to the terminal pay for the tickets. Journey time about 16 hours, the fare should be 1000RMB (146 U.S. Dollar) ~ 2000RMB (292 dollars), because it is divided into the Principal cabin, first class and second class, so the fare difference.参考资料:英语在线翻译 ...

I feel bored you should stay with me.No matter what I say,you should agree.16.Love all my advantages,and accept all my disadvantages.17.You can speak filthy language,but not be barbaric to me.18.You should see me as your only baby.我可是一个字一个字敲出来的。累死了。

1.Never going to fall afoul of a do not want you to excuse me, or you will only make people and himself.永远不要去缠着一个不想被你打扰的人,不然只会让别人和自己都不开心。2.Not hurt anyone anything to the circumstances, not to go to any change anything, whether your ...

高手帮我翻译成英语 跪了
I met you by coincidence. Your smile is so sweet, the first time i've ever seen a smile as sweet as yours, which made me obsessed with you.

1. Reading can enable us to gain more knowledge, do not go out, they know the world, we can improve the reading ability and writing level. , We can make the changes that accomplishment. , Will enable us to find a good job, so that we can be competitive in the social ...

Received a letter from you I am very pleased to know that you have a smooth home. You do not have a good rest home after work, it is tough for you, you have to take good care of themselves, feel tired right now, I look at our sample of the wedding, according to the...

我知道我曾誓言 照顾你,保护你,和你一起一辈子…,但我身处两难…。现在,或许最好的办法就是离开你…我已经不指望别人能理解,更不奢望得到原谅…。但我真的希望有一天你能够理解…希望有一天你会原谅…。我全心全意爱着你…,直到永远…。I know that once I did vow to take care of you,...

后面“哀而不伤…”到最后修饰“悲剧”,但是太长,故此用另一句话表达。在这句话中,用插入语表达哀而不伤,符合英语习惯,更地道。2. 这句话意译,译成问句,感情更强烈。tears名词更地道。grave坟墓,更生动。[借鉴调味品的,他翻译的很有功底,只是有几处错误。其他翻译的就一般了。]...

是这样的:Hello! I am Hunan mechanical and electrical institute graduating faculty graduate, specialized is the international trade practice, in July I smoothly will graduate. In the near future learned your firm is advertising for the talented person, I will be self-confident I to be...

1.Never pester someone reluctant to be disturbed by you,which might make both of you unhappy.2.Without prejudice to anyone and anything,never change your idea for the sake of others. Because who your parents,families,friends or your partner love is just you yourself.3.When you ...

西峡县18217222146: 英语翻译请英语高手帮我把:“你英语学的不错.”这句话翻译成英文. -
氐涛安卡:[答案] You learn English very well. You have a good study of English. 都可以

西峡县18217222146: 请英语翻译高手帮我翻译,谢谢!
氐涛安卡: my love, my feeling

西峡县18217222146: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这句话 -
氐涛安卡: You need to believe something like courage. fate, life, fortune and confidence, though these will lead you to somewhat unusual. 感觉后面用“即使”连接有点奇怪哦~

西峡县18217222146: 请高手用英语帮我翻译一下
氐涛安卡: During the winter holiday, I was happy all everyday. In this week, I had a happy winter holiday. ~~~ PS:中文后半句好像就不大通

西峡县18217222146: 请高手帮我翻译一句英语!
氐涛安卡: “我对我的专业很感兴趣!我会很用功把它学好!”I am very interested in professional! I will work very hard to learn it well!

西峡县18217222146: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这句话,谢谢噶嗨,女孩~你在看什么?看来看去还不是在看我! 请帮我翻译成音语的..... -
氐涛安卡:[答案] 嗨,女孩~你在看什么?看来看去还不是在看我! Hi, pretty girl. What are you looking at? Are you looking at me!

西峡县18217222146: 请英语高手帮我翻译这句话,不要翻译器的,谢谢A:彼得,我们好久不见!B:是啊,我们该找个时间聚一聚. -
氐涛安卡:[答案] A."Hi,Peter,we haven't seen each other for a long time!." B." Yes,indeed.We should find some time to get together." 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

西峡县18217222146: 请英语高手帮我翻译一句话(汉译英),谢谢 -
氐涛安卡: Please tell me how late you can accept of the delivery.the latest 是最新的意思....

西峡县18217222146: 我是一个摄影师.我也想成为一个摄影师.请各位英语高手帮我翻成英文. -
氐涛安卡:[答案] I am a photographer.I also want to be a photographer.

西峡县18217222146: 请英语高手帮我翻译个句子:what do you need for shcool?谢谢! -
氐涛安卡:[答案] what do you need for shcool?(拼错?school 学校?) 去学校你需要什么? 要看上下句,确定是什么方面的需要

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