
作者&投稿:能馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Entered in 2009, domestic color TV market "Blu-ray" television emergence: Hisense, Changhong, TCL, Skyworth, Konka have dished out the "blue" the concept of flat-panel TVs. With regard to differences in the pattern of competition as the main domestic color TV market, a giant joint push the concept of total rare. In the end is what the market needs, so many TV companies strategic surprisingly consistent with each other?

Surname to see high-definition television

The past five years of domestic flat-panel TV market has maintained rapid growth. From the initial years, less than 30 million sales to annual sales in 2008 exceeded 12.6 million units, flat-panel TVs really become the domestic color TV industry's leading product. Refusing to incomplete statistics, current flat-panel TV products to maintain the volume of more than 27 million units by the end of 2009 deadline, the figure may reach 45 million Taiwan. House to three terms, domestic consumers will have a crowd of flat-panel products, will be 135 million to achieve in 2009.

To LCD and plasma technology products on behalf of the flat-panel TVs, can be welcomed by consumers, there are three main reasons: ultra-thin, large size and high-definition. Which consumers buy high-definition flat-panel TVs, one of the most important factor. Flat-panel televisions and products than the traditional CRT, but also easy to form large-sized ultra-clear screen, a significant change in the past, people's understanding of color, so that consumers of TV consumption from the past "watch TV" upgraded to "enjoy the TV."

Digital high-definition programming problem to be solved

In a large number of consumers to buy high-definition television at the same time, the domestic high-definition television industry does not sound perfect the bottleneck has been revealed. According to statistics, currently has high-definition television consumers really enjoy the TV at home had high-definition programming less than 30%; high-definition programming every week to see less than 10%; primarily on high-definition programming is less than 1%. Why should consumers buy the high-definition TV does not see high-definition programming? The reason is that the domestic TV industry small number of high-definition programs simply can not meet the needs of the consumers.

According to statistics, China has completed more than 50 million of the city cable television digital conversion, to the end of 2009 there will be dozens of domestic urban areas to open wireless terrestrial digital signals, broadcast radio and television departments satellite systems also have been able to cover most areas of domestic . The above data shows that the basis of national radio and television networks have to meet the spread of digital high-definition programming requirements.

However, the high-definition television and digital television networks with different backgrounds. Digital radio and television networks is a matter of the government's actions, Waste Management project, the owner of a relatively more financial security. And high-definition television is the television of more "market behavior." High-definition television production costs are higher than the ordinary television programs, television programming and other institutions have to solve the "HD" a matter of profit making. In the present, digital television and high-definition programming model of the uncertain profitability, profitability remains to be tested against the backdrop of the domestic TV industry the lack of high-definition content of the short term the situation may be difficult to break.

Color TV manufacturers play the Blu-ray license, people rely on the network to see high-definition

On the one hand is the large number of users would like to see high-definition television programs, radio and television, on the other hand is the lack of high-definition content, the ultimate pressure contradictions between the two color TV industry in the terminal manufacturers. This also became the 2009 "blue" flat-panel TVs of the root causes of the popularity.

Blu-ray of the domestic color TV enterprises television, mainly refers to the adoption of flat-panel TV's built-in decoder chip USB interface on the TV broadcast of the storage devices on the high-definition "content" features. High-definition content, which can be downloaded from the network or the consumer's own DV video. According to statistics, the Internet has a large number of paid or free high-definition video content source and the general content of the source of the film. Make full use of network resources and consumer high-definition home-made high-definition video, has become the current color products "to enjoy high-definition" the most viable options.

Hisense, TCL, Skyworth and other TV companies have been offering in 2009 is available on the Internet to directly decode the entire Blu-ray high-definition video quality of flat-panel TVs in the future is not only a "3C" to grasp the trend of integration is based on the number of domestic million consumers to resolve the practical difficulties of the current innovation. Consumers to buy Blu-ray feature support for flat-panel products, you can take full advantage of rich content on the network resources as a means to break the "no high-definition high-definition TV to see" the application of embarrassment.

我也很奇怪,明明给你翻译过了阿 ,再给发一次。我已经保存了,再丢,你直接站短我,我发给你
On s’est quitté cela fait deux ans
Je continue de pleurer, souvent
Savoir avec qui tu es
Ne plus vouloir y penser

Tant de chemins, de rêves ensemble
Pourquoi maintenant je suis tout seul
J’ ai perdu la force d écrire
Je t aime comme auparavant

A force de t’aimer, J’ai perdu mon Bonheur
因为爱你 ,我失去了我的幸福
Comme si la distance, le temps manquaient a mon coeur
A force de t’aimer, mélange de rancoeurs,
N’avoir pas pu saisir ma chance a temps

A force de t’aimer, je ne t’oublierai jamais
Tous ces moments gravés a jamais dans mon coeur
A force de t’aimer, mélange de douceur
J ai gardé, la lune peut témoigner, Le sens de t’aimer


Poly-phenol oxidases (PPOs) are the major enzymes causing enzymatic browning of fruits & vegetables, and the most important factor of juice browning. PPOs from different sources have significant difference in their physical and chemical properties resulting in different sensitivities to a given physical or chemical treatment. In practice, proper selection of PPO inhibitory methods according to species, sources and processing characters of various foods plays an important role in the improvement of product quality. To make a reference for the inhibitory of browning in apple processing as well as the improvement of product quality, the author analyzed the effects of some factors as pH, temperature, and inhibitors of PPOs from four apple varieties on the enzymatic activity. PPO solution was extracted from fruit powder prepared in liquid nitrogen, and PPO activity was determined using a spectrometer, then the effects of pH, temperature, substrate, substrate concentration, and inhibitors on enzymatic activity was studied in the laboratory. The result shows that the optimal pH and temperature for PPO were 5.0 and 35 ° C, respectively, when catechol was used as a substrate; sodium bisulfite, homocysteine, and ascorbic acid (VC) were strong inhibitors, while the inhibitory of citric acid was slightly lower than that of the three compounds mentioned above.

Polyphenol oxidase is caused enzymatic browning of fruits and vegetables major enzymes, cause browning of fruit juice most important factor. PPO sources are different, their physical and chemical properties are fairly different. thus on the same physical or chemical treatment sensitivity, in practice, according to the food of different types of raw materials, source and processing characteristics, reasonable choice PPO activity in the method for improving the quality of products is important. This study analyzes four apple varieties PPO certain nature, that is, pH, temperature, inhibitors of the activity, with a view to processing apples inhibit browning improve product quality frame of reference. Preparation of liquid nitrogen with good fruit extract powder PPO enzyme used Spectrophotometry PPO activity by the experimental study of pH, temperature, substrate, the substrate concentration and the activity of inhibitors of the impact. The results showed : catechol as substrate, PPO The optimum pH of 5.0, the optimum temperature of 35 ° C; Sodium bisulfite, Homocysteine, a strong inhibitor of ascorbic acid, citric acid inhibition word.



【Boxbio】揭秘多酚氧化酶活性的精密测试——邻苯二酚法检测试剂盒(货号:AKAO004)<\/ 在生物界中,多酚氧化酶(PPO)扮演着至关重要的角色,它是酪氨酸酶、儿茶酚酶和酚酶的统称,铜作为其辅基,赋予它催化一元酚和二元酚氧化的能力,这一过程产生的醌物质导致了我们熟知的果蔬褐化现象,对于食品工...





为什么是有营养吗?请是具体的。(4) BR \/> 19。请仔细阅读第② - ④段,填写相应的内容在下面就行了。(4)(1)抗坏血酸添加到果汁和蔬菜汁机制:它可以醌还原到初始状态的多酚类物质,可以 (2)加入抗坏血酸的作用机制添加硝酸盐在熟肉制品: 可以抑制亚硝酸盐的肉类亚硝胺这个转变过程中的氨基酸反应的发生。


研究茶多酚氧化酶的酶学特性,对于理解茶叶加工过程中的化学变化及其对品质的影响至关重要。湖南农业大学的赵淑娟等人利用柠檬酸-磷酸氢二钠缓冲液提取并研究了茶叶鲜叶中的多酚氧化酶(PolyPhenoloxidase, PPO)。实验通过分光光度法探讨了pH值、温度和抑制剂对其活性的影响。研究结果显示,PPO在以邻苯二酚为...

武江区18272369548: 求下面这段有关多酚氧化酶的翻译?十分感谢!! -
奚勉乳酸: Polyphenol oxidase is caused enzymatic browning of fruits and vegetables major enzymes, cause browning of fruit juice most important factor. PPO sources are different, their physical and chemical properties are fairly different. thus on the same ...

武江区18272369548: 求各位大神英语翻译下面这段话!!!!! -
奚勉乳酸: Nescafe company, founded in 1867 by Henry Nestor Lai, headquartered in Switzerland Geneva Lake in Vevey, has more than 500 factories in the world, as the world's largest food manufacturers. The company originated in Switzerland, the first is ...

武江区18272369548: 请高手帮忙把下面这段话翻译成韩国语,谢谢! -
奚勉乳酸: A:실례 지만 지금 이 배추? B:있 을 뿐 아직 어린 데 (보름 앞으로 당신 에 전화 하 라 거나 전화번호 나 에게 남 겨 두 겠 습니다) 연락 드 리 겠 습니다. A:좋 습니다.그렇다 면 무 있 어요? B:없 는 (). A:배추 나 는 5. 5kg 을 에게 무 두 1kg 이 었 다.저 는 내일 (오늘) 오후 나 서 고맙습니다. B:네, 없이 고 마 워 요.안녕히 가 세요!

武江区18272369548: 谁能帮我翻译下面这段话?谢谢! -
奚勉乳酸: As of the new curriculum reform, the traditional sports and health cla...

武江区18272369548: 翻译下面这段话 -
奚勉乳酸: 在这个冬天,寒冷的东北地区并不是一个好呆的地方,所以,正好趁机去佛罗里达州萨拉索塔度过周末.在出门去晒晒太阳之前,我得先收拾好行李. 我去的地方很温暖和充满维生素C,我是指海滩和橘子树. 当我们著陆见著蓝天和暖阳的时候,我不禁发出小小感恩的祈祷.游泳池、去品酒和周末的粉红色日落(在正常的傍晚时分,不是下午4点就日落),但最好的是,特别对我胃口,捱了几个月的冬季根茎蔬菜真是沉闷——是上午7点去萨拉索塔农民市场挖宝 ,早起也太值得了.~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~

武江区18272369548: 急~!急~!急~!请高手帮我翻译下面的这段话 -
奚勉乳酸: 1990s rush for foreign brands in China reached its peak. Many famous foreign brands have entered the Chinese market, as economic globalization era, the arri...

武江区18272369548: 下面这段话怎么翻译: -
奚勉乳酸: 纯粹的自由是思想精神的基础.自由不能够“被创造”.它就存在于那里,尽管它不会出现直到杂终止.终止本身就是一种自由.不晓得最后一句这样写有什么意思······

武江区18272369548: 谁能帮我翻译一下下面这段话,谢谢! -
奚勉乳酸: 应该能顺利吧!真的是命运如此么?一直都那么不顺.我已经习惯了 即使是件很平常的事,我也会有不寻常的遭遇.有一点害怕,真的感觉到害怕了.心怦怦直跳,我不断的反问自己会顺利吧,一定要顺利啊!嗯,我已经决定了鼓起勇气迎接一切困难!不好的事情到此结束吧!我一直觉得自己是个善良的人,不是有这么一句话么:好人有好报.一定不会有事的,为了变成你亲爱的我要开始努力了!祈望结局会是平安无事吧

武江区18272369548: 下面这段怎么翻译,急需,谢谢,加分 -
奚勉乳酸: 因此,良好的和有价值的考虑,充分接受,我们在此确认,上述在此出售,转让,转移到上海环宇实业公司,有限公司,其继承人和受让人,全部权利,所有权和利益的应用和发明其中披露...

武江区18272369548: 希望大家能帮忙翻一下下面这段英文,谢谢啦! -
奚勉乳酸: 阴极和阳极的保护-保护易受腐蚀的阴极和阳极金属结构的成本可以分为材料成本和安装操作成本两部分.产业数据显示,1998年硬件组件的销售额总计1.46亿元.阴极防腐蚀保护的最大的市场份额被牺牲阳极占去,达到6000万元,其中,镁具有最高的市场占有率.牺牲阳极的主要市场是热水器市场和地下贮槽市场.不同的地下贮槽阴极保护组件的安装成本是明显不同的.这取决于建筑的位置和具体细节.1998年安装阴极保护系统的平均成本大约是9800万(7300万-1.2亿之间).更换热水器牺牲阳极和置换腐蚀的热水器的成本大约每年1.24亿.因此,阴极和阳极保护的总预估成本是每年2.22亿元.

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