
作者&投稿:抄通 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


A: I don’t believe we’ve met.

B: No, I don’t think we have.

A: My name is Chen Sung-lim.

B: How do you do? My name is Fred Smith.

A: 我们以前没有见过吧?





A: Here’s my name card.

B: And here’s mine.

A: It’s nice to finally meet you.

B: And I’m glad to meet you, too.

A: 这是我的名片。

B: 这是我的。

A: 很高兴终于与你见面了。

B: 我也很高兴见到你。


A: Is that the office manager over there?

B: Yes, it is,

A: I haven’t met him yet.

B: I’ll introduce him to you .






A: Do you have a calling card ?

B: Yes , right here.

A: Here’s one of mine.

B: Thanks.






A: Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent?

B: Haven’t you met yet?

A: No, we haven’t.

B: I’ll be glad to do it.






A: I’ll call you next week.

B: Do you know my number?

A: No, I don’t.

B: It’s right here on my card.






A: Have we been introduced?

B: No, I don’t think we have been.

A: My name is Wong.

B: And I’m Jack Smith.






A: Is this Mr. Jones?

B: Yes, that’s right.

A: I’m just calling to introduce myself. My name is Tang.

B: I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Tang.






A: I have a letter of introduction here.

B: Your name, please?

A: It’s David Chou.

B: Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. We’ve been looking forward to this.






A: I’ll call you if you give me a name card.

B: I’m sorry, but I don’t have any with me now.

A: Just tell me your number, in that case.

B: It’s 625-8023.





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In this conversation, Sally Fraser, a Human Resources officer for a medium-size hotel on the West coast, is interviewing Victoria Jones for a position as night manager.

Sally: I see from your resume that you certainly have the educational background and work background to handle this job. In fact, you seem to be somewhat overqualified for this job. It’s not as high a position as head manager of a major hotel like you had on the East coast. Why are you applying here?

Victoria: From what I know, your hotel is very progressive and in a good position for expansion, and I think I can help you do that. I consider time management

to be one of my key strengths. As night manager, I think I can maximize my time to ensure that night operations run at top efficiency, and at the same time help you to plan your expansion.

Sally: I’m impressed with your advance knowledge of our business. Your cover letter shows that you’ve done your homework, and you have all the qualifications we’re looking for. But I’m still a little worried that you’ll leave if a higher position opens up at a more prominent hotel.

Victoria: I came to the West coast for a change of pace. The night position suits my goals for the present, and I’m looking forward to the challenge of helping to make your hotel one of the key players here.

Sally: I like your attitude, and it looks like you’re the person for the job. The position’s open two weeks from Monday. Can you start then?

Victoria: No problem!


在以下这段会话中,来自西海岸一家中等档次旅店人力资源部的Sally Fraser正在就夜间服务部经理一职对Victoria Jones进行面试。

Sally: 我从你的简历中看出,你有足够的教育背景和工作经验来接手这份工作。事实上,你的能力有点太突出了。我们这里的职位不像你在东海岸的大宾馆工作时所担任的总经理那样高。那你为什么要应聘在这里工作呢?


Sally: 你对我们业务情况的预先了解给我留下了深刻的印象。你的说明信表明你做了预先的准备工作并且具备我们需要的一切资质条件。但我还是有点担心如果另一家更优秀的饭店向你提供更高的职位,你就会离开了。

Victoria: 我来西海岸是为了改变我的生活节奏。这项夜间工作正适合我目前的目标,我期待着迎接挑战来帮助你们成为本地最重要的饭店之一。

Sally: 我欣赏你的态度,看起来你是最合适这份工作的人了。这个职位在下周一后的两个星期就空下来了。你到时候能开始工作了吗?

Victoria: 没问题。
来源:[ 洋话连篇 ]

In this conversation, Tanya Nichols, the owner of an ice cream manufacturing company, is talking with her marketing manager, Carla Hutchison, about the marketing strategy for a new product.

Tanya: So, Carla, do you have a marketing plan for our new ice-cream sandwich?

Carla: Yes I do. After going through our S.W.O.T. process, I think we’re in good shape. One of our main strengths is the quality of our ice-cream, and there’s is a good market opportunity for the novelty of a choice of flavors. Since our company already has a good image,I don’t see many weaknesses. No other company sells

ice-cream sandwiches with a choice of 5 flavors, so there’s no threat to speak of, either.

Tanya: I assume we don’t need to worry about creating a need, with summer almost here.

Carla: Right. As for the marketing mix, we’ll package it in gold foil with dark brown lettering to simulate chocolate, and price it 20% higher than our chocolate-covered ice-cream bar. It’ll be introduced in selected places across the country starting next month. The main promotion will be through advertising, using a ‘pull’ strategy, of course. We haven’t finalized our ads yet, so I’ll have to let you know. Can we meet again the beginning of next week?

Tanya: Sure can. Let me check ... how about Tuesday morning at 10:30?

Carla: Uh, let’s see ... okay with me.


在这一对话中,Tanya Nichols是一家冰淇淋制造公司的业主,她正在和他的营销经理Carla Hutchison谈论一种新产品的营销策略。

Tanya: Carla,你对我们新的冰激凌三明治有什么营销计划吗?

Carla: 是的我有。经过SWOT分析,我认为我们的经营状况很好。我们的主要优势之一是我们产品的质量,并且创新口味的产品在市场上有很大商机。因为我们公司已有一个好的形象,我并不认为有很多不利因素。没有其他公司有5种口味的冰淇淋三明治,所以对我们来说谈不上有什么威胁。

Tanya: 我想夏季就要来临,我们不用再为创造需求而担心。

Carla:对。至于说营销组合,我们要用像巧克力一样的深褐色字母的金箔纸来包装它,仿照巧克力,并且定价比我们的巧克力脆皮冰激凌贵20%。下个月将要在全国有选择地投放市场。主要通过 广告促销,当然是运用“拉”的策略。我们还没有最终决定我们的广告,因此我还得要通知你 。我们下周初能再碰一下面吗?

Tanya: 当然可以。让我看一下……星期二早上10:30怎么样?

Carla: 呃,我看看……我没问题。

Tanya: 好,干得好,Carla.下周见。




A: Hello, can i speak to james?
B: Sorry, I am afraid he is out . Can you please leave a message?
A: Sure, thanks. This is Sam, Please ask him to call me as soon as possilbe.
B: OK, Sam. I will tell him when he comes back.
A: Thanks. Bye.
B: Bye.

A: Hello, I'd like to book a room on this Sunday.
B: Yes, sir. May I have your name please?What kind of room would you like? We have standard room and deluxe room?
A: I am Billy from Emerson company. Standard room.
B: Yes, Mr. Billy. How many rooms do you want and how many nights would like to stay with us.
A: One standard room for two nights.
B: Sure, Mr. Billy, So you want one standard room on this Sunday and will stay two night with us. Am I right?
A: Yes. Thanks.Goodbye.
B: With pleasure. Mr. Billy, Goodbye.


A: International Trading. Lee speaking.
B: Hi Lee, this is Rollins. May I speak to Mr. Chen?
A: Oh hi Rollins. I'm afraid Chen is not available at the moment.
B: Is he out or...?
A: Actually he's having an urgent meeting. Would you like me to take a
a message for him?
B: It's okay. I'll call back.
A: I'll wait for your call then. Bye.

小明:It's difficult for us to push the sale of your digital cameras nowadays.
小红:What seems to be the problem?
小明:Price.Frankly, your price is on the high side.
小红:As you may have noticed,the price skyrockets in raw materials,so we're forced to adjust our prices accordingly.
小明:I'm sorry to say we have to close business at that price. Aren't we old friends?We've had a very good business relationship over the past years,I suggest you make an appropriate reduction.
小红:Well,in view of our good cooperation over the past years. let's meet each other half way;I'll make a reduction by3%.

Peter:I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.
Smith:Shoot. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Peter:Your products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking.
Smith:You think we will be asking for more?
Peter:That's not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount.
Smith:That seems to be a little high. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers.
Peter:We said we want 10000pcs over a three-month period. What if we plan orders for a year, with a guarantee?
Smith:If you can guarantee that on paper,I think we can discuss this further.

tanxiaoj:I'd like to arrange a meeting for some business .Do you have a conference room we could use?
Receptionist:Certainly,Sir.We have a conference room for ten people at $150 an hour or a larger room for twenty people for $250 an hour.
tanxiaoj:I'd prefer the smaller room.Can I book it for tomorrow morning at 11 a.m.?
Receptionist:Yes. that would be fine.

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.好.多学习讥构比如:ABC先下在线口语、Hkknow英语、意格英语、e线英语,都会先让你做个英语测试,外教很有耐心所以我上课时会多读多说多练多问多听,只要你能做到下定决心学,注意学习方法,你一定能够学好英语。1. 一个客户要求提供目录上的样板,但你没有带样板来。所以,客户让你们发送样板。你让他支付样板由纪运。.一个加拿大客户刚刚给你们店下了一个订单。要求包装好并于10日内发送到加拿大。请确保货物妥善包装并选择可能的发送方法。.一个客户三个月前在你们商店买了一个盒式磁带播放机 她正在抱怨这台机子损坏了三盒她最喜欢的磁带。你得给她解决这个问题。

I'm happy.
How's your new home? (新家怎么样?)
I'm happy. (我很幸福。)
I'm ecstatic. (我高兴得忘乎所以了。) *希望进一步强调心情非常激动的感觉时。
I'm thrilled. (我太激动了。)
I'm so happy.
I feel so happy. (我非常高兴。)
I'm in heaven. (我好像到了天堂。)
Yahoo! *表示高兴和喜悦的心情时。

如果比较忙,一个星期去不了几天的话,那么提高不会很快。另外我觉得你的性格很重要。如果是很活泼开朗不怕生的人,提高的会很快,特别是口语。因为不管对谁,都能聊上几句,主动去聊,自然而来口语提高了。如果是内向怕生的人,那么我觉得口语提高的不会很快,因为你不去说,怕说错,口语怎么提高的了?就比如英语角,你不去说,光听别人在那侃,提高会快吗?所以我觉得关键还是要看个人。 希望可以帮助到您,同时也希望你找到一个适合您的口语班* http://hi.baidu.com/%BF%D7%C8%DA%B3%D4%D0%A1%C0%E6/blog/item/cfbb5911bb3fb17cf724e406.html

Well, we've settled the question of price, quality and quantity. Now what about the terms of payment? 好吧.既然价格.质量和数量问题都已谈妥.现在来谈谈付款方式怎么样? 雷:We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents. 我们只接受不可撤消的....

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商务上向客户介绍本公司的产品时,我们用什么样的英语对话能够出其不意取胜呢?下面是我给大家整理了产品介绍 商务英语 对话,供大家参阅!产品介绍商务英语对话1 纺织品展会上,外国客户对公司的丝绸非常感兴趣,公司的接待莉莉女士向外商介绍公司的产品。请看下面的 英语情景对话 。布朗先生:Good ...

价格不是单指总价,而是要根据互动课时数、班级大小、上课频率之类的比较。找一个性价比最高的机构学习可以更加高效。还有就是便捷也很重要。点击下方¥知道机构专家&看看吧。 爱英语loving | 发布于2012-08-01 举报| 评论 0 0 可以考虑和外教老师一对一的学习提高商务英语能力。速恩英语拥有丰富经验的专家级...

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赏非生脉: A:it will be necessary for us to ask you to change rooms for the last two nights.You see,we have already let your room to another gentle-man.Is that acceptable to you? B: Yes, that's no problem at all. A: Let me see… room 1111 Will be vacant. How ...

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