
作者&投稿:营筠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 I have cities but no houses, forest but no trees, rivers without water. What am I 2 What table is in the field 3 What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but not talk 4 Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired 5 What goes on four legs in the morning , on two at noon , and on three in the evening 6 What kind of coat can be put on only when wet Key:A map VegetableA clockFather ChristmasPeopleRaincoat低年级英语智力题1. What kind of dog doesn't bite(咬) or bark(叫) 2. What has four legs but can't walk 3. What is black when(当) it is clean and white when it is dirty 4. What letter(字母) is a part(部分) of the head 5. I'm an animal, I have two long ears, white fur, a short tail. I like to eat carrots. What am I 6. What letter is an animal 7. What letter is a question(问题) 8. What letter is a drink(饮料) 1. Hot dog 2. A table 3. A black broad 4. I 5. A rabbit 6. B 7. Y 8. T 经典的英语智力题____ is greater than God. ____ is more evil than the Devil. The poor have ____. The rich need ____. If you eat ____, you will die 答案只有一个单词KEYYes, the key is " nothing" . Nothing is greater than God. Nothing is more evil than the Devil. The poor have nothing. The rich need nothing. If you eat nothing, you will die. 2005年第十五届广州市小学英语智力竞赛题(初赛): http://www.hdhdedu.com/upload/2005-4/2005en.doc

1. What letter that we have in December but we don't have in November ? ----- 字母D
2.What part of New York is in Chicago?-----字母O
3.She is a deaf woman.Which letter is useful to her?-----字母A (her加a变成hear )
4.Why should boys and men avoid the letter A?-----他们都是复数形式
5.What's found twice in any corner but only once in every room? ----字母R
6.Why's letter a like a flower? ----Because B (Bee 蜜蜂)Follows it.

1.We don't (buy your story). ----信你的鬼话

3.The house is very expensive . (The man in the street) can 't buy it. ---流浪汉

问题补充:6.You'd better (keep your nose clean).You are a new one here. ---规规矩矩的

7.(mum is the world.) 母亲就是全世界
1.Which part of a watch is always old? second hand(有“秒针”的意思,同时也有“二手货”的意思)


第四题---单数 a boy ,a man 复数 boys ,men

1、son : sin 罪恶 con 欺骗 ; moon : mood 心情 mook 杂志类图书 ; look :loom 织布机 lock 锁 ;mum : mom 妈妈 mud 泥 ; but : bub 小弟弟 bot 肤蝇的幼虫 ;cat :cab 出租车 cot 四周有棚的儿童床 ;stay :stab 刺 stag 炒新股者 ;bat :bot 肤蝇的幼虫 baa 羊叫声.
2、brother bathe.

1, sun ton moon soon book loop mud mon cut nut hat bat stab stag sat cat
2. another bathe
3. 7块,3块,鱼有很多种,每种价格都不一样,2块,3块,1块,10块
4. June 21st, 2011
33 24
5. red green blue white black


1 sun ton moon noop cook book mom bum nut bat cut bat stab star bad mat

哪两个单词含有上千个字母或者哪两个单词里有上千封信 答案是post office邮局


1、情景教学法 在英语课堂上,老师们可以为学生们模拟各种各样生活中的真实场景,以生动活泼的方式来呈现学生们感兴趣的单元主体,组织学生们在情景中不断地反复地操练新知,达到学以致用的学习效果。2.自然教学法 在学习英语中,用习得的方式比学习的效果好得多。因此,英语课堂环境创设得接近学生的...


5、15种。6、3胜1负。7、甲54岁、乙45岁、丙是4岁半。8、丙和丁。9、星期三。10、女生。点击进入>>> 精英特记忆训练软件免费下载 智力题相关 文章 :1. 经典智力题 2. 经典的智力题大全 3. 趣味智力题|数学智力题 4. 经典的智力题及答案 5. 有趣又简单的经典智力题 ​


3. 智力游戏:该游戏是以智力活动为基础的有规则的游戏,它与语言游戏,教学游戏及其他科学常识游戏等传统的教学游戏有着密切的联系。 4. 体育游戏:该游戏是...幼儿英语教学的内容可选择幼儿感兴趣的主题,由近及远,由易到难,循序渐进地进行。让幼儿在这一年龄段中得到适宜的阶段性学习。 二、让英语教学充满趣味性 ...

有鉴于此,教师可编些口诀来帮助学生记忆,降低学习难度,教学也定会趣味横生。 总之,英语教师在教学过程中必须着力于学生主体地位发挥,让学生积极地参与到英语教学中,从而发展他们的各种思维能力,提高学生真正运用英语知识的能力,在学习英语知识的过程中不断发展自己的思维能力。 如何在初中英语教学中提升学生创新思维 写...



郁南县17323158124: 几道关于英语的趣味问题!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ -
里丽捷清: 1.虽然填出来了~不过这些词都怪怪的,不常用~不知你满意否 ADD EYE REM2.his bed(床上吧~人的一生的三分之一的时间可都用来睡觉了哦~)3.emm, maybe it's someone who's addicted in drugs/cigrettes(烟鬼/吸毒者)

郁南县17323158124: 几道英文智力题,1.WHat tree comes in twos?2.Which better is the difference between hereang there?3.What comes twice a moment,once a minute and never... -
里丽捷清:[答案] 1、a pear tree. pear与pair同音,成双成对, 自然是comes in twos 2、你打错了,不是“better”而是“letter”,答案是字母“t” ( there 去掉“t”,跟 here 这个字就没什么两样.) 3、同理,the letter “M” 4、Sixty. 把ty拿走剩下six

郁南县17323158124: 急求有趣的英语情境智力题(稍微简单一点,初中的同学能明白的 有趣一些啊) -
里丽捷清:[答案] 是信用,旅馆老板没讲信用,提前使用了客人没确定要消费的钱 漏洞是不是旅客给的那一千块钱?然后在整个循环当中,旅客没有突然出现,把这一千块钱

郁南县17323158124: 请高手们开动智慧的大脑用英语帮忙回答下列几道小趣味问题~非常谢谢 -
里丽捷清: 1 Please,plant your toes.2 It's time for lunch.3 They like foolish birds.4 Don't laugh.

郁南县17323158124: 几道有趣的英语题 -
里丽捷清: 1、what's the Chinese for"six of one and half adozen of the other"? 半斤八两2 what's "吹牛"in English? talk big3、what three letters turn a girl into a woman?EYE4、we don't want it.It's "white elephant". what is it? 一件无用而累的东西 5、"I'm not quite myself"means "I'm( )".ill

郁南县17323158124: 几道英语智力题,求解!在线等一、根据提示填入动物名称 Across 2. An animal which lays eggs._______ - 4. Used for milk and cheese._______ - 6. Found ... -
里丽捷清:[答案] 一、根据提示填入动物名称 Across 2. An animal which lays eggs.________ hen 4. Used for milk and cheese.________ cow ... sheep 8. An animal which flies________bat 二、趣味英语 1.Each of the Smith brothers has as mang sisters as he has ...

郁南县17323158124: 几道英语竞赛的智力题,希望懂的朋友来看看. -
里丽捷清: 1.Eyes.早上睁开晚上闭上.因为反光所以别人能在里面看到自己.2.To the east.最后往西走所以尾巴朝东.

郁南县17323158124: 英语趣味题 -
里丽捷清: 1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C ? 1.Because it makes fat fact!2.Why is the letter E so important? 2.Because it's the beginning of everything!3.Why are the letter G and letter S in...

郁南县17323158124: 请高手们开动智慧的大脑用英语帮忙回答下列几道小趣味问题~非常谢谢1. what should you do if the lawnmower cuts yur toes?2.what time is it when an elephant... -
里丽捷清:[答案] 1 Please,plant your toes. 2 It's time for lunch. 3 They like foolish birds. 4 Don't laugh.

郁南县17323158124: 几个英语趣味题 -
里丽捷清: 顺序对应答案是 I am(根本就没有I is,除非I做字母)/When we say "I is a pron." A promise. (自己要记住对他人的诺言) Conductors are. (个人认为,谁让指挥手里拿着金属指挥棒) It remains a white stone. (红海是海的名称而不是真正的红色的海)

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