
作者&投稿:萧龙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


这是我正月18日 在拍摄的夜景
This is the night scene I took on January 18th of Chinese Lunar calendar.

Taken on Feburary 18th. Place is Renmin Square in Liuzhou. The artificial fountain is one of the highlights of Liuzhou's night scenes. Almost all buildings in downtown Liuzhou have been decorated with neon lights... They make a bright and spectacular scene in the dark night.

The artificial fountain basically is made up of the Renmin Square Fountain and the river surface fountain of Liujiang River.

各种形状的喷泉 fountain of all shapes

River surface fountain was built in 2010. I missed the fountain operation hour because I was late that day. These pictures are found from the Internet.
孔庙于去年竣工 The Coufucian Temple was finished last year

Twin Tower Hill and the artifical waterfall... together with the river surface fountain and the Confucian Temple mentioned before form the most beautiful night skyline in the river bank rigion of Liuzhou... and most romantic area.

柳州市年初二市政府在湖面上放的烟火….在河堤上看 清澈的柳江河倒映着绚丽的烟花..
The firworks lit by the Liuzhou government on the second day of the Chinese new year. From the river bank, reflections of the brilliant fireworks can be seen from the clear Liujiang water.

虽然“人造喷泉”可译为artifical fountain,但只用fountain的话,一般也是指人造喷泉。尤其是前面已经说过是artificial的了,后面就不必再特意加上这个词了。特此说明一下。

Financial management is the important component in managing enterprise, which infiltrates in various fields and links of the enterprise. Financial management has direct influence on the survival and development of enterprise. In a sense, financial management is a key in enterprises ‘sustainable development. Modern enterprise management must pay more attention to cost; and the practices of cost management are to be more scientific.

The competition of the enterprises in world-wide scale, mainly hinges on cost management, the key is the relative cost, and an enterprise has the advantage or disadvantage in the business strategy lies in a vital central position. Cost control is measured by whether or not it has an important competitive advantage standard. In the era of knowledge economy, due to changes in factors of production, enterprise financial management goals requires not only maximize the interests of the shareholders, but also require other stakeholders to maximize the main interests. In the new capital structure, the status of knowledge capital increase, but material capital position decrease, and enterprise financial management is facing strong challenge of the knowledge-based economy. Therefore deepening reform in cost management is increasingly becoming a prominent and pressing issue. Environmental resources increasingly threat the survival of humanity; today the concept of sustainable development has taken root among the people, traditional enterprise financial management is confronting the enormous challenge. By analyzing the various existing enterprise financial management objectives and the rationality and limitations, and propose "cost control" as a corporate financial management objectives, which is the best choice to modern enterprise. This paper focuses on enterprise financial management and cost control management objectives and other issues.

Key words: cost control financial cost management objectives

Summary financial management enterprise management is an important component of the infiltration of enterprises in various fields and links. Financial management of enterprises directly related to the survival and development, in a sense, Financial management is the sustainable development of enterprises a key. Modern enterprise management must pay more attention to cost, cost management practices are to be more scientific. Worldwide competitiveness of the enterprises, mainly hinges on cost management, the key is the relative cost, an enterprise has the advantage or disadvantage in the business strategy as a vital central position. Cost control is measured by whether or not it has an important competitive advantage standards. In the era of knowledge economy, due to changes in factors of production, enterprise financial management goals requires not only maximize the interests of the shareholders, he also asked other stakeholders to maximize the main interests in the new capital structure, the status of knowledge capital increase material capital position will decrease, enterprise financial management facing strong challenge of a knowledge-based economy, deepen reform therefore cost management is increasingly becoming a prominent and pressing issue. Environmental resources increasingly threatening the survival of humanity, the concept of sustainable development has taken root among the people today, traditional enterprise financial management objectives by the enormous challenge. By analyzing the various existing enterprise financial management objectives and the reasonable limitations, proposed to "cost control" as a corporate financial management objectives, which is a modern enterprise the best choice. This paper focuses on enterprise financial management and cost control management objectives and other issues. Key words : cost control financial cost management objectives

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英语高手进来 ,帮我翻译一段话~~急急急
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中英文翻译~ 高手进来~在线等 急!!!
1 visitors arrive dining room, a member to greet guests courteous manner. And the VIP guest call for a family or position.2 lead a member escorting guests, and guest synchronization, a former steps should remind guests, or for the guest, action inconvenience should actively helped....

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枝怪肉蔻: 1、If time permits, we will go swimming. 2、She likes eating sweets before sleep so much, that she is putting on weight 3、Mr. Lu xun make a contribution to Chinese modern literature . 4、The chemical factory lies in the suburb of the city. 5、...

循化撒拉族自治县17354605109: 翻译高手请进来帮忙翻译一句话 急用 -
枝怪肉蔻: The suppliers who win the prize will get 1 P of hard advertisement in an inside page, which costed 5000 yuan, free of charge as a gift by the magazine "China Shoes Capital" .

循化撒拉族自治县17354605109: 英语翻译高手进!!!!!!!急急急
枝怪肉蔻: 1、我们应当努力美化我们的环境.Weshouldmakeeveryefforttobeautifyourenvironment 2、玛丽和海伦都不说法语. MaryandHelenaredonotspeakFrench 3、他问是否这意味着危险结束了? Heaskedwhetherthismeansthatthedangerisover 4、他除了抱怨交通状况,什么都不能做. Hebesidescomplaintraffic,nothingcanbedone. 5、我想去参观一下祖父母住所过的房子.I'dliketovisitthehousegrandparentsdomicile.

循化撒拉族自治县17354605109: 请高手来翻译一下,急!!
枝怪肉蔻: Attitude decide everything, details lead to success.

循化撒拉族自治县17354605109: 高手请进来翻译一下 -
枝怪肉蔻: 1.您好,您拨打的电话已关机. 翻译:Hello, you dial the phone has been shut down.2.对不起,您拨打的电话不再服务区. 翻译:Sorry, you no longer dial telephone service area.1.您好,您拨打的电话已关机.日语翻译:こんにちは、电话番...

循化撒拉族自治县17354605109: 请英语高手进来帮我翻译一下,谢谢,要保证准确率哦 -
枝怪肉蔻: Do I imprisoned you? Or do you occupy me? You broke my heart? Locking doors and twisting. Lost lock key is that I, perhaps your own. Since then unable to open the door, always, you, in my heart. 你试试.

循化撒拉族自治县17354605109: 急急急,英语高手请进~帮忙翻译下! -
枝怪肉蔻: 1 cherish time2 The saying(俗话)goes:knowledge is power3 It's said that confidence is success

循化撒拉族自治县17354605109: 急急急!!!请高手帮忙翻译一下.非常感谢!!! -
枝怪肉蔻: 凭不可撤销的保兑信用证在装船后15天内在中国即期支付,转...

循化撒拉族自治县17354605109: 英文翻译(英文翻译高手请进来,急!!) -
枝怪肉蔻: Building intelligent electronic products (cable TV equipments, hotel bedside control equipment, and building automation equipment) design and development; building intelligent engineering contractor.

循化撒拉族自治县17354605109: 急!急!英语高手请进帮我翻译一下. -
枝怪肉蔻: hello ,my teacher,new term and new air ,we will try our best in the whole year of our Grade 9, although you are the new teacher of our class, we believe we will prove ourselves with our excellent grades,never let you down, we hope you happy in your ...

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