in favor of后能接that从句吗?

作者&投稿:游荷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
in favor of是什么意思?怎么用?~

in favor of:英[ɪn ˈfeɪvə ɒv]、美[ɪn ˈfeɪvər əv];意思:有利于,交付给,以…为受益人,赞同,支持。
[例句]Today's election will skew the results in favor of the northern end of the county.


介词后面的宾语从句通常是由wh-连接构成的,这是因为大部分介词后不能接that引导的宾语从句。即使有例外,也仅限于一些固定搭配,例如:in that(因为)、but that(要不是)、 except that(除了)、save that(除了)'besides that(除了)和 beyond that(除了)。
Whether he can succeed depends on how well he operates.
Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.
He was not conscious of what a big mistake he had made.
He failed to arrive at the airport punctually in that he had suffered a terrible traffic jam.
The essay was perfect except that there were some misprints.
She knew nothing besides that he was such a bore.
He was at a loss what to do beyond that the situation demanded something romantic.
But that I saw it I could not have believed it.
There was not a sound save that from time to time a child cried.

Do me a favor please!
1 亲切; 好意; 恩惠
do someone a favor 帮助某人
2 a. 利益; 赞成; 支持
won the favor of the monarch 赢得君王的赞许
looked with favor on the plan 对那项计划表示赞同
b. (得到) 利益; 赞成; 支持
a style currently in favor 目前为大众喜爱的款式
3 偏视; 偏爱
4 a. 特权; 让步
b. (常作 favors) (女性) 以身相许
5 a. (爱情的) 信物
b. 表示好意的礼物
6 利益; 有利
sailed under favor of cloudless skies 在天空无云的有利情况下航行
7 利益; 益处
an error in our favor 对我们有益的错误
8 ((废)) 通讯 (尤指书信)
9 ((古))
a. 样子; 外表
b. 容貌; 脸
10 ((废)) 面部特徵
favored, favoring, favors
1 表示好意; 恳切相待
2 关照; 赞成; 支持
3 偏心; 偏好
favors bright colors 偏好鲜明的颜色
4 支持; 帮助
5 便於; 有利於; 促进
Darkness favored their escape. 黑暗有利於他们逃跑
6 照顾; 关照
favored my wounded leg 照顾我受伤的腿
7 ((主美南)) (容貌) 相似
She favors her father. 她长得像她父亲
((主美南)) (容貌) 相似
She and her father favor. 她和她的父亲容貌相似
in favor of
1 支持; 赞同
We are in favor of her promotion to president. 我们赞同她晋升总裁
2 支持; 拥护
The court decided in favor of the plaintiff. 法庭决定支持原告
3 付与
a check in favor of a charity 付与慈善机构的支票


in favor of (sth./sb.)

南康市18235591051: that的复数形式 -
右哗胆乐: that的复数形式those,that的意思是:那个,那多么,如此…以至,用于某些动词、形容词和名词后,引出各种从句,其用法如下:1、(指较远的人或事物)那,那个 used for referring to a person or thing that is not near the speaker or as near to ...

南康市18235591051: in case 与for fear that 的区别,请详细解释
右哗胆乐: 以免,惟恐,后面用虚拟语气, He worked hard for fear that he might be fired by the boss. 他拼命地干活惟恐被老板解雇. He walked fast for fear that he should be late. 他快走,以免迟到. for fear of/that 表示“由于害怕;惟恐,以免”of后接动...

南康市18235591051: I am in favor of his opinion. 这句话有错误吗 -
右哗胆乐: 没有错,i是主语, in favor of 是个词组接在be动词之后,构成系表结构,一起形成谓语,his opinion是做in favor of 的宾语.

南康市18235591051: 定语从句中tha和which的区别 要例句 -
右哗胆乐: 哦..我把记得的说几个哈..that..在有的地方特殊只能使用that.. 1..先行词是人和物的时候..因为which不能接先行词是人的嘛..嘻嘻.. 2..先行词是序数词的时候用that 3..一些特定的词后面只能加that..咳咳.. 4..介词后不能加that..(in that是一个固定结构除外)当然不知道初高中有什么特殊的要求..不过我记得练习册都有总结滴~~

南康市18235591051: in less than a minute在美语中的连读 -
右哗胆乐: 不能省,这叫“穿透”,一般h,y,等才能穿透.出来是这样: in less tha'na minute读快了听着是这样in le tha'na mini 注意less 的ss 听不到了,minite的t也听不到

南康市18235591051: 万事如意用英语怎么写? -
右哗胆乐: 1、Hope everything goes your way. 2、Everything goes in your favor. 3、Everything goes well. 词汇解析: 1、hope 英文发音:[həʊp] 中文释义:vt. 希望;期望 例句: She had decided she must go on as usual, follow her normal routine, and ...

南康市18235591051: 宾语从句中 介词后可以接that么 我知道定于从句中不可 -
右哗胆乐: 没有什么不可以.关键得看“that”是做什么词来用.in that box.放在宾语从句中作状语有什么不可以呢?你这问题问的就有没头没脑儿的.

南康市18235591051: 课外英语词组 -
右哗胆乐: 课外的,就是8年级没学过的吧. 下面这些怎么样? because of 因为 in favor of 赞成 sooner or later 迟早 make use of 使用...,对...进行利用 learn from 向...学习 be famous for 以...而著名 be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 do well in 擅长于做...(同义词...

南康市18235591051: 宾语从句that the……如何连读 听原音好像是tha~ d -
右哗胆乐: that the存在不完全爆破,也就是说that的t是不完全爆破出来的,可以理解成t不发音.但,that在t的位置必须停顿原本发t的时长,然后再接the.在句子中,若that不处于强调位置,一般弱读成/ðət/.

南康市18235591051: 雅思大作文观点句怎么写 -
右哗胆乐: there is another point of view that....some argue that....,conversely, the view of others,such as.., is argue in favor of + 名词 表示某人支持 far as I am concerned, 我认为 I hold the view that 从句 = I consider that从句= I support/claim that......

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