
作者&投稿:冯败 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

be good for和be in favor of的短语有哪些
in favour of... ; make for... ; to the benefit of...;be good for...“不利于……”的英语短语为:go against...;to the disadvantage of...;be bad for ...;not good for...1、favour 英 [ˈfeɪvə(r)] 美 [ˈfevɚ]n.恩惠;赞同;帮助;...

favour ['feivə]n. 偏爱;赞同;善行 vt. 赞成;喜爱;有助于 短语 1. ask a favour of someone求人帮一个忙,求人做件事 2. be in favour (with)受宠,得到偏爱 3. by (the) favour of(信封用语)烦请…面交 4. by your favour[古语]如果你允许我这样说的话5. curry favour (...

1。国内国外怎么说?HOME AND XX??2。哪个国家是America吗,前面不能...
1 home and abroad 2 America前面不加the,写成缩略语形式要加the,就是the USA或者the US.England前面也不加the,表示英国人应该是the British 3 意义上没有区别,用法上有区别。the first time可以引导时间状语从句 for the first time只是时间状语 the USA 不是美国人吧,是美国。国名前一般不加...

...praise of ___ 3. in favor of ___4. in charge o.
1. 为了纪念……;向……表示敬意2. 歌颂3. 赞同,支持4. 负责5. 需要6. 寻找7. 拥有

n) through thick and thin 不顾艰难o) pull out of从……中退出p) cater to满足某种需要或要求q) for the sake of由于;为了……的利益r) in reality事实上;实际上s) keep an eye on 照料;照管t) take sth.into account考虑;体谅u) as a whole 总的说来;作为整体v) once again再一次w) live up...


be in favor of 支持,赞成 that there is (a) good side and (a) bad side to everything 凡事都有利有弊 (同位语从句,解释说明opinion)~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

1、读音:英 [bi kiːn ɒn] 美 [bi kiːn ɑːn]2、词性:无词性。意思为:喜爱 3、例句:In addition, a hero must be optimistic and diligent and be keen on his hard work.此外,一个英雄必须乐观和勤奋和热衷于他的努力。七、in favor of 1、读音:英 ...

N 词语 解释 neither ... nor ... 既不…也不… no doubt 无疑地 no less than 不少于,多达 no longer . 不再,已不 no more 不再 no more than 不多于,至多 no sooner ... than 一…就 not only ... but also 不但…而且 nothing but 只有;只不过 now and then 时而,不时 now that 既然,...

por favor, ejecute autoescanear please run auto scan Qǐng yùnxíng zìdòng sǎomiáo

集寇13566794772问: 用 in favor of…造一个句子…想知道它的用法…谢谢各位啦… -
周宁县间苯回答: in favor of + n 或者 doing sthadj. : 赞成, 支持, 有利于 例子 :Are you in favor of his opinion?你会赞成他的意见吗?希望对你有帮助 加油加油加油

集寇13566794772问: in favour of造句 -
周宁县间苯回答: 双语例句 1.I wish to ask a favour of you . 我想请求你的帮助. 2.I want to ask a favour of you. 我想请你帮个忙. 3.May I ask a favour of you?

集寇13566794772问: in favor of是什么意思 -
周宁县间苯回答: 一in favor of 赞成(支持,有利于,较大) 例句与用法: 1. Sentiment in the town is now in favor of a cut in tax. 市民的情绪是赞成减税. 2. Public opinion was moving strongly in favor of disarmament. 公众舆论正在强烈支持裁军. 3. Are you in ...

集寇13566794772问: in favor of和in favour of有什么关系吗 -
周宁县间苯回答: in favor of和in favour of二者的关系是相同的,因为favour和favor意思是一样的,只是 favor是美式英语,一般常用favor. In favour of 和 in favor of 的意思是:赞成...;支持...;有利于... 【例句】 1、支持;赞同; I am very much in favor (favour)...

集寇13566794772问: 关于 in favor of 的用法 -
周宁县间苯回答: 都对 都能用 这三种其实都属于第一种I am in favor of +N.的结构 其中的N.不仅仅指名词 (I am in favor of football.)还有代词和动名词 你的第二种中I am in favor of it that…… it是代词 后面的that是从句 跟你要用的结构没有太大的关系(可以看下语法书上的从句篇) 你的第三种中I am in favor of carrying on space research. carrying是动名词 是动词carry做了词形上的变化具有了名词的作用

集寇13566794772问: in ows favor -
周宁县间苯回答:[答案] in favor of 赞成(支持,有利于,较大) 1. Sentiment in the town is now in favor of a cut in tax. 市民的情绪是赞成减税. 2. Public opinion was moving strongly in favor of disarmament. 公众舆论正在强烈支持裁军. In one's favor; to one's advantage 对.....

集寇13566794772问: 谁能帮我讲讲in favor of的意思和用法 -
周宁县间苯回答: 支持,赞同:We are in favor of her promotion to president. 有利于:The court decided in favor of the plaintiff 以......为受款人:a check in favor of a charity

集寇13566794772问: in favor 怎么用 -
周宁县间苯回答: be动词+in favor of somebody/doing sth 有利于;被喜爱的1.But not everyone is in favor of the phenomenon. 但是,不是所有的人都喜欢这样的现象.2.And perhaps the judge would rule in favor of me. 或许法官会就此做出有利于我的裁决.3.If anything, there will actually be an embarrassing margin in favor of theopposition in the runoff.如果有什么的话,决选实际上会出现令人尴尬的有利于反对派的差距.

集寇13566794772问: in favor of怎么使用 -
周宁县间苯回答: be动词+in favor of somebody/doing sth

集寇13566794772问: 请用no matter how造句:你赞成我的建议吗?急...ah!打错了,应该是请用"in favor of"造句:你赞成我的建议吗?才对...sorry! -
周宁县间苯回答:[答案] no matter how不管怎样1.Do you in favor of my proposal 你赞成我的建议吗?2.No matter how,do you in favor of my proposal 不管怎样,你赞成我的建议吗?proposal [prəu'pəuzəl] n.提议,建议;求婚 ...

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